
Personal Boundaries Quotes

There are 4521 quotes

"You don't have to please everybody; you please people on your terms, with your morals and your values."
"Figuring out your boundaries is an important thing to do."
"Tell him to go kick rocks if he refuses to wear a condom and expects me to go on birth control."
"If someone tells you to go on birth control and they don't want to wear a condom, they're not worth it."
"It's okay to keep things to yourself and protect your energy."
"Boundaries with yourself are so incredibly powerful because they only rely on one person to hold them."
"Boundaries. I had to learn boundaries for myself."
"Sometimes self-care can be knowing when to say no to people. It's also knowing when you need help."
"If you're constantly a people pleaser, it will erode at your own ability to get things done for yourself."
"If I wouldn't ask for your advice, then I don't value your criticism."
"You will never be good enough for the wrong person."
"You can't make everybody happy, nor should you attempt to."
"You're very sensitive, and you're one of these really talented sensitive people who generate so much in this world. You also have trouble saying no. You see need everywhere, and you want to meet all those needs."
"Just because some people are fueled by drama doesn't mean you have to attend the performance."
"Say no to something that isn't in alignment with your soul. Don't be afraid to say no."
"You have to protect your own self-respect in whatever process you choose."
"It's been my job my entire life, monitoring other people's feelings, caretaking them, and pursuing them. I don't want to do it."
"You cannot stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair."
"Self-love regulates what you accept from others and generates the way you treat others."
"You're not gonna give your all to things anymore that no longer serve you."
"If somebody shouts you down or walks away or unfriends you, you don't need them."
"We have to protect our own boundaries and value ourselves and our limits enough to respect our boundaries for ourselves."
"Over-sharing is often a sign of poor boundaries because you're going in there so quickly, not only can it potentially make another person uncomfortable, but it also could be putting over-sharer in a position of tremendous vulnerability."
"Boundaries keep us safe from internal and external intrusion."
"It's important in all relationships that we know where we end and someone else begins."
"We teach people how we want to be treated at every moment in time by what we tolerate."
"People are pretty awesome when you love yourself and have some boundaries."
"Boundaries Around Your Self Care if Overwhelmed - very important to know when it's time to step back."
"Boundaries are so confusing. And it's not a rule book that isn't personal, meaning no one can tell you some formula that fits everybody for boundaries."
"Your relationship with your own boundaries is a reflection of your self-worth and your self-respect."
"When someone tells me their opinion as fact, that gets my back up. I have an issue with that."
"You are the gatekeeper of your life; you open and close the gate to the people who want to come in."
"It's so empowering to say this isn't serving me and walk away in peace."
"You're allowed to exist as a sexual person without that becoming okay for others to impose their desires on you."
"You are not responsible for someone else's happiness."
"Look, I don't need my personal life invading my professional life."
"Learn to set boundaries. This is how you get to know yourself."
"The price of self-respect is recognizing that this is not the way you deserve to be treated."
"When you say yes to everything, you give up control of your life."
"A boundary is a healthy limit a person sets for themselves to protect their well-being and integrity."
"I'm very confident in who I am. I have a great support system, a very close circle of people, and they can call me on my BS, and they're more than allowed to. And if you're not in my close circle, I don't really care about your opinion."
"Saying no allows you to live the way you want to live."
"When you say no here, you're saying yes to yourself."
"Saying no to something doesn't mean it's the end of your career or life; you're just showing that you respect yourself and your own intuition."
"The power of the no is really important, and actually practicing it is vital."
"I don't need to engage in this conversation. I don't need this person to agree with me. I don't need to change them in order for me to feel okay."
"I don't give a [care] about your bra, your titty, your man, your ex, your ex's girlfriend."
"Part of setting boundaries is recognizing where you end and the other person begins."
"Not everything has to be content for other people."
"Orion had a disregard for my personal choices and boundaries that I had expressed to them."
"The best boundaries are the ones we set with ourselves."
"Having control over who you let in is like setting personal boundaries. It's about knowing what you like and don't like."
"You have to actually have personal boundaries as a 'yo-yo, I love myself' and I'm not gonna let myself witness...certain things."
"When you feel yourself censoring what you say and do to avoid making them angry, it's a sign to reevaluate."
"A person like this can dry you out if you don't have good personal boundaries yourself."
"You don't allow other people's behavior to be the controlling thing of your emotions in your life."
"You don't need people in your life who are toxic to you, even if they're family."
"Having strong boundaries means you prioritize your needs and yourself above anyone else, especially in the early phases of a relationship."
"By all means, you're the expert in your life. Take what resonates, don't let the rest take from you."
"San Angeles is predicated on order and conformity. Social interactions are formalized and ritualized to protect each person's personal boundaries."
"Just because they're a family member does not mean they have to be a part of your life."
"Become okay with setting boundaries. 'No' is a complete sentence."
"Guys, I have a crush on you. Okay, dial it back, dude. I am married and I have twin children."
"It's okay to tell yourself, 'It doesn't benefit me; you don't benefit me.' It's okay because it's probably true."
"Addressing issues of giving too much in personal or business relationships can lead to more equitable dynamics."
"Stop choosing what isn't choosing you. It's not personal."
"I'm considering turning my phone on silent. I have this deep horror whenever I get a notification noise."
"Don't accept any bad talk from anybody else about yourself."
"You can't run around trying to save people. Some people's lives are meant to be examples of what you shouldn't do."
"Do not make decisions because you're scared of hurting others or you're scared of disappointing others."
"If they betrayed you, then don't give them your precious time, energy, and love."
"I've been learning... to say no to a lot of things... I've had to be intentional about carving out space for myself."
"You start to set boundaries and you start to realize that you need to love yourself."
"You may need to establish healthier boundaries."
"This is not a safe space... I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"Privacy doesn't mean the right to your data only; it means the right to your dignity. It means having control over what parts of yourself you share and which parts you lock the door for."
"Putting that aside for a second, you still have to abide by the unspoken rule: never bring up anyone's children. They're off-limits."
"It doesn't mean stay silent forever... it means stay away from the arguments and debates that have no point to them other than being right or validated."
"It's not just simply the words 'no'. It's about reinforcing your 'no' or even at times being aggressive with your 'no'."
"You can hold love within your heart for someone without feeling like you are compromising everything in order to love them."
"The ancient word that will set you free: no."
"You are trying to love somebody but, once again, the more you chase a person, the more they're going to resist you."
"You can't keep giving out chances; you can't keep giving a specific person chances; it's just done for you."
"Your happiness and your emotional fulfillment is yours, not anybody else's. That's why you don't need to share with anybody else."
"I deserve the biggest apology to myself for putting up with stuff that I did not deserve."
"If you think in your mind 'this is the relationship that I want to have,' you're far more likely to set and stick with personal boundaries."
"If you just don't vibe with somebody and they aren't stopping, you block them."
"Learn to put yourself first before others and allow other people to be unhappy with the decisions you make."
"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Heal from the trauma before you can have true confidence. You need to build your boundaries."
"I wouldn't tell a friend what to do in that type of situation."
"There are several sacred things in this world that you don't ever mess with. One of them happens to be another man's fries."
"You have to be willing to walk away because only those really interested will come back."
"You teach a man how to treat you by what you accept."
"It's going to be the most difficult decision of your life to start putting boundaries with the family."
"Boundaries are not for other people; they're for you."
"The decision to distance oneself from someone is not a rash act, but a methodical deliberation that reflects the wisdom and virtue of stoicism."
"Nobody should be forced to do something that they're not comfortable doing."
"You do not have to attend every argument that you are invited to."
"You can't tell someone what should and shouldn't offend them."
"Expecting contact everywhere, even in my personal life, became a distraction."
"Being truly authentic often comes with being blunt and not being easily swayed into other people's drama and BS."
"The people who hate your boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none at all."
"You icing them out is hard for them, but this is teaching them how to treat you and what you will and won't put up with."
"It's really important that you keep your channel clear and that you see your energy as very worthy of protecting."
"You set your own price tag. You teach people how to treat you. You set the precedent."
"You can't tell your family everything. And you certainly can't tell your single friends everything about your relationship."
"Obesity should be a conversation people have with their doctors, not nosy friends and relatives."
"We set ourselves up for failure by never saying no because we commit our lives to being lived for someone else other than for ourselves."
"Every time you say yes to someone else, you are saying no to yourself and to your own priorities."
"You should never say yes to something out of a sense of duty, obligation, or guilt."
"I don't wish that on anybody, and that's not my place to be spreading negativity."
"You're living for you and not feeling the need to carry other people's problems."
"Edges are a scary place to be, but there's a reason the edges are there. They're there to remind you that this is how far you can go and you came back, and you were fine."
"Nobody can blow my light out unless I give them permission."
"Fighting your corner means asserting your boundaries. When your family's kicking off with you and giving you shit, either assert the boundary or find a way to get out."
"I'm not saying you should put up with it. If you have someone in your life that is treating you badly, you have every right to protect yourself."
"Own your introversion... it's okay to say no to the dinner invitation at the end of a long day."
"They can only bother you as much as you allow them."
"The most important thing is for you to know what you want and when it crosses the line, communicate that."
"Radical acceptance means knowing that this won't change. This or these are the limits of this relationship and this person."
"Stop meeting people and telling them what you don't like about your past... because you're giving them a blueprint on how to manipulate you."
"Don't be overly clingy; a lot of people find clingy behavior intrusive and annoying."
"You've got to find your own line and let the audience know where that line is so that they know what to expect from you."
"I'm not gonna let somebody... stay in my mind rent-free."
"When you see how Wally doesn't touch, though, he respects her boundaries."
"I can't be a substitute parent. I can't heal your inner child wounds."
"I've pretty much learned that when it comes to my family, it's okay to love people at a distance, and it's okay to cut people off for no [expletive] reason."
"Live in that space in your head, get the six inches between your ears right, and you will see possibilities, you will draw possibilities."
"It's one thing for you to disrespect me, but it is another thing entirely for me to disrespect myself."
"Stop trying to fix people. Please take my advice on this."
"If someone doesn't want to be touched, they shouldn't be touched. That's absolutely the case."
"Love yourself. Next video's going to be about self-respect, delayed gratification, and why you shouldn't let everybody up inside your cookie jar."
"You have to be able to block out that negativity, get off those Instagrams. And when you're getting those messages, even me in times where I felt like it wasn't warranted to me in my mind, if it's a girl that totally dog read me, and I thought she was my homegirl, I just take a note in my head, okay, she's not my homegirl."
"If you have a friend that you can't tell 'no', you don't have a friend."
"Your 'no' is not subject to the acceptance of the person that's on the other side of it."
"The thing that they have in common, spoiler alert, is that they all learned to set boundaries."
"It's not really my place as a guy to tell Lana whether or not she should be a feminist."
"You decide what you will or will not put up with based on what you think you deserve."
"If our minds are affected by others, it's because we permit them to be. No one penetrates the perimeter without a by-your-leave."
"I was so happy that I learned at an early time in my success how to say no."
"She blasts him out of the way telling him that her answer is still no."
"I'm mad enough to burn some bridges because honestly, what's the point of a bridge that I'm not allowed to cross?"
"In the real world, you can't just go around grabbing people... that is not okay."
"If you've struggled in the past to maintain boundaries with people, especially if you have people-pleasing tendencies or you struggle to assert boundaries with others and say no to things, this is something to be mindful of."
"I practice strategic vulnerability, letting people in as much as I want to let them in."
"Just because you're building with that person does not mean that you will finish that structure with that person, nor does it mean that you own that person."
"Turn your phone on airplane mode... it's a very good sign that someone respects their time."
"Setting boundaries with people will make you a lot happier."
"Stop being cheap with your body, stop being stingy with your body, and stop being mindfully with your time investment."
"How far would Andy take it? That far. That's how far Andy would take it."
"I respect that man. I'm not speaking on that."
"There's got to be a middle ground. It's unfair. I shouldn't have to cut it out."
"I would love to be in like a poly relationship or something like that but I couldn't do it."
"It is not your responsibility to fix this [ __ ]. It is not. You cannot fix this. Don't feel responsible."
"I'm definitely angry with myself for letting people take advantage of me."
"This is the truth. I will take it further. Please just stop."
"I am the chef here and I do not like nicknames. Please enjoy lunch."
"As we speak up with our truth in a loving way, then that's okay. If people take offense because they don't like what they're hearing, that's their issue."
"I overgive, and I need to put a boundary and say no."
"If anyone says 'you are too difficult' or 'this dynamic is too hard,' believe them. They will waste your time."
"Saying no may be the smartest thing you ever do."
"You don't have to be nice all the time. Sometimes people are going to think your boundaries aren't nice."
"You can't let that [ __ ] slide, bro. You gotta put your foot down."
"I'm happy that Terry wants to try some of my products but not eat me out of house and home."
"You have no self-respect for yourself if you're letting somebody hurt you."
"Learn to say no more than you say yes. Boundaries are crucial for success."
"Fewer assaults take place because people establish boundaries sooner."
"I love setting boundaries; it keeps me fully present as a mom and at work."
"Love is not forceful. If I love myself, I will listen to myself and say, 'Okay, you don't want to be here. Let's find joy in the space that we're in.'"
"I do not need to throw up every part of my personal life for random clout sharks like you on a show."
"When it gets terrible and ugly is when you let other people's opinions and energy into it."
"Boundaries are extremely healthy to have in relationships."
"If you know you'll never going to respond to some email, even if it's somebody that you love, love, love, delete it."
"Guys sacrifice their internal boundaries to keep the woman, but ultimately guarantee she'll leave."
"If you really don't care about someone else's opinion, don't have receipts longer than Rite Aid."
"Solid boundaries create healthier relationships."
"Just let people live their lives, yeah? Respect people and their choices. Respect people and their boundaries."
"If you're easily offended, this is probably where you should leave."
"When your relationship starts like an interview, chances are it might end like a firing."
"It's not on you to make things right with people who severely broke your trust and ruined your life. It's on them."
"Honestly, I'll give you one more chance dude but if you are actually lying to me I swear I'm going to do stuff that I would never do to a camera."
"I decided a long time ago I don't want to be around that energy I don't want to be sucked into that vortex."
"Make this year be the year that you don't deal with people who aren't worthy of you."
"Advocating for longer periods of the no contact rule for anyone trying it out for the first time."
"Self-love is knowing when to walk away from something."
"These guys were not my friends, they were comfortable using me and my platform."
"You have to actually stop these people from taking over your workplaces."
"I've been too familiar with people. I've hugged and kissed both men and women, but I didn't realize how the line had been drawn. I was wrong."
"Don't let your troubles burden others; sometimes a pat on the back is all they need."
"No one owes you sex, and you don't owe sex to anyone, whether it's a stranger, a partner, a spouse—whoever."
"If asked to audition for the role of girlfriend and to sign an NDA prior to meeting the would-be Bachelor, run, run in the opposite direction."
"Once a person does it once they will do it again, it is a wake-up call that you should not share your vulnerability with this person."
"The power of saying no, again, is a big part of it."
"If you don't like the song, don't ask me if you can use it on TV and then slag it."
"You are nobody's puppet, if there's something that doesn't feel right, if you don't want to do it, don't do it."
"Be picky occasionally say no or reschedule and say not tonight how about next week."
"It's boundary time, yeah it's definitely boundary time."
"Aaron could not let that possibility, that potential, be out there."
"It's okay to disagree with people's decisions."