
Self-transformation Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"The ability to attach to a fictional character through narratives to change ourselves is like the defining thing about humans."
"You're going to start seeing yourself in a new way, manifesting a brand new beginning for yourself and a brand new cycle."
"The death of the idea of yourself is actually the precursor to the life of your true self."
"Transforming ourselves so we can transform the world."
"We have to unlearn before we relearn. We have to break the habit of the old self before we reinvent the new self."
"Sometimes, to become the person you've always wanted to be, you have to separate yourself from the person you've always been."
"Magic at its deepest core is about self-transformation... arguably the greatest method of personal self-transformation."
"Your life shifts as you shift into being the goddess or god you're meant to be."
"A powerful meditation for transforming your self-image can profoundly change your life if you engage with it consistently."
"If you want to change, first of all, you need to change inside."
"We all need to participate in healing the planet, transforming ourselves internally for a better world."
"You are not bound to an identity. You can change and be anything you want in this life."
"If I want to bring about change in my world, I don't have to force a change out there; I become that change."
"Crossing the river of change from the old self to the new self is literally the neurological, biological, genetic, chemical death of the old self."
"Self-transformation is not incremental self-improvement. Self-transformation is achieved not by morals or ethics or attitudinal or behavioral changes but by experiencing the limitless nature of who we are."
"Your life is meant to be that of transformation, that means self-transformation. You cannot transform others without self-transformation."
"As you start to stack up these tiny confirmations they snowball into an avalanche next thing you know you're like I'm a completely different person I've completely changed I don't recognize who was two years ago"
"Slowly, slowly to become hard like a precious stone - and at last to lie there, silent and a joy to eternity." - Nietzsche, The Dawn of Day
"The purpose of the goal is not getting it, it's who you become."
"A witch is a craftsman who knows that the first thing magic changes is one's self."
"Always focus on who you need to become in order to reach your goals, not on what tactic or trick to use."
"The pressure is making me become the version of me I never thought I would be."
"Your hard work paid off and changed you into the person you are today."
"You experience a lot of spiritual Evolution and transformation on your own, but then it also turns to this Dynamic where you experience and influence people's Evolution people's spiritual transformation."
"Pretending to be the ideal self until you become it."
"You are changing yourself, literally transforming yourself."
"You have to die to be reborn. Saint Paul said, 'I die daily.' It's all right there. Let go of yourself that is projecting yourself onto life."
"I'm not the woman you used to know. I'm a woman who knows how to rise."
"You're not trying to be this new person, you're gonna sleep with the beliefs on and then go about your day and let it go."
"Pretty much become Iron Man, that's all I'm saying"
"Break the rules and reinvent yourself. Be the person that you never thought you were before."
"You face your fears you become the person you want to be."
"In this sacred quest we find that the greatest alchemy is the transformation of the self."
"During this time, you're definitely transforming what you believe about yourself."
"October, November, December: stepping into a new version of yourself, a year of flow and harmony."
"Follow your desires definitely. I think you're here to transform yourself and other people."
"Miracles come in moments, be ready, be willing, behave in your body as if it is already what you want it to be."
"The secret to transformation is not to try harder, it's to replace bad habits with the habits of excellence."
"The key, the secret key, is to be able to shift that identity."
"You have transformed and now you're not even afraid to remain alone anymore."
"The only way to escape the matrix is to unlearn everything and rebuild your belief system."
"You guys have been truly leaving this old self behind and embracing your power."
"This is the birth of the new mego, super powerful, super awesome."
"I felt so... I was no longer myself, I felt like I was part of something so much bigger than me."
"It really looks like it's a very expansive month for you but it's also a month that is going to have you really uh you know seeing new versions of yourself and stepping into new versions of yourself."
"I think people that know me would say I'm a nice guy born to pitch. I had to be a different person if I wanted to succeed."
"Your soul is very ancient, you have to constantly shed the old layers to build the new stuff."
"Release anything that has held you back, this is your life, be ready to evolve."
"I became someone who I would be afraid of, you know? I became the opposite of what I was."
"Once my ego got sucked out of me it was like the most amazing feeling in the world."
"They're not allowing you to get out of your skin and become something bigger and better."
"Each of us is capable of creating a rebirth in our own lives."
"Fitness doesn't just transform the body, every day on this journey I learned something about myself."
"It's time to make the decision to transform into the version of your ultimate authentic self."
"Recognize that you have the power to change your life, face your fear, and align with the light."
"Scorpio is about change and transformation within ourselves first, change in transformation within our own emotions as individuals."
"When your perception changes, you literally change the chemistry in your brain."
"You're going into a new version of yourself in order to manifest. You have to genuinely align to that version of yourself."
"Whatever you fix your eyes on, grows within you, and whatever grows within you, you become."
"It takes so much courage to totally reset your soul."
"It's a mindset of constantly shedding your own self and growing into your newest, best self."
"It's time to release the current version of you so a new version can emerge and be born."
"Treat this current period in your life as a rebirth, embrace the journey of shedding old layers."
"You have to become that person. Everyone has that vision. You have to be that. It has to make sense."
"Cinematic mode is the coolest feature of the iphone 13 pro and 13. it's also in the 13. it's not just a pro feature and it's just another mode in your camera you swipe over to cinematic and this example is just so cool that i'm about to show you."
"For real change, you have to allow certain parts of yourself to die in order for new expressions of who you are to be born."
"Recognize the pattern of quitting or giving up, transmute it, and make it more productive energy moving forward."
"As you release these constraints, you embark on a transformative journey of understanding and aligning with the cosmic dance."
"God heard you the first time... sometimes prayer is about changing you."
"We become what we eat and we become what we think."
"She's reinvented herself so many times, so many times."
"I went into beast mode, I had to become another person."
"Just watching myself transform, that should make people curious, right there."
"Everything around you changes when you change yourself."
"You don't become the Christ, the Christ becomes you. It's not about divinization of a small self."
"Set you free from a previous version of yourself."
"We all have the potential to make ourselves different."
"If I'm gonna create something unlimited I better feel unlimited. If I'm gonna do something magnificent, I have to become magnificent."
"The death of the ego is necessary for our evolution."
"Focus on the being you are becoming in the process."
"We have to make the transformation on our own. We can't keep losing ourselves in what the world belief system is."
"The devil knows that when you forget who you were and remember who you are, you will do the super."
"Let go of that which does not support this natural journey, that which asks you to not move and remain the same, that which needs to be erased from this space."
"Your boundaries are a question of your willingness or unwillingness to transcend."
"I, Zhou Fan, want to try to become that ethereal, immortal god."
"You become what consumes your imaginations and your thoughts."
"Now is the time to transform, to show the world what you're made of."
"A transformation with the help of my dreams, I am ready to make changes towards a new me."
"Change is the only constant in order for you to create the change you seek to experience, you have to become that change."
"She relinquished her old self so that she could nurture the next generation."
"To be the perfect man means to abandon all known positive and negative feelings and habits and to take on the unrecognized and unknown consciousness and essence different from the ego."
"Virgo is what becomes real... we're changing the blueprints."
"This is a connection that's opening up all locks, it's clearing everything, huge ego death, death of the full self, and key to opening the heart as well."
"Pisces, you are having a major shedding, a major purging, which is allowing you to come into a much higher and more beautiful perception of self."
"You cannot buy peace, you must become peace."
"You're going through a transformation... you are right no matter what."
"The key to manifesting is to become the change you seek to experience."
"It's not so much what we do, it's what we become."
"Step into this portal, into this new version of yourself."
"They literally shifted themselves vibrationally to a new version of themselves."
"You're not worshipping, you're evoking. You're evoking the transformative principle to yourself which represents an aspect of the whole god or internal nature."
"It's not one thing that changes who you are as a person, but every action you take is a vote towards the type of person you'll become."
"I feel like an eagle I feel like I can fly I feel brave I feel confident I feel strong and before I was just a little tiny ant that somebody could step on at any moment and I'd die I'd be dead..."
"You are not fixed, my friend, you're allowed to change, you're allowed to become wildly different tomorrow."
"We are the magician, we are the master alchemist."
"You've got to become that thing to be the best."
"You're changing and growing into a better version of yourself. Embrace it."
"Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation."
"Your life is being upgraded... something is being upgraded within you."
"Lying turns you into the devil you didn't want to be."
"It's never too late to become the person you always wanted to be."
"You won't continue to manifest it, it doesn't even exist anymore, you're not the version of the past, you are not that same person, that's even more of a reason that the past doesn't exist anymore."
"One might think that there are a little bit bitters and some ones kind of kicking their ass in the movie game."
"Let's become free, let's not be scared of the ego death."
"Ready to become that girl, whoever you envision her to be in your mind."
"It's not your job to transform the world for others but it is your job to transform it for you."
"The first step toward becoming wealthy is to start acting like a wealthy person."
"The only thing that was gonna change me is if I decided to [expletive] change."
"You're transforming not only the way that you respect yourself, but you're transforming the way that you appear to other people."
"Apocalypse has the ability to control every single molecule in his body, essentially making him able to change everything about himself on a whim."
"The new you, or higher mind, resides in the ability to reprogram your own brain according to your own will."
"We are morphing... opening up to this higher Consciousness."
"You wanted to change, you wanted to destroy yourself, you wanted to exhibition more than anything, right?"
"I will be a new person... I will be a person this world has never seen before."
"These words now become an integral part of you, of that internal harmony and peace of spirit is now yours as you choose to take it."
"Your identity is yours to transform, regardless of societal expectations."
"The core of stoicism goes beyond its impact on external relations, it promotes a profound transformation in the relationship we have with ourselves."
"You are The Alchemist of your life."
"Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with him in order that our body of sin might be done away with so that we would no longer be slaves to sin."
"Your ego starts to completely die. It starts to dissolve."
"If you want to become something new, you're going to continually come up against the tension of all of these existing structures wanting you to revert back to your old self."
"You're letting go of the you that you became with them. You're letting go of the you that was stuck to those people more than the people themselves."
"As soon as we succeed in transforming self, our world will dissolve and reshape itself in harmony."
"You have the opportunity here to rewrite your story."
"On the journey to each one of those visions realized, I was going through this spiritual alchemy process."
"Know that you have the ability to transmute this darkness and over time, you have the ability to shift yourself onto whatever timeline you want to experience with your twin."
"When you change the concept of love, you open up the doorway for more changes in yourself."
"Who you was has to die in order for who you really are to take existence."
"Remain faithful to this new you, even when the old you wants you to come back."
"Unless you yourself are that which you want the world to be, you will never see it in this world."
"To change the world, we must first change our concept of ourselves."
"Faking is an achievement that's something where I actually change the way things are I changed my own nature into something which takes me in and also takes you in."
"Inner work changes your personality, identity, and you completely."
"Your future self has completely transformed their life."
"It's time to write a new story for yourself. Respect the past, gain wisdom from it, and see beyond the difficulties and challenges."
"If you don't want to be that character then just get another piece of paper and write, 'This is the character I'm going to become.'"
"You're about to be what you've never seen, you're about to do what you've never seen, you're about to step into what you've never seen."
"Stop being that victim because you have the power to completely change your reality."
"The possibility that we can take charge of our lives and make progress towards spiritual self-transformation is really exciting."
"Die to who you have been and give birth to who you should be."
"I'm fascinated by who I could become. I want to be at the center of transformation in the world."
"But this is the new me, and I felt very good."
"When you're trying to recreate yourself or step into something that you've never been before it one of the steps you have to let go of everything you once knew."
"It's like when you're in a good relationship a lot of times like the me becomes a Wii."
"Whatever you worship, you become like."
"Grieving properly is dying to self."
"I'm about to make a new identity."
"The wise person must realize theoretical truths within a process of self-transformation, embodying and enacting these truths rather than just possessing them."
"You have to become what you want to experience in order to manifest it."
"Your theme song is 'Unstoppable' by Sia. There's no going back to who you used to be. You're unstoppable."
"Let go of old versions of yourself; transform and embrace your power."
"I will no longer be the overweight knot of worries and vices that haunts the daylight world."
"Love casts out everything unlike itself."
"Change yourself as deeply as you can into your own experience of divinity and transcendence."
"We have the opportunity to feel connected to others by transforming our own mind."
"Fight not with monsters lest you become a monster."
"Recreating yourself could quite literally be the key to achieving everything you've ever wanted."
"You can get rid of people in your life that are hurting you by changing yourself within."
"It will be a complete shift of how you experience yourself and life."
"That of true power and freedom here is about being able to become whatever you need to be."
"Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"
"As you change yourself, then your relationship to the world changes."
"I feel like a totally different person now; I'm back in the scene, and people are sort of scared of playing me."
"The primary and the foundational reason is to change yourself, self-transformation."
"What does it truly mean to undergo ego death, a transformation so profound that it feels like the world you knew is crumbling away?"
"I need to reinvent myself, that's how I was looking at it."
"I wanted to make something of myself to change my condition."
"I got a leather blazer, and something changed in my soul."
"The way we transform the world is we transform ourselves."
"So embrace it, feed off it, learn from it, and then overcome it so you can become it."
"It's the endeavor of bettering yourself that will transform your life in ways that you cannot imagine."
"Revival has to start at home. Revival has to be something that you experience as your own self."
"It's all about becoming the type of person, and then the results follow."
"We cannot blame a sex or a religion; we can only transform ourselves within."
"A shaman is a sick person who's healed themselves."
"You can change your own life when you're ready to change your own life."
"You can become anyone who you want to become."
"We see the human being as having the capacity to remake himself, to take a stance objectifying stance towards one's own capacities and powers and make them over according to a self-chosen plan."
"When you change your story of you and know your worth and value, they will conform and then they will be the right version."
"Man is a creature that has the capacity to transform himself and lift him up beyond the mere animal."
"Transforming our thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve us into ones that align with higher consciousness is like turning lead into gold."
"You can be literally anything you want."
"I alone cannot change society for the better, but I can radically transform my own consciousness."
"When I see what I've become, I'll stop trying to do to be; I will be to do."
"There are more things more precious than material wealth; it's time to realize and transform yourself."
"Transform yourself into a better human being."
"Change comes from within; you are that change beneath the skin."
"The Cabalistic journey, characterized by the pursuit of esoteric knowledge and the transformation of the self, embodies the eternal human aspiration to bridge the finite and the infinite."
"You are just one thought or action away from becoming someone completely different."
"I want to step into the baddest best version of myself."