
Task Management Quotes

There are 1077 quotes

"A small simple step and breaking it down into how do you, what's the smallest task you could do right now where you can't fail, that's going to give you progress."
"Reserve your brain points for the most important tasks."
"The best productivity tip I can ever give is to really break down your tasks into the easiest, smallest next step."
"Batching is one of the top productivity tips out there because it's so effective."
"Most things in life are a series of five-minute or less tasks."
"Kanban is really really popular because it's a very simple way to manage your tasks."
"At the start of every day, you want to ask yourself, what is the most important task that I need to get done today?"
"The law of three is to focus on the three most important tasks of the day by 3 PM. So like no meetings, no distractions."
"Eat the frog. If it is your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."
"Put it next to the thing that you need to do so now you've removed another barrier because you are already there."
"Any task feels insurmountable when you're in this low state, so we're going to make it all super bite-sized."
"It's the repetition of becoming aware that your mind has wandered and then just simply bringing it back to the task that you're doing."
"Concurrency is doing multiple tasks in a period of time."
"It makes complete sense to me that seeking out a way of romanticising the tasks that you have little control over could be appealing."
"We must give our best spirit to all our tasks, even the ones we do not like."
"Autistic inertia affects us even if we want to switch to a fun task. It means that we have difficulty starting, stopping, and switching tasks."
"Reducing the mundane or repetitive tasks is excellent for workers."
"If it only takes two minutes to do, just do it."
"Instead, we're going to offload this to a background task and we'll let that handle the retrieval of network information, and that way, the looper can continue to go on and the user can continue to choose menus and buttons and just wait for the weather to get updated."
"It's okay to be hyper focused on a task and get that task done and then move on to the next task."
"I think I got a little bit confused on the angle I was supposed to be holding."
"What Asynchronous JavaScript does is it allows you to break down bigger projects into smaller tasks."
"But in the asynchronous system for 10 tasks, you will be given 10 hands so that you can work independently without depending on anyone."
"Once again, try to get through it fairly quickly if we can."
"Repeating tasks and projects are also a form of automation I use."
"That's it. That's how I handle task management."
"The first step to staying on top of things throughout the entire semester is to make sure that your task management system... is a perfect representation of everything you need to do."
"You know, that's what they say; if you ever want to get anything done, make a list."
"Organize lists into groups, like YouTube content or personal tasks, for easy management."
"Always break the task in front of you into small, many tiny tasks."
"Improving task management with sticky notes."
"The Eisenhower Matrix: Urgent, important - do it now. Not urgent, important - plan it. Urgent, not important - delegate it. Not urgent, not important - eliminate it."
"So without further ado, my plan for today is to jump right into mechanism."
"You'll accomplish things better, faster, and you'll have more fun doing it."
"When God calls someone, he will supernaturally enable them to handle the task at hand."
"Most of the things that we procrastinate on don't really take that much time to do."
"You need to focus on the task immediately in front of you before you start thinking about the seventh eighth ninth level thing that you're going to work on."
"Once you have a quick win, then you can move on to the more difficult stuff and keep on building upon that success."
"Any task is possible if you dedicate enough time to it."
"Don't try to do it all at once and don't lose track of your vision."
"If you're in the habit on paper or virtually making a to-do list, ideally you probably want to go through that list top to bottom."
"It's quite a process there are a lot of steps."
"Find a way to make the unenjoyable things enjoyable in order to keep going."
"Obra Dinn is fantastic at breaking the task down to small pieces."
"The power of Notion can show you how you can manage your life and major tasks."
"Concentrate single-mindedly on one task at a time."
"90% of what I do I have chosen as my task for myself."
"Spend less time doing tasks you don't enjoy and more time on tasks you do."
"Break tasks down into smaller, manageable steps."
"But it's still stuff that is a challenge and it's exhilarating."
"The urgent things show up as tasks just by their own. But the important but not urgent, they don't have complete urgent completion dates yet those are the things that change the arc of your life."
"People are going to be incentivized, starting incentivized all sorts of tasks and things that weren't even games before are going to start turning into games."
"Stick to the basics - a month on two pages, week on two pages, and some task lists inside."
"One after another we are checking the last few things off of our punch list."
"I recommend getting ruthless and asking, does this need to be done? So often we have put things on our list that actually if we say, what result am I after? This thing doesn't need to be done."
"Planner allows you to organize tasks for your team."
"To-do lists tend to reward small kind of quick wins and they also make it a lot harder for us to be realistic about how much we can do."
"I want to do what you're doing, okay? Let's get productive, let's plan our weeks, let's turn our weeks and set small tasks."
"Do fewer things at once. It's not that fewer things get done, actually it goes faster."
"No distractions, just nice and focused in on the task at hand."
"Automate, eliminate, or delegate tasks in your agency to make your life way better."
"The answer to 'how do I know when I'm done?' is when there are no more questions."
"It helps you prioritize important tasks over busy work."
"If you just walk in and approach, 'this is what's in front of me, I have to do this'."
"Our greatest primary task is to put people to work."
"One step at a time—finish what you start before you move on. Slow progress is still progress."
"Dandori is the art of organizing your tasks strategically."
"Focus on four to six things and you're good."
"It's not super daunting if you write the whole list down and you go to Walmart today and you try to buy it all at once."
"Doing things in smaller manageable chunks is really helpful."
"This isn't rocket science, it's actually pretty easy stuff to do."
"All designed to be easily completed in a single session."
"All right, that's bad. Alrighty, went picked up some soil so I can start filling her up. This part is easy, fire."
"The usual rule of thumb is one task per physical core on the machine."
"If there's a task that you don't feel like doing, pop on some music. It's a good motivator."
"This task is particularly difficult, but if you have a structure in mind and you know how to write a good paragraph, that will make your life so much easier."
"Focusing on the order that you're doing things would be a good idea for you, Taurus."
"It’s a great tool, but one it involves a lot of attention to detail."
"I really just focus on the absolute essentials instead of getting really overwhelmed by having a long list of things to do..."
"If you want to be more productive, just do one thing at a time."
"It's important to stay committed to the task but also pay attention to the ideas that are going to come at the end of this week."
"This is how I fill out my Weekly View... It's letting me know: hey, you need to stay on task."
"Break your tasks into manageable sizes. Every project is an experiment."
"Breaking big goals into smaller tasks keeps you on track and prevents procrastination."
"Do the little things to the best of your ability."
"Multitasking isn't necessarily a thing, it's just the ability to quickly balance between things."
"This has to be the most important thing, you must take the time to do this, you cannot rush it."
"If I have a clearly defined structure for what I need to do, then it makes it so I can break that task into a bunch of smaller tasks."
"I'm getting short tasks and I am not even mad, I'm enjoying it, it's a great thing."
"There's something really satisfying about writing down just one or two items on your to-do list and then to cross them off."
"If you've made it this far, I have faith in you. All you have to do is shuffle around some files and run them on the Vita."
"Make sure you've got enough gear to do all the jobs you need to do."
"There's something about task completion that sets you up to complete other tasks."
"Well, I fixed the lights. I haven't even done any of my own tasks. Well, I think Sonic is safe."
"If you can do a task in less than five minutes, do it immediately."
"Add your task: fast API, React, and MongoDB."
"You need to focus on the tasks that have a higher priority."
"There's people in need, and we've also got some harder orders here."
"Starship or a Starship-like vehicle will make it to Mars with humans on board in my lifetime, like that is absolutely a certainty."
"Complete it correctly and we can easily complete these in less than five minutes."
"Focus one target at a time, try finishing your target before you move on, unless circumstances prevail."
"My AI agent quickly got to work and gave itself its own list of tasks."
"Just take down the green screen, do the first thing."
"Can you please order lunch for our meeting? Yes, right away."
"For once in your life but a kill you to pick it up hurry I got to get this thing out of here."
"Reduce the perceived difficulty of what you're doing."
"It's not procrastination, it's called strategic timing."
"Tackling this entire list is overwhelming. Try and do one thing at a time."
"She saves her work tasks and organizes what she needs to get done so that before lunch she accomplishes the most difficult work tasks of the day."
"I treated walking and talking as two separate things, one at a time."
"This is a time where you will have a lot of strength and endurance to complete a lot of tasks."
"It's okay to check your phone; just do it after you've finished working."
"You're going to need to get this guy and you're going to need to email it to yourself."
"Baby steps is the way to go. You can't do everything all at the same time cuz you could get exhausted too so I just try to clean most of the house."
"It was an undertaking of the highest precision."
"The different cheesy moments like this really make the game because they make even the more daunting and tedious tasks charming."
"Adding a to-do item is as easy as clicking and typing."
"Every day you need priority tasks that move the needle toward your projects, goals, and vision."
"If you have one really, really important thing to do on a day and nothing else... the worst thing you can do is give yourself one job for a whole day."
"If I get a to-do list like ten things on it from somebody I'd be like come on you didn't break this down into meaningful chunks."
"Your version of success is learning to balance what you're capable of with what you actually need to do."
"We need a lot of crew to finish those survey things."
"Find a new approach to tasks to make them more exciting and satisfying."
"Once you break the game down a bit, it's easy to allocate what you need to do."
"This is actually incredibly straightforward to do."
"Start with small periods of time that you're doing singular focus and feel what happens."
"There's something about to-do lists that really helps you get things done."
"Lists that you bring out whenever you need to get something specific done."
"Set goals... break it down into actual skills, then tasks."
"I'll start adding some tasks. This is a super simple tracking system."
"Buttons now allow us to actually create default tasks inside of new projects that we create inside of Notion."
"Buttons give us a single centralized place where we can create brand new tasks, new notes, new projects, new areas of resources inside of our second brain."
"Break those goals into actionable daily, weekly, and monthly tasks."
"Start from the macro view, define the future you want, and reverse-engineer it to today's tasks."
"You create interests you can never finish, therefore you're always distracted."
"Write down bigger tasks and schedule time to do them."
"We shouldn't be categorized as, 'Oh, these are Asian-Americans, these are Asians.' We're just people, period."
"Dailies, weeklies, and monthlies... tiered rewards."
"When we talk about things on a cosmic level, we are talking about super nature."
"The momentum we can use to get through our tasks later."
"Stop thinking about a to-do list and start thinking about a win list."
"I'll have to take a look and circle back for you."
"It kind of makes you feel accomplished being able to see everything that you've finished."
"At the bottom here, I have this completed folder every single time I finish a task."
"I think about it all the time, I even make lists for it."
"Get the worst thing done first. Doing the hardest task early in the day sets the tone for productivity."
"Hire help to grow your business. Don't be afraid to delegate tasks and release control."
"Just break it down into the smallest bits possible."
"Here's how you're gonna go down here to all the different tasks that you need to complete..."
"That's the kind of one that leaves you sweating the backlog and you're like, oh man."
"Actually, it was super easy, barely an inconvenience."
"You don't need to do all three at the same time."
"Develop techniques for efficiency but also break this big task down into smaller tasks."
"Prioritize fun to make work enjoyable." - Transform tasks into enjoyable experiences.
"Nothing was beneath me or above me, whatever needed to be done, I did it."
"Turn it into a bit of a game set a random and arbitrary deadline and suddenly becomes like even fun"
"You can have a chicken sandwich, but there's 27 types of ways to have a chicken sandwich."
"Programming basically involves listing all the things that must happen to solve a problem."
"Start your most important tasks and just get to it."
"There's a lot to do, which is why getting ahead of the train and planning ahead is a real key thing to do."
"Ultimately, you want to get as many things checked off the list throughout the day, small things, big things, little things."
"Streamlining the process made it exciting and doable."
"We've got a lot of work to do, but that's okay."
"Pulling this off is actually pretty simple, just takes a little bit of time, a little bit of thought."
"It felt good to find routines and cross items off a short to-do list rather than the neverending set of thankless tasks that adulting requires."
"Doing your most difficult tasks in the morning will allow you to be the most successful at whatever work that you want to do."
"Focusing on one task at a time allows for higher levels of productivity."
"That's it! Just that's it, that's all you got to do. That's all we got to do. It sounds simple."
"I can have a workspace for each project that I'm working on, which allows me to intelligently segregate my workloads."
"Checking things off is like the best feeling in the whole entire world."
"Break larger tasks down into smaller parts... the key to being able to hit and to reach some of these huge and exciting goals that we have for ourselves."
"You don't need to worry about the impossible tasks for I shall take care of them."
"Definitely getting through this to-do list and coming down to the end."
"Any single part of Brexit is a mountainous task."
"Thank goodness, okay now please both of you just get one urchin and then the next person gets another urchin, please, please get an urchin."
"Live impeccably, approach every task with unshakable determination..."
"I wonder is there any way they should like mark if you've already done it or not that would be kind of an interesting thing."
"If it were fun even the most mundane task, how could you make this fun? Because we tend to get more done and we tend to produce such a better product if we're having fun with it."
"It's not overwhelming you know you can break it down to these smaller simpler problems to get over and solve."
"The secret to good management is delegation."
"The plan for today is to try to get all of the trailers done."
"If you don't work the word it will not produce what it was sent to produce."
"Before I can even start organizing, I want to go ahead and get the kitchen cleaned first."
"The tasks view by default shows you all of the tasks that you've added."
"Once I complete one of my tasks, it's very easy to cross it off my list."
"The last thing I want to show is the assigned to me view."
"Alright, that was a quick look at how you can start taking advantage of tasks in Microsoft Teams."
"You just have to break it right down into a manageable thing."
"You don't really have time to do it right, but you always seem to have time to do it again when it doesn't work."
"An agenda or planner is so helpful in keeping yourself accountable to completing your tasks."
"Break down your goals into manageable steps, and suddenly they're not so impossible."
"This is not supposed to be part of the challenge."
"Remember to stay committed to the tasks at hand."
"Get clear on what you and only you can do and then start slowly outsourcing and delegating the rest of it."
"You are not expected to complete the task, but neither are you permitted to abandon it."
"The feeling of checking things off your list can be mentally freeing."
"This is kind of already cheating cuz there's two of us doing the same tasks essentially."
"Chunking effort into 90-minute cycles enhances focus."
"Be proactive in addressing neglected tasks or responsibilities to create opportunities for growth."
"If someone gives you a task, you have the right to ask clarifying questions."