
Learning Techniques Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Even just silently mouthing the words makes them more memorable."
"Competitive memorizers...are just average people who are using clever yet simple techniques which allow you to take advantage of the human mind's natural capacity to remember."
"This is how our brains effectively remember vocabulary by associating it with these different points."
"We retain information better when it is visual."
"Slow the lesson down... adjust the playback speed... this will help you understand every word."
"I'm a big believer in practice repetition; you don't just read one article or watch one video on a topic and then know it."
"The easiest way to start speaking on your own is to shadow what you hear."
"It's about learning the art of learning football."
"There's something about physically writing that helps our brains to soak in the material that we're learning."
"The best way to get better at writing is to read high-quality model letters."
"Active recall helps a lot in retaining information because the act of synthesizing all that information and recalling it in your own words forces your brain to ingrain that information more deeply."
"Teaching others is an extremely effective way to learn."
"Regular review helps to keep vocabulary fresh in your mind."
"Spaced repetition is all about resetting the forgetting curve."
"Singing things, chanting things helps us remember a lot more easily."
"Create stressful situations to bring out your language skills."
"Deliberately compare and contrast to learn faster."
"Always tell my students to practice as I teach. That's the best way of you learning any new programming language or technology."
"Knowing the correct steps to create a character and knowing how to study are provided in this course."
"Spaced repetition... the repetition spaced over time is extraordinarily helpful to help drill these ideas into our consciousness."
"Make connections, and that's a really good meaningful way of memorizing stuff."
"If you gamify the object of the thing you're trying to learn, you will just learn it so much faster."
"Readers also jump back from time to time. These regressions help you connect what you just read with something you read earlier."
"By having language come out automatically, you don't have to think so hard about what you're trying to say."
"For memorization as a whole, getting the wrong answer and learning the correct one afterwards seemed to help the information stick more."
"Secret number one is to not memorize, apply them to real world situations."
"What was the favorite technique that I used in this video? Share with me your favorite thing that you learned in this video in the comments below."
"I try to show techniques that are easily accessible for everyone."
"Learning is connecting something you don't know to something you know."
"It's very important to read the explanations of both the right and the wrong answers when you do these tests."
"So dumb mnemonic I get it but it's better than nothing."
"One of the fastest ways to learn something is to teach it to somebody else."
"Teaching what you learn allows you to learn it twice."
"Moving up the neck chords opens up new musical possibilities with chords you already know."
"The second time that repetition is going to help you actually apply, rewire, and reconfigure."
"The more connections we make to a piece of information the more likely we are to retain that information over time."
"Bottom line is make connections between facts and information in your brain because it might help this information stick around longer."
"And all an acronym is, is just using the first letter of a set of words or a word, couple of words to remember certain information."
"And if I'm highlighting, and scribbling in margins, then I tend to remember what I'm reading more."
"Use spaced repetition to make active recall stick."
"Spaced repetition and active recall: study smarter, not harder." - Efficient techniques for mastering content.
"Watching or playing against others can also teach you new positions and spots you didn't know before."
"Practice critical thinking and visualization while reading."
"The modified Pomodoro Technique... a reward every thirty minutes... ideal learning for retention."
"Use a strong posture to wake up your mind and stay focused." - AJ Hogue
"It's a proven fact that when you take the time to write the words, they will sink in a lot faster."
"So when studying, create some mental imagery if you need to remember who the Axis powers were in World War 2. Maybe you imagine Hitler reading manga and eating spaghetti."
"Using these techniques today, combined with hard work and dedication, can yield the same strong memory skills."
"Repetition is a very vital and effective tool for learning."
"The more you practice the new technique, the better you'll get at it."
"Teaching something in your own words is the best way to commit information to your brain long term."
"Highlighting helps me a lot when I'm studying."
"Mixing different topics has helped with boosting learning."
"But more importantly, it prompts you to think, were there any nice moments throughout the week?"
"Active reading techniques aid comprehension and memory retention."
"Some of these cases you really just break them up and set them up into other cases and some of the cases you really do just have to memorize but I think all of them can be figured out somewhat intuitively."
"A great memory is achievable and actually easy to learn."
"The trick to learning more and having more success is finding the right way to frame the learning process."
"I'm a big fan of repetition in learning and memory so hopefully the fact that we're actually doing both sides and we're doing both sides in real time it really can stick with you."
"By intentionally incorporating many different interleaving techniques for the specific needs of your subjects, you'll be much more exam ready and prepared."
"Spacing out the different types of learning and interleaving different methods are effective."
"Active recall questions reduce passive reading."
"Active recall is far more efficient than taking handwritten or typed notes and then never reading them back again."
"Active recall is proven by science to be better than simply reading or highlighting but if you're just memorizing the entire textbook that's completely wrong."
"Chunking and active retrieval are two very powerful psychological and evidence-based tools to help us actually learn and understand material."
"Rewrite the notes. Everything I write down, you write it down. Write it out. It's gonna stick much faster than just reading it."
"Practice on a whiteboard because I think that's what they give you everywhere."
"Supervised learning technique deals with labeled data where the output data patterns are known to the system."
"If you want to have someone remember something, set it to a simple melody."
"...copying things out by hand really cements them in my brain better..."
"Elaborative rehearsal is a much more effective way to memorize information and code it into long-term memory."
"I slowly started implementing study techniques and habits into my studying that allowed me to increase the amount of studying that I was able to do in a single day."
"Fortunately for you, we've been teaching this for decades and we have very, very simple analogies and exercises for you to get it right away without having to think about it."
"Utilizing several different methods and constant repetition is what's going to help you the most."
"This is the quickest way to get into something that kind of sounds like jazz."
"Use diagrams... I actually understood them. Drawing the diagram really helped me understand what part is where."
"The best way to actually memorize vocab is through spaced repetition and active recall."
"There's something about it when you write by hand, you memorize things better."
"It's super easy when somebody teaches you; it's super easy when you have a technique to help you remember."
"The next time you revise, it will be at the tip of your tongue and it will be much easier to remember."
"If we take notes as we listen and watch, we tend to retain stuff a little bit better."
"Try to activate your English as well, so listen and repeat or shadowing and personalization."
"I'm going to teach you a few basic techniques that will make it easy for you to get started."
"That's why we have two techniques, not to make your lives harder but to make it easier."
"I hope this video was enjoyable for you, I hope you learned this new technique."
"Spaced learning and repetition are absolutely key, this information to actually stick in your mind."
"Your brain will remember things better if you listen to it two or three times."
"I think one thing I know has been shown to be important for learning is spaced repetition."
"Morse code is an audio method of communication; that's the only way you should learn Morse code."
"I hope this is making sense, we should hit in the next video to get onto another technique of solving differential equations which is pretty cool."
"This is my approach to spaced repetition."