
Health Study Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"You tend to see people dying less often or less early when they drink more coffee."
"Out of all the people, 423 were previously infected and... they had zero cases."
"We did a study, medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of hypertension: 174 consecutive patients, 174 people achieve low enough pressure to eliminate the need for medication."
"A study found that men with the lowest levels of vitamin D had slower cognitive acceleration and were at much greater risk for developing conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's."
"So there certainly have been studies showing that, for example, women who eat more saturated fat after breast cancer diagnosis live significantly shorter and have greater recurrence."
"The group that ate the most Western diet had a threefold increase in recurrence of their cancer and twice the death of the groups that ate a less Western diet."
"This study involving 102,000 men has found that men between the ages of 20 and 25 have observed a 37% reduction in testosterone levels over the past 15 years."
"The results suggest that there may be a product specific difference in rates of myocarditis or pericarditis."
"Skipping breakfast is associated with nutrient gaps and poorer diet quality among adults in the United States."
"NovaVax, Oxford study to evaluate third dose in participants with impaired immune systems."
"Mind-altering cat parasite linked to schizophrenia in largest study ever."
"About one percent took Ascenta, fifty-three to sixty-five percent in the Masai. All of them, fantastically lean, healthy, and without heart disease."
"Congratulations on the release of this study. It's fantastic information."
"Low fat still improved by about 10% whereas keto improved by about 40%."
"Severe patients: 87.4 percent still had some sort of symptoms after 60.3 days to more than two months."
"This was very interesting for me to see a study saying vitamin C doesn't work but melatonin works."
"We are going to review a new study... 'Potential reversal of the epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention.'"
"So far they're we haven't seen really any adverse effects."
"We found that people with the highest quality diet were about 10 percent less likely to develop COVID-19."
"Cold showers led to a 29 reduction in people calling off sick from work." - Caption narrator
"Intermittent fasting linked to a 91% increase in risk of death from heart disease."
"In fact, in a study looking at 6 different cases of people with an anxiety disorder, all 6 of them had massive improvements in their anxiety after quitting caffeine."
"Exercise study showed statistically significant improvements in cardiometabolic metrics."
"Men who had the highest score related to the Mediterranean diet had the lowest relative risk of incident erectile dysfunction."
"A new clinical study reveals the coronavirus is much deadlier than SARS."
"Non-alcoholic red wine was better than ordinary wine in promoting lifespan."
"Isn't it funny that every study says eating more plants makes you live longer?"
"There was a remarkable reduction in total cholesterol and LDL post-intervention."
"Our study is the first showing that kefir supplementation causes an improvement in serum zonulin levels."
"A study of 5,000 women... found that those who ate the most soy decreased their risk of mortality by 30%."
"He found that a difference of eight grams of saturated fat intake daily resulted in a three-fold increased chance of dying of multiple sclerosis."
"The blood results that paint the true picture of the two diets, with the two vitamins of contention: vitamin B12 and vitamin D, taking up the dietary debate."
"If you worry about death if you're scared of it you're more likely to die sooner according to this recent study from Sweden."
"The best study ever of the Mediterranean diet... was successful in lowering their rates of cardiovascular disease."
"The African diet swap... within two weeks both groups had dramatic measurable shifts in their intestinal bacteria and in inflammatory pro-cancerous markers."
"Supplementation with vitamin D at a dose of 2000 international units a day for approximately five years alone or in combination with one gram a day of omega-3 fatty acids led to a lower incidence of confirmed autoimmune disease than placebo."
"The participants that used the sauna four to seven times per week had a 48% reduced risk of heart disease or heart attack compared to those who only used it once a week."
"The males who consumed the seed oils actually had an increased death rate of 62%... hugely significant."
"Astaxanthin was found to significantly extend the median lifespan of mice by 12% compared to the controls."
"The trial is called CORDIOPREV, which is short for Coronary Diet Intervention with Olive Oil and Cardiovascular Prevention."
"The daily activity roughly halved the bus conductors' risk of heart failure."
"Individuals with diabetes at baseline had about a 50% higher risk of developing depression during followup compared to those without diabetes."
"Men that ejaculated more frequently had a lower risk of prostate cancer."
"We can risk reduce... the relative risk reduction in that trial was substantial, like sixty-six percent reduction in the rate of injuries."
"Multiple studies have shown that people with high intake of chocolate products and cocoa-derived flavanols experience a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes."
"It helped improve mental fatigue by 36 percent."
"The Adventist Health Study showed that vegetarian Adventists, men live almost 10 years longer than the average population."
"This evaluation found that two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reduce the likelihood of MISC by 91%."
"Intake of saturated fat was not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, or cardiovascular disease."
"LP little a levels fall dramatically in patients who are in the ICU with severe septic shock."
"To illustrate, a recent study found that children who eat fast food on a daily basis are 15% more likely to have heart-related issues when they become adults."
"Those that had between 40 and 80 nanograms per milliliter had significantly reduced risk of cancer compared to those with less than 40 nanograms."
"The findings over the last 20 years showed a substantial age-independent decrease in testosterone levels."
"The visual quality life is reduced in chronic migraine, that it's most closely correlated with these dry eye symptoms."
"The soy consumption was inversely associated with recurrence among both U.S. and Chinese women."
"Coffee drinkers have fewer skin cancers and now we have a new study showing that coffee drinkers may have a lower incidence of rosacea."
"Five servings per day of fruits and vegetables versus two servings per day was associated with a 13% lower hazard of death."