
Instinct Quotes

There are 2095 quotes

"Willpower is the skill of disobeying your lizard brain."
"Your body will now react all on its own without the ego and will dodge, parry, block, and attack on instinct."
"Everybody has a gut feeling. That's your intuition, that's your instinct."
"The thing with Mouse Utopia is you're seeing instinctive subconscious shifts among the mice which humans would then rationalize."
"Meaning is the instinct that puts you on the edge of transformation."
"The religious instinct is real and it's biologically grounded."
"Follow your instinct on what you want to do next, what will make you happy. Instinct is even more unavoidable than intuition. Trust it."
"Sometimes Marvin Gaye's 'Let's get it on' plays in your head when you see an attractive stranger and that's that instinct kicking in."
"You're going to be happier when you follow your natural instincts and do your hair and makeup the way you want to, when you dress in that feminine way that you want to."
"You are swift and smart, solutions to problems are easily found. Always listen to your instincts."
"Survival is not the fundamental instinct; divinity is the fundamental instinct."
"To reach this utopian destination, these unique mammals will instinctively embark on a nomadic journey from all corners of the world."
"It just feels right now. You aim at the target and you pull the trigger and what happens next is what should happen next, and it just feels right."
"Emotions are a part of our navigational system, if you step out into the street and a car suddenly comes careening off the road, you get out of the way."
"It's easy to fall back into our hunter-gatherer nature and see that rustling in the bush as a lion."
"Random acts of violence tap into our most primal instinct of vulnerability."
"Meaning is actually the instinct that helps you guide yourself through that catastrophe."
"The mechanism of mammals is to be able to protect their offspring."
"The feeling of danger, of the necessity to flee."
"Ask questions, you know, be curious and always trust your instincts..."
"Nothing brings out base sort of Primal Instinct more than fear."
"In the grips of a primitive beastly bloodlust, Grignard acted in the only manner he could perceive, giving vent to a hoarse, throat-rending battle cry."
"Most people's instinct is to avoid danger, my instinct is to overcome it."
"It's almost instinctual this binary between up and down."
"Follow your intuition, it's the first two seconds."
"Listen to your intuition. Your intuition is there for a reason."
"Intellect can describe them, but only instinct can find it."
"And perhaps, on an instinctive level, we're more aware of this than we would care to admit."
"Be the Pathfinder, trust your instincts to guide you through any difficult situations."
"Your fitrah, your natural religion becomes glaringly obvious to you."
"There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand."
"It's interesting how the dogs just immediately go into attack mode even those little ones."
"Their primal instincts kicked in and they soon realized that they could sustain themselves by foraging the jungles for anything to eat."
"The mother's next instinctive duty is to get her young down to the water, and remarkably she ferrets some of them there in a pouch inside her enormous mouth."
"Sometimes, it's just instinct, luck, and a basic trust that some things can't be proven purely."
"I hope you learned his lesson here not to ignore his instincts."
"Americans overwhelmingly support Ukraine instinctively."
"Aries is a very primal instinctual energy that speaks to you at a gut level."
"Follow your instincts and have faith in new beginnings."
"Humans picked stuff based on gut instinct, making more creative decisions."
"I believe we are pre-programmed to tune into things that can harm us."
"Once it becomes an instinct, that is when you're dangerous. That's when you're powerful because you no longer have to think."
"The best stock traders make their decisions instinctively. They're not sitting down with a pen and paper and rationally thinking. It's instant."
"Nothing beats experience and in turn experience will grant you the gift of instinct."
"He stated he almost rolled down his window and let the white-eyed child in but his instincts kicked in."
"If you look at every creature on this planet, every creature, it has an innate desire."
"You really got to follow your instincts. If you don't, you're really going to get [__] off."
"I just got to go on instinct which I think resulted in probably better stuff."
"There's something very instinctive about astrology. You know, it's because it's this archetypal, this language of symbols."
"Opportunities and interesting events will unfold; trust your instincts."
"Quarterbacks that have success have certain type of instincts that others don't have."
"A provider would want children because that's the instinct, that's the whole point of providing is to pass on your genes which is which is children."
"Maybe we should do the opposite of what our first instinct is."
"Nature just knows instinctually how to stay in harmony."
"Trust your instincts, especially in situations that can affect your safety."
"The instinct to help animals drives the existence of the veterinary profession."
"Comedians' natural instinct is gonna be correct most of the time."
"Trusting your instincts and performing the character, not the voice, that's the key thing."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"Fury involves werewolves like a beautiful flaming blanket as fury grows their animalistic instincts begin to manifest."
"When we do something instinctively and find ourselves in this particular situation, it just helps us to understand ourselves from a much higher level. This will be important, okay? Very important week."
"I can’t really think of a time in my life where I wasn’t interested in games, and because of that, there are certain aspects about them that are almost instinctual to me now."
"It's okay to question things. It's okay to use your instincts."
"Trust yourself, trust your instincts... time for Action."
"We all have a little bit of motherly instinct in us."
"It's a beautiful thing, it really is, that's an alignment that's like an internal alignment that's, you feel on a, you know, instinctual level right."
"Protection of our young, it's the most basic instinct in animals, not just human beings."
"To pretend that instinct is inevitably tied to some deep-rooted discriminatory belief system is ridiculous."
"Sometimes just going with your instinct is the best thing you can do."
"Trust your intuition; listen to your inner guidance, trust your instincts, remember your first instinct is your intuition."
"Being with this person may feel like a basic instinct... it feels very natural to be in this relationship."
"There is an almost biological urge, an instinctual response, and a desire to connect back to the land."
"My reaction was instinctive... I remember the fear I felt down my spine and the scream that I let out."
"Our protagonist dropped his phone and he instinctively pushed the woman out of the Harm's Way."
"Always be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut."
"Don't spend too much time, just go for it. Trust your instincts and make decisive moves."
"It just goes against so much of the hard wiring we have as parents."
"Well, it's instinct, Mason. I'm scared to death when you think you're going down, you just grab hold of whatever's closest."
"When we step in the ring we live and die Moment by moment yeah and we are thriving on instincts and experience so where it's the most in control."
"Basic human instinct might lead one off into the Wilderness in an attempt to help whomever they think is needing assistance."
"The power of intuition: It's that hunch, that instinct, that inexplicable feeling that leads us in the right direction."
"At its heart, it's meant to be a positive instinct for people."
"It is the most normative thing a human being can do is to try to get the hell away from gunfire. Self-preservation."
"True fear is a signal in the presence of danger."
"Humans have an innate instinct to aid those in need, and as an adventurer, Lento never hesitated to extend a helping hand."
"When that bell goes, I go into autopilot because I put myself in all those situations well before I got to the final stage."
"As human beings we are predators, hands down."
"Step out of your comfort zone and follow that instinct."
"We have one primal goal, which is don't die, right?"
"Don't overthink it, act on your first instinct."
"You've got to trust your instincts and let go of regret."
"Messi has this natural instinct, this natural ability that no amount of practice is going to allow you to replicate."
"At the onset of autumn, man's ancient instincts to leave the cave and hunt begin to stir."
"Survival is an interesting little instinct."
"It's best to listen to our gut, our gut instincts telling us to leave."
"It's like telling a cat not to go after a bunny; it's your instinct."
"It's hardwired inside of us to be near water; there's a sense of calm there."
"Here are three reasons why you should trust your gut instinct."
"Something was terribly wrong with him, and his piercing gaze had all my instincts telling me to run."
"As living organisms, we are designed to move away from pain and in the direction of pleasure."
"We are born wired to listen to our inner self."
"Intuition at the gut level is a primary survival skill."
"Men have a hero instinct; they want to protect, provide, and make you feel safe."
"Mother's are that way when their children are in danger."
"Let go your conscious self and act on instinct."
"Feeling when it's right has become instinctive."
"But the second instinct had been right. It would have been better for him to have stayed in the shelter of the kind darkness."
"Instinct is of all the kinds of intelligence that have been discovered so far the most intelligent."
"He's got great instincts, he's a terrific run and chase linebacker."
"When you are bringing a life into the world, it's just that natural motherly instinct that makes you want to research everything."
"I can't stress it enough, trust your gut."
"Remember, the whole idea of a shotgun is it's a point-and-shoot, instinctively fired platform."
"Sometimes you got to go with your gut, folks."
"Surviving a tiger attack is rare, but this mother bear has no choice, for she must protect her cub."
"It's very difficult to be a human being... unlike animals, we are not programmed by our instincts."
"I go with my instincts and that is probably why I am where I am, no one controlling me and I'm doing good."
"Mostly what we're building is a sense of instinct for these things."
"Every time I allow myself to gently follow my instinct, I strengthen my intuitive muscle and set myself up for future success."
"There's a reason why we have that gut feeling that something isn't right."
"Dogs had the instinct to protect the weak."
"Listen to your gut if it's telling you something is not right."
"Intuitions are something, guys. Pay attention to that feeling; it's the inner voice telling you something."
"Trusting your gut on things, at least initially, makes sense."
"In that moment, I didn't plan or think, I just jumped in."
"Alarm bells rang in her head, and her whole body was full of adrenaline, ready to fight if she must."
"Every hair on my neck is standing out, and I just want to leave."
"You instinctively know that you can trust this person."
"Survival instinct was screaming for me to get out of there as quickly as possible."
"It's just from the gut, the diaphragm, the quiet is, you know, when you in karate there's a thing called the kiai."
"A former Green Beret once told me the key to survival was always being aware of your surroundings, listening to your instincts."
"My stomach usually tells me what's right and wrong, and it hasn't done anything yet."
"Comedy tries to require the least amount of distance between your brain and your gut."
"We are seeing a person's desire to escape the body exceeding the body's own instinct for self-preservation."
"Fight or flight gives very few cares to science."
"In moments like this, you will choose either fight or flight as the brain's amygdala takes over and your nervous system switches into full-on sympathetic response mode."
"All living beings have the inherent will to live and will protect that desire at all costs."
"This person can feel, trust their gut."
"I think this sixth sense really does help keep me safe out there."
"It's like Instinct two and a half."
"It's important to trust your gut guys, always trust your gut."
"You would die for your children without even thinking about it."
"Lamelo is instinctual; he just goes out there and just plays, he just hoops."
"The man says he reacted that way because he had a 5-month-old baby and a wife inside the house, and he wasn't going to let anything threaten them."
"Intuition, a deep, often overlooked ability that some of us have honed more than others."
"This gut feeling, this inexplicable sense that danger is near, is a powerful testament to your intuitive abilities."
"Recognizing and trusting this instinct can be life-saving."
"I'd go with your gut. That's generally the only rule I've ever gone by."
"Men are equally innately hardwired to care for children."
"Embrace putting yourself out there allowing yourself to trust your own instincts trust your own Vision."
"Some of you are craving being your own boss being only beholden to yourself and following your instincts around what will feel good."
"I think that there's a lot to be said for your gut feeling."
"Intuition most of the time works extremely well for us."
"Follow your gut, it's more than just a feeling."
"Our instinct for gold is primal; it is the oldest commercial instinct of the human race."
"...your mouth goes completely dry and to always follow your guts."
"The Reapers aren't incredibly smart; they don't actively know about paradoxes or wounds to infect. They're opportunistic and instinctual."
"Trust your gut, gentlemen, always."
"I am learning to listen and trust my gut and it has not only not led me wrong in a lot of ways, it has preemptively told me something was getting ready to happen."
"Running for his life was now the most prudent thing to do."
"It feels right, you know when you're at the beach and the water just looks so good and you just want to jump in?"
"Anxiety is honestly our trigger for self-defense, it's our animal instinct."
"It's like if you're in danger, it tells you like, 'Yo, you're in danger right now. Don't die, that's what it is, I swear to God."
"There's something in fear, something it can smell."
"If you feel like you can be a blessing to somebody in a certain moment that's an instinct you always follow."
"What do you do? Your instinct is to jump on that. That's not just instinct. That's something that, like, you don't just... It's love, man."
"I just… felt like it was time. Haven’t you ever felt like a place was calling to you, Dad? Like there was some instinct driving you back to where you came from? It just felt… right. Like I had to."
"Time and time again Mike's instincts have been proven right."
"When you don't know the answer but you get it right anyway."
"Make sure you do it your way, trust your instinct."
"I couldn't have lived with myself if we had done no investigating ourselves it was just something we both felt we needed to do we didn't even discuss it we just knew that's what we would do."
"If you're supposed to sock somebody in the jaw and you sort of feel like doing it, you should do it."
"Survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration."
"...it's like an instinct thing isn't it because like obviously you can train those moves separately hundreds of times in the gym but for him to pull it off in a transition in a scramble the way he did I can see why it's your favorite..."
"I just had a feeling. It wasn't based upon technical ability."
"Surviving is the Basic Instinct that the body has and the most Primal Instinct that the body has."
"Wonder is sort of like a survival Instinct we're born with."
"Luffy kind of bypasses the whole thinking process and uses his mouth as a typical person would use their brain."
"It's procreation, the sex drive, it's the one drive that we have that is virtually unstoppable."
"When cues of danger outweigh cues of safety, we automatically go into a survival state."
"You know, my instinct is to go in there, toss with the tongs. It sounds right."
"She inspired some sort of inexplicable fear over which we, as trained and civilized human beings, had control. But animals, without that check, gave way altogether to it."
"Blink, you raise his arms to make himself look bigger when threatened."
"Empathy is not just a human thing, it's deeply ingrained in us."
"Your conscience is in your inherent wiring, it's in your nature. Your first instinct is a gut instinct."
"In our gut, we are designed to know right from wrong, to have a sense that if we cross this line, we will violate our own humanity."
"It doesn’t matter if it’s located on a secret island or the remains of an old pirate ship, if he smells it, it’s his!"
"'It’s a self-preservation thing, you see.'"
"If you're not trying to kill her, you're going to die. Don't think, act."
"...heed the call of the siren...it takes some guts to say I'm just going to go with what my intuition is telling me."
"The drive to eat food when hungry or really the hunger drive and the food seeking behavior it results in is one of the oldest neural drives in the entire Animal Kingdom for animals that have nervous systems."
"You have to trust your intuition."
"Don't project any particular outcomes. Just trust the impulse."
"Trust your gut, trust your intuition."
"Listen to your intuition about something."
"I think ultimately your first instinct is probably your best instinct."
"Don't overthink it. Your first instinct is probably your best instinct."
"Your inner gut feeling is telling you something."
"Trust your instinct, don't delay the difficult decisions, get on with them because all you do is regret not doing them six months earlier."
"Consciousness is this dynamic back and forth between upper conscious rationality and base level unconscious instinctual forces."
"People getting injured on the job, people fighting each other for the last present, just the pure rawness of human instinct and primal behavior."