
Balanced Diet Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"When you're eating starches and sugars, add some protein, fat, or fiber to them."
"Ensuring a balanced diet with adequate protein, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 is essential for maintaining health, especially during significant life changes like menopause."
"Here's the thing about Wellness week: it's not just about eating 100% healthy, it's about enjoying your food."
"Having healthy but delicious snacks on hand has helped me stick to a balanced diet."
"I've learned that a balanced diet means eating a mix of foods, mostly home-cooked and nutrient-dense, with no strict rules and certainly a lot of room for fun."
"By keeping nourishing, wholesome, plant-based food as my baseline, I don't feel guilty when I go out to enjoy a meal with friends."
"Eating a balanced diet to me means including a lot of fermented foods, which are great for your gut."
"When you've made peace with food, then start working on adding gentle nutrition."
"Control your carbohydrates, prioritize protein, and don't fear fat."
"Nature wanted for us a balanced fat diet, not a low-fat diet."
"Just eat well 95% of the time... so we can enjoy it when we don't."
"I don't know why everyone demonizes it but the girl obviously does know how to build a balanced snack and ultimately I'm just glad she's not forcing herself to eat something that she hates."
"One big learning is people realizing that the importance of balancing their meals... fat protein and fiber."
"It's so like well balanced. It's definitely pretty sweet like a lot of Korean food has sweetness in it, I've noticed."
"Our ancestors were very aware of a balanced diet, believing that good food developed natural defenses to fight diseases."
"Eating routine is dual fuel - carbs for gym superpowers, fasting for fat burning."
"Moderation is key in both vegan/vegetarian and omnivorous diets."
"Being a happy human being, you just need your nutrients, so I make sure everything is just a balanced meal."
"Let's try and balance that out a little bit, get some whole grain carbohydrates in there."
"Balance is key: enjoying treats in moderation is part of a balanced diet."
"Follow a balanced mix diet, one that you can do forever, not one you can fall for three months and give up, one that will be able to be done for life. That's the key, lifetime adherence, not a quick fix, not a band-aid, a diet for life."
"True recovery would be nourishing your body every day, all day, allowing yourself Lucky Charms when you want them, along with other foods that make you feel good."
"Adding a protein and fat to any carbohydrate-rich meal is going to have a number of favorable effects."
"Including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet will help with your overall balance."
"Life is too short to completely eliminate foods that you actually love."
"It's really important to have a balanced diet."
"Meat and animal fat are just higher in nutrition and we shouldn't avoid vegetables altogether."
"The purpose of me doing this challenge is to show you that you can have your favorite foods in moderation and still live an overall healthy lifestyle."
"It is totally healthy and balanced to enjoy pizza or a matcha flavored donut from time to time."
"Your body can't properly digest and use the protein, carbs, and fat unless you're getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals."
"The smartest choice is to make sure that you are having a well balanced diet of carbs and of fruits and vegetables and of your protein whatever choice protein you choose I think that is your best bet for maintaining a healthy lifestyle."
"You can eat all the vegetables you want, some fruit, meat, fish, fowl, eggs, nuts, seeds, lots of sources of protein, healthy fats."
"Filling your body with nutrient-dense and healthful balanced meals is such a crucial way to improving your overall health and life."
"For the most part, most foods can be included in a well-balanced diet perfectly fine."
"Just having a balanced eating... you'll be able to avoid those really crazy bloated moments."
"You want to store a good balance of protein, fats, and carbs."
"The backbone of your diet should be fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes."
"The best food ever invented: pizza. It has all the food groups, potentially you could survive off pizza easily, easily."
"French culture really emphasizes the importance of food, they focused on a balanced and diverse culinary experience."
"The apple walnut salad is kind of my jam. What I found is that when I eat that salad, it satisfies my sweet and savory cravings together as one."
"The goal is to have a healthy relationship with food."
"Simple home-cooked meals that consist of a protein, a veg, and a carb."
"All foods can fit in a healthy world; people just restrict them so much that they end up binging on them."
"That girl is someone who goes with the flow, appreciates all the foods they crave, nourishes their body, feels energized, and just eats everything."
"It's fresh. There's protein. There's veggies. There's fat from the avocado. Chef's kisses."
"Exercise is good, but use it in addition to a healthy diet."
"Besides just getting the protein, you’re getting a plethora of other nutrition."
"It's important to have a balanced diet and a balanced crankshaft."
"It's more beneficial to realize that actually eating more if it's nutritional and healthy for you is actually 10 times more beneficial than starving yourself or throwing it all up."
"Dessert is not a reward for eating your vegetables but just learning to eat a balanced diet."
"I'm a firm believer in approaching diet in terms of not trying to be perfect, but making it sustainable."
"No matter how balanced your diet is, the nutrients that you need are sometimes going to fall through the cracks."
"I feel like some of you guys need to learn how to have a balanced diet or a more balanced lifestyle."
"Living healthy means eating a balanced diet, choosing foods that are right for you, and talking to a doctor about preventative care."
"Foods aren't good for me or bad for me, they all have pros and cons."
"Look what we've got there. We've got very little meat and a whole lot of vegetables. And that's the way nutritionally you should be eating."
"You can get all your vitamins and minerals from having a good balanced varied diet with plenty of fruits and plenty of veg."
"So the reason, you know, that we need a balanced diet is to make sure that we get a diet that's going to provide us with all of the amino acids, especially the 20 that we cannot synthesize ourselves."
"You're getting all you need: the protein, the carbs, the fiber which is important."
"Listen, I endorse balance of nature here on the show, guess what you can have your pancakes and you take your balance of nature and you got your veggies."
"You know, I know the vegan diet is all about being healthy and everything, but like I said, once in a while, you have to have your cheat meals, and this is one of them."
"Balance, nutrition, variety, and flexibility are the principles that will inform what we do."
"Doing a 50 50 plate is something that I am going to be doing in 2023 for 100 days."
"Don't cut out any food groups or restrict anything for the sole purpose of weight loss."
"A firm believer in the power of a balanced diet, Aniston includes plenty of fruits."
"I have learned to create chocolatey meals that are balanced and full of whole grains, sweetened mostly with fruit."
"You don't get more balanced than a diet that's inclusive of both animal and plant products."
"You need to have a regimented diet, but you need to not be too strict because you need to enjoy life too."
"It's important to eat a nutritious, well-balanced meal, but it's got to be delicious too."
"Eat your fruit, eat your vegetables, have your protein, but also eat your chocolate and your peanut butter."
"I have a healthy relationship with food, I have a healthy relationship with activity and movement and exercise."
"That is the Breakfast of Champions: we've got protein, double protein, and the tiniest amount of carbs."
"Half of your plate is veggies, a quarter of your plate is some healthier carbs, and then the other quarter is some proteins."
"Nurturing your kidneys through a well-balanced diet is an investment in your long-term health."
"Have a realistic view of food, and when you're trying to do healthy diets, you can make a healthy diet that tastes really good and it's fun to eat."
"Through meal plan, you can include variety and a balanced diet in your life."
"If you meal plan, you can have a look at your weekly menu and analyze if you have a proper amount of protein, dairy, green leafy vegetables, etc., in your diet."
"My health depends on having a balanced relationship with food."
"Get your pumpkin seeds, get your chia seeds, get your nuts, get a balanced diet."
"The chicken is really good. Definitely need more vegetable, maybe less sauce."
"High in protein with the beans and the eggs, good as fats as well with the avocado and the egg yolk."
"You can eat enough and it doesn't have to be boring."
"Eating a balanced diet is eating healthy and also giving yourself room for junk food."
"It's also very important to eat other healthy plant foods as well."
"Vitamins are normally bound up in food with multiple constituents and that results in a diffuse, gentle, balanced action on your body."
"A balanced diet of various food categories may be associated with better mental health."
"Juicing may help you get the five to nine recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day, but that alone is not a balanced diet."
"If you eat a balanced diet, you're going to have many beneficial things coming in that overall help buffer some of the blood sugar spikes and glycation overall."
"I always try to have both fats, carbs, and protein in every single meal that I'm eating."
"Cheese is not inherently unhealthy. In fact, cheese is a source of calcium, protein, and fat, as well as other vitamins and minerals."
"Healthy food is good for you too, but you need to treat yourself."
"I like to follow the 80 20 rule which is 80% nutritious meals, whole foods, drinking lots of water, 20% meals that you want to indulge in."
"I mean as I always preach a healthy source of fats, proteins, and carbs all in one meal to really really make you feel full, keep you full for longer, make you feel satiated."
"Meat should be always consumed with vegetables, not potatoes, which are with vegetables, green leafy vegetables, those around meat to offset the deleterious effects."
"We need a little of everything, including some fat; the only thing it's all right to skip is starchy food because there's a healthy amount of carbohydrate in fruits and vegetables."
"I try to do my best to eat well, so I'm gonna eat a healthy breakfast balanced with protein, healthy fats."
"Foods can only get you just to that right level, so you never have to worry about eating a food that would prevent your healthy organs from getting blood flow."
"I've had a difficult day; what we need is a balanced meal with meat and vegetables."
"I like to try to incorporate meals that have a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs."
"The best way to maintain your ideal weight is a combination of a healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise."
"Try to eat at least one food source from all of those colors around the spectrum."
"This meal has a great source of protein, great source of carbs, great source of fat, super filling as well."
"Sometimes you gotta enjoy your food while still keeping to your macros and healthy food choices."
"The best everyday balanced nutrition for a healthy life."
"Balanced meals help nourish your body properly throughout the day."
"A healthy balanced diet is about the correct proportions of each food group."
"I'm not a big fan of diets in general, I think you should have a good diet, yes, in general."
"You need to have a meal. A meal is like carbohydrates. It's protein, it's some healthy fats, it's fruits and veggies, like it's a meal."
"You just want to make sure that you are having a balanced diet."
"The grilled fish, the rice, fresh green salad, string beans, and a glass of water is the best for lunch."
"Provided that children eat a balanced diet, having one or two fast food meals per week should not cause any health issues."
"I don't pay attention to the calories too much as long as I'm just eating balanced, healthy meals."
"I think a mixture of all micronutrients depending on your body type and what your energy expenditure is, is the best way forward."
"If you have a well-balanced diet, you shouldn't have to supplement anything."
"I'm not going to cut out any food groups whatsoever; it just means that I do have to learn how to balance my food intake."
"The dishes have to be healthy, diet-conscious, and have good balance between ingredients, but most important... Love is all you need."
"Her diet is very flexible and balanced."
"It's not that hard, like if you're eating enough calories and you're eating a variety of food, that's the key."
"Healthy eating is all about balance. You can enjoy your favorite foods, even if they are high in calories, fat, or added sugars. The key is eating them once in a while."
"A well-balanced diet is a steak in each hand."
"A normal healthy diet is gonna work, so you know, eat multiple meals a day, have a balanced diet, have snacks when you want them."
"Choose foods that you really enjoy eating and incorporate it so you get the protein, carbs, and fats that you need."
"I have a very healthy balanced and super relaxed approach to food."
"I am a big fan of eating everything in moderation."
"It's a perfect blend of complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat."
"The main course of a meal should consist of protein, carbohydrates, and raw non-starchy vegetables."
"A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all the food groups, including an adequate amount of water."
"Allowing myself to eat the foods that I craved and to eat a more balanced and all-inclusive diet was something that I found necessary to healing my relationship with my food and my body."
"I still make sure that my meals... consist of a decent amount of protein, complex carbs, and good fats."
"I try to eat a balanced diet on a day-to-day basis."
"Over the years of being vegan, I've learned that it's really helpful for your satisfaction to have all your meals very balanced with proteins and fats."
"We had protein and four of the five meals, we had carbs, we had veggies, and I don't feel like we really missed out on anything and the taste was wonderful."