
Heart Disease Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"Almost everyone has had a family member who suffers from heart disease... Just trying to get them to understand that there is a relationship between your lifestyle and your outcome."
"High blood pressure is bad because it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death."
"As we travel trips around the Sun, your risk for heart diseases is present."
"The only diet shown to reverse heart disease is a plant-based diet."
"We've always had LDL particles, evolution designed them. They've been the same for all of human evolution before there was any heart disease worth a dime."
"The rates of heart disease and stroke have been declining, particularly heart disease... over half of it is from the way we work with prevention."
"My grandmother was cured of her end-stage heart disease by one of Dean’s predecessors, Nathan Pritikin, using similar methods."
"It's never too late... to reduce your risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer of people living with all forms of diabetes."
"This is a worldwide epidemic really where we have heart disease as a number one killer or number two killer in just about every country on the globe."
"Every 52 seconds an adult in the United States dies from heart disease."
"Many doctors are either oblivious to the fact that what you eat and what you don't eat has a dramatic effect on your risk of developing heart disease and subsequent heart attack."
"Coffee drinkers have less heart disease than non-coffee drinkers."
"A 2011 study from Warwick Medical School found that less than 6 hours of sleep per night gives you a 48 percent greater chance of developing or dying from heart disease."
"Heart disease accounts for one out of every three deaths worldwide."
"Cholesterol is the principal risk factor in heart disease."
"Low carb, keto, carnivore type diets are actually healthy and do not promote coronary disease."
"According to Dr. G, Larry Haggarty suffers coronary artery disease, as evidenced by the stents and severe blockages she finds in his heart."
"More people die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol."
"Coronary artery disease really need never exist and if it does exist it need never progress." - Dr. Esselstyn
"The single most important intervention in the management of coronary heart disease and diabetes is to reduce the amount of carbohydrate in the diet."
"The number one cause of disease or death: heart disease."
"Every study that has looked at the two insulin resistance in some way and LDL cholesterol insulin resistance is always a much more powerful predictor of your heart disease risk."
"Replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat lowers coronary heart disease."
"The diet I'm referring to is the Esselstyn diet, one of a few proven to reverse heart disease."
"There is only one diet that has ever been proven to not only prevent but in the majority of cases even reverse heart disease."
"Generalized inflammation makes things worse, but it's not necessary for heart disease."
"Saturated fat is not your enemy, and it's not linked to the incidence of heart disease."
"A plant-based diet can not only prevent the progression of heart disease but can also reverse its effects."
"More than half the United States has an increased risk of heart disease death due to their added sugar consumption."
"I would say there's loads of myths the probably biggest myth that frustrates me is that Dairy is high in saturated fat and therefore increases your risk of heart disease and it doesn't."
"I had a blockage in my main artery that they call your widowmaker, 99."
"Nail changes can be subtle indicators of underlying health issues, particularly when it comes to heart disease."
"Lowering LDL provides no benefit because LDL alone does not cause heart disease."
"If your triglyceride levels are elevated, you're definitely proven to be at increased risk of heart attack."
"Weight loss is one of the most powerful things you can do to help someone in heart failure."
"The highest amount of saturated fat have the least risk of heart disease."
"Some of the most common invasive heart procedures in America are no better at preventing heart attacks and death in patients with stable heart disease than pills."
"A lot of the risk factors come down, and so we know that things like diabetes, for instance, diabetes is probably the biggest driver of heart disease."
"The higher your plant protein intake, the lower the chance of dying of heart disease."
"About one percent took Ascenta, fifty-three to sixty-five percent in the Masai. All of them, fantastically lean, healthy, and without heart disease."
"Heart disease becomes the leading cause of death, virtually unknown 30 years earlier."
"The evidence overall is that there's a significant reduction in heart attack with EPA and DHA."
"Heart disease still the biggest killer despite modern science."
"In fact, overweight patients with chest pain are more likely to have acute coronary syndrome..."
"The calcium scan as the ultimate test for if you have significant arterial disease."
"Women might suffer a greater increase in risk of heart disease by going on the low-fat diet."
"Coronary artery heart disease need never exist, and if it does, it need never progress."
"Cholesterol was never the problem, cholesterol was never a marker or indicator for disease and particularly heart disease."
"Exercise-derived peptide protects against pathologic cardiac remodeling."
"Now, in the presence of heart failure, in order to counteract the effect of falling cardiac output and thus reduced perfusion to vital organs, the body will try to compensate via two tightly regulated mechanisms."
"The majority of people that actually die from having a heart attack or a stroke don't have blood pressure's high enough to justify the risks of medication."
"Is it possible that you have increased your risk of heart disease because one risk factor has gotten worse? Anything is possible."
"The most likely reason our loved ones will die is heart disease, which is completely preventable."
"Sugar is the driver of the LDL fraction that generates heart disease, dietary fat is not."
"People with higher blood levels of carotenoids have a lower risk of heart disease."
"More people die from heart disease than any other chronic disease."
"Fat doesn't cause heart disease, and now we embrace healthy fats."
"We can delay heart disease for decades simply by choosing the right foods to eat and avoiding the wrong foods to eat."
"The idea that it's better to cut out fat to reverse heart disease is actually the opposite. It's better to include some healthy fats to reverse and prevent heart disease."
"Insulin resistance can be a big root cause of heart disease."
"Inflammation is one of the biggest root causes of heart disease."
"Reversal of heart disease is possible, just conceptually I think that, you know, the body can heal itself so why wouldn't it be able to heal this damage when it can heal all other sorts of damage?"
"Most heart disease is preventable, up to 90% of heart disease is preventable."
"Heart disease was almost completely unknown."
"Coronary heart disease can be caused by a buildup of fatty deposits." - Identifying a major cause of heart disease.
"Extra virgin olive oil could lower the risk of heart disease stroke and decrease type 2 diabetes."
"Lipoprotein little a is the most common genetic cholesterol problem that increases the risk of heart disease."
"There's been a report in the New England Journal of Medicine of a new medication that lowers lipoprotein little a levels by over 95 percent."
"Evidence shows individuals that consume coffee every day could lower their risk of developing heart disease as much as 45%."
"The number one cause of heart disease is actually damage to the arterial walls."
"It's not so clear that saturated fat really is the primary driver of coronary artery disease."
"Just eating five servings of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 12%."
"Obesity is a huge risk factor isolated by itself for heart disease."
"80% of heart disease is preventable."
"This highlights the reality that we're still learning about heart disease, even though it's the number one killer."
"For most people, consuming eggs has no significant effect on the risk of heart disease."
"The biggest single reason for the decline in heart disease."
"Resentment is a leading cause of heart disease."
"The only diet shown to be able to reverse the progression of heart disease in the majority of patients."
"according to Harvard walking 21 minutes a day can cut your risk of heart disease by 30 percent."
"Cholesterol is Nature's repair substance, so when we have a heart event and you see cholesterol there it's because the cholesterol was going there to try to repair the inflammation. It is a bystander of the heart attack event not the cause or culprit of it."
"So, when you see calcium on a heart scan, it just represents old disease."
"The evidence suggests that a combination of lipid-lowering therapy and the low-fat plant-based diet prescribed here was associated with an arrest of clinical heart disease."
"The number one cause of death in the United States is heart disease."
"Diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep: key factors in heart disease prevention."
"When you look at FH patients, about seventy percent will not develop premature heart disease without treatment."
"Heart disease is a chronic inflammatory disease exacerbated by insulin resistance and linked to abnormal clotting."
"What if you stop feeding a high-fat diet to somebody who has narrow heart arteries?"
"'...a traditional Greek diet is low in saturated fat and have a very low risk of heart disease.'"
"'The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart attacks.'"
"So we know that improving vitamin D levels can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease."
"Look, it's your life. Atherosclerosis is by far the number one cause of death. So, you know, you got to be your own advocate. You better know something about your heart risk."
"The first symptom of heart disease for 50% of people who have it is sudden death. We need to look at your risk differently."
"Blocking CoQ10 can increase the risk of heart disease."
"Saturated fat does raise HDL cholesterol and increases LDL particle size, both protective against heart disease."
"Eating a diet that includes one ounce of nuts daily can reduce your risk of heart disease."
"...we actually know that those who consume more than nuts more than five times a week actually have a half the risk of dying from heart disease and has half the risk of even developing heart disease."
"High blood pressure or hypertension is a leading cause of heart disease, strokes, and kidney failure."
"Four cups of tea a day has been shown to substantially lower the risk of heart disease."
"The evidence-based management of stable chronic heart disease in 2021: we need to know the evidence, we need to use the facts, not fear."
"So, as I conclude, patients with stable coronary artery disease, both optimal medical therapy and coronary vascularization offer comparable protection from cardiovascular events."
"It is so ridiculously simple, safe, and inexpensive to absolutely annihilate the leading killer of women and men in western civilization which is cardiac disease."
"Heart disease was still the leading cause of mortality amid a respiratory virus pandemic."
"The risk of having a heart attack increases with high LDL cholesterol."
"Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 10.7 folds."
"A coronary calcium score correlates with the risk of having a heart attack."
"There is a correlation between the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries and the risk of dying."
"The association between coronary calcium score and risk of heart attack is clear."
"DIM is effective at reducing inflammation, a risk factor for heart disease."
"Heart disease claimed more lives than covid-19 and cancer over the past four years."
"If a man's diagnosed with prostate cancer, you could say the biggest threat to his life is his heart, not his prostate."
"Test, don't guess. Find the information and know if you already have developed some verifiable heart disease, and if so, make appropriate decisions from there."
"I lived with heart failure for 18 years... you think of heart failure, you think of an older person... but there's congenital heart disease or some babies that need heart transplants because of being born with heart defects."
"You were 30% less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke if you were on the Mediterranean than on the low-fat diet."
"Poor oral hygiene is linked to heart disease."
"Most heart disease today... we didn't see a hundred years ago."
"At the end of the day, people with high linoleic acid levels have less heart disease."
"If a patient is asymptomatic and they have a calcium score of zero, then there is a 97% chance that you do not have significant coronary artery disease."
"Three-dimensional imaging is extraordinarily important for the quantitation of valvular heart disease."
"Heart disease is the number one killer globally."
"Heart attack rates went down another 50% when people ate nuts and seeds instead of olive oil."
"Your chances of dying from a heart attack are eight times greater than your chances of dying from breast cancer."
"The most fundamental part of performing fetal echo to identify congenital heart disease and abnormalities within the fetal heart is morphologic assessment of structures."
"The heart is a pump and that pump may be diseased either from birth or over a period of time."
"Endocarditis is infection of the inner layer of the heart, the primary consequence of which is seeding and destruction of the valves."
"It's estimated that 80 percent of premature heart disease is preventable."
"Remember that heart disease is preventable."
"The one condition that dwarfs all this other stuff put together, that test that equivalent is the calcium scan."
"Taking vacation time is linked to a lower risk of heart disease."
"Prolonged EKG monitoring is for people who have some structural heart disease or a family history of unexplained heart death."
"Methotrexate use is associated with a reduced risk of death, especially from heart disease."
"Trans fats were associated with increased risk of heart disease."
"Consuming sugar-sweetened beverages without question increases your risk of coronary heart disease."
"Over two-thirds of heart attacks and strokes occur in people who don't have a 50% decrease in flow."
"When you have a thickened intima-media thickness, you know the patient has an increased risk of heart attack and stroke."
"Heart disease is really a hormonal issue around insulin and insulin resistance and an inflammation issue."
"So often, the pathway to fixing heart disease might not be through the heart; it might be through the gut or other factors like toxins."
"If you have heart disease, don't just assume it's high blood pressure, smoking, cholesterol, diabetes; it could be a lot of other factors."
"Genetics and family history is just one piece of the puzzle."
"Intermittent fasting enables all of this inflammation to be reduced, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."
"They may help lower your blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke."
"Stem cells can prevent or treat heart disease by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress."
"Heart failure is a condition where the heart fails to pump blood around the body effectively."
"Usually, the patient has left-sided heart failure, and it develops into right-sided, so the whole heart fails, but usually, it starts at the left."
"The overall effect is to increase cardiac output, which may relieve symptoms of heart failure in some people."
"Magnesium is a strong ally in reducing the risk of hypertension and heart diseases."
"Chronic inflammation is highly correlated with cardiovascular disease."
"Untreated atrial fibrillation actually doubles the risk of any heart-related deaths and is associated with a five-fold increased risk of stroke."
"The single most biggest thing that's had the biggest impact on heart disease has been medications."
"Congenital heart disease is present in almost 1 percent of all live births."
"What happens when somebody has a coronary artery disease, angina pectoris also known as chest pain or discomfort may result."
"Those cultures that I've just mentioned have absolutely zero heart disease."
"The number one cause of congestive heart failure is long-standing high blood pressure."
"The Pritikin program is effective for the treatment of patients with documented coronary disease, reducing the need for bypass surgery."
"Chronic psychological stress has a similar risk for heart disease as being a smoker or having type 2 diabetes."
"People with genetically low cholesterol didn't tend to develop heart disease."
"The only independent predictor for reversal of heart disease was 40 minutes of meditation a day."
"Heart disease is the major killer in this country, and atherosclerosis starts in childhood, so reducing that risk is a pretty huge deal."
"The leading cause of death in women is heart disease, greater than both respiratory disease and all cancers combined."
"Many forms of heart disease can be prevented or treated with healthy lifestyle choices."
"It's now becoming apparent that conditions in the womb could affect your chances of getting heart disease later on in life."
"Early heart disease deaths rise to 14-year high."
"We've got an epidemic of heart disease here."
"The highest annual total since 2008."
"Obesity and overweight are the greatest risk factors for heart disease."
"Untreated sleep apnea, individuals with that were 2.6 times more likely to develop heart disease or heart failure."
"It really only takes a few grams of trans-fat a day to increase your risk for heart disease."
"Avoid eating too much saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease."
"The higher your saturated fat intake as a country in Europe, the lower your death rate from coronary heart disease."
"We're starting to see congenital heart disease more commonly than acquired heart disease."
"Lower your fat intake, and you would lower your heart disease risk."
"People that have low levels of Testosterone have increased risk of Heart Disease."
"People with gum disease are more likely to develop heart disease than those with healthy gums."
"High triglyceride levels are consistently linked with heart disease at an early age, heart attack, stroke, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes."
"End-stage heart failure kills at a rate greater than any kind of cancer."
"Lack of exercise increases the risk of coronary heart disease by making the heart less efficient and more vulnerable."
"A clear example of this is heart disease, since children who eat a lot of fast food are more prone to heart-related health issues later in life."
"Despite decades of anti-fat propaganda, saturated fat has never been proven to cause heart disease."
"The cause of heart disease is metabolic syndrome."
"The risk of heart disease has decreased by half and will continue to drop."
"Lowering sugar intake can decrease the risk of heart disease."
"Heart disease was extremely rare in the past."
"380,000 deaths can be attributed to coronary disease in this country."
"This is entirely science-based, in which I will be presenting the science of what really causes heart disease and whether or not we really need to worry about high cholesterol."
"One mechanism by which tree nuts and peanut consumption may decrease the risk of heart disease is by decreasing inflammatory markers, thereby improving inflammatory status."
"We'll be going over the current mainstream understanding of heart disease through the lipid heart model."
"...my original starting point right from the very beginning was that there is a school of thought who, for whatever reason, are absolutely convinced and/or want to, for other reasons, support the idea that LDL cholesterol is causal in atherogenesis versus heart disease."
"Atherosclerosis, which causes heart disease, is caused by chronic systemic inflammation."
"As we understand the causation of heart disease, it's not because of a lack of drugs or procedures; it's because of Western malnutrition."
"We know that your risk of having heart attacks is higher if you have gum disease."
"Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and the principal risk factor is elevated cholesterol levels in your blood."
"Not only do we know that cholesterol is a direct causal risk factor for heart disease, but we also know that reducing it through diet is massively helpful."
"Having an elevated LDL cholesterol score significantly increases your risk of heart disease."
"The most effective strategy for preventing and treating heart disease is to lower one's LDL cholesterol score below 70 milligrams per deciliter."
"There is a direct link between serum cholesterol and heart disease risk."
"Cholesterol may not be the primary driver of heart disease."