
Mindful Eating Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Mindful eating is... you sit down, you're mostly quiet, you give gratitude for your food, and then you just eat your food. You don't do anything else."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're bored."
"Optimize your fast with strategic meal timing and mindful consumption."
"It's not about denying yourself a food that you love outright but about collecting data over time on how food makes you feel."
"We start to lose touch with relying on these cues to tell us not just when to eat, but more importantly when to stop eating."
"It's a behavior change... you have to really focus on your food and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you."
"Eating more slowly is a great way to pick up on the sensual pleasures inherent in food."
"Eating mindfully can improve digestion and lessen stress on your body."
"Eat slower. Try to enjoy it more instead of eating it in five seconds and then craving for more."
"Taking the time to eat helps to ensure that he eats the right amount... mindful with our meals."
"Remember especially when it comes to eating processed foods it's all a matter of Mind Over Munch."
"I want you to learn the discipline of how to enjoy one bite at a time."
"Savoring food slowly, bite by bite – a lesson in mindful living."
"You don't have to force-feed. If you're not hungry, stop and save it for later."
"When you have this spiritual connection and when you have a powerful way of thinking and when you have your heart in the right place, you're really eating food out of love."
"Mindfulness is the key to a healthy and sustainable eating habit."
"Highly vibrational people are mindful of the energy they consume, opting for nourishing plant-based diets."
"When your body gets truly hungry, you will feel it and you will eat."
"Chewing slowly is crucially important."
"We can actually revert back and restore our operating system simply by being mindful of how we eat."
"Just eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full."
"I would like to be able to say that I regularly was able to assess whether I really was time to grade before I ate."
"It's not just what you eat, it's how you eat."
"...my goal is to set a vibe a huge thing that i've seen for myself to be able to get in that kitchen and be excited about making food is understanding what the food is going to do for my body but also creating this moment creating this vibe."
"Eat with no distractions. Be present, listen to your body."
"One of the hardest things for so many people is mindless eating... it can really help us start to be aware and set ourselves up for success in doing something different."
"Stop eating when you're 80% full. Don't get off the table when you're only stuffed."
"The most expensive food is the food that you throw away."
"When you focus on real whole food and you keep the fat low and you use the 50 50 plate, this enables you to eat to fullness and eat intuitively and not have to count calories."
"How often do you actually take the time to sit down and enjoy your food?"
"Train your body to only eat when you're truly hungry. Don't worry too much about the interval between meals in the beginning."
"Every time we eat is an opportunity to get healthier."
"It's also not even about the calories it's just like were you actually hungry you know like you just had all that mexican food like that's that's the questions you really like for me."
"I just like eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm full."
"It's all about simplicity. You just eat when you feel, okay I'm eating enough, I don't really need to eat anymore."
"I ask people to eat with intention, not compulsion."
"Our body intuitively knows this if we just take the time to listen to it."
"Calorie tracking is not required. You can still be in a calorie deficit using mindful eating."
"A mindful eater is someone who can eat intuitively, they are in touch with their own innate cues to guide their eating choices."
"The slower you eat, the more powerful the flavor becomes."
"I aim to sit down and take my time with at least two of my three meals every day."
"Take only about a third of what your brain tells you to take, put it on your plate, enjoy what you're eating, choose the right things, and lean into the foods that you love."
"I'm learning to do portion control and not deprive. I'm trying to learn if I want cake, to have a piece and not the whole cake like I would normally do."
"This is not meant to be swallowed, this is meant to be chewed, it's meant to be savored, it's meant to be enjoyed."
"Do not eat except when you are hungry, nor drink except when thirsty."
"Eating slowly will require what's known as mindful eating on your part."
"Mindful eating can help not only with bloating but it can also help you feel more full without eating as much food."
"Try not to eat too fast; it takes about 20 to 25 minutes for the receptors to send those signals to the brain to say, 'I'm full'."
"Balance is key... it's not that there's wrong foods or bad foods, it's just having balanced, intuitive kind of eating."
"I'm not really overthinking everything I eat but just thinking about something like, 'Do I really want it?'"
"You can eat out and be mindful about what you're choosing."
"Make room for celebration foods and really think about the traditions that are surrounding those particular food items."
"Listening to your hunger cues means that you shouldn't just inhale food."
"Let's think of lunch as the handiwork of hardworking sentient beings."
"Being mindful of what you're eating, and knowing what you are craving, and eating what you want, and having the right nutrition, and being like full and satisfied with what you're eating, is very different to counting calories and chasing a specific aesthetic."
"You don't ever have to finish your plate if you're full."
"I realized, wait a second, I can stop eating when I'm satisfied."
"If you eat in a more mindful state at lunchtime... you're going to eat less for the rest of the day naturally without you even trying."
"Eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm full is just one part of listening to your body."
"What mindful eating does is it just helps you get back in tune with listening to the signals that your stomach is sending to your brain to say, 'Hey, remember I'm full now, I've had enough, thanks.'"
"You eat for nutrients, not just calories."