
Modern Challenges Quotes

There are 693 quotes

"We're so bombarded with information in the modern day that what you would read in a newspaper in one day today is the amount of information that someone would have received in their lifetime a hundred years ago."
"The problem of compulsive overconsumption or addiction is the modern plague that we will be dealing with for the next hundreds of years."
"Modern times, modern threats require a modern response."
"Communities, small tribes of people coming together resisting all of this modern [___] and rethinking our position on all of this is actually what's essential to overcoming these very obstacles."
"The most basic rule that a lot of modern gacha games aren't respecting is good and fun gameplay."
"To be present is a skill; people are distracted."
"The human brain is not designed to consume the entire world's news, 24 hours a day, in real time, fed into our brains."
"Is the design of the modern world making it more difficult for us to find love and to keep it?"
"Everything you want, instant gratification, except job satisfaction and strength of relationships, there ain't no app for that."
"Our biggest challenge is how to call our attention back from all the distractions and actually focus."
"It's not easy raising children these days. You're all doing a great job despite all the challenges out there."
"The real needs of our society are not for more consumer electronics but for education, healthcare, scientific research, and so on."
"Islam is the only religion that hasn't sold out to the modern liberal world."
"Focus is the most important requirement for success in our fast-moving world today."
"We live in the most advanced era in human history, yet the health of the average American is plummeting."
"It's innocent until proven guilty, but in today's day and age, you're guilty until proven innocent."
"I hope to explore how to live a good life in this modern world that we find ourselves in, how to live a life of meaning, fulfillment, purpose, how to live a life with independence—not just financial independence but independence of mind, independence of our location and our time."
"As our expanding cosmology outgrows our theological institutions, modern human society is spiraling into decadence, narcissism, depravity, and nihilism."
"We are living in the most toxic time in human history."
"The world is advancing faster than it ever has before; it's practically impossible to keep up with the technological advancement today."
"We know a lot of people are juggling work and home life these days, so being able to multitask has become essential."
"We live in a crazy time now, don't we? Where inner peace is something that we don't necessarily get a lot of."
"We're living in this new world, and the truth is, as a man now, the game has changed."
"We are living in a surrealistic world right now; nothing makes sense anymore."
"The truth is, quality is becoming something that is a thing of the past."
"Your generation must seek peace that aligns our deepest values and commitments to the demands of a new age."
"We are living in a perfect storm of cognitive degradation as a result of being constantly interrupted."
"The time of Queen Elizabeth never complaining, never explaining, is probably not enough in the Modern Age."
"Digital scams are more prevalent now than ever, and maintaining your digital security grows more important and complicated with each passing year."
"At one point in time, was it possible to coordinate a lot of people and keep a secret? Yeah, of course. But today, you've got Iranian nuclear reactors blowing up because viruses are spreading into rooms that aren't even supposed to be connected to the internet."
"We're building Babel. We are building Babel. And that's not a good thing."
"It's like everything is just insane now. The level of complexity to do the simplest freaking thing is just through the roof."
"You have to understand the reason why you're lazy is because the things around us make it so easy to be like that."
"We have to become faster, smarter, and more creative, while enjoying fewer protections and feeling increasingly disposable."
"As humans face fewer and fewer problems in our lives, we don't actually experience fewer problems; we just redefine what a problem is."
"Hawking believed that the interconnectedness of the modern world while providing a platform for unprecedented progress and convenience also presents us with a terrifying Paradox."
"The basic point is the whole thing needs to rethink, not because the values are wrong, but because it's not up to the problems of the 21st century."
"It is modern-day slavery and Islam liberates us from that."
"We're humans we need to return to what is human we're getting so far away from it."
"Being informed is more important than ever these days."
"Complete rejection of individualism in modern society is a huge part of the downfall of modern society."
"Would you agree? That's half the battle right there. We are preoccupied generation and God is trying to get our attention."
"There's just too much information and I know somebody of the uh Pinker School of philosophy the Steven Pinker School of philosophy will say well you just have more access to information that means more things are happening and well this is true."
"Girls out here competing with HBO Max, are you kidding me?"
"We're working with our partners to update and create rules of the road for new challenges we face in the 21st century."
"Racism isn't getting worse, it's just getting filmed."
"We're cursed but also blessed to be living through this weird era of social media."
"It's kind of ugly that this has become the new way that you gain credibility."
"There has to be a better model for masculinity than desperately clinging on to old shitty behaviors through irony and memes."
"The real problem is that we're hobbled by an 18th-century notion of what threatens speech against 21st-century threats."
"Modern people have a very difficult time with the idea of a personal relationship with what's highest."
"We're living in a world today that's global and exponential."
"Men have fallen behind dramatically. Social media, dating apps, blatant theft of financial opportunity, and a social shift to shaming men for being ambitious and aggressive have created an environment where guys feel lost, hopeless, and lonely."
"Well, it seems like things are already moving much faster than we're used to. It's hard to see where we get off this ride because the pace of change is noticeably different."
"Be nice to people. There are more opportunities to be mean now than ever before."
"We now live in a post-fact world where falsehoods and misinformation can spread just like disease."
"We still have stone age bodies and stone age brains and minds but we live in a post-industrial society in the 21st century, and so many of our problems result from this mismatch."
"I think this is exciting but also like all exciting times confusing."
"It's 2024 and it's time to take Online safety seriously."
"Online security has never been more important in today's age."
"Trauma is the missing piece in modern psychology, education, and medicine."
"It's a blessing and also a shame that we live in a world where... we need this mentality more than ever."
"Creativity has become the most endangered species of the 21st century."
"Technology has given us everything we could ever want. And at the same time, stolen everything we really need."
"There's no excuse for ignorance in this day and age besides destructive laziness."
"Problems of meaning have become more paramount for the modern person."
"We are literally in kind of the Brave New World of how to deal with the internet because the laws we are dealing with are from the mid-90s when the internet did not exist in this way."
"The laws of reason are quite often suspended in this clown world."
"They want to be worshipped now, can you out-worship the internet right now?"
"A girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age."
"Peer pressure nowadays with social media is literally like peer pressure on steroids."
"You know, it's unfortunate the demand in our industry and also the demand of how quickly people receive information now."
"We are a world dying under anesthesia for lack of authentic connection with the living world out of which we came."
"The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees our right to free speech... unfortunately we live in a time now in this country where cancel culture rules the day."
"Privacy is something that's slowly slipping away from us day by day."
"Our attention spans are pretty weak these days, you know. I know, right?"
"Wikileaks represents a 21st century reality that has to be factored into counterintelligence measures going forward."
"We have to stand with tradition against this novelty that was being literally just shot down the throats of priests and laypeople and bishops all across the world with the apparent blessing of the Pope."
"If you're an Amish person who really feels strongly about needing those types of technology to survive, you can still remain Amish."
"We are living in an era of tremendous entitlement, incivility, anger, frustration, and rage."
"It's a challenging time to be a man at the moment in 2023."
"Finding happiness and success in the new era we're living in."
"People are just at this point desperate for authenticity and desperate to connect with other human beings on a level that we haven't been able to connect on very well in the last 10 years because of technology and politics and government."
"May you live in interesting times." Now I don't know about you these days but I kind of wish times were a lot less interesting.
"To be a modern woman, you need to be able to raise up your voice and deliver a message to the audience."
"Our job is twofold: defeat the most dangerous president in modern history, and create an economy and a government that works for the working people."
"That's the real threat to Liberty that we face today not just big government not 1980 anymore it's this hybrid of big government and big business that together are able to do what neither one could alone."
"Love mom, trust mom, but I'm your skincare big sister here to give you the honest truth."
"There's a very dangerous precedent that we set in today's modern world about recording our actions and excusing them, saying, 'Oh, it doesn't matter because it's for YouTube or it's online.' It is ridiculous that we have that attitude."
"For a new era of worldly frustration, we offer a fresh conversation."
"We've left the Goldilocks zone of convenience a long time ago."
"Mastering critical thinking, adaptability, and information literacy is essential for becoming an effective learner in the modern world."
"What kids are learning now is insane, and we're all wired so differently."
"Analytics are creating the worst Common Sense era I've ever seen in my entire life."
"It's becoming much easier to hack human beings and to manipulate them."
"In the internet age, we're going to have to be more accepting of politicians being real."
"There is a new social contract whether people like it or not."
"So these ideas are still around to this day and it seems that because of the industrial and scientific revolutions and all the factors traditional religion has been in trouble and on the decline."
"If the Evangelical world is going to have any answer for the modern world, they have to be intellectually credible."
"Reflecting on the complexities of faith in a rapidly changing world."
"If there's an opposite of the Renaissance or the Golden Age, we're living it now. I mean seriously, it's the dark ages of film."
"Life just getting [__] weird you're on the internet too goddamn go outside."
"If you're great ain't still getting money nowadays, you'll be looking funny."
"This is going to be an idea that our culture is experiencing a profound meaning crisis."
"This whole thing is unprecedented isn't it? It's to do with the way society is now calibrated."
"There's a different set of rules today when it comes to politics and outrage."
"I'm scared of the direction that we're going in today's age."
"The reality of it is tech is what binds this fragile society that we all live in together."
"We're living through a Renaissance of animal attacks, and I am here for it."
"Maybe this is this return to tradition, rejecting modernity and an idea of where they're encouraging men like, 'Don't even date a girl unless you're gonna marry her.'"
"You're giving people an old set of rules for a new world that doesn't work."
"My new year's resolution above all else was to lead a less stressed lifestyle."
"We are literally Stone Agers living in the space age."
"The modern era now needs to focus on fraternity."
"Liberty is always better than safety and modern woke liberalism has forgotten this tenet. Never compromise on speech. Never ever ever."
"Now the ground is more fertile today for the gospel than at any point in my lifetime simply because people have no way out underneath the burden of cancel culture."
"They are the owners of cloud Capital, making us do things capitalists of yesterday couldn't."
"It's tough to be a burglar now, with these cameras everywhere."
"Surveillance capitalism is that because it's so new and so different from what came before, it can be hard to fully grasp the enormity of the situation at hand."
"It's a Brave New World now Nancy, they control the door at these points."
"Life is so complicated, modern day life really goes against our fundamental instincts as animals."
"The people on the side of censoring speech are the modern-day digital slavers."
"We've got to get back to basics and understand that our ability to influence things is really confined more than ever in history to the periphery."
"How do you live ethically in a world where there's so many unethical things?"
"Embracing clown world is the natural course."
"We live in an increasingly alienating world."
"Such is the precariousness of modern football management."
"They feel quite dark, there is a real lack of power outlets for a modern cabin."
"This feels like the start of a Rags to Glory."
"It's a full-time job now as a human to be like 'I'm gonna do the things that actually are good for me, not the things you keep feeding.'"
"When stripped of everything, does modern man still got that instinct to survive?"
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"It's the easiest to be great now than ever before."
"The modern world is sort of like The Hunger Games for the human brain."
"Life's hard enough without switching to paper straws."
"Technology hasn't changed us. Technology's exposing us."
"This is just engineering, and it's the 21st century. There is no excuse for what happened."
"But I don't think it was a responsible way to teach people how to take care of their environment, and that's an important thing in this day and age."
"Unemployment checks, murder hornets, quarantine, loan debt, Coronavirus... I'll go to law school. That's fine."
"What ultimately makes me mad... is that people are now working overtime to create personal bubbles."
"As the protagonist at the center of this friend group, Carrie demonstrates a woman's struggle to reconcile her sharp modern mind, conventional fairy tale-loving heart, and unfiltered sex drive."
"We have to handle these incredible cultures we've built thoughtfully and with respect for today in this modern era where we can probably weather most any crisis."
"Nowadays Bible believers may not be so much different from the worldly churches."
"Nanotechnology sounds like a solid solution to many modern medical and technological issues."
"Does the United States have the moral standing to lecture other countries about violations against human rights?"
"The culture war is raging across this country in all aspects."
"The future of influence operations looks more like this, where legitimate debates are obscured in favor of nonsense versions."
"It's like the pendulum has swung us back into the dark ages."
"I'm a big believer that sustainability in the 21st century does not arise from convincing consumers to consume less."
"Things are changing drastically and accelerating at a record pace."
"Modern problems require persistence more than they require genius."
"The laws of the jungle have changed. Speed now is the number one currency."
"You are a true leader in an era that desperately needs leaders."
"The age of expansionism is over, and the age of cooperative development is very much the need."
"The economic model of the day was industrialism... we have a different set of imperatives now for our children and for ourselves."
"Rates of anxiety and depression are skyrocketing in Gen Z kids born after 1995."
"We live in the world of complex systems, no longer simplifying complex problems to simple solutions."
"Imagine that kind of freedom and then compare that to the modern day."
"There's power to that, especially when you're always inundated with technology."
"Football has to adapt to the times we live in."
"We need to step back from a lot of the modern incentives around speed of creation."
"This is the modern equivalent of them burning books."
"We're approaching modern problems with a stone-age brain."
"You need to innovate all the time, especially now with the Internet."
"Are you tired of the modern dating environment?"
"The reward is disproportionately high, especially in a world that looks like it does today."
"It's very hard now to go to Disney World without a smartphone."
"Hustle culture is basically workaholism but on steroids."
"The world is evolving so fast, you have to stay on point."
"It's scary times when famous people have to stay in the house to avoid incident."
"I think over the last kind of 15, 20 years, women have sort of been forgotten about."
"Thank you for being one of the few real souls in the modern-day era."
"It's the Janus age, everything is two-faced."
"We're constantly bombarded by things that require us to mitigate damage."
"Being a nice guy in 2022 is only going to be rewarded with disrespect, contempt, and lack of any type of real opportunity."
"And the idea that technology is outside of my sphere of competence because it changes so fast, I think has become an outdated idea."
"We're living through a propaganda drive that's unprecedented in human history."
"Money is no longer the root of all evil, attention is."
"Money is not the root of all evil anymore, attention is."
"The art of model making and the hand crafting of something so that one can see what it is, this is getting more and more lost in today's world."
"Terrorism today, and we saw it on the sixth, moves at the speed of social media."
"Modern man could not be satisfied by past ways of thinking. We have to move beyond this, we have to evolve past it."
"We have been experiencing the death of privacy in many forms."
"That's unhinged, modern problems require modern solutions."
"We live in very interesting times where there is an overabundance of information."
"We cannot rely on the supermarkets anymore, we cannot rely on the old ways of the system."
"We definitely don't live in a time where we can trust everything we hear or read."
"We're kind of heading into a post-truth world where whatever it is you believe in, you can find it online."
"We have so much information we don't know what to do with."
"Those days are gone... You have to be careful and pay very close attention."
"It's a victory for capitalism... going full speed ahead backwards to create new pharaohs who instead of building pyramids compete to sit in rocket ships."
"The whole world has gone so crazy we need to go back to reality."
"Christianity is dead if it refuses to accept logic and knowledge and information and data."
"Illusion, deception, manipulation, and subterfuge: these are the hallmarks of our modern-day magi."
"We are living in a time when everything is disintegrating."
"We have more leaders today than ever before."
"It's undeniable that the modern gaming industry has been doing us dirty over the last few years."
"Hello idiot and welcome to my brother my brother and me advice show for the modern era."
"This ain't a safe space these days, every story seems to be the same story."