
Organizational Behavior Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Culture is like the background music of any community, of any organization, of every team, and of every family."
"Ethical fading can grip an organization's culture where people within that culture become capable of making highly unethical decisions believing they were well within their own ethical frameworks."
"The thing we're trying to solve for is trust, and the way we feel we get there is through complete transparency."
"Nothing will change unless leadership wants it to change."
"The biggest mistake that great founders make... is waiting too long to fire bad people."
"The most junior person can overrule the most senior."
"Purpose, autonomy, mastery, and purpose. We want to be part of something larger than ourselves."
"You need a system that modifies corruption toward benefiting the system."
"Humanity may be guilty of it's logical to believe that if creatures like Pokemon did exist we'd see these organizations naturally evolved to take on those who profit from their exploitation."
"Why don't we just try treating the people better?"
"Why?" What would or could corrupt an organization so completely that they would betray everything they once stood for?
"You can't tell people that they're not valued, abolish their jobs, then ask them to help you."
"Teams that trust each other are way more effective than ones that have to do everything with contracts negotiation and politics."
"I really think there aren't that many as just as an empirical matter and there aren't that many large organizations that I think sort of really do this successfully."
"If you are not going to respect and treat everyone equally within the pattern then there is really no purpose."
"You have to have a system that encourages people to behave to the limit of their abilities and puts them in the right place."
"How much does your organization lust after power, money, sex, fame, love, meaning, and purpose?"
"Toxic leaders have the luxury of working hard without being abused."
"The reality is, if you look at what's coming down through the leadership, they're fronting for something wildly inhuman."
"What about doing in the best interest of the team?"
"Sometimes how well someone works in a team gets really ignored way too hard."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"The most effective teams in organizations tend to be a mix of introverts and extroverts."
"We call them the misfits for a reason. They're undisciplined, lazy, and they have absolutely no esprit de corps."
"They're always gone off to making sure that they could be as close to what they thought was the law as possible."
"No single ant knows what the temperature should be in the colony."
"The bureaucratic logic of the CCP is adverse elimination: good people will be eliminated and bad people will stay."
"The problem is, I mean, it's David Miscavige and the ridiculous leadership involved in this cult that really... I don't know man, I don't know how much longer this thing can last."
"Organizational structure errors, they manifest themselves in the product." - Elon Musk
"I think the biggest thing for us is definitely the team culture side of things."
"There's a name for the type of organization that tries to prevent people from leaving by threats of violence, by silencing, and by intimidation and it is the [ __ ] mafia."
"This comprehensive academic study gives damning insights into the level of abuse mishandling in the organization."
"This is not a one-off; this is not one rotten apple. This is behavior that is not uncommon; it's commonplace."
"Leadership is not just down, leadership is up too."
"Leadership and followership are complementary."
"They're very squared away, they're very serious, they're very professional."
"You can always find the health of a church by how they treat their women."
"We try and keep a sense of humor here at Astra."
"The only standards TSM has is double standards, fittingly these are people who think they can lash out and pull shady [ __ ] behind the scenes."
"Org charts seem to replicate themselves because inside any given organizational box, communication is faster."
"People need to know that in entity constructs."
"The military's way of doing things just breeds resentment."
"So Cova it's just astonishing to see the organization doing one thing when it suits them but behind closed doors doing things by the book or at least professing to do things by the book when it comes to non-solicitation."
"The experienced teams here will know exactly how to bounce back, so while it's worth discussing, it's also worth noting that they tend to be the teams that can bounce back the best, can put it behind them the easiest."
"The entire process has been an embarrassment and the highest level of dysfunctionality."
"It's not partisan in that the FBI's motivation is to continue to be that self-looking ice cream cone."
"Blame can only ever leave the company; it can never exist within it."
"There is a disconnect between what you preach to others and what you do internally. Simply put: Walk The Talk."
"The team's dynamic is also never fully formed..."
"It's not like putting a thousand bricks together; it creates a collective structure that has collective power but then it can disperse very quickly just as it formed very quickly." - Austin
"Do you pledge allegiance to an organization or to the constitution?"
"We're not doing the best we can anymore, we're doing the safest we can."
"Most organizers have this cycle going on in our heads all the time but if we don't do this with our whole group right if it's not like involving the rank-and-file membership of an organization you're not actually building leadership."
"In the Foundation, the ends usually justify the means, but sometimes both the ends and the means really suck."
"The purpose of the hole was to humiliate them, dominate them, and make them feel small and worthless."
"We've got great people but if you cow them, and they all behave like, you know, as I say, the reverse Darwinist plan, then you'll destroy this innate creativity and entrepreneurialism."
"Once you become a liability, once you are not useful to them anymore, they will throw you off the bus and run you over multiple times."
"Social inequalities are produced through relationships or bonds within organizations."
"The happier employees are the harder they work... because that's so apparent."
"Within any organization one tends to rise to the level where their own mediocrity is exposed."
"As part of a team, you can accomplish so much more than you would as an individual."
"The trust response was good... it took away the resignation element."
"Despite saying they value people, their actions rarely back up those empty words."
"When the chief of police is sloppy with paperwork, his employees take advantage."
"We never bend the rules. We just sometimes forget them, ignore them, or carelessly misinterpret them."
"It is not about the personality of the leader."
"The foundation is generally seen as cold and uncompassionate, holding the virtues of secrecy and global protection above all else."
"Treat your company, your organization, your employees, your relationships like human beings."
"We're in a time when truth is bound. Organizations aim to hide the truth, but it can't stay bound."
"Organizations don't innovate, people do. You cannot take an innovative organization, remove the people, replace them with different and get innovation. That's just not the way it works."
"The way you conduct yourself helps or depresses diversity of thought in an organization."
"The only way we can do this is with principles, without a cult of personality and with processes over people."
"It's what's happening College athletics for a long time now."
"Sometimes people think that more structure equals less freedom."
"In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
"I worry more about what happens inside organizations than about human thought."
"Unhealthy organizations control the information to prevent you from having thoughts that they don't want you to have."
"The vital behavior that enables most any organizational outcome is just candor."
"The project manager must be skillful to negotiate agreements and modify organizational behavior to move the project in a certain direction."
"That's the kind of chicken Behavior you see a lot of non-profits and government agencies where a lack of financial incentives and probably poor leadership basically means that everyone in the office is not focused on their jobs."
"Culture is like the organization's immune system. You have to be very careful not to do some things that can trigger the immune system."
"You got to make people be accountable to it, and if you think that not confronting people who don't do the right things is helping your organization, you're absolutely wrong."
"At the heart of almost all chronic problems in our organizations, we're either not holding or not holding well."
"The disease spreading through our organizations is what I call 'hurry sickness'."
"Empathy is masking incompetence on an organizational level."
"Organizations are made up of people, and we are social animals. We interact, we have preferences, we have people in the organization who we like, and maybe don't like so much."
"Flexibility and agility are very, very important."
"When organizations are selecting leaders, do they tend to select them for integrity, compassion, inclusivity, or do they tend to select them for other characteristics?"
"Even when there's a significant change in the team, it's still easy to fall back to old ways of doing things."
"The crucial carriers of performance commitments in our organization have very little to do with the formal hierarchy."
"If you want to understand how a society or organization really works, watch that organization operate under periods of stress."
"People leave organizations because they don't feel valued or appreciated, and they don't feel like they belong."
"Leaders don't do anything in organizations, they get people to do them."
"Self-management is so much more powerful than hierarchy."
"A lot of organizations aren't necessarily defined by doing everything right, but when something is messed up, fixing it is often where really good spots stand out."
"Understanding how people behave in organizations and why they do what they do is critical to working effectively with and managing others."
"Expected behaviors and competencies should be modeled by leaders."
"Safety assurance helps us to control the practical drift which happens as a natural part of any organization."
"I don't believe any race in California would remove a member from their organization... for handling his business in a situation where he was not wrong."
"Cultural entropy is the amount of energy that is consumed in an organization in doing unnecessary or unproductive work."
"Organizational behavior deals with how people, groups, and organization structure influence behavior within the organization."
"Big data is opening up some opportunities in organizational behavior."
"Upward communication can be very valuable in our organizations."
"Communication might be one of the most important factors in organizational behavior."
"Norms serve four purposes in organizations: they help the group survive, simplify and make more predictive the behaviors expected of group members, help the group avoid embarrassing situations, and express the central values of the group and identify the group to others."
"We OD professionals need to stay knowledgeable and adept at large group interventions."