
Equity Quotes

There are 989 quotes

"This vaccine should not be for the haves; it should be for those who cannot afford it too."
"If we want to end up with a more equitable society full of critical thinkers and curious, motivated, passionate people, teachers can start this movement, and we must."
"We want fairness, yes, we want equity, we want inclusion, we want a seat at the table."
"Making sure that rural America has access to the dollars, even though we don’t have as many people per square mile, is critically important."
"Equity is the goal... diversity and inclusion are the mechanisms."
"Our unwavering commitment has been to serve all people of the world with equity, objectivity, and neutrality."
"Fairness means you get an opportunity, not that you get an outcome."
"Equity pulls this new money that was just created and puts it into the pockets of people who understand money."
"I don't think it's right that people shouldn't have access to skincare based off of how much money they make. Like, that's seriously messed up."
"The real wealth is built through equity, not just through your salary."
"Advocacy means using your resources, your ability, and your influence to make life more equitable for someone else."
"As long as there's power and oppression, there will be people fighting for equity and until that somehow goes away, feminism is alive and well."
"You're not gonna get rich renting out your time. You need to own equity, either as an owner, an investor, a shareholder, or a brand that you're building."
"Figuring out like a fair and equitable distribution of roles in a household is really important."
"Humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries -- but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity."
"We have to do the work not just to enact policies that reflect our values of equity and fairness."
"Vaccines offer great hope to turn the tide of the pandemic, but to protect the world, we must ensure that all people at risk everywhere, not just in countries who can afford vaccines, are immunized."
"Equity fosters an inclusive and barrier-free environment in which everyone will fully benefit."
"It's about equity and equality, it's about decency, it's about the Constitution."
"Equity, the idea of equity, rejects this model of scarcity."
"We find these allegations troubling and inconsistent with our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion."
"When you're accustomed to privilege, equity can feel like oppression."
"The ability to amass equity and the American dream... is going to go away."
"Whatever happens in this exercise must be based on fairness, equity, and respect."
"If you have a diverse country with multi-ethnic countries like Nigeria, you must do things with fairness."
"Advancing equity is a critical part of healing and of restoring unity in our nation."
"I believe we all rise or fall together. Advancing equity is a critical part of healing and of restoring unity in our nation."
"Advancing racial justice and equity for all Americans is everybody's job."
"The evidence is clear: investing in equity is good for economic growth, and it creates jobs for all Americans."
"It's not just about being able to breathe clean air; it's about equity."
"By advancing equity, the federal government can support and empower all Americans."
"We know that the starting point is uneven, but we can generate equitable outcomes and give everybody a level playing field."
"Racial discrimination is not inherently racist. The defining question is whether the discrimination is creating equity or inequity."
"When you build your company, you don't go ask money up front... if you wait to go get equity later on, you're only giving up a little bit of equity. Somebody cannot tell you how to run your work."
"We must seek justice for George Floyd and vow to make equity and inclusion more than buzzwords."
"When you invest in businesses, you get equity, meaning ownership, because that is the way that you build wealth in our economic system."
"Equity is that we're able to, without friction, all get the same needs met."
"When I'm thinking about feminism, I'm always thinking about who's not part of the conversation, what are the barriers, how do we think about equity, how we think about self-empowerment and agency."
"There's a big difference between equality and equity."
"Equity does not mean equality; frankly, it can mean quite the difference."
"Regular people should be allowed to get verified, verification was always supposed to be a service."
"Video game actors should get what the cartoon actors do, I guess."
"We have to come up with new models for a more inclusive, equitable capitalism."
"They've exposed some real inequities and corruption that exists as part of the infrastructure of what is considered the heart of our free market system."
"The real concern is inequity. Equality is the state of things being equal, equity is the state of things being just."
"This is the difference between equality and equity."
"Every time we try to make things more equitable, there are some people who resist – don’t let them – because now, you know better."
"Equity is communism. Equality is equal opportunity."
"The American people want nothing more; the Chinese people and the entire Indo-Pacific deserve nothing less."
"Can America, the wealthiest nation on Earth, do what every other advanced nation does, which is make sure that every person here can get adequate health care coverage, whether they're young or old, whether they are rich or poor?"
"Every community should have a shared interest in justice for every other member."
"President Biden has had a big vision for America and for our future, a vision that has equity in it."
"Equity Partnerships with creators is one of the best things you can do this year."
"If negroes are paying for it, they ought to see themselves represented in it and on it."
"Owning a home is better than renting... arguably you could have equity at risk."
"Of all the injustices and inequity, the absence of healthcare is the most unjust."
"Economic nationalism doesn't care about your color, your ethnicity, your religion, your gender, your sexual preference. What it cares about is that you're a citizen, a citizen gets a better deal."
"I rather have 40 percent of a billion dollar company than a hundred percent of a ten or fifteen or twenty million dollar company."
"How are we going to rebuild equity in the Working Poor in this country?"
"We have to make sure that we are able to compete... cut workers in on the deal."
"Together, we can build a more equitable and just society."
"Direct cash payments: quickest, most equitable, most effective."
"Sanitary products should be free for anybody who menstruates."
"Access to care is not based on your ability to pay, it's based on your medical need."
"Mars isn't intended to be any type of escape for just the wealthy."
"Equity and suspensions once again leads to dire consequences."
"Ensuring that we are advocating for equity, speaking out against hate crimes, and taking actions to fight them."
"When you come into a relationship as a woman and you got way more than that man has, there's gonna be hard feelings."
"In a partnership, you and I start a company to get a 50/50, okay?"
"This is about all inclusiveness. This is about equity. This is about justice. This is about peaceful coexistence."
"We should want to fix structures and make them more equitable and have better outcomes. That's actually better for everyone."
"It's a bummer because this should benefit everyone."
"It's about fairness and it's about valuing black artists."
"We want to pay our portion. It's not asking for too much."
"Equity is saying if Angela and I live together and Angela has a 100 million in the bank and I have $10 in the bank and Angela says well let's split the rent evenly that's that's equal it's not Equitable."
"We want Equity, it's more than just getting the project off the ground, we want some ownership."
"And I think that's really the only path to healing and to really reconstructing society around more equitable lines."
"Harnessing the power of AI to make learning personal and accessible is crucial."
"Trust between patients and providers is a prerequisite for equitable care."
"For as long as I've been involved with this industry we've always tried to level the playing field between retail and institutional and make it easier for people to trade whenever they want however they want."
"From each according to their means and ability to each according to need."
"In a winner-take-all economy, decentralized applications offer hope for a fairer distribution of wealth."
"Reparations is about restoring that wealth that was stolen from us so that we can be true American."
"I think it's fantastic the women should get the money especially so given how popular women's soccer is."
"The number one thing that you want to pay attention to when it comes to the housing market... is equity."
"Everyone, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren everywhere deserve a better crack at a more peaceful and equitable world."
"Equality is the goal, but equity is the means."
"Our goal in owning anything that has a loan attached to it... is an equity position that becomes a positive part of our net worth calculation."
"Listen, everyone has different ways of doing and investing in the market. I have my own way. None are guaranteed, none are perfect, but have your voices heard. Do not give up on making sure you get a level playing field. That's my message to you."
"This puts certain fighters at a handicap and gives other fighters an advantage. I just don't think that's fair overall."
"Who needs the W.H.O the most? It's countries in the global south."
"Bringing fairness and balance into learning."
"Anything of value gained on expeditions must be shared equally."
"It's not about us, it's about making the world more equitable."
"Water scarcity isn't a problem that we need to be facing if we were just bolder and more equitable."
"It's always been built on the exploitation of the people who aren't at the table."
"Equity in relationships: It's not about losing or winning, but being equals."
"Equity is the fundamental investor-employee alignment we want and frankly you should want employees working their asses off with a long-term orientation to grow the value of the company." - Dave
"We have to share the power, we have to share the wealth, and we have to uplift everybody."
"Europe must demonstrate a genuine commitment to Equitable Partnerships, Mutual benefit, and respect for African sovereignty."
"We're asking a system that is not designed to make it equitable and equal for us because we don't understand the system that we are operating in."
"Entrepreneurship is a vehicle to freedom and equity."
"Equitable access to healthy food options is non-negotiable."
"Did you do right by me? Everything could be poor, ugly, a woman, nothing at all. Did you do right?"
"When you run a business, you are actually building equity in your business. All that effort and creativity you pour in, you get to reap those rewards."
"Unpaid internships are very very unfair for people who are passionate about wanting to work somewhere that can't simply because they want to feed themselves."
"There is an unbalanced power dynamic right now."
"When it comes to making accommodations for workers, it's important for employers to focus on being equitable."
"I just always wanted to be treated equitably and that's what I said, just always wanted to be treated just treat me it would just give me an opportunity."
"Every single human being has the potential to earn Firdaus given the circumstances they have been born into."
"Men are starting to ask for equality, equity. You're going to have to deal with these questions."
"This is true inclusion, this is equity in action folks."
"Fairness is not all the time everybody gets treated the exact same because people aren't the same."
"No employee should ever work as hard as you unless they have the same equity in the company as you."
"You're talking about privatizing your gains and socializing your losses."
"I've always been really interested in issues of equity and just social justice issues in general."
"It helped touch off a broader Reckoning in the entertainment industry around diversity, equity, and inclusion on both sides of the camera."
"Universal policies will disproportionately help those who have been disproportionately harmed."
"Our task is not complicated. We must create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1%."
"Who's privileged enough to be able to like have the grace of getting care?"
"It should be free at the point of cause for everybody period."
"Taking steps to address entrenched inequities."
"When it comes to Dei this Administration has declared itself in favor of equity at every step of the American experiment."
"We demand that corporate America reinvest in equitable percentage of what you take from our community back into our community."
"We may disagree on how, but we want justice and equity for all."
"Our mission: advancing justice and equity for all."
"The move will promote educational equity and quality."
"The president has always put equity at the center of every policy he's put forward."
"I don't want to go back to an inequitable world. I want something better."
"The challenge is too full. We have a challenge when it comes to wage discrimination across race and gender."
"For equity, you're all in. I want exactly for my kids the same things I would want for my own children."
"The pursuit of equity sacrifices excellence, destroys beauty, and threatens lives."
"We can't have a one-sided Coalition, we just can't have it and we're not going to be shamed."
"We need a program that will build a better future, not one that's going to try to hold on to the dominance that has enriched a tiny elite here while ordinary people are dying of COVID and being evicted from their homes."
"Free college is not a racist policy; it makes a public good broadly available."
"The lack of universality, the lack of viewing this as a basic right is producing a circumstance that is endangering the health of everybody."
"Industrialized nations need to stop hoarding the vaccine so that poorer nations can at least get their first shot."
"Boosting vaccine manufacturing crucial for equitable distribution."
"These young artists that live in poverty creating incredible content and music deserve a lot more return on investment."
"More equity goes into the artist, and that's where it should be."
"What we really need to be doing as a collective is shifting our focus into trying to make it a more equitable system overall."
"An equitable learning environment treats students as individuals with individual needs."
"There is no unity without justice. You will never get any unity anywhere without equity, without fairness."
"Equity will also get you places that equality can't."
"Look at the fruits of his labor. They stopped oppressing the poor and inflating people."
"Representation is an important part of equity and inclusion."
"Once you've accumulated a decent amount of equity like that, sell it."
"Various groups sought to reform American society and economics into a more Equitable reality."
"Their very conceptions of equity and equality are indeed racist on the terms that critical theory itself sets."
"Creating more Equitable and accessible communities amongst us is the bedrock for the more inclusive and compassionate society that we all wish to see."
"Equity is fairness and removing systemic barriers to engage in society."
"We need a comprehensive strategy that should include vaccine equity, adequate financing, and clear investment strategies."
"Equality and equity: these are two very important strategies. You start together, exact same effort can make the hurdle and achieve fairness."
"Could Marx’s dream of a workforce that was treated fairly and given an equitable share of the wealth they generated ever truly have happened?"
"CRISPR is revolutionizing research... poised to revolutionize drug discovery."
"We need to start thinking about access equitable access right from the beginning."
"Unquestionably, there are no people on this planet who would not benefit from the equitable treatment of the Palestinian people."
"Get you some equity, hundred dollar bills are dead, equity is the future."
"Equity is the new goal, which is equality of outcome."
"People of color deserve a lot better than what they're getting."
"We're going to create an economy for all, not just wealthy campaign."
"You have to build equity with your audience with your boss with your co-workers you have to build equity over time."
"Our advice to people is to raise cash raise cash reduce equity get your stocks down to something palatable that you can sit through no matter what happens."
"Don't bring out a black character, market them to be much more important in the franchise than they are, and then have them push to the side. It's not good."
"Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place."
"It's not compassionate to put people into situations where they disproportionately fail."
"You buy a single-family house, you put ten thousand dollars down and you're able to create a hundred thousand dollars in equity spending another twenty grand fixing it up, that's not bad."
"The only solution is to fundamentally transform the system and the way that wealth is produced and shared by the people who produce it."
"Keeping things balanced and fair for everyone in trade and friendship is important."
"There is no excuse America just cut checks for millions of Americans that are white black Hispanic Asian red yellow business entities and all kinds of other people places and things."
"If you want to ensure freedom, justice, and equity for you, it's to make sure that we get it first."
"We all deserve rahma... until we all are equitable liberated and empowered."
"Decolonize the atmosphere, restore atmospheric space to developing countries."
"I wrote that book, I sweat and I wrote that book. I created that book. We worked for it. The freeloader is the guy who owns the publishing company."
"Managing your own identity should be a human right and a question of equity."
"The biggest way to get rich is to get equity in an Enterprise that grows fast."
"Yes, we're in the dark ages... because we've turned medicine into not a right but a privilege."
"How long do you think you can continue to ignore the climate crisis, the global aspect of equity, and historic emissions without being held accountable?"
"They want more equity, more diversity, that kind of thing."
"We're stepping into an era where the last will now be the first."
"If your goal is to become wealthy, the way that you do that is by building Equity into assets."
"In America, wealth is built not through your salary but through equity."
"The whole system revolves around Building Wealth through Equity."
"Diversity is beautiful. Equity is beautiful. Inclusion is impactful."
"How do we get our rightful piece of the pie? How do we get a little more just closer to what we deserve?"
"We gain through diversity, we gain through creating equal ground, we gain through equity."
"Instead, I believe our leaders should adopt the core values of equity and reconciliation. I'd argue that truth telling will need to be at the forefront of this new narrative too."
"In order to have equality, you have to have equity."
"When you have the president of the United States talking about equity, equality of outcomes, that's Marxist dogma."
"We need all three: equity, equality, and empowerment."
"Listen, man, $400,000 in equity is a lot of equity, that's a game changer in a lot of people's lives."
"Remote access to the courts can increase equity, fairness, and transparency for both the public and the media."
"I don't want equality I want advantage. That's the debt. The debt will put me in an advantageous position. I don't want to be equal. Why would I want that?"
"You deserve as much as big-time YouTuber who has refined their craft."
"You don't get disregarded cultural norms and then expect to be treated the same."
"You can't ask for the same outcomes if you're not willing to take the same steps."
"Generational wealth is a head start that was given to people here in America. Even if nobody was alive now that was back in slavery, there has to be some effort to at least help people get on their feet."
"Bitcoin is likely to usher in a much more equitable world."
"Analyzing a deal comes down to two ways they make you money: producing income and building equity." - Chad Carson