
Financial Perspective Quotes

There are 413 quotes

"Money is virtually not correlated with happiness."
"Poor people see money as something to be spent. Rich people see money as something to invest."
"It's not about the money; it's about the compatibility."
"Don't ever mistake money as a competitive advantage."
"Money is such a small fraction of what you need to actually thrive as a human being."
"The stock market is not a reflection of the economy... it's disconnected from the economy."
"Forget about the money, life doesn't go that way. Money comes after. I think you gotta have a dream."
"Even if the appraisal comes in super low... your consolation prize on a bad deal is a twenty-one percent ROI."
"Why am I working? Why do I care about money? What's the point of all this?"
"If you start to take that perspective, especially on high earners and how they spend their money, all of a sudden you stop saying, 'That's ridiculous,' or 'If I had a million dollars, I would never do that.' Instead, you say, 'Why did that person spend on that?'"
"Imagine this: if you were to buy a lottery ticket and win 5 million yuan before taxes every day, it would take you 1,337 years of continuous winning to match Evergrande's debt burden."
"This was never going to be a financially lucrative deal, at least not for the long run. Twitter was never making money."
"Despite all the talks about the importance of money, remember what is most important: your life. Enjoy life while you're here."
"At the end of the day, if you become the world champion of Chess, you might win less money than if you're a professional player who competes and wins some of these other events."
"You can collect as many zeros as you want, but if you don't have the one, it amounts to nothing."
"It's not just about money; it's about who you choose to be."
"Money isn't everything; you got to get happiness points too."
"Life is not cheap, and the good life costs even more."
"Let's get something out of the way: one million dollars isn't what it used to be. Yes, it won't be enough to live a lavish lifestyle for the rest of your life, but it would definitely make your life exponentially better than it is right now."
"At some point, accumulating more money doesn't improve your life; it just becomes a number in a bank account. It's the diminishing returns of wealth."
"I don't care what people say, money makes life easier."
"Think of money in terms of hours... Is that coat really worth 15 hours of work?"
"Financially, to you, cryptocurrency is more valuable than anything else you'll ever do in your entire life."
"Million dollar worth of [ __ ] it's all about upgrading."
"I appreciated working at Kmart cuz it really put me into perspective of what it's like to earn my money."
"If you're discouraged I want you to have hope... the belief though that you have the ability to change your life and your money."
"Gold and silver are real money... they don't need any government or central banker to say this is money."
"Rich people view money as a renewable resource."
"Money is everything, and accidents can be... beneficial."
"Money isn't the goal, it's the tool that will get you close enough so you can conquer it for yourself."
"Talk is cheap but Paul's time is very expensive. It's very cheap even more so."
"Amazon is a trillion dollar company, not a million dollar company, not a billion dollar company."
"Time is the only true currency that's why there's a threshold on how much money it's worth even making."
"It's all about the emotion behind the money, not the money itself."
"Money is just money, how you view it matters."
"Modern monarchies survive on the goodwill of their people and taxpayers."
"Whoever said money doesn't buy you happiness is a liar because money does buy you happiness."
"Money can't replace love in a marriage."
"Money isn't gonna mean anything in the end anyway, so you should enjoy it."
"The price of your coin means absolutely nothing... it's all about your investment."
"When you look at the big picture... any sell-off to me is a buying opportunity."
"I got 50 dollars, I have a decent amount actually."
"Money to me is just a way to help people and grow the business."
"You see that money is a beautiful thing. You see that you can do beautiful things with money."
"I knew that I was happy at 25... making 48,000 a year... making a million bucks wasn't going to be my happiness radar."
"Wealth doesn't just have to do with money. It means a whole lot more than that."
"Legacy, bigger than money, 'cause money is [__] boring."
"Weddings are a huge waste of money, too. It's just not for me."
"Volatility is not always horrible because it also works on the upside."
"Provide the value, money is nothing but a byproduct of value creation."
"Money never excited me because I knew that the money was gonna come, you know what I mean?"
"You're going to pull up at a stoplight driving a piece of crap car next to people that have an income a fourth of yours with a nicer car than yours, right? And you're going to reach the point where you don't care, that's going to be the cool part."
"You don't see money as something to buy stuff. You see it as a tool."
"I believe there will be a future that all investments are going to be looked through sustainability."
"So, for me, the 5 to 10-year view is a lot clearer than any given six-month view."
"Everybody kind of gets that crypto is like a the great equalizer for the average person." - Steven
"Everybody kind of gets that crypto is like a way to equalize the system for the little guy."
"If I made a hundred bucks but I was with God, it's better than making a million bucks without God."
"Having money is a good thing but that ain't everything."
"Are we done now? No, not really. Not really, because you see, there's one factor that we're forgetting here that is very, very important. Time is money."
"As I get older I realize money is not everything but it's kind of almost everything."
"Although we have lost 1 400 you got to look at the other side of that now this is a business it costs money to run."
"Education is important, but paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for that education is not quite as necessary."
"Money will not make you happy, but not having money will make you miserable."
"I'd rather be poor in a van than poor in a house."
"I don't see the purpose of all of that money going to this entire family. It does sometimes become a little bit frustrating."
"Attempting to fill our lives with things only leaves us empty." - "There is more to life than simply making money."
"Buying a home isn't always the best decision from a financial standpoint."
"It's not about how much you earn, it's about what you're worth."
"We were always worried about getting robbed but if we got robbed it's like that's just a business expense at the end of the day."
"I'd take a good name over a 10 million dollar check."
"They got the government and they got the media so and 100 billion dollars people don't realize how much money that is."
"A drop in the bucket for her, just a quick reminder."
"Whenever you hear 200 million you're like wow that's a lot but it's actually not uh they make more than 200 million in a month."
"Money can't buy happiness after a certain level, and that certain level is literally a six-figure salary."
"I mean, that's a different level of wealth. Are we arguing about 160 million dollars? Once we get past the 100 million mark, are we really going to be petty about that?"
"Long term it's not bad... actually looks quite good."
"Fortnite's $520 million fine is a drop in the bucket for a $10 billion game."
"Money doesn't buy you happiness but let's start at 50 Grand when we talk about that."
"The markets probably like it did in 08 go down but if you're not selling then what's it worth? It's not worth anything less than it was before, right? So you just hold on."
"It's not making more money. You just think, you know, like, no money obviously about the value of things change over life."
"Money doesn't make you happy, it might make your life a little bit easier, but it doesn't make you happy."
"Being a millionaire is a fantastic goal now it's really nothing more than a number."
"From $2500 to $8 million, it's a reminder of what we hear and see in the world of sports, what is not appreciated enough as far as I'm concerned."
"Inflation is just a hidden tax and it's really theft and debasement of your hard-earned money."
"Bitcoin recovered and this doesn't do anything for you for 2021 well then just zoom out a little bit."
"Traders will realize that eventually - Bitcoin has the greatest return in the last 10 years."
"Life is so much more than the money that you make."
"Pat McAfee is an investment, Max Kellerman is an expense. Goodbye Max, hey Pat, welcome to the family."
"Money may not make you happy but it solves a lot of problems."
"I'd rather have zero than a hundred million people that have zero."
"Money is relative. The point of this video is for you to see how I think about taking jobs and how you can apply it to your own jobs."
"Take a very long term view so you don't care what happens to the price in the short term."
"Money is comfort, but spiritually money can do nothing for you at all."
"Money is something that God deeply cares about."
"Working for money will only take you so far."
"Expect that there's gonna be a better day or better tomorrow."
"That's almost double the United States president's salary. Insane."
"At $55,000, this is actually kind of a bargain."
"There's nothing wrong with making money, don't get me wrong, but you know, money is only a reflection of added value."
"Success is not in the paper that they print in the federal reserve."
"The market is basically saying this too shall pass and we'll be back to a normal that is not radically different from the old normal."
"For context, my junior doctor salary was about 3000 pounds a month, pretax. This is also pretax. So, this is three and a bit times more than my monthly doctor salary."
"Anything above a million dollars, that's enough."
"Life is not about the capitals of circle of money, but how you enjoy that to create memories."
"It's not about money, remember that y'all, it's not about money."
"Two million dollars isn't even one percent of what his net worth is."
"I view it as me putting money into my own happiness."
"But money is in itself really not going to be that reason and happiness really does come from within especially if you hit the like button."
"Even if it's a hundred bucks that's probably not bad right I mean that's 1 16 of the entire lot of one card."
"Having a property bring in 10,000 a month is not as good as 30, but 10,000 is way better than zero."
"Life is about love, not money. Money won't keep me warm at night."
"Living without debt in a culture that's saturated with it requires a whole new way of looking at things."
"Over time, I've begun seeing things from a slightly different perspective and spending my money just a little bit differently."
"Being rich doesn't mean that you don't want to make more money."
"A lot of people still remember me from being very bearish last year."
"Money doesn't equal happiness... what really is happiness is connection."
"Not financial advice from me or anyone else, it's just my digital perspectives."
"Money to me is just a tool. I don't really splurge or get excited about. I'm not impressed by most things so I'm really able to utilize this money to truly help and cultivate my team and change my family's life."
"If you can afford a $1500 card but that's it and you have a $300 card that's all you could afford, the problem is just as big to the $300 guy as the $1500 guy."
"You won't be as scared to make a risky investment. If I lose it [ __ ], I had nothing before anyway."
"Living on borrowed time, retirement money is living on real time."
"I don't think conditions are crazy but I do think that we're in the advanced stages of a very positive cycle."
"I think the important thing to understand is that going down to thirty thousand dollars, all the while much more reasonable than what most people are projecting."
"You could be broke as a joke and be happier than a mother freakin Kardashian with all the money in the world."
"Life was easier, I had more disposable income, and everything was just easier and more fun when I was making less money."
"We completely changed our thoughts regarding money."
"The natural end state for money is that you are a maximalist."
"The mission is more important than the money."
"A significant sign of approaching wealth is the diminishing worry about financial outcomes, deeply rooted in Canon's concept of trusting the universal flow."
"This shift in perspective involves moving away from viewing money solely as a means of survival or a source of stress towards recognizing it as a tool for good and a facilitator of positive change in our lives and the world."
"I realized that success to me wasn't about the money."
"As long as I'm making money over the long term, that's good."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure helps."
"Bitcoin is oxygen, and it's new. There are some people that are very comfortable in their existence and they think it's okay to ignore it because they're rich and they're comfortable and they're happy."
"The actual total income is pretty high, honestly."
"I just, I don't understand how you can, I understand if you're bullish or bearish short term, but to absolutely and completely rule this market out is very, very short-sighted for me."
"That's like sixty three thousand dollars a year which is just crazy to even think about."
"Your inflation-adjusted cost of home ownership is actually lower than it was 20 years ago."
"Money does not equate happiness, and that's the truth of the matter."
"Money ain't everything, man. I mean, like, I don't, I never was, like, seven mil though or some shit."
"You're not buying a commander deck as a financial investment; you're buying a commander deck to, you know, play Commander."
"500 billion dollars might be like 20 billion dollars today."
"Money is not going to solve any of their problems."
"People don't appreciate money; they appreciate what they can earn."
"More money makes you more of who you already are."
"It is okay to be poor right now. Your goal right now should not be to make the most money possible, it should be to build your ideal life."
"Never mistake short-term declines for permanent losses."
"The downside is far smaller than the potential upside."
"I'd rather be broke and we all be on the same level."
"It's $550 for two days that's it two days so that's 225 bucks a day which in my eyes where I live that's some pretty good money."
"Money doesn't buy you happiness, but it allows happiness to exist."
"Deflation is the natural state of a growing economy."
"If you're getting access to coins that could go up dramatically in value, those $10, $20, sometimes $30 fees to make transactions can be completely worth it."
"Money's great, but you arrive at your problems with style."
"We're literally living in a fantasy land when it comes to the pricing of financial assets these days."
"I grew up really poor and like $180,000 is like so much money to me."
"You know, everything is about money. I mean these guys were earning over 300 grand a week."
"Maintain a long-term perspective—it's crucial to think of wealth as a marathon and not a sprint."
"Old Ash has now morphed into New Ash who is a lot more like her husband TJ, because I now see that very clearly the earnings potential that money has."
"This is more of an extended pause... versus a reversal." - Mike Larson
"Wow, $500, that's like five dollars in today's money."
"But if it's just draining and taking away then it's not worth it right it's like you know I have a big watch collection so I know when I buy this Rolex it's not going to make money but it's also not going to lose money."
"The exchange rate is massive between Baht and most European American currencies so the kids would always be like, 'It's only a few hundred quid in our money or whatever.'"
"Would you rather have a penny a day now or would you rather have thirty thousand dollars seven thousand years from now? Cheers to that!"
"Money was the cheapest commodity I had. It was time that was so critical. Money you can replace, money you can make. It's time that's really precious."
"If you recognize and you are willing to admit that you're stained... god sent a sanitizer and his name is Jesus."
"Live your life and not chase money, chase happiness."
"Don't call your house an investment, because at the end of the term, you may have paid three times its worth in payments."
"You should be happy making videos, never making a dime off of it."
"It's not twenty thousand dollars that's taken away from you it's twenty thousand dollars that you get to use but still that that's not a small chunk of change cash that's not a small chunk of change."
"Money can't buy you happiness but I must say I have money and I'm pretty happy."
"You never know, but everybody's got a price."
"This is bullish, my friends. It is bullish. You will see it or you will not."
"I don't think it's any different owning a home than renting a home."
"Money makes the world go around; honestly, having a lot of money is the solution to all problems."
"Regardless of whatever happens in this market, that is still a win in my book."
"Debt forces you to live life looking through the rearview mirror."
"Sometimes people need to be reminded how very normal a 20 to 30 pullback in bitcoin is."
"Money is necessary yes but it's of little importance in the long run."
"Money is not the answer, it's what's here. Money is going to come to you no matter what, it's all about creativity."
"It's a blessing to lose 400,000 to lose 900,000 because in order to lose 900,000 dollars, you have to be up."
"Ownership, not income, measures true success."
"It's not about the money; it's about the relationship."
"I'm not anti-leverage, I'm anti-circulation credit."
"Economics I think is the first step toward helping ease that pain that this country is going through right now."
"Money is never as important as your mental health."
"Words of wisdom: look at it as wealth, not as an investment."
"Knowing that gold has an 8 trillion dollar market cap and we are almost at 2 trillion, that is just remarkable."
"When you buy a Bitcoin you're buying 121 millionth of all the money on the network. Would you want to own 121 millionth of all the money in the world?"
"I don't want to judge that I never like making any kind of broad statements about finances because different amounts of money mean different amounts of things to people."
"There's no joy in money, there's joy in financial freedom."
"Money comes and goes, and in my opinion, finding a life partner you can't really put a price on that."
"I consider money sometimes if you think about it too much the root of all evil."
"Wealth is spiritual. It's not about what you do, it's about what is backing you."
"Very few jobs can produce more money than what you can make when you're investing in real estate."
"There will come a day where you're kind of laughing at yourself saying man I remember when 33,400 to me seemed so scary."
"Money doesn't mean much if you don't have your health."
"Don't focus on the 1.5% drop; look at the 26% gain over the past week!"
"Money is a great thing... money is the scorecard of reality."