
Tradition Quotes

There are 20937 quotes

"Adult reading aloud is widespread; it's not something we only do with children or something that only happened in the past."
"We all meet up every single day at 5 pm to have dinner together next to a big fire. It's like this community feeling which humans don't get these days."
"Judaism does not revolve around death... This is a tradition about life."
"Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who is still alive somehow every year, did not see his shadow. This means that an early spring is on the way. Rejoice, everybody."
"One of the ways you keep it going is by passing these traditions down."
"To be able to preserve that knowledge to hand it to the next generation, there's a sacred duty and an obligation."
"This food has spirit, life to it. It'll change this place just like Mama used to make."
"Focus on kingdom values and morals, not traditions."
"Don't break down a fence until you know why it's been put up."
"In Italy and Spain, the midday nap is known as a siesta."
"We have to have respect for both of them (tradition and transformation), and how do we know when something needs to be changed? We don't know, so we have to argue about it."
"First lady Melania Trump selected this book to be read at the Children's National Hospital in Washington DC, continuing a 75-year long tradition."
"Tell a story. People like to hear stories. It's been around for thousands of years."
"Eat noodles on your birthday because it represents long life."
"Everything seems to be going well as if they are going to win; individualism will take over, until they are called back by tradition and what tradition is more obvious than that of family."
"The Vallam Kali or the Snake Boat Race, is held annually in Kerala, India, and proves that teamwork in sports has been around for a really long time."
"We still haven't proven that sacrificing a person to the sun every day to make sure the sun rises the next morning doesn't work."
"Islam is universal and reasonable for all times, and the proof of that is that here we are after 1,400 years, still practicing it the same way."
"Harmony, traditional values, individual liberty, hard work, discipline, freedom, democracy – these are the ideas that made Western civilization what it is."
"The whole idea of you don't wear white except between Memorial Day and Labor Day was just to separate old money from new money."
"It was a British aristocracy thing... it was really crass to mix the two of them because it was indicative of the fact that you didn't have a country estate."
"Every Friday night at sunset... it forces you to slow down and just add that margin in your week."
"Our ancient tradition insists that we're made in the image of God and I think it's a mistake to underestimate the importance of that."
"On this island, we have a desire to protect our values and traditions, as we should, but that shouldn't come at the expense of introspection and progress."
"I believe that when women and children first are on the lifeboats, but men, that's tradition."
"There's something sacred about the rite of seeing a movie on opening night."
"We can have the presents and the reason why we have the presents was because presents were brought to Jesus because people knew that he was God incarnate."
"If you use the Wilhelm scream in a film, it's automatically a masterpiece. That's just the rules, people."
"Ethiopia is a bright and vibrant country, decorated in the rich traditions of various tribes and cultures."
"We're going to be celebrating our own holiday, starting this year. We're creating and acknowledging our own culture, which is what we should have been doing for a long time."
"Barbecue is one of the oldest cooking methods on the planet."
"You can't just make judgments on the basis of your cultural milieu, like your cultural context and sensibilities that have only come onto the scene now within the past 10 years or 50 years or 100 years."
"Tradition is a lovely guide, but what's more important is optimism about where we're going together in the future."
"I would rather stick to the food that our ancestors have survived on for so long."
"You know at the Christmas dinner we always make some bets, and yeah this was one of the goals, to win together."
"I kind of owe it to myself and my grandfather, to everyone before him, to keep those recipes alive, cabbage or no cabbage."
"The beauty of these rites is that you cannot change them, but they can change you."
"Just because we've been doing something for 20 years or more doesn't mean we have to continue that in the future."
"Change is possible. We are never stuck doing things a certain way just because we've done them that way for a long time."
"I think there's a balance between very, very strong tradition and new ways of imagining some of these very same things."
"That's a good recipe, standing over a thousand years."
"Respect tradition, but learn how to break the rules."
"One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next."
"There's no such thing as ancient tradition when it comes to geopolitics. Countries do what's in their best interest."
"The birth of a child is announced via a signed document which is displayed on an easel outside of Buckingham Palace."
"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex might be putting off hiring a nanny, choosing not to take part in some royal family traditions."
"Eton has been playing this ball game for over 260 years, and you won't find it anywhere else in the world."
"Almost every culture in the world has a Coming of Age ceremony, an event that celebrates a child's passage into adulthood or a test of their skills or their bravery."
"Coming of Age rituals are the way that communities welcome young people into adulthood and give the teenager a chance to prove their worth to the community through a test of skills or courage."
"Our tradition calls for success based on meritocracy."
"Be wary of Chesterton's fence: do not remove a fence until you understand why it was put up in the first place."
"The stories stay the same so the idea that they can be transmitted unchanged over thousands and tens of thousands of years is really not a debatable proposition."
"Just because it's always been a certain way doesn't mean it has to stay that way."
"I have no interest whatsoever in abiding by some harmful arbitrary standard out of a need to stick to tradition when there's a perfectly serviceable and better one that makes people more happy and hurts nobody lying right there."
"Members of Russia's thousand-year-old Orthodox Church are washing away their sins with an icy swim."
"200 years ago, a group of students met in a small room in Christchurch determined to have discussion free from the restrictions of the university, and two centuries later, we proudly continue this tradition."
"Every time you walk into Old Trafford and every time you get you know you walk into the ground 20 minutes before kickoff and you just tend to everybody does it... you stop and you take it in because it's not just a football ground, it's our football ground."
"I love helping the well-dressed acquire and care for their wardrobes, join me as we explore the world of quality, craftsmanship, and tradition."
"Shaolin Kung Fu is an ancient and esteemed art, one of the largest and oldest styles of Kung Fu or Wushu in the world."
"Genuine watches have real craftsmanship, no matter the cost, and they are part of the tradition of watchmaking."
"Genuine watches... are a part of a rich, wonderful tradition that you can be a part of."
"One of the great blessings of a conference like this is that we're not only reminded of the great heritage that we've received from the Puritans but we also find ourselves challenged and motivated to pick up the torch that they have passed down to us."
"Where are your green jackets, Augusta National? They stay there... It's a great feeling, I have to say."
"The champions dinner... It's very cool because it's just the champions and the chairman."
"I pride myself that I deem I'm in the top three of best dinners."
"It's about Jesus Christ. It's about a ritual that has been passed down through the ages and various forms in various languages, but the ritual brings us Jesus Christ in His body and blood, soul and divinity."
"Though the Lantern Rite may be complicated, everything must be done properly."
"In the heart of tradition lies the rhythm of life, a dance of cultural richness and spiritual abundance."
"Welcome to the world of enchantment, where the riches of the earth meet the vibrancy of tradition."
"The Brits do pomp and ceremony like no other."
"Without the sacred sakura, Inazuma would likely have been completely swallowed up centuries ago by that disaster."
"Regardless of whatever effect human sacrifice has... it's still not a preferable practice to have because of the harm associated with it."
"Each of us trying to be shining exemplars of our tradition and then letting that goodness shine forth in a way that people are drawn to it."
"My father always donated money to Saint Jude even though we lived in poverty. Got to keep the tradition going. Humble beginnings."
"On this side of the house, we stand for Christmas."
"This man was a teacher for 40 years; at year 20, on picture day, he realized he'd worn the same outfit as the previous year, so he got the idea to continue to do so for his whole teaching career."
"We stand in a breach to preserve a way of life that, while imperfect, has brought prosperity, honor, and dignity to generations past and will for generations to come."
"Both Her Majesty the Queen and now King Charles III will sit on this throne that dates back to Edward II in 1296."
"The coronation of each new emperor is sealed when he uses the Amulet of Kings to light the dragon fires in the Temple of the One."
"We have to dance it out. That’s how we finish."
"Tradition is important, it needs to be respected and maintained."
"It's a powerful tradition that has survived for many centuries in esoteric circles but shows no indication of slowing down here in the 21st century."
"Philosophy is about the teaching of the good life, and that by learning from tradition, we can get closer to living the good life ourselves."
"It's part of our responsibility and obligation to not only protect the traditions but to also keep them relevant for the next generation."
"The tradition moves forward when it is taught to the next generation of kids who live in the community that this music came from."
"Roman Reigns' journey to becoming the Tribal Chief isn't just a story of personal triumph but a narrative deeply rooted in the essence of fa'a Samoa, the Samoan way."
"In the ring, we fight our battles, but at the heart of it all is family, tradition, and the legacy we leave behind."
"Gardening is a craft that has been passed down generation after generation."
"Japanese sword making is a tradition that goes back centuries and one that's carried on to this day. Each sword requires dedication, skill, and can take over 18 months to create."
"As was my tradition as a resident when I was rotating at Elmhurst Hospital, I always stop at Mira Cali Bakery in the morning after call to get a delicious bandobono."
"The 16-foot veil also had a special surprise for her prince; it was embroidered with the flowers of all 53 Commonwealth nations."
"Regardless of the criticism, Meghan was making a statement: While she will uphold tradition, she will never compromise her values or independent style."
"Hospitality is dominant, and that's a Nevada tradition, if you will."
"On Fat Tuesday, people eat a lot of fatty foods and rich foods... because on Ash Wednesday, they will start their Lenten sacrifices."
"The tradition of painting the eggs is done to commemorate Jesus emerging from the tomb and his resurrection."
"He knew that some traditions had to be maintained and continuity was everything, but he knew that you had to keep up with the times."
"All good religions...act as repositories of traditional wisdom in the face of change."
"If you have a tradition, you have a rule that's been inherited...maybe the reason that people follow that rule is because that rule has worked."
"Before you tear down a long-standing tradition... make sure you understand what it was doing for society."
"I took that tradition and actually researched into why we do it. The reverence behind it... it really humbles me."
"Against all odds, it seems like we finally have a traditional survival horror game to play that isn't old enough to legally join the military."
"It's my responsibility to let the world know China's tradition and past, and to give the splendor of China a new expression."
"Since time immemorial, we have told stories to help us make sense of the world around us."
"The truth is, the history of psilocybin goes back thousands of years."
"The foundation of the caste system is immortalized in the Remembrance, a history and verse passed down from one generation of Clan Loremaster to the next."
"Joining this family, I knew that there was a protocol for how things were done."
"There is this rich tradition of struggling for human rights for all people that we're all a part of."
"What always seems to be lost on the traditionalists and the cultural revanchists is that change is the tradition."
"Our Constitution was the product of centuries of tradition, wisdom, and experience. Tradition, no political tradition, the people who came over here, or the tendencies upon which this country were founded, were not a product of tradition, they were a product of the Enlightenment, which was a challenge to tradition."
"Before China revives those traditions, there must first be a decoupling between the CCP and the United States."
"If humankind can restore tradition, elevate morality, and hear the compassionate call of the Creator... man will be able to break through the devil's attempt at destruction."
"Let's have a nice Christmas dinner, just a nice Christmas dinner."
"It's painstakingly made but then it's also lovingly put together by these craftsmen who just have pride in the ways that their shoe is made and passed down through generations."
"Czechoslovakia and now the Czech Republic have this amazing tradition of exceptional firearms design, and it continues today."
"Life is very spiritual. You see a lot of people come to dig a well... They slaughter the chicken and make incantations in the well, and the water will never stop coming."
"I believe we are both from a tradition in which we believe that honorable disagreement is important and it is essential to society functioning well."
"The monarchy represents stability in an ever-changing world."
"As the British royal family evolves, the choices and marriages of its younger members signal a blend of tradition and modernity."
"The presence Chamber where the king would sit on his throne here under a silk canopy very similar to the one you see here today."
"I love these because they're classic, it's a wonderful family recipe, and they're so crumbly and they just melt in your mouth."
"Science is true whether you like it or not and science is always seeking to refute itself, whereas traditions are always seeking to propagate themselves."
"If you don't have an old person in your home, you must be pitied because you have no reference."
"America matters, and America's traditions matter, and the American tradition of freedom matters."
"We used to like every anniversary we would take turns planning the date."
"Democracy is as tradition is the Democracy of the dead. Decisions made by people who died 200 years ago should not be sacrosanct."
"If a tradition is good, fine, keep it. If it's important, keep it. But if it's there to sustain a structure of power and privilege, get rid of it."
"The connection between the Munich Oktoberfest and Trachten does actually have a lot of tradition."
"In this battle between medievalism and modernity, it's not a battle of tradition versus modernity. I actually believe that part of the world will remain traditional for a very long time, and not only do I have no problem with it, I actually think the path to peace will go with the traditional forces, not the fanatic forces."
"If you tell people to choose between democracy and your tradition, they'll choose tradition. But there's no reason why they have to choose."
"We derive what is right and wrong not through a microscope but through traditions that we derive straight from the scriptures."
"What we think of as traditional was also once experimental."
"The Latin Mass does have more built-in reverence into it and that reverence spills over into the congregation."
"Our family was a very, very close family. And they landed with the helicopters every weekend. He would go up and kiss my grandpa and tell him what happened that week."
"Treating women as second-class citizens is a bad tradition. It holds you back."
"Human progress cannot be denied. There need not be contradictions between development and tradition."
"Judaism, as we know it today, is based on traditions that go back thousands and thousands of years."
"Whether the general public has noticed or not, what we once knew as tradition, culture, and family is being transformed at a rapid pace."
"The youth needs to challenge the tradition of the old to make sure there's constantly some kind of societal change, lest the society grow stagnant and then collapse."
"As a birthright of the revolution, I shouldn't have to care about the monarchy... but I do feel... that I should appreciate the value of constancy and tradition that is represented in the monarchy."
"The monarchy basically deals with all of that. It puts all in one box... it insists that it has value. It would not survive without its value."
"We don't like lying to our kids, but at the same time, the fun and joy of waking up on Easter morning and the Easter Bunny brought all the eggs, or waking up on Christmas morning and Santa brought all the presents - that's so much fun as a kid."
"On the 13th of every month, we cook the food my son used to love. We offer it to him to comfort his soul as part of the Buddhist ceremony called Mein-Ichi."
"The mysteries of the past, the uncertainty of the future, the only thing that matters is family, Duty, and hearth."
"Every year since I was little, on my birthday, my dad would pick one of our irises and give it to me and my sister with breakfast in bed."
"We have long-term family relationships that go back generations."
"By ancient tradition, only a Grail Knight can serve as King of Bretonnia, selected by a conclave of such Knights upon the death of the previous Royarch."
"Confucianism is a living, breathing tradition, constantly changing and adapting itself to new circumstances."
"Do we throw away all the traditions and inner engineer our lives, or can we use these traditions... to anchor our lives?"
"One tradition is to set a place for your past relatives at your dinner table in order to honor them."
"If the worst should happen and the army gets wiped out, you can raise the banner again and build a new army under the same name, retaining all those traditions."
"We don't really do tradition; we're kind of like, tear it down, build something new."
"We have not missed April fools for eight years."
"Ann Ordain Model One Plum: artisanal approach to minimalism."
"Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living."
"The whole point of the that mutual enrichment was to say this has been a part of our tradition, the central uh liturgy in our western church and as Pope Benedict intended that there was this mutual enrichment that was going on."
"This isn't my story, this isn't about my feelings, this is about the people here, this is about a tradition."
"We densely clustered housing to create community, reminiscent of traditional villages worldwide."
"Halloween's been a huge holiday for my family... It's like the biggest holiday there is in the family."
"If you mix your faith found from the scriptures with the traditions of men you are a Catholic."
"You need conservatives because sometimes the right thing to do is to do what everybody has always done."
"You must not run. To do so will break the rite."
"It is necessary if you're a politician to have due respect for the institutions and traditions that you serve because they are larger than you."
"Let's overtake Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving yeah Thanksgiving do it do it and we'll we'll be having our own Thanksgiving uh stuff in our faces on Thursday watching the football games."
"Wood windows have been used in America for the last couple centuries."
"The title Prince of Wales is not a title that someone gets automatically."
"The throne always passes from firstborn to firstborn."
"The long-lived tradition of the white wedding dress is largely attributed to her wearing white."
"The award show format has not changed in over 50 years."
"The Roman center and left wing, anchored by tradition."
"Creativity trumps tradition as chefs look for new ways to challenge the palettes of their diners and cross-cultural cuisine in a plate."
"The photo was taken in the same room as Prince Charles's had been decades before. The baby wore the same christening robe."
"A setting where they take the word of God and hold it up as the highest Authority and man's traditions and opinions are not important."
"The message of Zarathustra is unprecedented and something new, yet he is also seen as a reformer of an existing tradition."
"Traditional journals like this have been the mainstay of scientific publishing..."
"I think tradition and ritual can provide much of the color... for the human experience..."
"Isn't it strange though? It never ceases to amaze me that it's as old as Aristotle, but there's still this thing where someone's going to get up and give a speech, and it's sacred."
"There was a reason why we say, 'To your health,' when we give a toast."
"The United States Senate is built on precedent and custom and history and the law, not political expedience."
"People returning to the traditional roots of their religion is a very good thing."
"The royal family represents decency, a way of life we all want to continue."
"The royals' unwavering adherence to traditions was the tonic many felt was needed in the 1960s."
"The original Krabby Patty is perfect just the way it is."
"No backyard barbecue is complete without hot dogs on the scene. There's something distinctly satisfying about chomping into the perfect one."
"The symbolism continues: officials place black armbands exactly three and a quarter inches wide on their left arms."
"A carriage procession of heralds travels to the statue of Charles the First at Trafalgar Square to repeat the proclamation."
"We have a tradition in America of a fair and speedy trial."
"This series has always been about breaking tradition or breaking cycles."
"Maybe we just need to get back to 'Quo Primum'."
"Equality must be strived at, and that was our tradition also."
"The president is the head of their political party through custom and tradition."
"That's how dad did it that's how America does it is worked out pretty good so far."
"Our country needs a peaceful transfer of power, and you broke our tradition of the peaceful transfer of power."
"Every president signs executive orders on day one, it's a tradition."
"We're getting back to the roots of drifting."
"The Quran is impossible to change or manipulate because of our oral tradition and meticulous transmission."
"Hunting is one of the last things that is truly ours in this world."
"Fasting is the oldest dietary intervention in the book."
"In a world where the devil is trying to tell you you're nothing and you're nobody, tradition is a sign that somebody suffered and fought and gave and bled and died for me to have the privileges that I got right now."
"It's like the wise man used to sit around and tell great tales of things that have happened or foreshadowing of things to come."
"Your destiny is to become elderly, so if you set up your society so that the elderly, the traditions aren't valued, then you're going to eventually end up in a situation where you're the tradition that's not valued."