
Health Prioritization Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Health first, this is the number one most important thing in life."
"We never compromise on taste, but we prioritize health."
"The common consequence is fat loss, but that's not the primary angle that we're going after. We're going after health first."
"I'm starting to retire from the channels, and I'm finally prioritizing my health first."
"Everyone should prioritize mental and physical health over a little bit extra studying."
"Make health a priority, mental health, emotional health, financial health."
"Look after yourself, that is the key amongst all of this."
"Prioritize your physical health, which in turn will help your mental health."
"Prioritize your health, all you like damn goblins."
"She's taking it day by day, a champion making it clear her mental and physical health is more valuable than any medal."
"Please do pay attention to your health more than anything else."
"Take care of your thyroid... a key factor for some people."
"Let it go, prioritize your health, take the risk of moving forward into the future."
"I believe that health is more important than anything else, more important than gains."
"Health and safety always come first. Take a break, both of you."
"Your health and your happiness are worth it."
"My health has become such a huge priority in my life, and I have this laser, laser-focused on what I'm putting into my body."
"Health comes first, it's important to really look at it and address it before you continue."
"Listening rooms, gyms, and spa-like atmospheres are becoming more popular as people prioritize health and wellness in their homes."
"Prioritize health and well-being; what good is money in the bank if you're not physically, mentally, or emotionally healthy?"
"One of the biggest errors I've seen entrepreneurs make... superseding your health shouldn't happen realistically."
"If you invested as much time in trying to make yourselves healthy as we do in worrying or talking or bullshitting about COVID, we'd all be much better off."
"Kung Fu Hustle was perfect, the art of the exaggerated fight with special effects and choreography."
"My health is my wealth, so can't nobody cancel that."
"Life will always be busy and throw you curveballs, which is exactly why you must show up and prioritize your health."
"If you're not prioritizing your health and you're not showing discipline, you can't take care of the people around you."
"Why would you not take priority into what you are putting into your body especially because I have a young son, I want to be here forever."
"With peace and love, we have to stop using this whole mercury is or is not in retrograde to dismiss our mental health struggles."
"Money is not everything; your health is your real wealth."
"Health is more important mental health physical health is more important than anything."
"Worry about your health first and the rest will follow."
"No content is so important that you should sacrifice your physical or mental health for it."
"Above all else, securing your physical health is the primary goal of survival."
"Everyone needs it. Okay, maybe not first, maybe there's an order." - Michael Jones
"Nobody is too busy to prioritize their health."
"The dumbest thing I could do is to stay wrong and harm my own health and everyone else who watches my channel."
"My body is my temple, optimal health and well-being are my priority."
"You know it is your health and it is your wealth in that order of importance."
"Don't put your health or welfare at risk just for the sake of honesty."
"Your family's health is more valuable than that money."
"Start with the medical side, make sure everything's cool there, then start exploring that question."
"Prioritize exercise and me time. Going for an hour's ride isn't a luxury, it might be a need."
"How I prioritize things right now is your and mine mental health, emotional health, physical health, along with the relationships that we have."
"I think the most important thing to do in the end is like take care of yourself make sure you're good make sure you're healthy make sure you're happy and once you do that I feel like a lot of good things come to you."
"Short-term gains versus long-term future: taking care of health makes more sense."
"It's been so important for me to focus on my mental health."
"I really just want to prioritize my health and my wellness."
"I really try my very best not to sacrifice my health... I always ate well, I didn't go into the takeouts like I always made sure I cooked."
"Health has got to come first, and that's where the focus, energy, attention kind of needs to be."
"If you don't make time to be fit, make time to get old, make time to be sick."
"Mental health is a real thing, man. That's why we stopped doing this show for so long."
"Prioritize your health and goals by starting your day early."
"I swear to God my one takeaway I am prioritizing my sleep for the rest of my life I am focusing on sleep."
"Our health is more important than how we look."
"You must stay healthy enough to skirmish even at the sacrifice of farm sometimes."
"Be healthy, worry about that much [ __ ] later if at all."
"It's all about being healthy, healthy above everything."
"Prioritize your physical and emotional health."
"The health and safety of children must be our top priority."
"If you don't take time for your Wellness, you'll be forced to take time for your illness."
"None of that [__] matter unless you're happy and you're healthy."
"Your health should be number one no matter what you do in life."
"No job is worth your mental and physical health."
"Remember to take care of yourself today, remember to drink some water, take your meds, and care about you. You deserve it."
"What matters is that we're healthy, we love each other, and the rest doesn't really matter."
"Take your health as seriously as you take your wealth."
"I often used to get up at like 2 a.m when the trailer dropped and then i would film a reaction and then i'd be up until 3am to 4am editing and i've just decided to put my health first and not do that anymore."
"Go get some surgery and make sure you're healthy before you fight again."
"Health is wealth. Definitely more important."
"It is your only job during a global pandemic to survive, to keep yourself safe, to keep yourself healthy, to do what you have to do to protect yourself and others and just simply survive."
"Prioritizing your mental, physical, and emotional health is the most important thing you can do."
"We should always be looking at prioritizing the nervous system above all even outside of getting back into training after a long period of time off because the nervous system is what dictates everything else in the body."
"Please take care of yourself, put your health first."
"Stick with the healthy constructs, do right by you first."
"Do what's best for your health and well-being."
"This makes me think I should start prioritizing what I get into my hearts."
"Prioritize eating healthy over reducing cost."
"If you don't have health, then what's the point of getting wealthy and making money? You won't be able to enjoy it."
"If you don't make time for your wellness you will be forced to make time for your illness."
"Literally nothing is more important than your health."
"We should not be fearing protein... we should be prioritizing it..."
"There is no amount of money on earth worth sacrificing for your health."
"I'm going to make good health a priority for Americans."
"Your health should never take a back seat to the discomfort you feel having to go into a doctor's office."
"Prioritizing your mental health is something that is so viable, something that is so important."
"Don't sacrifice your body and your general health and well-being to get what you want faster. It's not worth it."
"Health is what matters the most honestly dude."
"I want to see what it feels like to prioritize my health for at least a little bit every single day."
"I want to take a break until at least I get into a stable period and focus on my health and the baby's health."
"Take care of yourself and prioritize your health."
"Never compromise your physical and mental well-being; our health is wealth."
"At some point, we're going to have to start prioritizing physical health, mental health, and social health over financial health."
"I'm just really happy that I've been prioritizing my health on this holiday break."
"I prioritize my health as you should too."
"Put health first, put important things first."
"It shows how important it is for him to focus on his health and happiness."
"Maybe do something, one thing that helps de-stress you or something that helps you prioritize health."
"I would have taken out a second mortgage of my house to get this surgery knowing what I know now."
"My health is very important to me this year, I'm really trying to prioritize it."
"I am all about prioritizing my health and my wellness and my nutrition, but that also means prioritizing everything else in my life."
"You have to prioritize your health, your sleep, your diet, and if you do that, your body is going to respond."
"Figure out how to prioritize your health, figure out that that is not selfish."
"Don't procrastinate about your health."
"No matter where I am, I prioritize my health because it'll just make me my best self, and then the world gets my best self as well."
"I always prioritize my health, my mental health, my physical health over anything else."
"Who gives a damn about your status and your money when your health ain't together?"
"I would much rather have some loose skin than to possibly have some health issues or irreversible damage to my body that I could not do anything about."
"I feel my best when looking after myself, so I try and consciously get in the good stuff on the daily."
"Health is wealth, and that comes first."
"There's no harm in prioritizing your own personal health."
"It's my fault. The incident is passed. Don't think too much. Your health is the priority."
"I really want to make my health more of a main priority for me."