
Memorability Quotes

There are 894 quotes

"Even just silently mouthing the words makes them more memorable."
"You have to give them something to remember you by."
"A good logo...needs to be appropriate...distinctive and memorable...and simple."
"It's simple, it's effective, easy to remember."
"Context enriches the story... and that really enriches the story a bunch for us and makes the story therefore memorable."
"It's another thing, it's like I love the sound of this track plus it's so catchy. There's so many memorable lines. It's a good ass song."
"Stories without beliefs and change can be exciting rides but are usually forgettable."
"It’s janky and awkward, but there’s so much to like about it and so much about 'Arcanum' that’s memorable."
"The greater the contrast, sometimes the more memorable the sections will be, the more refreshed we will feel."
"Having the words and keeping it simple, making your work memorable, is super important."
"Black Ops 2 multiplayer seems to be just as memorable to people as something like CoD 4 or Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer."
"It's hard to pinpoint an exact formula for what makes a good motif, but in general, they tend to be melodic fragments that are relatively short, simple, easy to memorize, and are played repeatedly."
"Not all of it was good, but most of it was memorable, and really, that's what this story is about."
"It's one of the most memorable narrative experiences that I have ever played."
"And the music, particularly the music that plays in the beginning of the movie, is really memorable."
"A character who has a really strong silhouette is going to be more memorable."
"Don't just communicate. Don't just try to be remembered and heard, but make people fall in love."
"Still, there are moments in this game that are delicate, considered, and unforgettable."
"These are experiences that have transcended the already great games they were a part of to permanently lodge themselves in the collective gaming consciousness."
"This film was next level for me and it has never left me."
"Only the unforgettable ones are going to survive the ones that are memorable that are unforgettable that you can't get out of your head."
"One of Earthbound's most memorable aspects is its kick-ass soundtrack."
"Rolex is short and memorable but also easy to pronounce in any language."
"Metal Gear Rising Revengeance: one of the most memorable games in recent history."
"Titles transcend the work itself, becoming a poem within an artwork."
"Titles might just end up being one of the most memorable things about [a work]."
"This is a chance to stand out. Make your live streams memorable."
"It's kind of cool to have that memorable gameplay with Shatter Spleen."
"Tragic dialogue, fantastic moments to stick in your mind forever."
"Get something that's nice and succinct, easily remembered."
"I think there's something about the movie that burrows it people can't shake it Burrows its way in and um at least that's how it was for me."
"John Williams' score brought a soul to the movie, it remains ingrained in American culture."
"Some battles are just so downright amazing that they stay with us for our entire gaming careers."
"Your creativity has left an unforgettable mark."
"It's such a tiny moment but it stayed with me ever since I played the game for the first time like 20 years ago."
"I love it when the opening is quotable. It was the best of times it was the worst of times. Marley was dead to begin with. There was no doubt whatsoever about that."
"Del Lago's boss fight is extremely memorable."
"The only thing that will be there when I'm gone is what I've left behind."
"Every single one of these is like an iconic super memorable scene, every single one."
"It's very rewatchable, and it's very memorable."
"Every single thing in that game memorable... a testament to his absolute artistic genius."
"Humor is a really great device to make something memorable."
"The first movie's reverse beartrap was iconic."
"He remembers every little detail... He knew her so well... He keeps doing it, and it's just so cute."
"This is all he had to focus on for the last month and a half. He was ready to go, and you could tell by the way he hit the ball out there."
"Faber, the Master Builder. That's a name you're going to want to remember."
"Every era has an end, this was an unforgettable one."
"It's almost become as iconic as the movie itself."
"Everything about this is ridiculous, very memorable and entertaining."
"Know how and when to end a conversation... people tend to remember how things end more than how they started."
"Simply by having one thing that makes your town unique and special can make the town memorable."
"Our first time was honestly really special and I do really love it."
"Changing these things would make the game way less memorable and way more homogenized."
"This film features two of the greatest cameos of all time."
"This place... it is that memorable, that phenomenal."
"It's just a wonderful extra memorable element to the piece."
"Anytime you do something for the first time, stands out a little bit more."
"One of the most memorable things to me from this show has always been this theme."
"But good or bad, they're all memorable in their own way."
"You want to be unforgettable, not forgettable."
"The Mystic is a whole book's worth of content on its own. It does not deserve to be forgotten."
"It may have had a short run but it's one of the most memorable short runs an anime could ever have."
"This Castle... makes it so much more memorable... what's not particularly too hard... a very fun and memorable fight."
"I got my first lobotomy at Chuck E. Cheesus." - Hilarious, would wear.
"Every single level in this game is memorable."
"He's iconic, he's memorable, but there's also character in there and something interesting and compelling."
"He really is a memorable character, isn't he?"
"Sarah Schachner's composition is downright memorable, a nice blend of hefty combat tracks and slower, somber tracks."
"Sometimes the more simple something is the more memorable we find it."
"It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"This is one of the most versatile, memorable, and instantly recognizable scores in movie history."
"Neo the World Ends With You is a quality experience... one that doesn't deserve to be forgotten."
"For most of us, he was a sweet but unremarkable guy."
"The mark of any incredible power Shonen is a power system you can remember."
"The game's impact on players will be unforgettable."
"I am going to cherish getting to draw the most devastated man in the world probably for the rest of my days."
"This act is dedicated to you. I hope it'll be an unforgettable memory for you."
"He found something nice to say about everybody he met, he gave everybody he met a boost, and then he met, gonna remember him."
"That's what made him so special to all of us... he was also one of us"
"It's smart, it's badass, and it gives us one of the greatest one-liners in the history of Bond cinema. Shocking. Positively shocking."
"And I think it'll be a rivalry that the sport remembers forever."
"The worst thing you can ever do as a content creator is make something forgettable."
"It's wild, it's wacky, and it's a game that's hard to forget."
"It took some wind out of the sails but is otherwise a memorable battle for its exceptional design."
"Research, relevance, remember: the three R's for shock value marketing."
"The level design holds up brilliantly, making every stage feel alive and totally memorable."
"There's not a moment of our lives that there's not a line or phrase something that NeNe has just done."
"The song starts with the iconic big note which... immediately catches your ear."
"Cyberpunk's launch is iconic, it will be remembered."
"What makes these moments special and last in our memories is more than any other factor their gaminess."
"Playing against type in that manner, you are opening up a more complex, memorable character."
"This one's probably one of the craziest ones of them all."
"Evangelion had a cast of very simple but unforgettable characters."
"The weirder, the more original, the more outlandish you are, the more you're remembered."
"These are songs that are going to stay with you forever."
"Jolt is by far the most interesting yet simultaneously most forgettable character in the entire beyverse."
"It's better to have an opinion and be loved by many and hated by some than to have no opinion and just be vanilla where everybody forgets you."
"Obsidian did a fantastic job making almost every single quest memorable."
"A cover I've had stuck in my head for weeks since it came out."
"That was probably the coolest thing anyone were more stars struck by anyone than David Blaine kind of."
"Every frame of this movie is so memorable beyond belief."
"The variety in classic is what makes it memorable."
"The outcome was forgettable, but Jimmy Butler was unforgettable."
"I definitely feel like the scenes in cars have a bit more oomph and memorability to them."
"Of all the things the three villain themes I’ve talked about here have in common, this is the shared trait that I think has made them stick with me for so long."
"Whether we like it or not, her song is stuck in our heads now."
"You have permission now. Your future self is giving you permission."
"If you could walk into a room and meet 20 strangers and leave saying goodbye to every single one of them by name, who are they all gonna remember? They're all gonna remember you."
"Getting weird with it makes fights memorable."
"My flows are way too catchy, and you keep 'em on rewind, just like all your speed runs."
"I want to live like I want to be such an awesome person in my life that people are selling my body parts off at an auction."
"By the second or third chorus we already were picking up on the words, just like the feeling that that song gives me is just like pure serotonin."
"Let's lock in this one and make it a memorable one."
"Michelle Tanner in their clans or their posses or whatever you call it in video games it's the most memorable person."
"It's highly memorable and, yes, more than a little creepy."
"I might do a 15-minute set, but I'm gonna leave a scar in that building so deep that they're gonna talk about it."
"I don't think there's ever such thing as too far. You remember it though, right? And we're talking about it months later."
"What makes you different makes you memorable, makes you important."
"Create a clear persona: simpler and more memorable is better."
"It's really important, of course, to make a good, strong, memorable first impression."
"Any day you receive it...is one to stash in the heart."
"Who was the most memorable personality? Austin."
"It's gonna be one of those things that sticks."
"The Black Coat's Daughter is so well-made, so clever and chilling, it's bound to stick with you long after you finished it."
"The goal of conceptual contrast is to create something memorable."
"They can't forget you, you're unforgettable."
"It's a bit of a short ride but that doesn't matter too much when the ride is this much damn fun and memorable."
"Gnarly kills that will become ingrained in spectators' minds. It's shocking to the highest degree."
"This was the first purchase I made. That's right, I forgot about this. The Secret of Googol Googol, whatever."
"Robbing it of a talented actress who had left an indelible mark on audiences through her diverse and impactful performances."
"For the next 20 years, somebody's gonna be able to say 'shoe scene' and movie fans will know exactly what they're talking about."
"Strikingly evocative and unforgettable cinematic satire."
"Give them an experience that'll blow them away."
"Having a unique antagonist is just another way to solidify them in your memory."
"An important aspect of making an important character memorable is establishing a kind of mythos."
"Royal Dragon glider: The most unique glider in Fortnite history."
"Sari was one of the most brilliantly written characters."
"Animated had one of the most memorable and lovable casts."
"She made everyone smile and was such a kind soul."
"I will not be another flower picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget."
"If I leave anything behind, it's this, the only thing that I can really call my own."
"When Suzanne walked into a room, she would light it up. She was just a really kind person. Everybody loved her. I don't think you'll find a soul that says they didn't love my sister."
"It's a really fun way to express yourself and to be remembered."
"One of the strongest pop choruses of the last decade."
"Live fast, die fat, and leave a salty corpse."
"A well-designed hub world is the central spoke on which memorable games turn."
"His infectious enthusiasm for discovering hidden treasures was paired with his memorable catchphrase: 'Kenny, do it!'"
"It's interesting how we can take a harsh sound and make it the most sticky part that part that remains with you the longest."
"This encounter is one that I don't think can ever be topped. It's just that good."
"I just knew like man the day we fight it's gonna be a fight man it's gonna be somebody that the fans are gonna remember."
"As a comedy tandem, Key & Peele are masterful at not only creating a funny situation, they are experts in staying in the viewer's mind."
"The date is firmly fixed in the minds of the people."
"Even really simple gimmicks like that can make a car design all the more interesting and memorable."
"How well can you tell a story that could create an emotional impact in someone's brain to activate an emotion that make you memorable."
"This is a special moment... we will not see this again in our lifetime."
"It's weirdly wholesome if indeed a morbid spider movie, an unforgettable watch."
"Nobody is going to forget Death Stranding in a hurry."
"Those things are what separate the forgettable games from the great ones."
"Dishonored's visuals are beautiful, meaningful, intuitive, striking, and just endlessly memorable."
"The earliest iteration of the block will always be the most memorable."
"He's a cool, weird character who likes to carry around his digestive system with him."
"The facts are amazing, but it's the story that's truly gripping and more memorable."
"There's nothing wrong with tattoos... they mean so much... they're pretty memorable."
"When you are excellent, you become unforgettable. People remember you, you stand out."
"If you want people to remember you, you gotta stand out."
"This game plays itself way too safe to be memorable at all."
"To burn bright in the hearts and minds of people everywhere forever with a rock-solid 22."
"Cryptocurrency is the first kind of money that is so magical you can store it in your brain."
"It's one of those songs that just won't leave your head for days."
"There's so few good movies about bands that get it correctly, and it's like, 'Almost Famous' is probably one of the most memorable ones."
"Quite simply, that entire campaign was memorable."
"Martel's feud with Jake Roberts was a very memorable rivalry at the time."
"It was so catchy I could sing it word for word after just one listen."
"The name is definitely funky isn't it, certainly more memorable than a lot of this car's rivals."
"That has been a trip that's put a smile on my doll here, mate. Absolutely."
"Creativity is what makes a speedrun truly memorable." - "What makes a speedrun truly memorable for me it's one word creativity."
"The opening moments of this game are burned into my memory."
"Every single fighter in Street Fighter 2 is memorable in appearance and stands out in their own ways."
"A good romance needs tension or else you know it's Bob and Sue who did everything right and that's why no one will remember your name."
"It made the reader connect with them and in turn made the book that much more memorable."
"A great melody is simple enough to be remembered after hearing only once."
"Is it the most quotable movie of all time? It might be."
"Having something that is both pleasing to you and whoever you are around is a good way to be remembered."
"Oh, and it's also one of the most quotable movies I've ever seen."
"Literal versus figurative: the more obvious the icon, the less memorable the logo."
"BBB AAA BBB AAA is like the easiest thing in the world to do and that's just the way it is."
"Your words speak to me like no others can. They're hopeful and you are hard to forget."
"Lucky for us when that opportunity finally came he grabbed it with both hands and turned it into something truly unforgettable."
"Simplicity, repetition of rhythm and pitch, and variations with little flourishes make a melody memorable."
"There's something kind of unforgettable about you."
"This is a night you'll never forget."
"Make something memorable, make it a sentence, make it something that is meaningful."
"It's our ability to capture the essence of somebody else or of what they have expressed to us that makes us truly stand out and be unforgettable to that person."
"Intimacy makes you really hard to forget."
"The unforgettable characters and even the bar itself cemented itself in pop culture history."
"That's one of those things that people don't forget."
"It was a day the world would never forget."
"For titles, it should be simple, easy to remember, and easy to spell."
"Villains should be frightening; it's what makes them memorable."
"It's not this is not the best story ever told in a game, it's a good story that is told well and that's why people remember it so much."