
Emotional Bonding Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Oxytocin, known by many names: the love hormone, the cuddle chemical, the hug hormone, even the moral molecule."
"Understanding that online friendships are important and real, but they're also missing some important parts because interactions don't foster oxytocin release."
"He was just a man that came to the crease, it was Dad coming home cradling you in his crying heart and in his arms and just saying, 'I've got it son, I'm going to look after you from here.'"
"Romantic love involves attachment, caregiving, and intimacy."
"It is absolutely incredibly important for every child to feel attuned with their mother's energy."
"I think you do always develop a bond with the vessels you work on for any length of time."
"Your mama loves you so much and your daddy, these whole families love you so much."
"Vulnerability is the glue that holds a relationship together."
"In both Saving Private Ryan and in The Last of Us, sharing elements of the past connect you with people in the present."
"Women create this strong chemical and mental bond to their mates that is unbreakable."
"But why do we form such strong bonds and real emotions with NPCs when we know they're totally fictional and don't care about us at all?"
"Always, always ask for help when you're down."
"Yes, I feel like this is like a strengthening connection."
"Harmonious characters will work well together, celebrate victories together, and be saddened by failure together."
"Bond over vulnerability, bond over ambition."
"Everyone generally needs an emotional connection... everyone wants an emotional connection."
"Being intimate with someone floods both of your bodies with oxytocin, commonly thought to be the love hormone."
"The cult of the ancestors was about emotional connections people created with each other."
"Two people coming together, the start of a new relationship."
"You're my son. You were the part that I never knew was missing."
"I feel like Brent and I kind of made a connection."
"Within an instant of being given the child to hold for the first time, you automatically know that you would gladly, willingly, and happily give your life for that child. It's almost instinctual."
"Supporting her is going to make her see you as a superhero. It's a trait that definitely attracts women."
"He's like a member of the family already, and I've been hand-rearing him for the last eight days. I'm so in love with him already."
"I love it, man. There's something that feels good about that, 'cause you really think about it. Like, getting your mom something, it's like your family. It's like you've been through so much with each other."
"We have shared something very special here today."
"Trust energy is a vibration of undiluted love that works like fairy glue between your ego and your soul."
"You make people feel like they've known you for a lot of lifetimes."
"It's been a tough few months for everybody. Let's pull everybody together and just talk."
"You guys are going to be in connection, in flow, in this bubble of just love and divine blessings."
"Nothing brings people closer together quite like tearing them apart. It's beautiful."
"It's easy to be emotional and vulnerable on our show because we all love each other and trust each other, so it's kind of like we know we've got each other's backs."
"By the time the game is over, we're all laughing, hugging each other, it's all love."
"Children believe robots are alive enough to relate to emotionally."
"This is the best to strengthen the bond in the group."
"It's good to have a partner in crime know that he's going down in flames with just a sadness of finishing something wallowing religion together."
"The anomaly’s sapience allowed it to form a bond with its host, protecting and showing the desire to comfort them if need be."
"Intimacy is deep and complicated, restraining from it outside marriage is the glue that keeps couples emotionally connected."
"One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love and they hug you back."
"It's very emotional... what we've gone through here, I think we're all family now."
"I felt like the trees were loving me back... we're doing this together."
"It's good for him to know that you're there and to hear your voice and to feel your touch."
"We just love board games. They make us think, they make us laugh, they make us happy."
"You guys really bring a lot to each other's lives emotionally as well as mentally."
"Attraction is not just skin deep but of hearts and souls."
"Yes, this is your soulmate. You should know it and feel it, not one of the other."
"I really do and I hope one day one day that the words come out just to show you how much I really do care for you guys."
"Each cat would become very protective of me."
"You guys are falling more and more in love with each other."
"The most significant factor shaping brain development is the emotional relationship with parents."
"Movements become a movement by occupying the urban space; togetherness requires the most direct expression of emotional bonding."
"Emotional expression has brought us together in a really deep way."
"Learning to look kids in the eyes, learning to hug them, learning to caress them, creates permanent memories in the circuit, which are tied to emotions that build well-being and not uneasiness."
"The most important influence on the physiological development of the child's brain is the quality of emotional relationships with the nurturing caregivers."
"Find spaces to connect physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
"Your brains literally are wired to connect, and you do connect with your partner, and it's that feeling you have of being known and held and seen by your partner."