
Achievable Goals Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"A small simple step and breaking it down into how do you, what's the smallest task you could do right now where you can't fail, that's going to give you progress."
"We need to focus on what we can do even if it's one thing."
"Young people are motivated to improve themselves when you show them victories that are possible."
"Let's end cancer as we know it. It's within our power."
"A thousand true fans who really like what you do... it's actually a very attainable number."
"Nothing I'm sharing with you is not something that you can't achieve yourself you can achieve it."
"We've accomplished a lot of things, cleaning up the air, we can do this too."
"Ending hunger in our lifetime is within our grasp."
"I vehemently believe, and I'm incredibly, perhaps full-heartedly optimistic that we can do this."
"The point of peak male attractiveness physique wise for the average hot girl... is achievable by the vast majority of people within five years of completely drug-free training."
"If equality is achievable, it's never through hate."
"We need to get into that competitive spirit; peaceful competition is achievable."
"You've renewed hope that it is possible to achieve the American dream."
"It's about continuously fine-tuning your mind so that whatever plan you make outside of the realm of the program is achievable."
"Ron DeSantis might not have as insane goals as Donald Trump but he almost certainly would be more likely to achieve the goals that he actually set out to achieve."
"The work is always harder than you want it to be but it is easier than you fear and it is something that we can do."
"If you put your mind to it, it's not as hard as people say it would be."
"You are a light on the path for someone else. Your life experience proves to someone else that it's possible for them too."
"The solution is within reach and it's a human one."
"It's about making life great for everyone and it's not just a vision, but it's a vision that can be achieved."
"You can manage this, you can control it. It is so possible."
"These are achievable items, very, very, yeah."
"I think fifth spot is where Manchester United should be aiming for and that I think is achievable I don't think we'll get fourth but you never know it could end up happening."
"Genuine emotionally intelligent connections are not only desirable but also achievable."
"I personally believe that everyone can achieve some degree of financial freedom."
"Everybody has different stories, everyone has their own struggles but if you put in the work it's possible for you."
"I would just love this section here to be loaded with fun achievable content that is a grind but is achievable by nothing other than just playing the game."
"Saving 10 to 20% of your gross income is usually possible."
"His physique is very attainable guys if you just stay consistent and stay with these tips."
"You don't have to go set the world on fire and do something no one's ever done to inspire people."
"It's easier said than done, but if it can be said, it can be done."
"You cannot change the world, but you can change your world."
"It's hard, but not impossible. You just gotta put in the work."
"If we knock down the trade deficit right the trade deficit by just a little bit 25% we can do that easily that's easy."
"Peter B. Parker, if I was going to be a superhero, that is my best shot at achieving even that in reality."
"If you keep practicing, you absolutely can get there."
"It's more practical, less scary, and more obtainable."
"There is no way you guys can fail this mission whether your rank 5 10 or 100 this is 100 percent doable."
"Everybody can do a little bit, and if you start with 10 then maybe in two years you will have 20 percent."
"All we need is four runs. That's more than doable."
"This is not crazy, these are dreams that do come true."
"With hope, hard work, and the people by our side, anything is possible."
"We don't need a miracle, we just need unbelievable hard work."
"It's been one heck of a trip, get up here and just do it, it's far more achievable than you possibly think."
"However, what I did here, what I did from the ages of 19 to the age of 25 going from $0 to $200,000 then, is actually achievable."
"Be better than most, be above average. It doesn't take as much as you think."
"The law of attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined in your mind is achievable if you take action."
"Success isn't just for privileged people because we all have our own definition of it and we can all achieve it."
"If it takes all of us, it can be done." - Bishop T.D. Jakes
"It's a very humbling experience to do this. It can be done. It takes time, but it can be done. It's been done in this city."
"I mean, if you're willing to work with us to try to get these guys, I think that's pretty much doable."
"It's about calculating, it's about what you can actually achieve and what is like what does the market look like uh and then you build it accordingly."
"Manage your expectations. Can you make a Hollywood blockbuster by yourself? Probably not. Can you make an awesome short? Yes."
"Getting to $10,000 a month is probably not as difficult as what you might think initially."
"The original plan was, is this the best thing you ever made? That was like the tagline and then we were like, that is so much pressure, so we just shifted it to like 1% better in any way, so- Why 1%. Where does that philosophy come from? It seems achievable, right? (laughs)"
"Having smaller, achievable goals is better for your motivation."
"A 5,000 budget does not scare me. It is not unachievable. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It's actually something to be extremely proud of."
"It's not Out Of Reach, it's obtainable."
"The more you pay attention to what I'm going to cover in this video, the more you're going to realize this is really really doable."
"It's actually easier than what you think."
"When we have a goal that's controllable, you're much more likely to feel the effects of confidence."
"Success does not equal going to the gym and doing my entire workout; today success equals going to the gym and doing one set."
"We need to look at ending global extreme poverty not as some distant, unreachable dream, but as a feasible goal that we could accomplish with global coordination."
"And if we focus and don't get too intimidated, well, the results are within reach."
"Don't take on the world as your first step; take on something that you can actually do."
"The perfect result for the lads in a situation where we know what we need to do and it's very achievable."
"Give yourself the small wins, the things you know you can win; these small changes then manifest into larger changes."
"Set goals that you can actually achieve."
"A soft landing isn't unachievable."