
Speech Quotes

There are 3780 quotes

"Producing words, saying them out loud, makes a difference to your ability to remember them later."
"Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."
"The answer to bad speech has always been better speech."
"They said we were going to get beat by 20, but I'm going to talk a little spicier. They're going to talk spicier too."
"He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction."
"What you speak into existence is very powerful."
"The word is divine. Your word is divine, if it's true."
"Speech corresponds to the communication signal... Language is something much broader."
"It was undeniably a strong, compelling, powerful, well-delivered speech."
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
"The danger isn't so much Birdie and others like her speaking without thought; the danger is when we as a collective mistake that speech without thought for the truth."
"Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed."
"President Joe Biden's electric, inspiring, and hopeful State of the Union."
"Thoughts turn into words, and words turn into actions."
"The power of life and death is found in the tongue."
"Do not hurt others and do not speak harsh words, even if they're true."
"The highest faculty of the human being is articulated speech."
"You got to be careful what you say about people. That's something I learned."
"Mind and speech, if used rightly, will make the user of them no different from the immortals."
"Speech is the image of mind, and mind is the image of God."
"Words are not hurting you. If you're offended, then that's fair enough; everyone gets offended from time to time. That's being human."
"There's a really really really good speech... about rights and how they are ultimately protected by strong institutions, not just what's written on paper."
"Speech is the fundamental prerequisite for democracy."
"Who utters true speech, instructive and free from harshness, so that he offend no one, him I call indeed a Brahmana."
"How can you being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
"Freedom of speech on the internet definitely has way more benefits than negatives."
"You are formed in the likeness of your creator. In creation, what did God do? He spoke."
"People censoring themselves to appease everybody and they don't say what they really think."
"I believe in you to think for yourself, I believe in you to speak for yourself. I believe in more speech and not less."
"You do have to be responsible for the things that you say."
"If you want to go into a little bit of detail, President Biden gave a speech earlier today."
"If we can't differentiate between speech and violence, we don't understand liberal education."
"Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, Americans have enshrined the First Amendment in our Constitution for good reason and for times such as these."
"Freedom is a multi-edged sword. You have the right to say whatever you want to say, but that doesn't mean everybody has to listen."
"The remarkable spread of the idea that speech is violence."
"I'm terrified, which is what I guess a defamation lawsuit is meant to do; it's meant to take your voice."
"The answer to bad speech is more speech, better speech."
"Beautiful are those who call others with sweet words, with good words."
"The best speech is that of Allah, and the best guidance is that of Muhammad."
"Speak smoothly, speak at a moderate pace, resist umming and ahhing, limit restarted sentences."
"The power of life and death is in the tongue."
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil; for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks."
"Jesse gave that speech about not killing himself, he's not suicidal, and then six days later he walks out of jail."
"I feel incredibly honored and grateful to have the opportunity to address you here."
"Words are literally violence when there is literal violence that is happening."
"Ministers and comedians are supposed to create the room for the rest of us to speak truth."
"Sound words deliver you from restlessness and stop you from saying thoughts you don't want. This is called the simplification of life."
"Three mutations in the FOXP2 gene cluster... allowed us to speak, that gave us speech. That was a transformational mutation that occurred once, a singularity in nature so far."
"At the heart of every crime is some sort of speech, unless the crime is being perpetrated by people who are, you know, can't speak or communicate like a bunch of French mimes got together and like robbed a bank."
"Allah saved our swords from having to have blood, so why don't we save our tongues from having to have sides."
"The people at the bottom who have the right to say what they think, however badly they say it, that enables them to get a toehold into the system."
"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."
"A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit."
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Those that love it, eat the fruit thereof."
"If you ain't got nothing good to say, why you just shut the [] up and stay the [] home?"
"If liberty is to mean anything at all, it must mean the right to tell people that which they do not want to hear."
"Freedom of expression and freedom of speech should not only go as far as your political party and ideology."
"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."
"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness."
"Lord, I pray that you would control my mind and my mouth, the words I speak, Lord, would edify your kingdom and be a blessing to these thy sons and thy daughters."
"Everything starts with your thought... but you add a whole lot of turbo boost to it with your tongue."
"I have always been on the side of constitutionally protected speech."
"Words have an impact... and to say that we shouldn't consider the impact... is an under analysis of the importance of free speech."
"We have to have a reckoning, and the reckoning is, 'Shut up.'"
"It's not just about brainwashing; it's about telling people what they're allowed to talk about."
"Words matter and have consequences ever more fraught arguments over speech and academic freedom on American campuses have moved as a flood tide into the sciences."
"If you said one bad thing about the party or the government, you were taken away."
"Joe Biden just basically conceded... all right, I'm out."
"Let freedom ring... from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city."
"History does not look fondly on the hubris of those who appoint themselves as arbiters of permissible speech and thought."
"Start speaking your manifestations out, whatever you are dreaming of."
"From now on we won't ban legal speech. That would be the best outcome. We'll see how it plays out."
"They say oi. He says the hereness." - Rabbi Pari Berkowitz
"Let my words be like fire and bring warmth and light and hope."
"Thank you all very much we appreciate it thank you thank you very much."
"That is quite possibly one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard anyone say."
"Every single person should have a voice no matter how small and it's how we direct that voice that makes an impact."
"I'm not gonna shut up and I'm not gonna sit down and I'm not gonna be quiet."
"Thank you, my fellow Americans. Thank you, foreign."
"In true Joe Pesci fashion, when his name was announced, he walked up on that stage and gave one of the shortest Oscar acceptance speeches ever."
"Use your tongue to bless yourself. It is a weapon."
"Take one quick digression to talk about one more algorithm."
"If you ain't got no damn proof, shut the hell up."
"I'm so humbled first of all, thank you so much."
"You will often get repayment in kind for the words you speak to others."
"Trump's barn burner of a State of the Union address."
"A rap song is more powerful than a thousand speeches. And when you think about it, that's very true."
"His downfall will come from his inability to shut up."
"Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few." - Winston Churchill
"We're going to start speaking it from a very pure place, from a place of non-judgment."
"Words matter, and we should call him out for it."
"He beat his stutter by reciting passages from literature."
"If it's the truth, no one can sue you if you say the truth."
"The concession speech is maybe the best thing in politics because it's when the losers say, damn it, I lost."
"I urge a vote and yield back... I had cleared my remarks as a parliamentarian before I read them."
"It became less about equality, it became more about power and control and silencing people."
"There's a miracle in your mouth waiting to happen."
"Voicing your opinion on something and saying something is negative isn't inherently a bad thing."
"Anything talking about anything else after this would just be anticlimactic."
"Let's get ready to feel... nope, that's still one syllable."
"I think it's time for you to shut the hell up."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association... without free speech, freedom dies."
"No more excuses for silence." - Jessica Denson
"The fact that Putin rolls these things out in speeches is pure propaganda."
"Platforms are not responsible for what is said on their platforms."
"You can't just say anything you want to [expletive] say to somebody and think that they don't have any emotions or they have no feelings."
"Hate speech is just a made-up subjective term used by butthurt people."
"Thank you all for listening, and I hope you get a good night's sleep."
"Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely, according to conscience, above all liberties."
"That outspoken stuff is good when you're not saying things that are problematic, when you're not encouraging [ __ ] that may hurt people."
"People can't call you men, they can't call you man, they can't. That is illegal."
"I want to speak up on behalf of people in Ashfield and the rest of the country."
"These filler words don't mean anything and they can sound annoying when you use them too much."
"Do not tamper with what you ought to denounce firmly and boldly in words."
"SCP-1981 was a Betamax tape featuring Ronald Reagan, but now consists of recordings of a skinless humanoid giving a speech at the World Economic Forum in 2013."
"Guard your mouth, life and death are in the power of the tongue."
"You are a healer, a crystal or indigo child. You are very powerful because with only your words you can inspire people."
"Four horsemen of my created apocalypse four carriers of the plague who will infect a miserable brethren you van Helsing are now one of the phone it's the most evil speech ever spoken by Dracula in the whole series."
"I just want the record to reflect that there's nothing hateful about truth."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"Hopefully, because I'll come some with some agree me I'm gonna go John thoughts are but yeah the be Sherlock Holmes scribe few thousand become such now below yeah."
"I'm always saying on the regular, just part of my vernacular."
"Who talks [expletive]? I don't wake your [expletive] up."
"This is a big deal to try to restrain everybody's speech in this fashion."
"Each word felt so natural coming out of my mouth, as if it was destiny."
"Well, I think that's all we have for today, folks."
"Women shouldn't have to face abuse or bankruptcy for speaking her truth."
"I love oh it's focused I it's I think it's I I haven't look just love."
"If White lives matter, why can't we say so? Why shouldn't we say so? How could it ever, under any circumstance, be a bad idea to affirm the value and dignity of human life of any human life?"
"Your words affect your heart and your heart affects your words."
"This is your opportunity to go ahead and speak."
"Elevation means to raise up, depression means to lower, as in your jaw."
"Britney has spoken to us and will speak to us again."
"You are being inspired every time you open your mouth."
"Your words have power, deep divers. Within your words lie your heaven or your hell."
"Universities are places where you should be free to speak your mind and listen even to something that you don't like."
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." - Proverbs 18:21
"It's amazing to me that you felt like it was okay to say that."
"If someone says, 'Hey, Janet Yellen, I know you've been out of office, would you like to give a speech for a million bucks?' Like, why would you not?"
"It's impossible... stop trying to police speech."
"Words may not be a physical weapon, but it has physical effects."
"It's an interesting thing where like when you're on the spot sometimes do you say things that are easy to say but don't perfectly match your internal thought process."
"What comes out your mouth is extremely powerful."
"Joe Biden cannot give the unity speech. Killer Mike could give the unity speech. I could give the unity speech. You guys could give the unity speech."
"One small step for a man, one giant leap for manly kind."
"If speech actually amplifies hate and division, the problem probably is not the speech."
"Imagine that speech where there's a muppet, yeah, his [ __ ] gods are going."
"Thank you so much for joining me, take care, bye."
"Keeping your voice low, keeping your words slow."
"Let's do that cold prompter read. I'm gonna replace every word in the opening with just the word fuck over and over again."
"Make freedom cool again. Make freedom of speech cool again."
"Speech recognition technology helps with pronunciation."
"Time and time again, it's his own words that get him in trouble."
"There's so much to say for now, I just want to say thank you."
"Speak about it because those words are going to change a generation."
"Sometimes I start a sentence that I don't know where it's going, I just hope I find it along the way."
"God bless your souls for every point I'm about to make."
"Let's say you do win, you have an acceptance speech prepared and all that good stuff."
"Sophie starts her speech and asks the people to remember the demon Tower incident 20 years ago."
"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard."
"I guess I should start wrapping this up after all."
"The fact is that saying stuff that affects other people and how to treat other people is much more important than how to live your own life."
"His words wound people. That's how he hurts people."
"Government has no power to restrict such activity because of its message."
"To change his mind, he must first change his speech."
"Speech can cause violence but that doesn't mean it is violence."
"The things you say cause people to go through transformation."
"Depiction is not endorsement, except when simulations make arguments they hold a lot more gravitas."
"The mere idea of letting a man speak or a woman speak is so threatening that, if we do, the certainty of violence apparently was free speech that led to the rise of the nazis."
"I believe in democracy; I want them to speak."
"The four greatest words ever spoken in the democracy are: The people have spoken."
"We're fighting for freedom right now, the ability to say what you want to say."
"We invest heavily in promoting counter speech in truthful speech."
"I don't think white people should be having the conversation about who should and shouldn't say the n-word."
"This year we will intensify our drive against these and other horrible crimes like sexual abuse and family violence." - Ronald Reagan
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much appreciate it."
"So if you feel called to say something at that point, just make sure that you're speaking from a place of complete presence or don't say anything at all."
"Change your mind and change the words that come out of your mouth."
"Let me get one penultimate out... it feels good coming off the tongue."
"Your words are your power. You got to be careful who you giving your power to."
"Words they hurt, bro. Words, they hurt, that [__]."
"I'm very interested to hear what he has to say."
"Anybody who has said any word or done any action against universal legality and health coverage should take a vow of silence."
"The freedom of speech is why we have a lot of freedoms."
"God created the world with his words and we create our world with our words."
"I am here not to talk about the past, I am here to tell you about our future."
"Her courage stunning, she was speaking in May 2020: 'My life purpose is to see everybody in this country enjoys freedom.'"
"Your words have such a big impact in your life that due to the consequence of what you say you could live or die."
"It's slow speech that brings the greatest wisdom."
"If we’re not gonna speak up now, are things gonna be easier or better a year from now?"
"Still believe in freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and the freedom to love. Don't let them take your freedom."
"The speech would underscore previous efforts by Biden to focus attention on the cause of democracy."
"Freedom of speech was a prerequisite to all other freedoms because freedom of speech meant freedom of thought."
"On god, you have the alter. Yeah, we accept that. Okay, not what you say before a sword fight, oh no, that's ours."
"You have the power of your words to take command and hold authority over your life."
"You're allowed to say your nasty things... but there's still consequences."
"Who in the Lord's name told Putin he could send Russian tanks into a sovereign country and face nothing but useless half-measures and meaningless rhetoric? Because whoever it was, he sure knew what he was talking about." - President Biden
"Be mindful of your words; what you say matters. Align your words with God's word and declare His promises over your life."
"He draws a line in the sand and makes his famous speech."
"It sometimes the Arc of History will bend toward Justice or whatever um yeah that's what I have to say about that."