
Personal Connection Quotes

There are 3566 quotes

"When someone is reading aloud to you, you feel a bit like you're given a gift of their time, of their attention, of their voice."
"Media is a very powerful medium but it's also very personal. Oftentimes, it gives us the chance to interact with people we may not ever encounter in real life."
"To me, X was like a big energy, bro. That's why I messed with him so much."
"The notion of whether something is authentic or not is profane; it's a completely irrelevant notion in the sense that what matters to people who worship the relics is the personal connection they feel to the relics."
"The only person I want to have dinner with is you."
"I love reading the patron comments and the messages more than anything else. It's personalized messages."
"Someone in the chat just mentioned a movie that I love very much. Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking."
"Communicating with people face to face is something we should be doing."
"Content creation lets me be present in the lives of people that I care about."
"That one's so cute! I'd put that on my wall in real life!"
"I'm so glad to see you, Sokka. I knew you'd come."
"What they're looking for is a sort of moment online... but for me, it's so much beyond that."
"When you look at a painting of someone from 200 years ago, you go, 'Wow, that's a really great painting.' But when you actually can see the clothing in person, you can see their sweat stains. You can see their unique body forms. It makes history so much more human, and so much more relatable, and so much more real."
"Supporting Manchester United is a very personal thing, and we have a very personal attachment to this football club."
"The phrase your healing is my healing is powerful and healing for me."
"I always have the best time in London... London is my city."
"I'm currently reading 'A Farewell to Arms'. I don't know, I'm just kind of falling in love with him in a way that I've never fallen in love with an author."
"The personal relationship that many creators produce through their channel often gives them a fanbase much more dedicated than that of the average celebutant."
"It was a great experience that I got to share with him, and it truly made my day."
"People are buying some products, but they're like, they're falling in love with your story. It's you that they're connecting with, relating with."
"I sincerely miss the good old days where I used to just take vlog car, we used to sit in the Chick-fil-A parking lot, and I would just talk to you guys for hours on end."
"Even if it's a musical set in space, hopefully, there's something there that's still just as personal."
"I have a very strong deep connection to God."
"You guys are my lifeline and you mean everything to me."
"These more personalized videos where it feels like you're sitting with a friend... have made me feel so not alone."
"Gilmore Girls is like magic to me. I find so much comfort in this show."
"Songs allow a person to put their own imagination, experiences, and dreams into the lyrics. People can interpret it in many ways."
"You are the piece of the Mind Stone that lives in me... but mostly, you're my love."
"I didn't think I'd meet someone like you at this stage of my life."
"I love how you know the real me like no other does."
"But it's not just about productivity, it's not just about creativity. Beyond those things there's another critical part of Windows. We said we want to bring you closer to the things you love."
"I have to feel a personal investment to things that I'm writing. I admire people who don't have to have that personal investment."
"It's difficult, but I have friends who live in Ukraine, and I've regularly kept up with them and asked them about what's going on."
"Not only does Hunter x Hunter contain Hisoka, my third favorite character in anime, but surprisingly, a character I could relate to on a spiritual level."
"Why did you call me? Let's dance our signature dance."
"I love you as an individual. If you're listening to this, I'm speaking only to you."
"When you listen to a song and then you hear the lyric and you relate to it, it makes so much more sense."
"Every once in a while, a story like this comes up, and it angers you so much that it feels personal."
"It seems like this AI crisis is helping us to figure out what art is actually about: connecting with yourself and, even more importantly, connecting with others."
"She holds his hand and says thanks to him for helping her earlier as it made her happy."
"Memes are no longer universally funny to all. They require a relation for connection."
"I have never seen a story that was more representative of my life that has nothing to do with me."
"I saw the love in his face. The track put a smile on his face. Like, I saw that this was that one for him."
"It is one of the few games I’ve experienced where I felt like I personally bonded with a character."
"People love From Soft not just because their games are well made, but also because players become personally connected to them."
"It's very important to me. I travel a tremendous amount and I still try to make the time to do this... It's a real good chance to at least for you to get to know me better and what I stand for."
"Make sure that you actually have a story behind it, make sure that you actually have a personal connection behind it."
"You're genuinely one of my favorite people in the world."
"That gives me a personal connection to this that's why I love it so much."
"Now when I read about the Emancipation Proclamation, that has a personal connection to me because that affected my family's lives."
"That's what you have when you have a friend is the person there's something that they see in you that they love and want to nurture and cherish."
"I love this city, I have deep affection for her."
"There's something in every character that makes sense to me."
"You may think that you need X amount of dollars...but really, once you learn to have presence and connect with somebody and make them feel alive and special, you have a currency that's far more valuable than any of that other material bullshit."
"People care about working with you personally and knowing you personally."
"Honestly, I just feel at home around mountains."
"It hit all the right notes and resonated with me so deeply."
"I know you get me, so I let my walls come down."
"To this day, I will consider them like my family. I literally love them that much."
"This is lit. Justin's actually gonna make a rhubarb cake for my birthday."
"You are the bomb. Just love coming home after work and sitting down to watch you and learn the latest."
"You ever have somebody tell you like they listened to a song and they felt like it was written just for them? Well, my uncle Gary just called me and told me that that happened to him."
"My eyes are wide open, and all they see are you."
"Immigration has always had a place in my heart because I live on a border town."
"I think dreams for a lot of people can be very helpful as a way of connecting."
"It's like having the person right there in front of you when you're texting somebody."
"I just really need to hear her voice right now."
"You always remember when you first heard about the death of Diana... Everyone felt like a personal connection towards her didn't they really?"
"I love this movie more than any of the other Disney movies of the time. It speaks to me on a more personal level, and it's just really, really good."
"If you seek me with your whole heart, you will find me."
"I've had longer relationships in the past, but honestly, I feel like I've never gotten to know my partner as much as I have now."
"This is how it felt, it was like just a eerie feeling that just came over you even if you never met these gentlemen personally."
"You love them because they are yours, and you make no apologies for this. This is a kind of irrational tribalism that is expressed all around the world."
"It's not transactional... What moves me, what gets me up in the morning, is that nice comment or that interaction at a convention where someone connected in some way."
"It's really nice to have some kind of a connection to my background."
"It's one of these pictures that manages to fuse the almost mythical with the deeply personal."
"It's my birthday. Yo, can we get some happy birthdays in chat for some of the better loyalty that I've seen in a while? Much love."
"As we get deeper into this build, we're starting to see just how special these cars are to the people that own them."
"You are the only one who gets me and knows the real me."
"Whether you're meeting with someone new or someone old, it feels right. That's all we can do. It feels very right."
"Black Flag is one of very few games that has ever made me relate on a personal level and for that I will never forget it."
"You - only you - will have the stars as no one else has them...In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing."
"You are one of my most favorite people ever."
"I think wubby's year is dope because I think to me wubby is... I like there's very few streamers who I consider like me..."
"If there are different types of soul mates, then you are one of mine."
"I truly believe that you're going to love these pieces as much as I do."
"I adore how much her and Jamie kind of clicked very quickly. I don't know, I'm finding that adorable."
"It's really nice to talk with you and to meet a friend of Dan."
"They see you as the person that they want to be with, someone that they want to start a family with. They want to be solid and committed to you."
"They feel deep romantic feelings for you, like you're their soulmate."
"Make it count. If you can't connect with yourself, it's gonna be really hard to connect with other people."
"See if you ever meet me on the street, just come up to me and be like, 'Yo B Ford, do this player for the player rewind,' and I'll be like, 'I got you bro.'"
"It felt like I was invited into your headspace."
"The villain must be personal, personally connecting to the players' backstories or motivations."
"This person really feels like you're their destiny."
"Naming someone is what makes them feel more real to me."
"This theme sounds like the feel of the person who's truly intrigued to find out the awesome power of your Pokémon."
"When she spoke to you, it was as if you were the only person in the world."
"But all that being said, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"You're my pride and joy and I miss you dearly."
"I want to ask you something... Will you become my partner in personal relationship too?"
"You're the only reason I'm staying here. I'm telling you, thank you."
"I want to know you and I want to hear your voice."
"The original PlayStation has a very special place in my heart."
"I'd say South Floyd, I represent the whole thing."
"I want to have a one-hour conversation with a person, two-hour conversation with the person to see where you at, what are you thinking about, who are you anyways?"
"Happy birthday Virgos, you're some of my very very very favorite people."
"Thank you so very much for allowing me to share a little piece of your path today again and for being such a significant part of mine."
"It's like holy [ __ ] this whole song is about this thing that's going on in my life and I don't even realize it until I'm done freestyling it."
"We don't follow work because it's high quality; we follow work because we connect with it."
"How do I channel all of this connection into being an efficient human being in society, into giving back? Because for me, love is everything."
"There was one legend that Paul felt drawn to more than others, and it was a rather obscure one to say the least."
"I've never seen a fan-base so loyal to a player like the Kobe fans are to him."
"It puts Bond on this journey where he does have personal connections to the villain in a way that's meaningful."
"If you want to sell a million records, then you need to meet one million people."
"Your hands are magical, you always know exactly where and how to touch me."
"Don't be afraid to reach out because it is extremely important."
"Every time Shego was on my screen, I'm like 'Oh sh there's Shego, me too, that's my girl.'"
"She's making me feel so comfortable right now, this is going to be my girl."
"Love ultimately means union, a sense of 'I want to be one with this, I am one with this, this is me.'"
"Remember, a total solar eclipse is a rare and precious gift. By approaching it with knowledge, safety, and reverence, you can create memories that will last a lifetime and forge a deeper connection to the world around you."
"Maybe you pick up the phone and call them. Or better yet you get weird and drive across town and knock on their door and hug them."
"Find one specific trait from these kids, and dig deep into what draws YOU into them MOST."
"It really just delivered on those small moments that you just want to self-insert into so badly."
"When you walk into a space it feels like she knows you, like she feels like she knows you."
"I kiss them every night. Kiss yours, I kiss mine. I say goodnight."
"Wow, what's your name? Tell me your name, Molly."
"The theater of Epidavros holds a very special place in my heart."
"I cried more for a dragon's death than for any person."
"Sea of Thieves is extra special for me because I'm playing with my wife."
"A bit of a rant bit of a chat but I love having these with you guys."
"I appreciate you so much for spending your time with me."
"You guys are what keep me in touch with the world."
"I'd love to see you while you're here. That would literally be so much fun."
"This person is almost feeling like they want a new beginning in this connection."
"Hit the like button for me, hit the sub button for me. Most importantly, be sure to tell somebody you love them. Catch you in the next one!"
"This is my joy. Thank you, Jessica, so much. I appreciate you."
"The kindness in your heart is so beautiful... they recognize that... they feel this deep understanding, this deep mutual understanding between each other."
"Every story is about that personal wound. It always has been, it always will be."
"What makes you like someone? When they show you the vulnerability, when they show you they are screw-ups just like you."
"They feel like you get them on a deep level."
"Curious about you, feel there's more to discover, connecting on an intuitive level."
"Let me know which of these do you have them in your home, do you regret them, do you still love them, do you know hate me, do you love me?"
"Idiosyncrasies like this are what make Firewatch feel special to me."
"And Michelle Yo for everything, everywhere, all at once, better be Michelle Yo."
"Hip-hop has found me like a child has found his mother."
"It's been a while, you know. I really miss this series."
"This is the first time I'm connecting with someone and I really like them."
"I love you, dude. I'm so glad we're playing together."
"I've had the honor of talking to the show's writer, producer, and creator, Craig Mazin."
"Sometimes, there's just a certain Pokémon that catches you off-guard and sort of becomes connected to you for the rest of your adventures."
"Yo dude I miss you please send me virtual hugs."
"Dating is about an opportunity to get to know another soul and to see if you vibe on an energy level as well as if you vibe on a societal level."
"It's like owning a work of art. You feel you know the person."
"Stephen Strange and Clea had a very personal connection."
"I truly believe that I have a connection with Ash that I've never experienced before."
"Elon's mom is from my hometown, so there's a small bit of trivia for you: Regina, Saskatchewan. Elon is a fairly amazing dude, so there are a lot of questions I would like to ask him if he had spare time."
"Meeting Charlie and his girls was like magic."
"Every interaction feels personal and impactful transcending the traditional boundaries between a player and a character."
"I started crying a little bit. I wrote a letter to her literally in the middle of the night last night and sent it this morning as I was watching this." - cal.lauren
"I see your face, smell your scent, hear your voice."
"I just like believing okay this could happen to me or my best friend and it that's what freaks me out that's what scares me and why I like scary movies."
"Solid Snake himself is my favorite character of all time."
"Every part of my life is connected to Potter and you’ve seen even more how much it means to people and what a part of people’s life it is. It means even more now and I am able to appreciate how special that is."
"The first time I rescued a tiger, and I still have her. She's 27 years old. That was my first real connection."
"This book has just like stalked me throughout my entire life in various odd, strange, and wonderful ways."
"It's just so gorgeous. I'll just read you... I cry every time I read this."
"It really hit home... so emotional, which I wasn't really expecting."
"Sitting here on the floor crisscross applesauce talking to you guys is the thing that makes my day."
"There's something about that coming through as well."
"People may feel seen with you, I feel heard by you, like they feel that way about you."
"He's the boss and he's the best boss you could ever dream for because he loves you more than you could possibly imagine."
"What a powerful way to connect the news to individuals."
"Strong JD Morgan energy: get a man who lights up when you win."
"I think actually oddly enough it's not like a franchise I have no real well."
"Sometimes you do feel like a card is made for you, and that's why I love this game so much."
"Good morning, good morning, good morning Leonards! It's Friday, March 10th. Can you believe it? I can't either. We're doing a Friday stream, why? Well, I miss you, I mean."
"I sobbed reading this, but I also could not put it down, just everything about it was incredible. I love this standalone so much."
"Music is subjective, music is emotional, music can make connections."
"There's an instant feeling of joy and connection."
"I'm real in this thing and like of the real I wake up every day I say good morning I want to inspire you guys keep everyone going."
"Our passion for the game, and what basketball means to me, you cannot teach."
"Thank you for spending your time with me today, getting involved in the story. The love, time, and support always mean the absolute world."
"Imagine if this book talked about your dad growing up. How special would that be?"
"I couldn't do anything. I just-- you know, I says, well, I need to see her."
"I always related to Paul more than the others."
"I missed my dad. He did all the Beatles records. I feel like I usurped him."
"I think music is personal. You relate the song to the person if they're a great artist singing that song."
"Every time I hear that song, it means something to me."
"They feel proud of you when they think of you, like they had this trajectory of having this really great life."
"They felt like this person feels like the two of you were peas in a pod."
"The point of writing isn't to make something that lasts forever, the point of writing is to make a gift for people and connect with them however you can whenever you can."
"If I am to trust anyone in this great big world, it's you."
"I love that connection. How could that not be interesting?"
"He was one to wear his heart on his sleeve. I could always read his expressions better than he knew."
"I'm here on this occasion of joy and I'm Eddie's, like, we're going to be, you're going to feel it on the day."
"Turning each page almost feels like an intimate exchange."
"You are always in my thoughts and I am sending you all a big hug."
"They're reaching for something higher with you."
"It's a universal thread not abandoning your hopes and dreams for the future and not giving up."