
Value Perception Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"Human nature places more value on things that are less available."
"To the wealthy, money is not a store of value; it is a token which allows them to participate in economic and non-economic games."
"If you pay a ticket price to go into a theme park and you feel like things inside the theme park are reasonable, you're probably going to be happy."
"If we believe in something as a society, as people, that thing has more value."
"It's not the golden egg I care about; it's the goose. This is not a golden egg; it's a brown egg, but you know, it's just an egg."
"So we start giving it away, and then when people start paying that kind of money, I'm like, 'Bro, they giving us this kind of check to see the same thing that we giving them every single week. They just want to see it live.'"
"Value can be created in the mind every bit as much as it can be created in the factory."
"The IKEA effect, which is that you assemble the furniture yourself, contributes to its perceived value."
"It looks very valuable, it looks expensive, and it wasn't."
"If you're the best, nobody expects you to be the cheapest, and if you're the cheapest, no one's going to believe you're the best."
"Being fast on them, being pre-approved, being ready to go, and seeing value where other people don't see it."
"Bitcoin derives its value from the fact that other people derive value to it."
"The argument that Bitcoin having value automatically means that there will be hacks and cybercrime is delusional."
"If you are the cheapest, no one will believe you are the best."
"There's not a ceiling because of a certain value or anything like that; it's all what do we agree on, it's all price equilibrium."
"Most people's junk is another person's gold, you know? It's a goldmine."
"By working with [clients] to figure it out, you will increase the perceived value of you and the likelihood of the success of the project."
"Value is a perceived concept. If I want to buy AMC at 50 and enough people want to buy it at 50, it's going to trade at 50. That's all it is. There's no rules."
"We should pay no attention to the fact that things cost money."
"The exclusivity of it is what makes this thing impressive and/or meaningful."
"The more exclusive something is, the more meaningful it is."
"A pair of jeans can cost $32 imagine paying a thousand over $1,000 for that."
"I’m not sure that there is anywhere else where if you lose money someone would offer you a piece of paper saying that you had lost money, and you – and other people- would gladly accept that piece of paper as being valuable."
"Learning to establish a presence where the people around you feel like the things you say are important and they have value to them."
"Nothing has value unless we give it value, so technically a scalper can charge 500 for a doll all they want, but at the end of the day it's the buyers that make a price skyrocket."
"Money is a myth. It has no value in and of itself. It is a medium of exchange for goods, services, and ideas."
"The low price is the hiding place of the average creator."
"Normally when you pay more for something, it is objectively superior. But for luxury goods, that's not always the case."
"Just because something's expensive doesn't mean it is the best."
"The bread and butter of buffets is the idea that people are getting an amazing deal for not a lot of money."
"One man's construction site is another's gold mine."
"Even just having that box is like a crazy accomplishment. This is five dollars two dollars."
"If somebody says 'that's a lot of money,' well you could always say 'they're great photographs.'"
"Poor people value money more than they value time."
"No matter how much the shoes cost, what they're worth, and the resale, it doesn't matter. They're still shoes and they're all meant to be worn."
"All of your treasure can be found in your trash."
"Sometimes there's a difference between cost and value."
"Cheaper doesn't mean worse, but expensive also doesn't mean better."
"We're constantly attaching value to just arrangements of atoms."
"The name of something is not the same as the value of something."
"One man's rubbish is another man's treasure."
"Money is not abstract nor is it some item of precious scarcity."
"What's the number one thing you should do? Raise your price."
"It's like Life Society has made it so that a woman's only worth is just their appearance and their youth so let's talk about that."
"Money is just an idea, it's the value that we put in it."
"My family calls it my superpower... it's my ability to see value in things that other people might overlook."
"Watches don't need to be worth a million dollars to be cool."
"You could have an identical one made by a machine and you're still going to prefer the one that was made by a human because of that intangible value."
"Between 2020 and 2021 the phrase one person's trash is another person's treasure really became apparent."
"You know how valuable something is by what you're willing to pay for it."
"Scarcity: people tend to give more value to things that are in limited availability."
"It's not the butter on the bread, it's the bread under the butter."
"It's going to raise the perceived value of the dollar."
"The Mazda 3 feels like a more expensive car than it is."
"But the value, all of a sudden you look at that and you're like, okay, I can deal with that."
"Exclusivity is what gave it its value in the first place."
"Pricing your products higher than you would normally think actually pays off in the end."
"Things don't really get old, they just get better."
"One would assume that 30% of people approving the game means that it still has some value, and that's true, but not in the way that one would assume."
"It's just like gold jewelry, it's just a narrative."
"If people decide something has value, it has value."
"Once you understand the subjective theory of value you can no longer say that there is such a thing as an exploitative profit margin."
"Sometimes simplicity is where people find value."
"One man's trash really is another person's treasure."
"When you're 10 years old, $400 feels like all the money in the world."
"The more diamonds you guys see, the more you'll be able to tell the difference."
"That's a common thread I thought that I've noticed in hoarders like they assign value to things that have no value."
"Life is limited, but that doesn't make it meaningless. Things go up in value when they're limited, right?"
"In a sea of the very, very rare, this may look a bit hum drum, a bit too common."
"Everything that was trash is no longer trash."
"Cost versus value: cost is what you pay, value is what you get."
"It's a reward rather than an expensive luxury thing."
"Our whole thing is pricing for perceived value."
"Diamonds have to be worth a lot, I mean everyone knows that. We've all played Minecraft."
"That is the ultimate cheap car that'll make you look rich."
"People want scarcity, and I think that's the beauty of NFTs."
"IKEA effect: we value higher what we put work into."
"They do know your value, that's exactly why they're feeling intimidated."
"Your home is not making you rich; dollars are losing value."
"Losing $300,000 is still $300,000. A dollar is still a dollar, and $300 can still do a lot in your life."
"I find it very fun to continue to stack both gold and silver because I know what the true value of both of them are and it's a bargain so I like a good sale."
"This is definitely something that I would expect to see at Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters and not for under 20 bucks at Walmart."
"When you ban something, you make it distinctly valuable."
"We all want to believe that things have real value, not just perceived value."
"The fundamental value of something doesn't matter if people can inflate that price."
"Value is in our heads based on our desires and agreements."
"Fred understood that value is something created in the mind of the consumers."
"Bitcoin's value is based in fiat currency so it's closer to the Chuck E. Cheese tokens than actual currency."
"Price and value are two very, very vastly different things."
"When you start thinking about the value of things instead of the price of things it really puts things in perspective."
"The whip is not junk, it just got me a fucking discount."
"Why do we always feel like we need things that we immediately after obtaining them don't necessarily value?"
"So cool, that's gotta have some value, right?"
"It's a story about human psychology and how the way we value things is shifting because of technology."
"People value what they earn if something comes too easily no matter how valuable it is people do not respect it."
"You do get what you pay for, and it's going to be really determined on what you value."
"Even something completely free can be despised when forced on the general public."
"The internet is reshaping how we assign value to things."
"Just because something is free does not mean that thing is worse than what you pay for."
"Possibly speaks to somebody who saw holding on to money as a form of security."
"What is one person's trash is your treasure."
"Things have value because people believe they have value."
"If it doesn't cost much money, it's not worth much money."
"Personally, I'd be willing to pay double even quadruple for the upgrades that I mentioned. A fully swimming version would definitely make this a great do it or one watch collection type of an affair."
"It's not always what this most expensive it is what this most create different what is trying to make something happen which everybody says you can't do it."
"It's not garbage, but don't be fooled, it is junk. It's just junk that's pretty important stuff, you know?"
"The illusion of money is one that we never really think about, but its value is determined by the importance we place on it."
"A $2,000 pen is just as pleasurable to write with as a $15 one."
"I just stopped in my tracks because my family calls it my superpower it's my ability to see value in things that I can buy and flip for a profit."
"They were so cheap I had to, they were amazing."
"Price is what you pay, value is what you get. You ain't gonna get the best value for free here's other things."
"Abundance doesn't make something more valuable. It is the opposite."
"Retro piracy is justified when a game's physical value outweighs its perceived actual value."
"I just really believe there is value in memes, there's value in going viral, there's value in being everywhere."
"Gold has its allure because there's more shiny, it's more dazzling."
"I'm not normally a sales Shopper... it has to be something that I would have wanted to have paid full price for."
"Is it possible that we all got wind of the fact that what we're really buying is a credential and not necessarily an education?"
"If you give something for free they think it's a free thing if you say this is worth two pounds but you can have it for free they feel that you've given them two pounds."
"Bitcoin only has the value that people want to perceive that it has."
"As Bitcoin increases in value, it's not that Bitcoin will be more valuable, it'll be that the US dollar will be less valuable."
"Money doesn't really have any value... it's all based off of one single thing Trust."
"Scarcity is how we perceive value; that's the only thing that gives anything value."
"Now I don't know about you but if you have to buy likes and uh fake that you have value you don't actually have value."
"So what is the value as people normally think of mids as a lower value shoe? You're probably looking at one of the most expensive mids, like 3k."
"It's not really about how big the money is, somebody could give you 20 pounds out of the abundance of their heart but for me it's the mind, you dig?"
"Content creators make more than doctors, so who's doing the real work?"
"Ladies, even though we talk about high value men, in this country we've been told that a man, a black man in particular, his only value is his primary value is in money."
"That's like what you pay for a a cute porn subscription you know I like black touch I think they 12.99 or 15.99 something like that but it's it's classy erotica it's beautiful."
"Fundamentally, people place higher value and perceived attractiveness to whatever is hard to understand, to whatever it's hard to attain."
"If you bought this at a nursery it would be many many times that."
"You don't want those bargain-hunting customers. The people who wanna pay the least expect the most."
"The price you pay is less important than the value you receive."
"I've always felt that the value I've received from it netnet was worth more than I was paying for it."
"When value exceeds price, price is no longer the issue."
"Sometimes you're the one offering value, and others aren't seeing it."
"Clothing bad? No, a thousand dollar t-shirt bad."
"This is all my clothes that I got for $55 and it is a lot."
"Money can be anything. Money is what you and I think money is."
"If you're willing to pay $10 for that really unique piece of pottery that was handmade and designed on the bottom then it's valuable to you but for someone else it might not be."
"People don't appreciate money; they appreciate what they can earn."
"Society bases a man's value on his earning potential and a woman's on her ability to achieve conventional attractiveness."
"If you loved these alts five minutes ago, you should adore them after a ten to twenty percent haircut. Stop chasing the green and learn to love the red. It is Valentine's Day after all."
"It's not about the dollar signs it's about how intrinsically important it is to the person."
"It's literally art; if that art to you is worth a thousand dollars, it's worth a thousand."
"One man's trash is often another man's treasure."
"You're buying this watch for the flex, and at 170 bucks, it's worth it."
"Money is in and of itself totally inert. It only has value because we agree it has value. It is utterly meaningless until you give it meaning."
"The minute you step outside of that and say to the other person, 'What is interesting to you?' there's a good chance they'll say a number much higher than the one you would say."
"If you give it value, if enough of us give something value, it has that value."
"Buying something secondhand just brings the price down to actually reflect that cheapness."
"I'm someone who doesn't really care about proving that I spent the Chanel price and the Louis Vuitton price if it's cute to me it's cute to me."
"Practically nothing is completely bad and devoid of value."
"In entertainment, adding educational value is a perversion somehow... but making education fun ascribes personal value to it."
"People want a good-looking car for a good price."
"Always go where people treat you like a million dollars, not where they treat you like five bucks."
"I would rather have one or two pairs of jeans that cost $140 than 20 pairs of jeans that cost $20."
"If you don't think you're getting value for money, you ain't out shopping, you're out shoplifting."
"Nothing just seems to work. Everything seems to work very well. I don't think this comes up to the value that we expected of Singapore Airlines."
"If you're paying over one grand for a pc, it should look like you paid over one grand."
"Bitcoin gives value because we say it has value."
"It's not prices going up, it's your dollar going down."
"Luxury performance, that's what you're paying for."
"Money is just like fun coupons. It really loses its value at that point."
"Value and price are not necessarily related."
"You don't want cheap. Cheap is never good. You want good value."
"A shiny Pokémon is still a shiny Pokémon at the end of the day, so don't let that make you think that shinies obtained at boosted odds are worth anything less or anything like that. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder."
"The exchange rate is massive between Baht and most European American currencies so the kids would always be like, 'It's only a few hundred quid in our money or whatever.'"
"What you consider trash is their treasure; somebody is waiting for you to relinquish control so they can grab it."
"We can create communities based on common perception of value across the world."
"I think it's a mentality... because the value of it goes away."
"Everybody has some junk that's worth money, you know one man's trash is another man's treasure."
"It honestly makes you feel like you're getting your money's worth."
"The truth has been revealed, expensive does not always mean better."
"Regardless of price, it's got to be wonderful."
"Sometimes the value of something isn't equal to its literal price or review score, which is surprisingly high seven point five out of ten on IMDB and even higher on other sites."
"Value is in the eye of the beholder. If you feel this is worth the price that it is, then it is. If you don't feel it's worth the price, then it's not. Simple as that."
"Pop Century Resort... makes you feel like you have a little bit more freedom, a lot more freedom honestly. It really changes the value of these particular hotels."
"There's no point spending a thousand, $1,200 on something I don't really care about, you know?"
"This interior obviously looks $10,000 more expensive easily than something like a Civic Type R or a Volkswagen Golf R."
"Ten dollars is ten dollars, whether it's from ten ones or 110."
"That's a win for a lot of women nowadays, to get pregnant by a high-value man."
"A lot of people might think thrift stores aren't as useful because it's just used items, but personally, I've actually used thrift stores and I bought items because you never know what you could find."
"It feels substantial in the hand and like money well spent."
"You don't have to necessarily spend a ton of money to get a fantastic watch."
"Something is special when it's not available to everyone. That's what makes it special."
"Don't act like $500 is nothing, that's a lot of money to a lot of people."
"The value is much higher than the price. That's the important piece of this."
"One man's garbage is another man's treasure, eh?"
"Things are worth what we decide they're worth and if people decide okay I guess I'm fine spending this extra two or three dollars on chicken or whatever once they get used to that that price isn't going to go back down."
"You're not usually going to be able to charge a premium for anything that comes from the execution room because that's almost a commodity now."
"What someone is willing to spend on a given commodity is directly related to the emotional attachment they have to that commodity."
"Everything that is rare is of course more important because we are not used to that kind of situation."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, Gumby, and this is the one man's trash."
"But wait it's all made out of gold okay so it's like super valuable that's that's why we're going after it."
"It does look a lot more expensive than it actually is."
"Your enemy is gonna look at your solar and see it as treasure."
"How much something is worth is only ever truly determined by how much you're willing to pay for it."
"It gives an interesting twist to the phrase 'one man's trash is another man's treasure.'"
"Nothing in this world is more expensive than free."
"When in society have you ever gotten more and been like this is worthless?"