
Personal Connections Quotes

There are 605 quotes

"The quality of our lives can be determined by the quality of our relationships."
"Hugs are amazing if they're from the right person."
"The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships."
"I guess it's fun sharing something you like with someone else."
"Lucky to have these wonderful people in my life."
"George opens the papers and sees that Charisma added a post-it with a smiley face, making him smile."
"Every relationship, every interaction you have with a person in your life, man or a woman, that's an exchange of energy."
"Perhaps it's to visit a historical moment or person, to resolve a mystery perplexing the annals of history, or maybe it's to drop in on a long-gone friend, just for the chance to share one more moment together."
"At the end of the day, we only remember the people who have depth."
"People that celebrate you rather than tolerate you."
"The greatest component of healing is relational. It's when a person has made a contact or connection with someone that loves them, someone that is safe."
"Plus, there's someone waiting for you to return."
"It happens that Kore operatives come face to face with guys they knew from their years in the Army."
"It is best to meet high status women through networking, social events, private parties."
"I loved the overall core message of this book... about not fitting in and how sometimes it can really take a long time before you find people in your life that you really connect with."
"Because it's going to have a cute little handle, and you can put treats inside of it, a sweet little note, and you could just take these around to people that you love that you've been missing."
"Bubbles tells her that she is still loved, causing her to cry."
"Your heart begins to blossom and open, fueling that fire with that dragon card."
"Always relating it to the places and peoples that we know and love."
"I love these conversations at the bud. It's like Tuesdays with Maurey over here."
"Your intuition is definitely telling you something about this connection."
"She just grew up where you love somebody or you want to have a relationship with somebody because you feel a connection with that person. That's awesome."
"To me it's the relationships with people that I have."
"I'll rather have a good conversation with a fan, like, and chill out and smoke with them or play football or something."
"What these Americans are talking about here and they can't find friends are two of the three kinds of friendship."
"Having that personal connection I think is good because it holds people to account."
"Shout out to his family and shout out to Pau Gasol, who I see... always with the Bryant family."
"You don't have to do everything alone, Taurus. I feel like you're going to connect to people who can really help you and build a soul tribe that really helps you thrive."
"It really is quite moving and humbling the way people invite you into their homes."
"Everyone wants to be heard that they're favorite but when Tyler tells you that you're the favorite then you know it's true."
"Every cloud has a silver lining, you know? Definitely, Benjamal called me, that was nice."
"GG's bro, it was awesome playing with you. Your dad's the goat, man. Give him a hug for me."
"They're feeling optimistic about this connection."
"I appreciate you so much for spending your time with me."
"Currently, something is balancing out in this connection."
"Some of these dudes probably knew each other before they realized was ops."
"Some people come along and know how to connect with people."
"These are the people I need to be with, I have found my tribe."
"I found someone who's gonna love me 100 no matter what."
"The central concept of Wandering Son: the value of having people who can understand you."
"People know you and they gravitate toward you. They're there for you not because of the platform. The audience relationship is much more authentic."
"Something like this reminds me how important friendship and connection is."
"The power of Sisterhood, the power of connection. It's my connection with women that has kept me."
"The connections you make with others are what's gonna make the difference in the end."
"I do like apples. Oh, you'll love this. I know you like sleeping."
"Connections in this industry are more about vibing with people... people are always just looking to work with people that they genuinely like."
"I'm hyped about this too, since a bond of trust coming from you, G."
"Make sure the people in your life are loved."
"It felt so good to talk to someone for a long time."
"When you care about someone, then there's something to lose, something that you want to protect."
"Brewster is such a beloved character because of the Roost and because of the fact that you could befriend him."
"Despite everything that's happened, their love for you is real."
"Thank you for being an unruly cousin for hanging out with us."
"They still want to put effort into this connection."
"There is a new start here, this person does want a new start with you."
"This person is feeling some kind of remorse or sadness for what's happening in this connection."
"I was just like, okay, we definitely don't know enough about each other."
"It's someone you used to know and still know, their energy is very much showing up and you feel good. It does make you feel good, it's very strong, and it evokes a lot of feeling in you."
"I am going to Noah's wedding yeah I'm excited man like really genuinely excited it is so nice of Noah to invite me cuz like I mean I'm tight with Noah but it's like it's different being like a like a youtuber."
"About 60 percent of burglaries in the USA are made by someone you know."
"You just need someone to talk to most of the time."
"Connecting to the abundant love which is already in your life."
"Shout outs to India, I know a lot of y'all rock with me heavy and I [__] with y'all to death for it."
"Let the people in your life know that you're thinking about them."
"What's your life going to mean if you go through it by yourself until the grave?"
"Trust that they're in your frequency, they're in your life, you have the same potential."
"Signs that your partner is not over their ex."
"These connections will allow you to be different, and you're gonna feel accepted."
"It's just an honor to be able to, you know, me getting a chance to know you a couple of years ago."
"Companies are not your friends. Intel's not your friend, AMD's not your friend. There are people there that could be your friend."
"New England baby, you don't know what you do to me."
"Yeah, it got way back to the chain game first inglewood family just caught the chain gang all these L.A based rappers we pretty much uh partied together before they blew up though the boy tai mustard yg j305."
"I love being here supporting Jim and John... Robert just brings a kind of a realism to it."
"Reach out to your personal network—it's the easiest way to secure meetings."
"Trust that things will be working out with this person or your perfect fit will be on the way, someone even better."
"There really are things that money can't buy, and no matter how many hours I shopped, I would never be able to find what I found in you guys."
"Love is the greatest connection for me to spirituality."
"I want to travel around the world and show you the beautiful places, and I want to share the beautiful moments we see... I'd love to share those kind of moments through my channel with you guys, and you know, make you smile."
"Let me ask you just a couple more we're gonna get ready to blind down here you know since you know everybody and you've done you know you've done so much you know we lost Prince couple years ago that was a hard one."
"You don't understand how much your guys' love and support means to me."
"When you really feel like you're connected with someone, you've given them a chance."
"You're going to meet them through a very successful endeavor."
"There's gonna be someone from the past trying to come in... someone from your past wants to reconcile with you."
"This connection plays a much bigger role in your life and has a much greater purpose than you realize right now."
"Having really healthy loving caring relationships... where you want to have these really beautiful relationships with people and that you want to help people."
"This is a much-anticipated, we've all been waiting, breaking the silence, or dream, the people that I care about."
"I create harmonious connections with people in my life."
"It is the quality of your relationships that determines the quality of your lives."
"Simon, my buddy, my brother wrote this book called 'Numbers Are Simple But People Are Complicated.'"
"Nobody can make their way into your life unless they vibrate at the same frequency that you do."
"It's the relationships you have with the people around you that love you."
"I've always considered you guys my brothers."
"I've never been so happy to see you all, especially you Asahina."
"A cycle has ended for both of you and both of you are coming into Union."
"Authenticity, honesty, and experience are utmost appreciated. Plus, if my vibrant aura resonates with you and your aura intrigues me in return, that'll be a major bonus."
"Twitch is such a personal platform I get to know all of you guys by name."
"They feel a deep respect and admiration for you."
"How did you find your assistant? Did you know her prior to specific hiring?"
"We have inside jokes, you know? So it's like so easy to hang out with."
"You two will connect again, the energy could get better between you two."
"The relationship is really the most important thing."
"The well-being and welfare of a man is tied to whoever has access to his ear."
"So I got to meet somebody that's understandable of the entrepreneur lifestyle."
"That's kind of sweet when life circles back like that."
"Happiness is coming when you get this message or with this person."
"I honestly I only got to meet Adam because of Ralph and of course Ralph's got me by only a couple years but I was this was my Batman this was the person that taught me right from wrong."
"When the universe brings you your person, you will know."
"Their fantasies, their energy towards this connection."
"Your person's late night thoughts towards you."
"The more you know about each other on a deeper level, the better."
"Rich was a psychopath, but he also had a good heart. That's why people were attracted to him. He was a good dude."
"Your person is going to reach out to you and get back in contact with you within the next few weeks."
"Adonis lived a life of luxury in his Milan villa, occasionally meeting with his life-long friend Charles Luciano... Six months later, on November 26, he died of natural causes at the age of 69."
"You're really focused on the kind of people you invest that time into, the kind of people you invest yourself into."
"I just want to say thank you... for everything that you and John and LP and Chelsea and everyone y'all have done."
"Do you have one person that you can call? That's really all that matters."
"It's like my life and my chart was longing for something because everybody's connected to something."
"If someone gets you a present, someone thought of you. Jump for joy!"
"Every client interaction you have is just like you would be making a friend or meeting a future boyfriend or a girlfriend."
"I never told him directly, but if I really had a high bail, he's the first person I'm calling for sure."
"They themselves are the ones who are actually using fascist tactics of silencing."
"My man's O'Shea Duke Jackson likes to keep me in the loop on everything that's happening."
"Pretty soon you might be able to hug your loved ones."
"Let's have a little chat, shall we? We didn't spend a bit of time speaking to Gonta during morning breakfast."
"They do see your value, they do treasure you, they do recognize that you are special, and that this is a special connection that is to be treasured."
"So many of his characters either remind me of myself or are the kinds of people that I want in my life."
"I like betting on people in the space because I trust these people."
"I have a lot of empathy for you, bro. It's a real thing."
"People will do business with people they know."
"I opened for you, I've got to meet everyone that I met through the Comedy Store."
"Man, this man, man, when I first heard about 'cus, because actually lazy had told me about this before it even hit the press."
"People really just open up to you for some reason even if they don't know you."
"Friendship is deeper than that; it's way beyond social media."
"I prefer the idea of connecting with people more."
"All that matters in life is the human connections you have."
"Most of the best opportunities come through people that know us or people that we know."
"All I do is imagine the people I love most in the whole world."
"Having connections with people who recognize your passion and skills is really what it's all about."
"People who really know you, they're close with you and all these things, okay? Y'all know us, y'all close with us, y'all follow us, you guys witness the work that we put in."
"They see the blessings, the new beginnings that they can have with you in this relationship."
"And Paul himself is a treasure trove of knowledge."
"Brandon bean like to have a beer with that guy."
"Brandon bean Bill's GM what an awesome conversation right there that's guy by Lee not a lot of gems you want to have a beer with."
"The best thing that can happen... is always the exchange between human and human."
"The most important part of life is the bonds we form."
"I miss June and Minghao so much, they're like thriving in China right now."
"It turned out that we both came at that from a place of 'I just want someone to see me.'"
"No sir, that's there it is. Who was making a lot of this custom stuff for y'all back in the day? Old lady at Dre Mama Church, Mama Hurt."
"She said that she has two loves uh her country and Paris uh her country being France."
"I really want Valtteri to do well, you know, because I also know him well personally."
"Who are you connected to? It's imperative of your connections."
"Small towns are different... we knew who they were, somebody used to watch me on TV, one of the police officers would stop and talk about books and things."
"I try to hang on to the hope that there is still somebody out there for me. I just don't know how to find him."
"I think there's definitely some people that come in your life and they're supposed to be in your life."
"The minute you get it, you suddenly look at her and she looks at you and you go like oh my god she's so wonderful."
"Expressing myself truly may help me connect with people easier."
"It's like a thing in Pulp Fiction where she's like uma thurman's talking about the thing where it's like oh like we could sit here and not have a conversation and be okay yeah that's being comfortable with a person yeah"
"Phil's my guys so I can get one Harlan didn't it yeah there we go."
"It's as simple as one woman connecting with another woman and changing her life."
"Even the person you're sitting next to today is a part of the perfection of it all."
"At the end of your life... what's gonna matter is the connections you made."
"You have access to someone with a life experience that is magical."
"It's a lot of trial and error so if it's like hey if you didn't feel the frequency of that person let it happen with the other one so I would say just take your time send people out and stick with the ones who you really vibe with."
"You can choose your friends but not your family."
"Focus on relationships, start a family, or nurture existing connections."
"Their energy field will be radiating so strong that you'll just know it."
"You don't know for the most part you don't really know who you follow unless you talk to them have a conversation with them."
"Most people don't care about you besides a very, very, very select few group of people."
"Real closeness can be both safe and comfortable, and you deserve it."
"All great relationships have a foundation of friendship."
"She's one of a kind and we were so thrilled to have met her."
"For some reason, I don't know what it is, it's thrilling to be here tonight with my many great friends and fellow Patriots."
"The judgment: There's someone that's coming in faded for you, it's your destiny, and maybe it's with a lover, maybe you're dealing with a Gemini, if not, this could be a lover, this could be a friend, it could be a family member."
"Keep talking to people, keep connecting with people."
"Like honestly Brielle had no idea that her bestie's man was that famous."
"The connection with you is so powerful that it has triggered somewhat of an awakening in them."
"What makes life worth living is the relationships we build."
"I really love the fact that a lot of you guys really seem to get me."
"International Observe the Moon Night is certainly a time for science, but it's also a time to honor our personal and cultural connections to the moon."
"It is better to have fewer loyal, really, really close supportive friends than knowing a hundred people who don't really care about you that much."
"I have contacts, I have reason to believe that it does in fact get better."
"Your network is who you can call for a favor at 3am in the morning."
"They see you as the next stage of their life, ready to close out a chapter and move on with you."
"We were truly getting to know the genuine authentic person, the heart of who each of us was."
"I just wish I knew what was going on inside of him, what was being touched at that moment for Ash."
"Remind yourself of the people who care for you."
"They do see the opportunity with you, a beautiful love opening up."
"People come to you because they know all your inside jokes."
"I'll tell you one thing, we were sort of me and Danny went to dinner with a body that's like real tapped into Elon Musk like they're like."
"You develop deep feelings with other people because they're in your life."
"He knew someone who could help him with the ransom."
"I hope that someday her friends and her family are able to get some closure."
"We influenced music I spoke to Benny Butcher he said bro you uh did a drop for my first mixtape and I didn't even remember that [ __ ] wow you know what I'm saying I'm like wow Benny that's what's up [ __ ] you win it right now congratulations."
"Perhaps not the game that we play but... the friends you make along the way."
"You'll never have a connection like that again."
"I love being with my family and all the amazing people I've met."
"It almost feels like not more personal, but it's just more intimate."
"She's one of the coolest persons I've ever met."
"It's not what it used to be but it's cool to be in the same room with a few people that mean a lot to you."
"People don't know that we really know each other."