
Sports Management Quotes

There are 4162 quotes

"I believe in Arteta. I think Arteta is a top manager. However, he needs to sort out the balance."
"We're not a bank account; we're a football club."
"This marks the completion of the transaction but just the beginning of our journey to take Manchester United back to the top of English, European, and World football."
"The majority of the fan base is still with the manager because they know the thing that needs to happen is to clear out this toxic set of players."
"The obvious appointment is Eric ten Hag, and you make that appointment and get on with it."
"Everything becomes more individual, and the fight is to try to make these individuals be a team."
"What Bruns is doing with this Nick Squad, especially with all the injuries...keeping them in the top four, got to be taken into consideration."
"Being a GM is about more than just getting the best players; it's about getting the right players to play well together."
"You want to make your players happy, right? You want them to feel like they're appreciated."
"The culture's got to be right at the club because it needs to create the right environment for young players."
"I think Eddie Howe does a great job with Newcastle."
"I don't think kante suits Spurs either. It's exactly the same as what we had with Mourinho; you sort of sell your soul to win trophies."
"Let's remind ourselves what level Burton are, League One. I have been offered a job interview."
"Man United's dominance at the end was based on having a manager who had the know-how to win a title every year over anybody else."
"We're running this football club. I don't care how many Twitter followers you've got... we run this football club and there's accountability and nobody is safe if they don't perform."
"Even if a player is the best player in the world, if they completely bankrupt your club and put you in an irredeemable financial situation, it's probably not worth signing."
"I think we'll have a new man at the helm next season, unfortunately."
"Brighton's recruitment is amazing. What they do around recruitment is amazing."
"We're not a bloody charity. We're meant to be a competitive football club."
"Would you take Mayu to the Euros?" "No, selfishly I wouldn't, because I think that a young player that plays for Man United, who's played a lot of football this season, needs a break in the summer."
"If they don't sign him this year and make him wait another year, then that's sending him a signal like, 'We don't really know where we want to go now.'"
"The five substitutes are going to play a massive part in the rest of this season."
"Ruthless excellence is what United need, not finding jobs for nice people."
"It's not just the coach, it's not just the players, it's not just the coaching staff, it's not just the board. There's incompetence and concerns in that club from top to bottom."
"I understand the anger, I understand the support, but right now, I actually think Man United have made the right move."
"It's actually 30, 20-30% tactics, 70-80% people," when discussing the importance of people over tactics in football management.
"Our owners knew anything about football they would have looked at somebody like Pochettino... who plays good football, develops youth, and entertains the fans."
"Being a head coach, you got to know which jobs to take and which jobs not to take."
"We need someone who's going to stabilize Manchester United, put that structure in place, and give us an idea of where we are going moving forward with the football club."
"This has catapulted Tottenham from sitting outside of the top 10 of the Deloitte Football Money League to ranking eighth last season, above Chelsea, Arsenal, Inter Milan, and Juventus."
"Sir Jim Radcliffe believes his offer would give United a progressive, fan-centered ownership model."
"FIFA has done what FIFA does best: taken something that isn't broken, smashed it to pieces, glued half of it back together again, and then done a victory lap expecting to be lauded for their genius."
"Fan engagement is at the heart of their bid."
"It's dependability and I've been blown away by how good of a job Jason Kidd has done with this group."
"It's a dream to play for your country, and if you're a manager, you should support that."
"When it comes to club versus country, it's a difficult balance."
"Mike Shanahan left no stone unturned. He was as shrewd an operator as ever came down the NFL Pike."
"Don't gang up on Ole Gunnar Solskjaer this morning, what do you expect him to do?"
"Danny Mill says that Gareth Southgate would be perfect for Manchester United. Gareth Southgate can deal with pressure, deal with the media, and he's someone who gets on with players."
"What do Manchester United need? They need a club that's brought together and has a harmony that Gareth has created at England."
"In sports, drafts are the way to go, getting a young prospect that can potentially change the fabric of your organization for years to come."
"I've played at a high level, I've managed at a high level, I might have something to add."
"You can't promise winning football; if you could, owning a football club would be an easy thing to do."
"A winning football team is a magic bullet; it solves an awful lot of problems."
"He had a real passion and love for that club."
"The fight has to make sense...we make the right fights at the right time."
"I would only pay a quarterback 30 million dollars or more if they were elite, if they could win with less."
"Unfortunately, but obviously built a juggernaut."
"The club has done a phenomenal job and put everything on the table to try and bring in players and the profile that we wanted."
"It's not personal to Richard Arnold, it's not personal to John Murtough, it's not personal to Scott McTominay, or any player I think we should sell. It's just, I don't think we're very good at set pieces. I don't think we're very good at finishing. I don't think we're good at buying."
"We're not negotiating a new contract with Bruno Fernandes, so I don't know why it's even a conversation."
"The sweet spot is a manager like Pep Guardiola working with a sporting director he knows and respects on a project where they both talk, discuss, agree, and disagree."
"Ten Hag carried this through a storm of injuries and non-football trophies; he deserves our trust and provides immediate executive credibility."
"Dak and his new agent jerked the rug out from under Jerry Jones in a negotiation, and you do not do that to Gerald Wayne Jones Jr."
"The humility and the honesty that you're seeing from a manager like Thomas Tuchel, as a player, as a fan, when you see someone like him leading your football club, you just can't help but support."
"I think that is a mistake to cancel it. I think, you know, the more options talented players have to get to their dream, the better."
"You can't trade him, and he has to play at least 40 minutes a game."
"This has been one of the most satisfying and enjoyable rebuilds we have done to date."
"We can't compete with the clubs in the market. Sad reality. We desperately need change in the ownership."
"The reality is... we need a director of football."
"Justice Brett Kavanaugh said the NCAA is not above the law, and nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing not to pay their workers a fair market rate."
"To call myself the world's best club owner, I'll have to take my very own club from EF League 2 all the way to the Champions League trophy."
"Manchester United have smashed the record for social media interaction... The Glazers will be having a bloody party off that because it's money."
"Solskjaer's career, he's very good at, you know, when he's in trouble, going on a good run, and that run will go on long enough that people will forget the trouble, and the trouble will come back again."
"No manager gets what they want in every transfer window. But now, with the squad we have, there are no excuses."
"United sign Berbatov, Rooney, and Dwight Yorke on transfer deadline day under Fergie. We also signed Anthony Martial on deadline day, and those players have done pretty damn well."
"It's not about having the best players; it's about having the right tactics."
"The success of Manchester United under Ferguson was the fear he held. People like Gary Neville wouldn't dare say anything behind the manager's back."
"The recent story around Justin Langer is quite interesting. His style was the less good fit for that team now."
"People with ADHD a lot of times struggle because their orienting reflex is hypersensitive, and their brain has a difficulty determining what is important to pay attention to and what is not."
"Ineos are Furious with those players. They want to implement a professional, Elite, mentality Sports football club."
"The most difficult task for any manager is telling a young kid he's not going to make it United."
"In college sports the athletic is reporting that Texas and Oklahoma which pledged to leave the Big 12 the SEC a year and a half ago could leave as early as 2024."
"Signing the best coaches is a good way to do everything you can to win."
"If Football Manager is all about giving yourself the best chance to win in every way possible, signing the best coaches is a good way to do everything you can to win."
"I know he's going to be amazing, so 18 million straight up. Okay, let's negotiate."
"I am interested in signing Chuckwesa as a backup now for our team."
"The difference between Manchester United pre-Glazers and post-Glazers is that we weren't owned by people who didn't support the club."
"If we don't win the Champions League this season, I'm definitely gonna be changing the striker."
"The plan is obviously starting in Ligue 2 to take the club as high as possible in the English game and then theoretically as well hopefully as far as possible in the European game."
"Divine executive orders are laws established in heaven and declared by you on the earth."
"The Chiefs have had the fewest principal owners of all 32 franchises, which is remarkable..."
"Bringing in this little Englishman was by far the best thing to happen to the entire Canadian men's program."
"They don't have a monopoly on big guys, but holy crap, there's clearly a strategy."
"Manchester City and Liverpool are not standing still, they are continuing to reinvest new ideas going forward."
"My thinking, all my thinking, 99% of my thinking about football management and how you deal with players would have come from my time as a player at Liverpool."
"We need ownership from people who want the club to be successful on the pitch."
"Every single day of the week, I would go get rid of the Glazers."
"If you change your owners and get decent owners in, they would have the same mentality as us."
"There's no more second chances, you've got to go and deliver."
"Ten Hag probably the best manager we've had since Fergie."
"It's mission impossible for an interim coach with this squad."
"The NFLPA voted unanimously to recommend skipping the preseason altogether"
"You have a number of teams that are sitting here going, 'What's it gonna take?'"
"If we leave Old Trafford, it's not S Jim's fault, it's not Enos's fault, it's nobody's fault other than the Glazers; they bled us dry." - Commentator
"Arsenal aim to go one better than last term's second-place finish. Are we ready for Patino? What's happening with Charlie? We've got some Timber action here."
"It's a professional football manager who knows football coming into Manchester United to make us a football club. Not Disneyland anymore, the rides are closed, take your Mickey Mouse hats off and piss off. This is a football club now."
"Smart move by United. This will ensure a good manager in the summer, good signings, and retention."
"It's way more important for a team to show their fanbase that they care about winning and there's a path for them to get there."
"We're not asking how do we create the strongest possible North American teams because that was a question we should remove all import restrictions 100% there's no doubt about it."
"Mentality and character, recruitment and coaching - all these things are key."
"I want Manchester United to be the focal point... I don't want it to be, you know, 'Well, we own PSG and Manchester United,' because basically you're becoming part of an investment portfolio."
"What Brighton are doing is freakish given the circumstances only made possible as a result of some of the Sport's shrewdest most Innovative and ultimately effective transfer business."
"Hopefully it is evidence at this stage the Brighton are very well run and their recruitment is among the finest in all of world football."
"This is the first time since post Fergie that there are signs of meaningful changes behind the scenes."
"People keep confusing the fact that the Glazers care about the club, they don't."
"Name me three ownership groups that have stuck with the man they inherited."
"Manchester United confirmed that the Glazers are willing to consider selling Manchester United."
"We're a club of progression and ambition, why would you not do that because of money?"
"You've got to set your team up in a way that you're not going to win anyone, but you'll get a result."
"I remember Sir Alex Ferguson saying to me, 'Just get rid of them, son. Protect yourself. Only have people in the dressing room who are facing the same direction as you.'"
"United must do everything possible to keep Pogba, would be a massive loss." - Victoria
"Madrid's issue here is that they've got no money and they've got a player in Varane who is a centre-back that they can get 40 million quid for."
"We will buy a centre-back if we don't get Varane."
"If the club wanted a manager that was going to walk in and command respect with a proven track record, they would have got Conte last week."
"For all these people who try and blame ten hog, I look at it and I go, well, the players didn't turn up."
"I'd rather have us failing with Ten Hag than seeing him succeed at another club."
"I think it's good, the protocols have put in place."
"The only problem with giving up the first pick is you no longer have the first pick. It's like the last bite of a sandwich, I would if I were a GM I would."
"You have to bring in guys like Myles Garrett, David Njoku, and Jabrill Peppers in the same draft and so you start bringing in, because you're at that low point, you can bring in the right culture guys."
"I'm excited about VaynerSports right now." - Gary
"You couldn't have seen that Cedo was going to be so bad but you said you did."
"I think the fundamental problem is FIFA. I think the way that these things are organized, the way that they make money from them is fundamentally corrupt."
"Are you still building something or just filling gaps around guaranteed starters?"
"Doesn't necessarily have to be someone who stands toe to toe with Guardiola tactically."
"You don't swoop in and take our staff and players for cheap; you pay the top price or you don't get them."
"Manage on feel. When the player is hot, you put him at the top of the lineup and you ride with her hot. Joe Tori know how to do that. It's not all about the goddamn freaking book and the numbers. Watch the game, Boone. Watch what they're doing."
"Players want to prove that the manager was the problem."
"Manchester United are gonna get a director of football because it takes control away from these clowns who are running the club."
"Look, if Manchester United Football Club really gave a damn about the fans, they'd speak to the united stand."
"We must awake from this zombie state. Our club is rapidly going downhill."
"Brighton are an example of a really well-run club, Manchester United the opposite."
"If you can keep him and the money's there to do it, then I have no qualms with it whatsoever."
"Shout out to Mike Shanahan because he set the whole vision and he, it was genius about him."
"I wish we could have had a draft board right in front of me."
"The fun part is with all of those limitations, how do we put this player in a position to have his fullest value?"
"Players decide when coaches are done. Once the players are done with you, you are done."
"I don't know who his agent is but if it was rich Paul next year that team would be clutched out."
"Once the players are done with you, you're done."
"That's what he's getting paid for, you know, and we'll see how he gets on. I mean, I'm quite excited to see what he does in the next four months."
"He needs to be given the season with his own signings with the squad he's built and to see what he can do."
"Those are the things that they have to figure out in order to make the rotation."
"There's only 32 jobs in this league so whether you get a second chance or not you're lucky no matter what color you are."
"Under the management of Chabby Alonzo, Bayer Leverkusen have gone from a club threatened with relegation to arguably the best team in the Bundesliga."
"CFL done, they're asking for money from anybody."
"But the journey transfer window as you guys might know is huge for us now let's take a look at the team how have we done we are currently 19. only three points away from not being at the bottom there that's not too bad actually."
"Hopefully, for a very, very long time alongside CD, but he has a good time to improve this season around."
"Look at that defense now, Theo Hernandez, Kunde, Saliba, Mukele."
"The Chargers didn't look very far for their new head coach, hiring Brandon Staley from the Rams, with whom they share SoFi Stadium."
"The reality is the message was Glazers out and the message is still Glazers out. And most of us want to do that in a legal, proper way and we move to the next step."
"Eddie Howe has changed the culture of the club, the intensity, and the competitiveness within."
"I think once that happens with two very good coaches the issues then are structural rather than with the coaches"
"Keep the same energy for everyone. If James is good enough to start nearly every game, then Jesse's good enough to be in the squad. That's it."
"It's part of the club's DNA, it's a non-negotiable. It happens at our stuff."
"I'm not saying Bill Belichick's the only football coach that tries to do that, but it feels as if the Patriots are always the organization that finds a way to get through a situation and exploit it to benefit themselves the most."
"Kevin Stefanski is the reason that Odell doesn't get as many targets. We can all agree on that."
"At the end of the day, if it's about winning championships, why would you not want your players to be the absolute most rested they can be?"
"We don't need a rich owner, we just need people to run the club properly."
"Expect the unexpected when you have a collection of talented GMs like we have. Guys are going to go off the grid. Everyone's draft board looks like a snowflake, so we will see what the difference is." - Daniel Jeremiah
"Players with an expired contract... a gold mine of hidden talent ready to take center stage."
"The only manager in the world that could rely on free agents... give him a minimal shoestring budget and he can still produce results."
"We've brought in Danny Ceballos... the beating heart and soul of our team."
"Money does matter; the most successful teams in pro cycling are those with the biggest budgets."
"This club has no confidence, this club has no desire, this club doesn't care enough."
"All this stuff is gonna persist until we fix what's really wrong with the club."
"Everybody's doing the same thing, same mistakes under various managers."
"At the end of the day, it's important that everyone's goals are simply to grow the league."
"You need to get a good GM and a good coach. That's your first order."
"The XFL is thinking big, and Vince likes to think big."
"Honestly, whether it's in relation to Abramovich or Abu Dhabi coming in, what this all proves is that we need a regulator."
"It's going to be a complete, huge rebuild to get this squad back to anywhere near it."
"If there's money on offer there and Lingard can go because he's not going to play, take that problem out of the changing room and get some money."
"Just because we haven't heard of him doesn't mean that he's not going to be good."
"It's criminal malpractice what they're doing with Joe Burrow right now."
"All we want is for the Glazers to sell this club."
"We're seeing in front of our eyes the collapse of the European super league and the collapse of that ownership system."
"I might have to do another trade this offseason as the Pelicans win it all."
"With Chavi as head coach, the drive is back, the joy is back, the smiles are back."
"We're projected to be like the 12th best team in the conference. That's not good enough."
"We'll be trading at least two of the three players on our trading block this season."
"This was without a doubt the best move for this Raiders franchise."
"A bloody Purge... players peeled off of this roster like onion skins."
"This was the performance of a team begging for their head coach to get fired."
"If you get different head coach, no it used to be a destination players wanted to come here after watching in this collapse after watching this coach decimate this football team."
"The game is so much more about more than just X's and O's... how much is the analytics department really running this organization?"
"I don't have faith that Howie Roseman can build this defense... they cannot develop young talent."
"I went through all the guys that he's drafted on the defensive side of the football... there's nobody that he's drafted that is contributing to this defense."
"There will be a host of coaching changes after this debacle."
"We're starting off in the Prem to see if my own kind can survive in the top flight."
"A team org should not have control over the schedule, format, funding, seating of their own players, and the biggest events of the year."
"I started Panda, became a CEO for one reason: give players an outlet to feel their passion about and proud to say to that."
"I wouldn't want Ollie to be sacked, I want the Glazers out."
"Melody Hobson is changing the game of football as the first black woman to be a part owner of an NFL team."
"This football club should not be in the hands of people like that."
"Corruption at its finest. How hard to put some balls in a pot? Like, come on."
"Finally, a competent offensive coordinator that knows how to use the weapons around."
"The hypocrisy of it is ridiculous—it's all about money with Manchester United."
"This transfer window by Manchester United is an embarrassment and it is incompetence."
"Manchester United are incompetent at transfers. We are a disgrace when it comes to transfers."
"I don't know why United didn't go for Bassumer. All I know is many of you and myself have been saying for about 18 months every time we watch Bassumer, He's massively impressive."