
Scheduling Quotes

There are 1141 quotes

"The timetable makes your entire day into a habit."
"The great stephen covey says, 'The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.'"
"I've overbooked myself today. I did a bit of an oopsie."
"Commit to a schedule and even when you get bumped off of it, just take your time and get back on track."
"Being able to plan and schedule activities on a predictable Cadence is going to be very important."
"Think about something attainable that you want to feel this year, like less over scheduling and feeling more grounded."
"Once I wrap up the weekend workshop course, I'll be able to get back to a much more regular upload schedule, but on my terms, hyper-focused on providing value to my viewers rather than chasing an ever-changing algorithm."
"It's so immediate and people don't have to wait for an appointment four to six weeks down the road."
"Scheduling your Instagram reels just got easier."
"The prosecutors would like it to begin this summer, summer of 2024."
"A content calendar helps you plan ahead and automate publishing."
"You should never schedule things in bad faith when you know someone is not going to be available."
"Be picky occasionally say no or reschedule and say not tonight how about next week."
"We have a busy schedule for the rest of the month."
"Phase five begins 2025 with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania."
"Go to the scheduling tab, pick your virtual consultation."
"I need someone to get my video release schedule back on track."
"We had a spot on the schedule, we could make this work, we could serve multiple purposes with Racers with fans."
"Setting your schedule and mapping out which days of the week will be your high carb day, low carb day, and medium carb day is essential for consistency."
"It's a great schedule for GT America, well I think what's cool about that when you go to a new event like Nashville and you get a new audience..."
"There was no training the next day instead they would go out for lunch."
"Bayonetta 3 is set for October, October makes sense."
"I think if people get used to you know scheduling being used like what is meant to be useful to let you know then I think they will get used to it."
"Let's take a look at this really incredible schedule here."
"We're going to try for the first half to do monthly and then maybe every other month for the longer ones."
"It all starts here a week from Monday night."
"This video in of itself took a lot of planning to get our schedules aligned."
"I wanted to let you guys a little bit in on the upload schedule because I've never really made it defined."
"Is there something that we can all learn about how to best schedule our days to increase the chances that we'll become happy and successful? Let's find out."
"Creativity isn't really something that can be done on a schedule."
"There is no time set, so it can be an hour, it can be 45 minutes."
"It's more important to set up a schedule that you can really stay consistent with rather than trying to do too much at the start and then feeling overwhelmed by everything."
"The more time you spend, the better. However, think of it more as how much can I do today based on my schedule and how can I stay consistent with my learning?"
"2020 has been a pretty tricky year for movies luckily the calendar is already filling up for the next few years and a whole heap of exciting projects are slated for release."
"A quiet place part 2 was originally set to hit theaters on march of 2020 but the kovid 19 pandemic forced a change in scheduling."
"I'm glad it got delayed because dude, when that game comes, I'll be too busy with other games."
"It will be set to start in September of this year and now once again my head hurts."
"No, those dates are too early, all of them too early."
"Speaking of continued support that adds value stay tuned at the same same channel same place you're watching this for up at noon at 5:00 which we found out is noon in Fiji so if you're watching from Fiji it's still up at noon."
"You can watch the Championship though, that's still going on. It's just the Premier League having a week off."
"Thanks everyone for joining us, we'll be back next Saturday night 900 p.m Eastern Time. We'll see you guys then."
"Until then baby I will see y'all tomorrow, what time is it tomorrow? 6 p.m eastern time I don't know, I had to look at my phone for that but tomorrow's 6 pm eastern time all right, be there be square I love y'all."
"Next week's video is, let me check my schedule... Oh, it's 'Why I Left.'"
"The select community has announced the following update to its schedule."
"I will see you Monday again I'm posting three times a week Monday Wednesday Friday so I will see you guys in two days and yeah can't wait to see you and I love you I love you I love you and do something that makes you happy today."
"This lets you schedule that message for any time in the future."
"Put an event on your calendar. Schedule in some time with your child or your friend or your husband. Put it on your calendar and tell them that you're not allowed to cancel."
"Upload on a schedule. People know when to expect your videos."
"You've got to do the same schedule and then just fill in the gaps."
"The most productive people in the world almost all of them live their life based on their calendar."
"Schedule yourself in. Make yourself a priority."
"I'm not too angry like that, I don't know the schedule."
"I promise February will get settled and everything will go back to normal with my videos."
"It is a very promising sign that the test flight is still scheduled to occur within the next couple of days."
"Schedules are a year-round thing in college football."
"The show goes on Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. Eastern."
"The Model 3 production is on schedule yes 1500 for this quarter."
"Gaming is an important part of many of our lives, and juggling schedules for everybody to make it to a session isn't always easy."
"I say yo, can we record at 6:30? I got a really big meeting in the morning."
"I'm trying to decide if I wanna sleep... but I gotta get up at 3 a.m. for that update tomorrow."
"Create yourself a schedule. Be realistic in what you can create and just have fun creating."
"Be consistent with uploading, at least twice a week."
"The first week is gonna be the world championship wildcard."
"Seamlessly schedule Zoom calls within Google Calendar."
"Scheduling software: the efficient way to set up appointments."
"Schedules are the best thing you can do in your life if you want to become more productive."
"Writing it down does not mean that it has to be super rigid... you have to simply find a way to schedule for yourself."
"If people know that at seven o'clock on Thursdays, that's when the farm stand is updated, you know, people are on. We get 90% of our orders on Thursday evenings."
"We'll see how it plays out, next segment's coming up at 1 pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out."
"Be gracious towards your mental health, your physical health, and maybe, maybe, task one is posting once a week."
"Can I come on this week? Friday sounds good."
"Set a schedule. Physically put it on the calendar, set the recurring alarms in your phones, make it a regular thing."
"One thing that changed her whole life... was that she did a daily schedule by the hour."
"You want to schedule it all you have to do is haptic press here or long press on the send button and you will see the option to either send now send it 9 pm tonight or tomorrow or send later."
"All in all, look, I wouldn't expect to see season two before say mid to late 2025."
"The effects of the pandemic are not over. We see that with the fact that we've got big gaps in release schedules now."
"We do this every Tuesday at 5pm eastern time, which if you're on Wednesday at 2 a.m then you can watch it then."
"That alone should tell you this movie should be marked on your calendars like right now."
"That is a completely nominal 20-minute venting, right on schedule."
"That would take at least 11 hours, when's it happening?"
"Set start date and end date: Customize when your form is accessible."
"That's a big departure from the rotating schedule that Activision has had to play since 2012."
"It's simply a matter of giving players enough time to enjoy both games that they're excited for instead of trying to force them to pick one or the other."
"Every day post mix the times, do it in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening."
"Apple said it will be available in fall or autumn, usually in September around the new iPhone and iOS and more."
"Raise your level of commitment. Fill your calendar with as many enrollment conversations as possible."
"This is a little disrespectful to be honest to schedule us first a team that is probably technology challenged I would say would be the word that I'd use."
"Season four is going to start on time and the rest of the seasons are as well."
"I'm so random... but sometimes I think it's... nice to be on a schedule."
"So yeah, if you're a fan of that style of game, then I think there might be a place in your schedule for half quake."
"I am planning on doing one this week, so hopefully, maybe, hopefully."
"So much of this was shot at one o'clock in the morning, we just had to get stuff finished."
"I will see you tomorrow or Saturday definitely Sunday and probably twice in between."
"Consistency is so important... if all you could do is 52 videos in a year and it came on the same day of the week every single Monday or every single Saturday commit to that consistency."
"You need to make sure you're posting at the right time, making the right content."
"A lot of the insider sources in the industry are saying it is not a guarantee that 'Tenet' is going to get bumped again."
"One of them is called elevate, but we're gonna be at two gyms today."
"I actually can't promise what the schedule's gonna look like."
"I see a lot more pro-russian trolling and it's really active from 9am to 5 p.m Moscow time."
"Block chunks of time on your calendar just for you."
"So, that's Sunday and Monday... and a bit of Wednesday of last week."
"Tomorrow morning, in a change of pace, instead of Tuesday afternoons, Friday morning shoots and marbles, we'll see you at 10 a.m. tomorrow for some marble racing with a new bonus."
"People believe in Divine appointments but they don't realize they're scheduled. You can have a scheduled Divine appointment with the creator of the universe when you get on his calendar."
"When judge Canon set a revised scheduling order but did not set a sea Section five hearing which is when the criminal defendant discloses information."
"Don't miss it, the briefing with me Tom Harwood, 9:30 Monday to Friday on GB News." - The Briefing promo
"Kevin Feige needs to pull back, but with Hollywood's scheduling, it's tough."
"Set your alarm clocks for happy hour every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. live on this channel."
"Once you've scheduled in seven to eight hours of sleep a night... you can schedule your study time and everything else."
"I didn't want to do it back to back to back but it's a part of our exploration where we got going two dates."
"They'd honestly would be earlier if our winter wasn't as bad. You know, wet, wet winter."
"I'm going to try to do every other day, I don't really know, I will have to see what my time looks like."
"We cannot lie to y'all, we gotta upload every other day."
"Starting today, I'm gonna be uploading... tomorrow I'm gonna be double uploading."
"Opportunities can open double doors to opportunity Monday Tuesday Wednesday."
"As long as you can grab them on a weekend when maybe you should only have maybe 18 or 15, then at the end of the day, you've done a better job than the rest."
"I keep on saying that but me and my girl who do who does my spray tans like our schedules just have not been lining up."
"So they could spread this out however they wanted to across each day."
"Structure and consistency kind of go hand in hand, so you could do a structure of maybe posting once a week or maybe if your schedule was already too full, maybe once every two weeks and hold yourself to it, make sure you stick to your structure."
"You’ve got to find something to do, you’ve got to schedule it now or you'll never cut the cord."
"We were on a track to potentially not be able to release season two until perhaps Easter of 2021."
"I received a call about my availability standards sort of stuff. Can I attend same day if they have a late cancellation?"
"When they say movie opens Friday, what that really means is Thursday night at 7 or 8 o'clock." - John
"If you end up missing this reservation period, you will have to wait an entire month before you..."
"Thank you all for watching Hive Mind, we'll be back Wednesday, February 10th at 6:00 PM PST."
"Don't over-schedule kids; prioritize play and relaxation."
"YouTube content creation can be pretty intensive, especially when you're trying to stick to a regular content calendar or an upload schedule."
"Schedule in time that can... replenish... consider that as important as the tasks you're doing."
"Design your day to schedule those tasks that are going to be the hardest... around your Peak Focus times."
"Time management and saying, 'This time is for this, this time is for this,' is the only way I manage to get all the things done."
"Set a schedule. You have to hold yourself accountable. You're your own boss."
"Coming at 7pm on Friday, it's time for plank of the week."
"Appreciate you guys hanging out with us this week and we will get the videos back up on Wednesday ASAP."
"Being able to bring him down with his extremely busy schedule was really one of the greatest experiences of my life."
"There's only one FPL deadline a week on average, and it's only an hour."
"Find the kinds of activities and the right schedule so that it's really relaxing and enjoyable."
"Having too strict of a schedule could have you kind of miss out on some awesome things."
"Schedule time for yourself. It's not spontaneous, but if you know when your me time is, then you don't feel guilty about it."
"Typically these reactions will be going out on Mondays instead of Tuesdays."
"Thank you guys for tuning in, the next live stream is going to be, you've got a calendar handy, it's two weeks from today."
"So, when I type that, it automatically adds that September first date."
"I think any more than one a month is problematic and makes pay-per-views feel less special."
"Nintendo Indie World Showcase is happening tomorrow at 9 a.m. Pacific!"
"The only confirmed window we've been given is that the game will release sometime in 2021."
"September 12th is the working date for that fight at the O2 Arena."
"I just want to tell you guys that now that we, um, yeah, your schedule, yeah."
"Remember, uploads every other day at 6:30 PM UK time. Farewell!"
"Change the visibility from private to public or schedule it to go live automatically."
"We're gonna take the rest of the show and we've got till four o'clock."
"The scheduling aspect of it it's fascinating."
"The MLS is going to be that way, the NWSL, the women's league is actually going to start earlier..."
"Flexibility is key. Schedule your shifts, but remember, you can edit or delete as needed."
"The weekends are the best option for an event for Epic Games to host."
"They could start shooting a new Batman movie in the summer of 2019."
"Those are dates where we always try to be together and this year I have them all together around those dates."
"Keeping a schedule when we were leaving the NICU they told us if you don't keep a schedule you guys will sink and they were absolutely right."
"I generally try to post Tuesday and Saturday, but hit the bell notification so you're notified."
"I think September 1st would work well for me. Would Marlena be joining me on the first?"
"Is there some kind of fund for heroes or did Stark pay you when he was around?"
"The film is still slated to release on May 7, 2012, amidst other Marvel releases."
"The first live stream is coming up this Saturday, 8 p.m."
"There's a date that this thing's going to roll down the tarmac."
"Great first day though we'll pick things up here on the morning of day 2."
"So again I will be starting that new posting schedule on Wednesday and in between those readings those kind of energy check-ins for twin flames."
"The goal now is to put that same intention behind each of the videos that goes up during the week Monday Wednesday Friday."
"They're narrowing it to two weeks, I'm assuming at some point they want to get the versions together."
"Zelda: Link's Awakening in August or December? That's the question."
"We fast-tracked it and pushed that Refinery uh so fast we came out way ahead of schedule years ahead of schedule."
"This is a time of deep inner reflection and a period of closure and release."
"Content is probably going to be a bit strange, like schedule is going to be all over the place, that type of thing."
"Weather permitting, this is our schedule currently."
"Google Calendar can actually integrate more than one calendar into one view."
"You can use the date navigator to view your calendar in whatever way you want to view it."
"You can very easily show multiple time zones on your Outlook calendar."
"I'll more than likely be streaming this game sometime next week."
"Are we doing David Rubin while we're down there? No, he's going out of the country."
"You have to schedule in time... life just gets super busy especially if you have children."
"We're going to say goodbye for now but not forever we'll see you in the next new schedules wednesdays fridays and sundays and remember to eat your pickles."
"Projection: So we're not going to make every week, we're gonna play every second week..."
"The purpose of project time management is to ensure that the project gets completed on time."
"Schedule management involves understanding how long a project would take and what deliverables should happen in what sequence."
"You're probably trying to batch create your content way too far in advance."
"You can do appointments through MailChimp and then send out emails to remind about the appointments."
"Now what about if my manager comes to me and he's looking at rearranging the scheduling around a little bit because we need more cover on certain busier days?"
"Automatically create a teams meeting from an Outlook calendar event using Power Automate."
"We really want to get on top of this so that we could have our wedding next summer."
"Excited to announce that we are real close to finalizing two more debates already, one during the summer and one during the fall."
"The time has come, Mark it Mondays is here."
"When we don't have anything planned/scheduled, we're really just trying to stay busy."
"Let's go at the end of the month."
"Last week I had appointments three days during the week. It was a very busy week. So this week I tried to clump all my appointments into one day so that I could stay home the rest of the week."
"Originally slated for a Christmas 2024 release, the film underwent scheduling adjustments and is now set to hit theaters on May 2nd, 2025."
"Time effectively managed is never going to happen until it gets scheduled to happen right."
"Block time for everything: your daily, weekly responsibilities, but also your dreams and goals."
"This tour ends on April 7th, hopefully you decide to sit down after that for at least a week."
"I'm let's check back in after you host because I mean it's a different thing entirely for you obviously but like but say you thought you were busy wait till the SNL schedule."
"Certainly starting in the 10 p.m. hour I would say closer to 10:30 p.m."
"What's next for you? What's the football schedule? What do we got next?"
"We made sure that there was a block of time every two weeks in our agenda... to date."
"I vlogged all weekend and so that video will be out next."
"Schedule send is a pretty powerful feature which can actually save your reputation."