
Swimming Quotes

There are 986 quotes

"Reading can be mindfulness, and for me, swimming is like my most mindful activity."
"Mom, I brought all the swim stuff you left behind."
"I'm not a confident swimmer, and that's why there are a few key safety tips you have to follow."
"The final exam was to tread water for 45 minutes."
"The most important thing in life is learning the art of swimming, to keep your head above water in the uncertainties of life."
"For as long as I can remember, water has been the only place where I felt comfortable, where I felt normal, where I felt like I couldn't do things like everybody else. When I get in the water, it's just like all the pain goes away."
"There's something about swimming that's like a pipe cleaner for your mind."
"Learn to swim as soon as possible and teach your kids to swim. There's no such thing as too young."
"I must say, I love when he swims. He takes his hat off because that would be unrealistic to swim with his hat on."
"Remember when I said I'm a great swimmer? Well, all that gets thrown out the window when you're attacked by a [ __ ] water Dementor."
"Not all dogs are great swimmers, but all dogs love swimming."
"Thornton's death is a significant loss to the swimming World his legacy as an Olympian coach and Mentor will continue to inspire and influence future Generations in the sport."
"Sunscreen should also be applied immediately after swimming or toweling off or if you're sweating a great deal."
"It's extra important for me and a swimmer to be on the same page."
"Lujan must have been a natural because by 1999 just two years later Lou was sent by his coach to join the provincial team."
"Rescue swimmers don't just save people from the water."
"Even professional and well-trained swimmers who have taken on the distance between Alcatraz and the mainland hundreds of times never know what to expect."
"Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps is often called the best swimmer of all time, but it seems like his aquatic skills are really all he's got going for him since he's apparently got a bad attitude."
"I love the water; I love to swim. I'm in and on the water a lot."
"People who haven't had much exposure to the water are gonna be at a disadvantage for this evolution."
"If you blow all the air out of your lungs, you're gonna sink."
"I've learned how to swim and I'm really good at it."
"Developing a relationship with the water and feeling like you love the water will take your swimming to a new level."
"Live your truth, but swimming is a privilege, not a right."
"Not learning or worse, not teaching your kids to swim, is one of the absolute stupidest things you could do."
"There's honestly anything better than dipping in a cool body of water."
"If you spot a shark, don't panic; swim calmly and quietly towards safety."
"Stay calm and swim parallel to the shore to escape a rip current."
"Her character Linda Barrett was wearing a red bikini while swimming."
"The toe hole drill is a fantastic drill to test comfort in the water. It's very relaxing."
"Swimming is just like the most fun of all the cardio exercises it's the only one you do leisurely for the most well"
"That's one of my best if not my best SSL split times ever."
"Swimming is like heaven. It feels like it's like a meditation."
"Being able to swim in a straight line in the ocean, yeah, it's a skill in and of itself."
"The swimming animation in Minecraft is fantastic."
"But yeah, no water in here, so yes, you can very successfully swim with the cup in, to answer all those questions."
"Great job, everyone! Let's go for a swim, shall we?"
"That was the best swimming session I've ever done."
"You're an excellent swimmer, you're not afraid of the water."
"I went for a swim which was basically just like granny dodging."
"I actually feel like a new person just after having a bit of a swim."
"The English Channel takes grit, determination, and the willingness to put your body through some of the most intense elements."
"The bar moved just as fast you could probably move you know almost any weight that fast in the pool."
"The water is great because it is an activity where he can get out of his chair and not put pressure on his joints."
"The large form doesn't prevent the elephants from becoming good swimmers."
"I would legit rather swim naked through the Arctic Circle than dispose of my beautiful Paddington teddy."
"Let's dive into some swimming spots you should approach with caution, and others you shouldn't approach at all."
"The most significant correlate between not being able to swim is not being taught how to swim."
"Penguins are the fastest swimmers and deepest diving species of birds."
"This video goes to show that no matter who you are, you absolutely need to ensure that when spending time in any body of water... It's imperative that either precautions are taken or that you know how to swim on your own."
"I genuinely think it's the most effective way of swimming, I really enjoy myself as well."
"Winter swimmers who were swimming two to three times per week had more activation in the brown fat, better insulin sensitivity, and also better glucose balance in the blood."
"I learned how to swim and I will never go anywhere without my survival pack."
"There's just something worth swimming in fresh water that really makes you feel like you are close to Nature."
"The only way to learn how to swim is to jump in the water, right?"
"Cassidy Beach is most popular for swimming or wading in the water."
"It's called emergency swimming lessons."
"The Dipper is one of the few songbirds that can swim and dive underwater."
"Life lesson one: learn how to swim."
"Professional mermaids perform in shows or private parties, or teach clients how to swim in a mermaid costume."
"Kieran asked Saya to take her to a water park as she wanted to learn how to swim."
"...so you can actually swim out there, it's a floating bar on a floating dock..."
"Don't panic if you can't swim, try to float and conserve energy."
"As she begins remembering her father's swimming lessons, Annie appears in the water and helps her sister out."
"Swimming right after eating something isn't dangerous at all. Your blood doesn't get diverted enough for it to cause any serious problems."
"Swimming is about learning to stay hopeful during the process. It's about knowing that with someone or without someone you're going to keep moving forward in your life."
"Swimmers stay in the game but they keep moving forward."
"Jaguars are excellent swimmers consuming more reptiles than any other cat."
"I discovered the sport of swimming when I was like 12 or 14 and that was my comfort, underwater. Yeah, where nobody could get to me."
"Swimming is a great way to take the relief... while you're exercising."
"Wow, that was truly amazing. Said we're swimming there."
"What a swimmer has to do to water is submit to it."
"I'm gonna do that but swim and play my cello and I know you played the cello yeah and I play in quartet tell you."
"I know John and Clarence swam before they could walk. They were born and raised in the Everglades."
"I love the ocean. I want to go swimming now."
"And what I love about this pool, like day swimming is beautiful, but Night Swimming guys, it's just hard to describe."
"Whale sharks are naturally friendly to the extent that they'll actually swim with people and even take them for a ride if those people are fortunate enough."
"He swims like an otter. And so does he. See you later."
"You can swim all the way up and then get into a bit of the Slate Rock and opens up into one giant pool."
"You're going to impress so many people once you try swimming."
"Swimming is a great exercise. I'm a great swimmer. I can out swim y'all too. I'm saying it. I'm just talking crap but I can swim really good for a black guy."
"It’s a popular tourist destination for those who enjoy swimming near the closest thing to the edge of the world."
"Would you rather swim in a natural swimming hole or a pool? Natural, all-natural."
"Elephants can swim underwater using their trunks as snorkels for breathing."
"An absolutely fantastic swimming Zone."
"Our athletes now making their way to the swim start let's give them you are now in the hands of the starter."
"Swimming and water is overwhelming for kids at first, and it takes some time to adjust. And now, like, any time there's a new kid in the class, like, they have the same thing. Like, it's so normal. And now she just, like, loves it. Loves it!"
"I wanted in the shallow end, I wanted to be where I know I could put my foot down, I didn't wanna, you know, yeah, I wouldn't go."
"Your body obviously is fundamental when it comes to swimming."
"You're doing a good job not swimming."
"They cruise around because they need oxygen. They need water pushing through their mouth and their gills, so they have to keep swimming for that."
"I don't know how to swim. I learned how to swim by one of my uncles pushing me off a log, into a river."
"What makes a great swimmer? Mental toughness and the ability to stare at that line for hours upon hours upon hours."
"Feeling the buoyancy of the water, then after swimming, just resting on your back."
"When you see a really good swimmer, breathing is everything."
"Swim all day because that is the one place where my head shuts off and I feel very meditative."
"The girls just want to go swim already."
"Leaving in a wet bedraggled look is enough to actually make some people time their swims for days."
"The swimming pool actually was quite nice."
"Exactly, 'cause I pretty much can't swim. He can't swim. Me neither!"
"Elephants are actually adept swimmers."
"I haven't gone swimming in like three years. I mean, I did one time and I had to wear a shirt and I was insanely dysphoric about it."
"Swim under Angel Wing Mountain at Grinnell Lake, known for its stunning views and crystal-clear waters."
"Meet the swimming goggles with a built-in smart display that shows real-time metrics while you swim."
"Breaststroke is a really technical stroke, so holding onto that technique, you can get the most out of every stroke, is really important here."
"He didn't breathe in the last 5 meters, which at the end of a 200 is really impressive."
"In the swimming pool, we train; you get to release one of them with CO2, and the other one you have to blow up because they're joined."
"Amanda was a most magnificent swimmer. The first time she entered the water, everyone gasped."
"Look at this pool look how push you in look hey don't do that sh I can't swim look at that and that lovely."
"OMG if only you guys could see like swimming and opening your eyes underwater it's like you're swimming through like liquid syrup you know what I mean it's like look at the colors"
"I hate swimming so much, [__] I hate swimming."
"He's so small that it only takes about eight inches of water to make him swim."
"I'm a great swimmer but I don't plan on drowning anytime soon."
"I learned to swim in a Motel 6 swimming pool."
"That's around a 1% drop and that's really just because honestly guys if you're able to swim even just a little bit you're not going to have any issues with cwsa."
"Everybody will happily swim around swim around and then you start seeking the set and your brain, your panic, very very quickly. It's a line you cross that you're fine you're fine you're just having fun and then there's this moment of sheer panic."
"Not only is this emerald colored blue water so beautiful, it is so refreshing to swim in."
"Every second matters, every body length matters."
"You can't ever win it in the swim but you can make other people lose it."
"A swimming stroke is generally the fastest and is normally used in freestyle events in competitions. Butterfly."
"Swimming with flippers is the best exercise, I loved it!"
"It's been a little while since she's gone swimming and she loves going swimming."
"Embarkation day may be one of the least busy times to take a dip in the main pools and the adults-only pools too."
"Penguins sort of fly when they're underwater, reaching a speed of 25 mph."
"It's absolutely crazy how the kiddos just take to the water."
"I'm swimming. Nobody can say that I'm not, you know, capitalizing on every opportunity that's given to me. Yeah, hey, I'm saying, I'm talking about, okay, he was on a football field with a broken leg. I'm just saying, I saw the footage myself."
"The best vacations are the ones where you pack more swimming suits than anything else."
"I remember I was in Miami. We were on a boat and we went up to this Sand Bar and it was a bunch of girls on the boat and they just jumped off. I didn't even look I turned around and I was the only person left they were all amazing swimmers."
"I have not had that much fun in like a long time, like that. I don't know what it is, just swimming with a dog, it was incredible."
"Two cute girls swimming with him made U so excited."
"When I say they finesse the system, they're so physically incapable of swimming that it actually makes them great swimmers. They fail successfully at swimming."
"Swimming is fantastic exercise when you're pregnant because you don't have that gravity thing but it's a lot less on your body."
"Pool, because they're safe, tranquil, and transformative."
"I just don't want to swim in cold, dark water. Like, I just don't."
"Freestyle swimming means you can swim any way you want. It's not just overhead, it's whatever gets you there fastest."
"The instructor will come down. As long as you kiss the deck of the pool, you start exhaling, we'll bring you to the surface. So there is an escape mechanism as well. And you get four attempts at the test."
"When I'm in the pool and I'm swimming, it's the only time I feel free."
"Swim, cold, get a wetsuit. Can't swim? Kickboard and flippers. There's no excuse, is there?"
"I hovered at the bottom of the pool until I needed air, at which point I swam to the surface."
"Do you know how to swim?" "I mean I know not how to not drown right away."
"When I get out of the pool, I shake off like that, yeah, I turn back, let them have a nice look, and then I put the goggles up there's no way you'd keep your goggles on for the walk."
"You feel so good after swimming... I felt so strong and confident."
"I got myself a pair of prescription goggles. Could not believe my luck. Revolutionized my swimming experience."
"You don't gotta worry about swimming."
"That's when you get the best swims."
"Swimming with such playful inquisitive creatures is like taking a dip in a pool of pure happiness."
"During this phase, sailors and other personnel are allowed to jump into the ocean for a refreshing swim."
"It feels like you’re in the middle of a jungle, where the Tarzans are swimming."
"The hundred's always a fun one. It's a good Splash and Dash."
"It's a swim, and I hope to be doing that better next time."
"Pool time, now you're speaking my language."
"When I was a kid, every swimming pool had a diving board. Now that brought some of the most Joy I've ever had as a kid."
"Obviously sometimes you need to get out your comfort zone, obviously with the limits, um, so yeah right now I am starting to do swimming lessons, hopefully I will become Ali the fish."
"Wow, mermaid huh, like a mermaid, oh my god look at this."
"Lifeguards are really important because they help keep you and I safe when we go swimming."
"Good freestyle is going to start with proper body position."
"These help us swim in the water like a fish."
"I just like guys who know how to swim really well. That's always been my thing."
"It's not a diving competition. It's not being judged on like what happens when you hit the water. It's how long you can swim."
"You just jump in the water and you feel so much better."
"Remember that due to the depth of X-Canché it is important to know how to swim to take the least possible risk."
"If you haven't really been taught swimming, it's not really like a common thing to just be like you know what I'm gonna do today, I'm gonna like learn how to swim."
"I love to swim. Maybe because I'm like a summer baby, but you know..."
"Growing up with a disability, my entire life swimming has been one of my only forms of physical therapy."
"I just love swimming. I think it's great exercise, great activity, great for your lung capacity, great for your endurance. Everything. I just love swimming."
"Merfolk swim through the water at speeds of up to 14 miles per hour."
"We’d go swimming while the cruisers and battleships were lobbing shells overhead."
"I've been watching him use it and I'm fascinated by it because after surgery I've been doing a lot of swimming and I don't know how to get over it."
"When I was a kid, I'd be fine until the thought crept into me what if there was a shark in this pool."
"Swimming will give you the best cardio."
"One of the key factors in learning how to swim is to establish good muscle memory."
"Wow it's important to be comfortable swimming so that when you fall out here you can get yourself out of the way because you're out here by yourself and it's a really big lake."
"With pool swimming, there's a sensor in here it's like a gyroscope and I and I haven't done any lab swimming yet in a future video I will I think it detects when you kick flip."
"...relax, okay? This is swimming. It should be a very calm activity. Most people use swimming as a stress relief, so think of it as that. Think of this when you go back to do remedial swim, think of this as you getting away from your division..."
"It's the end of the night and we're just dipping our feet in the pool. But it's so relaxing."
"Boom swimming pool! Let's go swimming, Jeffy!"
"A refreshing swim in crystal-clear waters."
"I should do. I mean, the incentive for me is seeing Sophia swim. If you're on holiday, there's nothing better than when you look at families, and you're seeing them in the pool with the kids and stuff."
"They're known to have somewhat webbed toes and most of the time they have their dew claws, and sometimes those are functional which makes them excellent swimmers as well as tree climbers."
"The upper pools with the absolutely crystal clear water, dive-through swimming holes, and archway at one end, smaller waterfalls, hardly any people... it's our favorite natural waterfall swimming hole walk we have done to date."
"Never swim in a good fishing spot, it's just common sense, isn't it?"
"All strokes are a dance, all strokes are a connection mind body."
"You learn to swim by swimming more, not by swimming less."
"We love the park because of the swimming, we love that you can go camping there."
"Just be careful if you're swimming in the north pole like even santa claus is not safe."
"Beavers are one of nature's best swimmers. They can keep a lot of air in their lungs and their whole metabolism slows down in the water so they can stay under for up to 15 minutes without having to surface for air."
"Luckily Komodo dragons are bigger is swimmers so the surviving female can Plunge Into The Ocean and swim to another Island."
"Being efficient in the water, relaxing yourself, not fidgeting around, and moving smoothly through the water is one of the biggest keys and largest tricks that I can teach you about improving your air consumption."
"So once the clients are in the water, it's very important to be aware of where you are. You have to stay with your guide at all times."
"Lifeguards vigilantly patrol this area 365 days a year, therefore swimmers must adhere to their safety instructions by staying between the red and yellow flags at all times."
"Never leave a child unattended in a pool."
"A little morning dip never hurt anyone."
"Look how thick he is, oh that's so cool, look at him swimming."
"The ability to swim a couple of hundred yards to the Shoreline is pretty darn useful."
"We've learned lots about moose actually, they can swim for 20 ft deep and hold their breath for 5 minutes."
"I actually go in the pool quite a bit. Like I said, at night, it is just a magical place to be."
"The waves are pretty calm, good for swimming, good for surfing."
"Putting the time into learning to do front crawl is actually going to give you a big reward."
"Wow, how's the water? Is it warm? Yep, not too warm, but it's nice. Perfect."
"The Golden Nugget, not because of the gambling... but because of this swimming pool, the Shark Tank pool."