
Philosophical Questions Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"What is happiness? What truly makes us happy?"
"What will happen from then on? What will occur when we receive a signal and it is confirmed as extraterrestrial? How would that affect our lives, our priorities, our conception of the world, and our own identity?"
"The thing that makes a film great isn't whether it answers a philosophical question but whether it poses one and gets you thinking about it."
"Dark Souls takes you places, it makes you feel emotions, and it asks you questions that you may well still be grappling with for years and years to come. And that's why Dark Souls is underrated."
"Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?"
"People based their entire lives on the answer to this question."
"What does it mean to be human? At what point do man's creations become equal to man?"
"Is there any benefit that religions offer that is true and good that can't be achieved without religion? I'd say yes."
"Do the ends justify the means? I don't think so."
"Soma is all about asking the hard questions and leaving it up to players to find their own answers."
"What is the nature of time within this world?"
"Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Let's find out."
"Whenever you have to appeal to the existence of a creator to explain how our universe got here you haven't really answered the question."
"Should Man play God, what consequences shall the world reap for sewing these altered seeds, and when shall the line be drawn?"
"What does it mean to be a machine? Were they just as conscious as humans?"
"But what do you think: will Philips continue in the tradition of oblique origins to preserve this philosophically compelling character or will he ruin all of our childhoods?"
"Will machines ever truly understand humor, love, or art? These are profound questions as we strive for human-level capabilities."
"Many that live deserve death and some that die deserve life, can you give it to them?"
"I can't wait til the day where AI systems exhibit consciousness because it'll truly be some of the hardest ethical questions."
"Scientism is really stupid when people pretend that science can answer questions about morality or purpose in life."
"That's a very important feature of being alive is to not just live for the material world today but start asking serious questions about where were you before you were born."
"Which future do you want? One among the stars or forever confined to Earth?"
"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?"
"The importance of belief... is just one aspect of the bigger question of the power of the mind."
"The show wants us to be perplexed and to struggle with this, we're supposed to have as many different interpretations as we do about the trolley problem."
"How can I hate a machine that has no other choice?"
"How are we going to determine whether the stuff that we find on some remote planet is actually gonna be life?"
"Some of the best science fiction films are the ones that ask the big questions."
"Nature vs nurture, what is happiness, what is power, what is humanity itself."
"Do you really think humans are the only ones capable of love?"
"What makes simon human? Is it his capacity to think and feel, his memories, his empathy and compassion?"
"Cartoons sometimes pose questions that would change everything and yet they're never answered."
"If humans are valuable because they are made in God's image, can they even have any value without God?"
"The Myriad mysteries of Life aren't even confined to life itself. One of the greatest mysteries surrounding our existence is what happens after we die."
"Are we animals, extraordinary animals, but animals all the same? Or aren't we something more than that?"
"Do we believe that we should love our enemies?"
"I'm going to take you on an adventure into the ancient past, into the core of the heart of one of the deepest questions that philosophers and magi and scientists and beings throughout the ages have asked: Who are we? Where did we come from?"
"Why are we the pinnacle of creation and not them?"
"The idea that reality might be an elaborate simulation challenges traditional Notions of existence and raises age-old philosophical questions about the nature of Consciousness and the external world."
"What if it's not all irrational and actually necessary at times?"
"Tantalizing questions that raise layers of wonder."
"How does the infinite universe have a beginning?"
"Nier Automata suggests that life is more than just hardship."
"The Brookings report asked the big question: what would happen to our planet, our beliefs, and our way of life if NASA discovered extraterrestrial life or even just extraterrestrial artifacts?"
"Did we fabricate belief constructs? Or did they evolve from actual events shared over generations?"
"All of these questions and more, the purpose of life, why are we here, what is it all for, what is the reason for our existence, these are, of course, all the questions that religions in various different ways try to answer."
"There are no easy answers to the questions that it's asking."
"If we have a story centered around a vigilante, it naturally comes with questions about good and evil."
"We're living in a society where people hate God, where people think they know better than God."
"We can pinpoint the moment Cali was born thanks to these videos. Cali says she came into existence when life did. We have to ask the question of what counts as life."
"If human bodies were simply extraterrestrial vehicles which need to perfect themselves in order to get into Heaven, as Ti and Do believed, what happens when that vehicle breaks down?"
"These are tough questions humanity has struggled with for millennia."
"Could it be that these aliens aren't so alien after all?"
"If I tolerate something that is intolerant, am I also being intolerant? The answer there would be yes."
"Oh, if you stand by him, do you withdraw from the thing? I believe so."
"Legion asks the question how can anything good happen in a world this evil."
"We live in a wonderful time where the peak exists the big even metaphysical questions are again arising."
"What is one thing that you wish you could eliminate from the universe?"
"Despite the best efforts of many different sort of ideologues uh and rationalists materialists um these ultimate questions about who and why we are are still only really answerable in theological terms."
"Why do we laugh, why do we cry, why do we hate, why are we happy, why do we fall in love?"
"It raises a lot of really dope questions and a lot of really nice philosophical ideas to be dissected, understood, questioned."
"The most important questions in life are how and why because they get down to the causality of human life, the reasons, the causes of things."
"Metaphysical poetry dealt with questions that cannot be explained by science."
"I think questions about humanity and all their flaws and what's good about us... that is why I am all in on this movie."