
Second Chances Quotes

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"If we were judged by all of our mistakes instantly without being given a second chance, then what kind of world would we live in?"
"I will give those people a second chance. I told myself I wouldn't, but upon further consideration, if they have learned from their mistake, I will forgive them."
"Seeing all the different villains reformed and move on from their criminal life... every five seconds, I was like, second chance, the second chances."
"I believe from what I understand that there have been significant changes, and whilst not everybody will believe that he deserves a second chance, I think I do."
"There's a lot of people that need a second chance in their lives."
"Our God is a god of love, a God of Second Chance, and a God who forgives."
"Sometimes good people do bad things, so give them a second chance."
"I want to say thank you to Lily and her family for giving me a second chance at life."
"Life is about second chances and making the most out of them."
"Once you have served your time in prison, we should turn our system from one of punishment to rehabilitation."
"I love when life gives me a second chance. It's like it's never over unless you just give up."
"He's the God of new beginnings, the God of second chances!"
"Every man has two lives, and the second one begins when we realize we only have one."
"Life is offering you a second chance. Take it."
"I personally believe in giving people second chances and allowing them to learn and grow from their mistakes."
"I believe in second chances, but if you mess with me again, you better watch out."
"We've done a lot better of a job outside of the second time."
"Everybody needs a second chance, a chance just to help them to get over, get back on their feet, to take care of their family, to survive."
"I have enough money now, enough to get rid of my debt. I'd gotten a second chance in life, only now, as damaged as I was, I wouldn't be able to make anything of it."
"I believe everyone deserves a second chance."
"However many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made ..., I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love."
"Soft landings are like second marriages, the triumph of hope over experience."
"Nobody should get a second chance to hurt a child."
"You gave us something we never thought we could have. What is that? Another chance."
"The doctor realized Theodore was not going to make it, so he decided to give him another chance at life."
"At what point does a person become rehabilitated and now everything after that is just bitterness?"
"I have a second chance to get it right for the first time."
"When we pin everyone to their worst moment and do away with the concept of forgiveness, we do away with the potential for growth, for change, for persuasion."
"I promise you this: I will use this second chance to make things right."
"You're really lucky to have been given a second chance of happiness, you know. Don't let it slip away."
"I've given a lot of second chances, and sometimes they've worked out, and sometimes they don't. It's just flip a coin."
"Second chances, they don't ever matter, people never change."
"You cannot truly have a second chance at anything until you forgive yourself and then you forgive that person."
"I don't want this guy never to be in entertainment again. People make mistakes."
"I just felt bad for everyone involved. I would love to see him get another chance in the league. I think the league, I think he deserves it, I think the league would be better for it."
"I'm not unreasonable. As long as you sincerely admit your mistakes, I'm willing to give you a chance to start afresh."
"We cannot be so judgmental that we don't give people an opportunity to change."
"You could mess up a thousand times and the door here would still be open."
"Las Vegas is known as a city of second chances."
"If she shows effort, if she shows that she's willing to put in the work and the sacrifice to become a better person, she should indeed get a second chance."
"Thank You that you are the God of second chances. Thank You that You have no plan B for my life."
"Ex-felons can be great assets... anybody who's given a chance when they've hit a bottom, they can be grateful and hard-working employees."
"People with mental health sometimes make mistakes and they should be able to have a second chance."
"God gave me another chance so it wasn't no need to complain 'cause I got a chance."
"For whatever reason we had been given this other chance because it so easily could have gone a different way."
"The ending also addresses themes of redemption and second chances."
"The fact that you're still alive means God is still giving you a second chance."
"Second chances are possible, but you need to apply the past lessons, otherwise the cycle continues."
"I really firmly believe people deserve second chances."
"They are former inmates, people that went to jail who are getting a fresh start thanks to the landmark criminal justice reform bill that I signed into law."
"Even the worst person has the right to a second chance in our life."
"They want another chance, a fresh new beginning with you."
"The hope here is that you and this person can have a second chance, that this person chooses to renew their faith in the relationship."
"God doesn't give many of us a second chance like that but he gave Jonah a second chance."
"Someone may be wanting your forgiveness or wanting a second chance from you."
"The judgment card says this is a card of second chances."
"To give somebody else a second chance at life."
"We get a do-over, who gets a do-over in this world? We got a do-over."
"Somebody's going to ask you for a second chance."
"Everyone gets a second chance. You'll be fine, pc4, you got this."
"Reopen that old door from the past and say I'm going to give it a shot."
"Emma was a big believer in forgiving people and giving them additional chances when they screwed up."
"You're getting a second chance at something."
"A second chance can be just as sweet, and you can still achieve your ultimate the second time around."
"Aang refuses the concept of moral depravity and he stands for a morality that pardons and provides second chances."
"Return to something that you've forgotten, second chances."
"If you gave up on somebody, maybe give them another chance."
"You're gonna get vindication Pisces, somebody's gonna ask you for a second chance."
"I said this before: I'm all for giving people second chances."
"You get another chance to do better with your life."
"I just hope these boys can mature and take this second chance at life for real."
"If you've been waiting on a second chance with someone it's about to happen."
"Regardless of how this resolves, let's just figure out how to give people an opportunity to live their lives even when they make mistakes."
"You are actually giving this guy a chance to redeem himself in many ways and acknowledging that while he made a stupid deal with the dead, it's still something he can come back from."
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Do you agree?"
"If you give love a second chance, it'll be the best decision you made."
"I'm so happy that I gave this another chance."
"One of the premises behind it is it gives society a chance to do a do-over."
"Politicians can feel like good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felons."
"Everybody great has done things that make you scratch your head or go 'oh my god,' but God's a God of a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance."
"Second chances do exist. You're not always going to meet the perfect person at the right time."
"Everyone deserves a second chance and that includes you."
"Human kindness to forgive and to give people a second chance, and I believe them."
"Let's be committed because this is a second chance."
"I feel like there will be another chance here... there's a lot of potential."
"Yes, I feel like there will be another chance here... no doubt about it."
"Some situations and people really aren't worth the second chance."
"I'm a firm believer in giving a person a shot."
"You need to give this relationship a chance."
"It's all about second opportunities, you know you got to pick yourself back up."
"The second that you were going from this person's life or you left their life whatever it may be they wanted a second chance almost immediately."
"I'm big on second chances, and you should be too."
"I think I really believe people give you a second chance."
"A once great American company, having its second act."
"I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life."
"Resolve conflicts, forgive those who wounded you, give someone a second chance."
"Is it bad to give someone who might have made mistakes a second chance?"
"As long as you're alive, you have another chance."
"People need is one if I'm convinced as so many people like if you just give them one shot at a do-over and they could be convinced in their minds that they had a do-over they would do so much better."
"Somebody needs to hear it: second chances, something that was once broken, second chance."
"Let me show you what I can do with a second chance."
"Kevin was a kind person. He wanted to give people such as criminals and homeless people a second chance to get back on their feet."
"A new beginning... a second chance is coming for you."
"Disney offered to keep him on and also gave him a second chance to pay back the money he owed."
"A game that in hindsight deserves a second chance it may never receive."
"I don't understand how I've been given this many chances, it's like my record is so clear..."
"You have given a second chance if you do the work."
"Your person wants another opportunity with you, they truly do."
"Left the boy returning a man, right the wrongs mate. Not everyone gets a second chance to achieve their dream. Home is where the heart is. Welcome home Romelu Lukaku."
"This is someone determined to have a success with you, determined to have a victory with you, they want a second chance with you, and you're just over here in this powerful energy of like not in the mood."
"If you don't give yourself a chance to try again, you'll never know if it could be different."
"You've done some good things. I believe in you. I'm going to give you a second chance."
"Having a second chance to do my life all over again was a godsend."
"When we fall, we're given one of life's greatest gifts: a part two armed with knowledge."
"Your person may want a second chance with you, a second chance of this love, a second chance of being with you."
"This is someone who wants a second chance, finding solutions, changing, and wanting to come towards you."
"That's the beauty of this, I had a second chance to live. I thought I died and then I was like holy [ __ ], I'm still alive."
"We've been given a second chance. Let's take it."
"No matter what your past is, you still have a second chance to make a new choice."
"Rise from the ashes, a second chance to be happy."
"I know I will be slandered for this but I do believe this is a Redemption for Gerard and I do believe in second chances."
"We must look for the best in people and develop that in each and every one of us."
"All he needed was one more chance damn that's gotta feel good."
"The reputation is he gives you a second chance."
"Father, I received my identity as a miracle. Thank you for believing in me, for giving me another chance to step into my divinity."
"Second chance at healing relationships, embrace the opportunity."
"This dragon soul provides a second chance at life."
"A second bloom, a second chance, it's never too late."
"Communication is the outcome. It's safe for you to give this person another chance."
"For some reason, I've been given a second chance at life."
"I like to see the positive in people I like to give people Second Chances and when they admit that what they did was wrong and they want to come back from they want to be better people I think it's important to be accepting of that..."
"It's like, oh man, shut up, like I wanna give it another shot."
"I believe that somebody would have maybe gave barely Fair child a chance his first couple of times when he got into trouble."
"I believe he deserves an opportunity for redemption."
"I love couples counseling, it's helped him avoid the mistakes of his first marriage."
"Can we imagine a scenario where, after serving whatever time he does, we can figure out a way to redeem and bring him back into the community?"
"Be careful what you give a second chance to."
"Prison can absolutely change your life forever and in some cases you may never get another chance to have your life again."
"Resolve conflicts and forgive those who wounded you; give someone a second chance."
"A second chance, new beginnings—destined abundance awaits."
"Life is about making the most of opportunities, never taking them for granted, especially true is making good on second chances, maximizing a new lease on life when it's given to you."
"There's hope for her yet, everyone deserves a second chance."
"Nothing meant for you will pass you by; embrace the second chances."
"He realizes his mistake, so I kind of forgive him. I think he deserves a second chance."
"Peace is something that is always a freebie. There is always a second chance."
"Life is exciting. God gave me an opportunity to do it again."
"You gotta keep Q, give him one more shot at it."
"For some, we are past the second chance way past."
"You deserve much more. The right people don't need Second Chances."
"People love to hate everyone deserves a second chance."
"I felt like it was a beautiful portrait of growth and grief and second chances."
"Ultimately, Quinn and Jordan were able to outsmart Ozhin and get another chance at life."
"Just because someone failed in the past doesn't mean that person can't try again, change my way of living."
"He's sick because he's apologized. He's been accused of this. He's been given chances."
"If somebody decides to go natural, I think they should be given a second chance."
"There is always something to cling to, always a second chance."
"Can we give her another shot? I see her potential."
"You don't find it too often where you go to prison, you come home, and you're able to find a job that you really enjoy."
"If your first record doesn't really move the needle that much, the nice thing is you got the freedom to do whatever you want."
"A sign from the cosmic powers of the universe that we've been given a second chance to beat this challenge."
"Don't worry you can always give someone a second chance."
"Second chance, forgiveness, trust your intuition."
"You need somebody else's misfortune to then get the opportunity again."
"An exceptionally rare thing in life or in business that you get a second chance to make another big impression. Twitter made one massive impression and changed the way we communicate."
"I'm a strong believer that everybody needs a second chance."
"I'm all about second chances, but the person has to want to take part in the second chance."
"People deserve a second chance, emotions and growth all the way down."
"Second chances are real if you're willing to put yourself out there."
"We're getting a second chance and we will not [ __ ] up our second chance."
"You didn't mess it up. You get a second chance."
"There's always another day, there's always a second chance in life."
"Sometimes you can go back and fix something, it's a second chance."
"God wants to give you through His grace and forgiveness a do-over."
"Life gives you second chances, and it's hard to put into words what this means to me because the amount of time and effort that I've put into the sport."
"That's the beauty of the truth. It gives a second chance."
"It's about feeling worthy of a second chance."
"That's what friends do, don't they? They give each other second chances."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"I stand here in front of all of you to ask for one more chance, to be a better person."
"Feels like I got a second chance at this tournament."
"They deserved a second chance to recover from the last hundred years of disaster."
"Give people a chance, give yourself a chance."
"Everything deserves a second look. Everything deserves a second chance."
"This is redemption time. This is not over till it's over."
"Armed with almost two more decades of knowledge, I decided to give it another go."
"Most of them would not return to a life of crime if they had one more chance."
"Every once in a little while, the Stars will align, and we get another chance."
"Sometimes that second chance is the best thing that ever could have happened."
"I am able to create. I am ready to create. I hope through my atonement I'll be given a second chance."
"If you get a chance to give somebody a life of redemption, it's what can bring it make it whole."
"Even classy women will be weak for the right man, willing to give him a second chance."
"They really want to give it another chance with you and get that communication going again."
"The entire devil cop premise has been Lucifer's second chance after his rebellion."
"You're right, I guess. Well, what about... we'll let him go. He's out of our hair and gets a fighting chance at a life..."
"It's okay to take second chances, you know. It's okay to just take the next right step whatever that looks like for you."
"People choose to go after good people. It's the bad people doing stuff from a bad place that get second chances."
"You're not going to make a mistake with this person this time."
"Resurrection is a more forgiving heal that gives you an extra chance."