
Reading Quotes

There are 11416 quotes

"When someone is reading aloud to you, you feel a bit like you're given a gift of their time, of their attention, of their voice."
"Reading aloud is a good way to keep your brain young."
"Reading aloud might be good for your mental health as well."
"Reading can be mindfulness, and for me, swimming is like my most mindful activity."
"For many respondents, reading aloud brought joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging."
"Reading just three books on a subject makes you more knowledgeable than 99% of the population for that particular field."
"I think the best way to avoid mistakes actually is to read. Just read, read, read, read, and learn about life and history and the way things have been done right and wrong."
"You don't have to be a millionaire to read books. You don't have to be a billionaire to read books. You don't have to have a special last name to read books."
"It's always the books that take a little bit more effort that I end up absolutely loving."
"I love reading and I've loved Taylor Swift's music since I was like 8 years old."
"Reading is the strongest signal for success in the future."
"Every once in a while you read a book and you're a little bit angry because you're like, 'I wish I wrote this,' because it's that good and it's that smart."
"When you really think about it, we learn to read and then we read to learn."
"There's a special feeling to turning the last page of a good book that is more fulfilling and rewarding than scrolling through the 4,000th funny Reddit or TikTok meme."
"The Bible is a living book; the more we read, the brighter it gets."
"It's a beautiful thing to do, and it's something you can do for the rest of your life. So don't wait, just go and get started, and happy reading."
"The fastest readers actually have the best comprehension because they have the best focus."
"Your brain is this incredible supercomputer, but when you read, you feed this supercomputer one word at a time."
"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one."
"Books like 'Thinking Grow Rich' and 'Power of the Subconscious Mind' by Joseph Murphy... need to be revisited regularly."
"I read 200 books in the past year because I'm not well up here, but seriously, as a full-time book critic, this is what I've dedicated my life to."
"Sometimes you don't know what to read, but it's a nice sort of moment away from the hustle and bustle."
"Reading was my favorite subject in school, especially Elementary school."
"When you have lots of time, a book is the perfect thing to pick up."
"After an incident with her mother, she goes home to her own place and immediately goes under the shelter of her bed cover to read the new chapter of the online novel she loves."
"They should be read not once but a hundred times."
"It doesn't matter what book we're reading as long as we're on the same page."
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."
"Read books that you can be sure are written by experts."
"Reading is not only like a habit of mine but it's also a hobby because I just love and enjoy reading so much."
"Leaders are readers. You read to succeed. Reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body."
"Reading before bed may calm the mind and keep it from dwelling on stressful circumstances."
"About 25% of you will have your life transformed by that chaos book."
"Every book you read has the potential to sharpen your mental ax."
"I remember a quote from Robin Sharma: 'Ordinary people have big TVs, extraordinary people have big libraries.'"
"Is it going to be easier to read because there's less distractions from the outside world?"
"Is it going to make reading even more immersive because the reason I love reading fiction is because it feels like I actually get transported to wherever I'm reading about?"
"I will keep my Kindle and my physical books over the Apple Vision Pro any day."
"You need to read with them, read everything, make them read, and please focus on reading comprehension and then critical thinking after that."
"If life were a video game, then reading would be like the cheat codes."
"Pinker's 'The Blank Slate' is a book everyone should read. I say that without any asterisks. It's an amazing accomplishment."
"Any book that kind of transcends time like it's been around since the 30s and it's still relevant today like those are books that I kind of want to read."
"The kind of discovery-oriented reading...slowly reveals itself over the course of reading."
"When I was growing up, I couldn't afford to buy books... Reading became a very important part of my life."
"The joy of reading... is you're imagining, you're visualizing."
"There's something subversive about women reading, independent thought."
"I won't be buying any books in 2024 because I have learned how to utilize my library properly."
"It's good to read things that you don't agree with. It keeps your mind sharp."
"If you find a single book swaying you too much, then probably you haven't read enough."
"Read widely, because all books have a kernel of truth in them."
"Sometimes you read a book and it makes a difference right away. Sometimes you read a book and you don't understand it, then you read it later at the right time and it makes a difference."
"What's more important, the four years maybe of high school that you're engaged in reading deep books, or making sure they love reading so much that the next 60 years is filled with enjoyable reading?"
"I'm reading a book called 'The Obstacle is the Way'."
"I will read silly little books and tell you about them until the end of time, until I can't read anymore."
"The ability to read a sentence, for example in a children's book like 'The Magic Tree House,' does transfer to reading a sentence very much constructed the same way in 'War and Peace' by Leo Tolstoy."
"Every reader's dream is to find the next book they can obsess over with their life."
"One of the biggest indicators that something is a five-star is how long you think about the characters past reading the book."
"That's the beauty of reading; sometimes there's just this weird little magic that you just can't explain."
"Books are uniquely portable magic because it takes you to another world."
"A writer only begins a book; a reader finishes it."
"Reading a book involves different areas of the brain much more precisely, much more actively than when you're watching a movie."
"I feel like I've achieved more spiritually...like I did a lot of reading which I often don't make time for."
"I think subtlety is a virtue... I like to reward the readers who are reading closely and paying attention."
"Once you have a Kindle, suddenly the friction to buying and getting and reading new books just gets reduced basically down to zero."
"On TikTok, also known as BookTok, tons of young people have rekindled their love for reading."
"It was like entering a parallel universe where reading wasn't just something that someone did for fun; it was a lifestyle, an aesthetic."
"Reading has become more popular again, which is amazing, but it also looks different; it is more colorful, happier."
"Reading has left a massive impact on my life, and it can for you too."
"Reading books is about learning, reading books is about turning your potential into actual usable skill set."
"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that."
"I'm reading to read. I definitely understand the Raven Boys influence."
"In a book lover's life, there's nothing as magical as a perfect, surprising recommendation from someone who just gets you."
"This is why it's important to read before you touch things."
"Buying books and reading books are two entirely different hobbies."
"This book is fantastic, only 100 pages in but it is easily the best book that I've read so far."
"I developed that habit of let me read right quick man, let me spend an hour to read right quick. An hour of reading a day will change your life."
"When I write, I want to tell my story directly to you. I want you to read it exactly as I wrote it."
"Fantasy and romance... the perfect combination for an enchanting read."
"I believe in the power of a good book to transport us to different worlds."
"‘The House Across the Lake’ became an instant favorite, demonstrating the allure of a well-crafted thriller."
"Let's just kick off our shoes and clown around. It sounds like a good book."
"To read anything difficult more deeply simply takes time."
"The best strategy to pick up a reading habit is: Read what you love until you love to read."
"Reading is really good, you know, to give you that peace and quiet... It's kind of like swimming; you're just with your conscience and kind of relax."
"These are all books that I read when I was in my 20s and they all had a tremendous impact on my life."
"Reading books is so good for helping you to become more intelligent and mentally stronger."
"Authors spend an enormous amount of time and energy taking this vast array of knowledge and experience that they've gained over the years and put a lot of work into condensing it down to the smallest possible form. They put it in a book, and you can either read it for free or for less than $20."
"Why do you read a book? It's to learn something new."
"Reading is like really important because it like stretches your historical imagination."
"When I read a book, I get excited, and I'm like, 'Oh my God, oh my God!'"
"Reading a chapter of a book...is a fantastic way of feeding your mind, learning about something new, or even just practicing mindful entertainment."
"This reading was so much fun, very relaxing."
"Reading is tied to academic proficiency in school and does wonders for your child's early language development."
"If you want your child to have a love of reading, then it's important that you start reading as soon as possible."
"I'm a big fan of reading aloud. I think it's an excellent practice that you can do to improve your pronunciation, your fluency."
"There's a special feeling involved with turning the last page of a book that is unmatched by your 7,000th meme that you've read on Reddit."
"This was my most anticipated book since I learned to read when I was 27 years old, and I am absolutely crushed by this delay."
"There's nothing better than getting absorbed in a good book."
"Read everything, read it with a critical eye, but read it nonetheless."
"I remember being outside on a summer day and just sitting there reading a book and just having my mind completely blown."
"A varied and challenging reading diet will do wonders for the health of our writing."
"Reading like a writer means reading to learn, not just reading to be entertained."
"Don't turn reading into work. Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift." - Kate DiCamillo
"Reading done properly is every bit as tough as writing." - Zadie Smith
"With reading, the reward is equal to the effort you put into it."
"Reading can change your life forever, as it has done for these rich people, but they read in a very different way."
"Reading enhances imagination and hypothetical thinking, boosts brain function, reduces stress, and improves empathy."
"I read, and when you read, you get to march around in other people's heads. You get to march around in different times and different periods. And what you learn is, humanity's done a lot of dumb stuff."
"I invite everyone to read it in full to understand the scope and the gravity of the crimes charged."
"I'm just living life, reading my books, writing my essays, and doing things that enrich me."
"Reading evolves your main asset, which is yourself."
"Reading one good book can genuinely make you a reader for life."
"Leave good books lying around the house, and the child will take care of his own education."
"I love reading to my family out loud for hours; it's in my wheelhouse."
"Reading is something that I enjoy. I really love horror and I was reading H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, even some bangers from childhood."
"A number of people who'd be interested in reading along with you a book they wouldn't normally read, but because you're helping guide them there."
"Books that actually invoke a strong emotion from me are the books that are going to stick with me the longest."
"I am notorious for forgetting the plot the second a book ends, no matter how much I loved it."
"Having that little bit of time to read, that escape, provided so much to my mental health."
"If you want to read, if you want to make yourself educated, just put aside 20 minutes a day to read."
"I always find time to read. I always find time to learn."
"I love learning so I love reading and picking up technical subjects."
"Arthur loves to read. He reads all the New York Times best-selling titles like 'Birds' and 'Ghost'."
"Try doing one tiny thing every day, like read one page of a book."
"It's interesting with books; at one point, you just pick it up again and all of a sudden, it fits in your life."
"I love reading before I go to bed, especially books that are inspiring, that do fuel me and give me different ideas and ways of thinking."
"This book basically made me realize that I love courtroom legal thrillers, and I'm really excited to try more."
"Last year alone, I read over 200 books, and that is while being a medical student and working full-time."
"If you currently identify at all as being an average speed reader, I promise you that using the three techniques in this video, you'll be able to at least triple your reading speed."
"When it comes to reading, comprehension is everything."
"Visualization for reading is absolutely so important. It helps me so much with my comprehension at any speed."
"As soon as you can pick up a book of stories and just read them for pleasure and nothing else, that's what you should pursue because that's what makes you read like a native speaker."
"The best way to remember new words is to actually keep reading because the words that matter you'll see them again and you'll review them naturally."
"If you focus on the plot of the story you're reading, then you develop the ability to learn to read independently."
"The high-level concept here is to focus always on reading for enjoyment, and then eventually you'll be able to read naturally without any limits, and the vocabulary will just follow as a byproduct of that."
"In my family, reading was the primary group activity."
"A reader lives a thousand lives. A person who does not read lives only one."
"The books that you don't read will cost you money."
"When looking for books, I always go for fun titles and then interesting things on the spine because this is always facing out."
"The magic wasn't really the magic of Potter; it's the magic of reading."
"Books...a nice beautiful bookshelf is great, assuming that you also read books."
"Think yourself empty, read yourself full, write yourself clear, pray yourself hot, and be yourself but forget yourself."
"Let's go into today's reading. This has been a highly requested one by you guys."
"Man, it’s even better on the fifteenth read..."
"What you can do with books and the impact that just a simple habit of reading books on a weekly basis can do for you is enormous."
"Once you start to read 20, 50, 100, 200 books, what starts to happen is that like a lot of stuff gets interconnected in each of these little pieces of the puzzle get put into place for you."
"The ability to read enhances your knowledge so much."
"As much as we've been through a bleak time, it has things that are salvageable. I've had far more time to read than I normally do."
"Reading gets you into inspiring books that can absolutely change your life."
"Fluent reading ability is not reliant on conscious intellectual knowledge of how words are spelled but intuitive knowledge of the general appearance of words."
"I have read her book twice. It is well worth the time."
"I like to slow down and actually read captions."
"Reading is something that we should embrace more. We've gotten so accustomed to watching TV, being on social media, that we're not really feeding our brains the way that we should."
"The average person can finish the average book in six hours, and we have 40 hours a week of free time."
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
"I'm reading physical books because I want the physical evidence of books I'm reading."
"He loved to read about history, religion, and how societies changed over time."
"Understanding the meaning is the essence of true reading."
"Reading is my all-time favorite way to just forget myself and completely unplug and relax."
"There is a real-world equivalent to jacking into the Matrix, and it's called reading. And if you read, you can get knowledge, and you can get it fast."
"Experienced academic readers usually read attacks with questions in mind and try to relate it to other probable approaches, while inexperienced regions tend to adopt the question of a text and the frames of the argument and take it as a given."
"Just gotta find the right one to get ya started."
"Well at least now I don't have to read the book..." - Cody whispers from two rows back.
"The single most important thing you can do is to read books...I want you to read a wide variety of books."
"Reading has been a huge struggle for me... Audible puts all kinds of books into audio form and you can listen to it."
"Sometimes I read out loud to practice pronunciation."
"This video is for you. It's going to be a guide to how to rekindle your love for reading again."
"Comfort reading is the ultimate act of self-care."
"People take this for granted, they don't read this."
"That's not a beige flag for me, that's why we read."
"Sometimes we read a book and suddenly see the world differently."
"When I want to get away from the real world, I read The Guardian."
"I'm really excited about the book launch and I hope readers are informed by the book."
"Every Discworld fan owes a debt of gratitude to the librarians of the Beaconsfield Public Library."
"When I was a kid, I read dictionaries all the way through. Dictionaries, thesauruses, dictionaries of slang, all that sort of thing, for the sheer fun of doing it."
"I just worked my way along my granny's bookshelf and didn't realize that I was getting an education."
"Train hard, train smart, stay free, and read some good stuff."
"Every time we travel, I download a bunch of books to listen to, which saves me from having to pack my bags to the brim with hardcover ones."
"Context, context, and context. You have to read it from beginning to end."
"Children's novel that parents could actually enjoy reading."
"Reading about business, self-improvement, I like Orcs and goblins."
"Stick to those books, alright? Mind is a powerful skill indeed."
"Every one of you should have a goal to read the Quran mindfully."
"This year in general, one positive thing I can say is that this was personally my best reading year I've had in years."
"I'm reading like the last 10 pages... So intense."
"I'm sure you could because I could read this again and find a lot of interesting symbolism."
"I read two books in 24 hours, I can't believe it."
"They yearn for a connection too. In fact, when you read them, they may tell you they've been waiting for somebody coming into their life as well."
"I really want to emphasize that this book is dark."
"Reading books is one of the best things you can do."
"Read a little bit each day. Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary."
"I enjoyed it it wasn't anything special but it was definitely a fun read."
"It has reading mode in the built-in web browser which strips out everything except texts and images."
"No one book is more valid than any other book."
"Reading influential personal finance books can significantly improve your financial IQ."
"You want to become successful? Just start reading."
"We have literary minds that respond to plot, character, and details in all kinds of writing."
"I love reading books, overall beat chess books or otherwise."
"This series is amazing. If you have yet to read it, go read it!"
"Read the right books, immerse yourself with high quality people, and don't listen to haters."