
Healthy Choices Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Here's how to pick a good protein bar: if for how many calories it has, it has a lot of protein, you're winning."
"It's so easy to make the Positive Choices... I have not binged even one time."
"I am not trying to do a crash diet. I'm trying to make healthier choices."
"The environment changes you. If the healthy choice is at arm's reach, that's what you'll choose."
"Just shred your own cheese, you don't have to be eating wood pulp."
"Choosing between which is healthier for you or not probably setting those boundaries."
"Fruit is ultimately a nutrient-dense easy choice."
"Fast food salads are still a great way to make a healthy lunch or dinner choice."
"Instead of having a bowl of cereal, switch it to quinoa or some healthy granola for a lower blood sugar spike."
"Making healthy choices in love and in life, self-love, self-care, being happier."
"Try to pick something that is outside your comfort zone in a healthy way."
"If you get the goldfish crackers out of the house and put a bowl of apples in its place, if your kid opens the pantry and says there's nothing to eat they're not hungry."
"Stop eating fast food and high-fat crappy meat that you know is bad for you and eat the healthier stuff. Simple."
"The potato is actually going to be one of your best choices."
"Choosing one of these 10 healthy snacks is also better than choosing an unhealthy snack, because it's gonna keep the calories down low, as well as help you get all the nutrients that you need for the day."
"If you can, as I say you buyer um and by if possible unprocessed."
"It's almost like you tumble right down to the full energy here, which is taking a leap of faith for something new, something healthy, something better."
"So it's great to just set up your environment such that it's going to promote the healthy choice."
"What I really love about these guys is that even if you go to flavored ones like Chipotle barbecue they don't put any garbage in there look at these ingredients."
"It's just organic roasted peanuts, that's perfect, there's nothing to it other than peanuts."
"Don't be a [ __ ] like you can find things that taste good."
"Make the choice; take the first step towards a healthy, beautiful, loving partnership."
"It should be normalized for teenagers not to want to smoke, drink, and experiment."
"It's not a proper meal unless you have an avocado in there."
"You know how to say no to those donuts, to the cocaine being offered at parties, to the drink, to the woman who clearly is just going to be a financial burden."
"The sauces, the dressings, the toppings... if they're healthy and they add taste and functionality, you are so far ahead of the game."
"Every time I choose to take like three or four flights of stairs instead of just hopping into the elevator."
"Preparation is the key. If you're not prepped, you're gonna go grab something from the local cafe or get takeaways."
"There's no reason why we can't have healthy food options in school."
"Seltzer water can be a valuable addition to a kidney-friendly diet, offering hydration without added sugars or artificial additives."
"Learn to love yourself first. If you fall in love with yourself, drugs and safe sex and generally many other bad habits are very easy to say no to."
"Cultural appropriation, we can't appro something we created."
"Replace cravings with healthier options. Opt for a sweet potato over chips."
"You're heading into some new stuff for yourself and you're making the healthy decisions in going about it."
"Always have wholemeal toast not white because... all the goodness."
"I might actually have enough spelt flour so I guess we could just do all spelt flour and keep these pancakes on the healthy side."
"Anytime you have living fuel instead of something else, you're better off."
"I want to make better choices. Whether it's cooking at home or ordering takeout, I just want to make better choices."
"Don't let systemic issues prevent you from making healthy choices to move on with your life."
"And for somebody like me who drinks energy drinks and beer and my kid wants to be like Dad I can give him a can of something that's not bad for him and he can drink that too and he gets to feel cool"
"I made sure that I cut those out. So instead of using Crisco for shortening, I switched out instead to organic coconut oil."
"I do have faith. Faith in myself, faith that I would one day meet someone who would be sure that I was the one."
"Just making healthy choices and then when you do want to have that weekend of going and partying and getting wild it's like you earned it and you come home you get right back on your [ __ ]."
"Starting my day with a healthy breakfast, knowing that I'm intentional about what I'm putting in my body from the very beginning, really allows me to make better choices all day long and just makes me feel good."
"I saved about $26 on unhealthier options, which is like unheard of."
"Positive and healthy choices position you for other positive and healthy things to happen."
"Smart shopping means cruising the perimeter of the store where you can find all the fresh and healthy stuff."
"Option number 1: switching from fried to grilled food."
"I strongly recommend ordering water instead of soda."
"How can you go wrong with apple juice?"
"For salad dressing, the first ingredient should say canola oil, soybean oil, olive oil because it's a healthy oil."
"My opinion is that the Skinnylicious menu is giving a little bit of sacrifice, but not too big of a sacrifice where you're going to leave it behind."
"They want you to continue making healthy choices in love and in life."
"Choosing something that makes you feel good, that feeds your body and soul, is a healthier version."
"I don't smoke or drink; I walk in a club, I'm getting my pineapple juice."
"Eggs are a great source of protein, poultry, fish, whole grains, and yes, beans are great."
"Easy to make really good choices."
"I love having these around for me to just grab, because it lessens the chances of me going for something super unhealthy."
"Every day, if you're looking at your cooking oil, I would say the best one is to have is the extra virgin olive oil."
"It's worth spending a little extra money to get the Roma over the iceberg lettuce."
"This is way better than all that sugar, right?"
"Choose dark chocolate whenever possible over milk chocolate or white chocolate."
"Choose healthy low glycemic carbohydrates like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and especially vegetables."
"You might not do it perfectly for a long time, but each time you can gain your power back and you can be less of a victim and make healthy choices."
"It's a much healthier snack for the kids rather than giving them a bag of crisps."
"Circle the foods in your book that you already love, start with those, and you're already way ahead of the game."
"You're about to choose a relationship that is right and healthy for you."
"Healthy fats include nuts, nut butters, pumpkin seeds, and avocados for guacamole."
"It's the quality of your choices and what you're looking for that leads to healthy relationships."
"This is what I've been craving: watermelon."
"Drinking a fresh fruit juice is way healthier than drinking a soda."
"It's just going to help us make healthier choices."
"When we choose healthier things and we train ourselves to choose healthier things, it becomes easier than to in turn crave those healthier things."
"Look for real foods, not processed food, not fast food."
"If you're really chasing antioxidants, go have a handful of berries."
"If you eat what you want and what you want is healthy, not pizza all the time, not garlic fingers and cake and ice cream."
"I feel so proud of myself for getting something healthy."
"If you can stick healthier granola bars in our home and the kids like them, we're gonna do it."
"It's better to eat the fruit, better to eat the pumpkin than the actual pumpkin seeds."
"This is literally the best lifestyle diet I've ever followed; I don't got to give up any of the foods I love, I just make better choices, do a little cooking in that kitchen, follow the recipes, and to be honest, I'm living my best life."
"Choose to choose whatever is going to put you in a healthier spot overall."
"Most grocery stores, the first place you walk into is the produce section."
"You're going to be choosing healthier options here because the seven of Pentacles is about investing in those things that can take you all the way to long-term security."
"It's all a mental choice, it's a mental choice when you walk into the cafeteria and you know there's that burger right there or there's that salad with chicken right there, make the healthy option."
"I started ordering like iced tea instead of... a big sugary drink."
"If you can find a whole grain, sprouted, unprocessed bread, amazing."
"Make better choices and you're going to feel more satisfied, you're going to lose fat effortlessly."
"Say no to drugs, say yes to trading cards."
"Do your part by making the right choices, making healthy choices for you."
"We eat a lot of nourish bowls; you put a starch in, put some vegetables in, and kind of legumes if you want, and a little bit of seasoning."
"You are making healthy choices in regards to your love life and in regards to your life in general."
"If you're drinking a lot of Cokes and sugary drinks, maybe try to cut those out if you are trying to lose weight or maintain, and you will see a world of difference."