
Opportunity Seeking Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I started to look for opportunities. Complaining ain't gonna get me nowhere, but if I start being observant around who can help me, who's doing better, who can I learn from, you'd be surprised what you see that's right around you."
"Instead of looking for just money, you need to be looking instead for opportunities."
"If there's a will, there's a way. Don't give up, you can keep knocking on doors."
"Don't be afraid to do that and this is all very important because without any of this unless you're lucky you're not going to get promoted to that next level."
"This is how to get started, how to get better, and how to front run the opportunity."
"I pray that you lead me to the opportunities that will bring me prosperity and success. I destroy every plan to prevent the growth of my finances."
"Part of this is just about trying to understand markets, how they work, look for opportunities and navigate them accordingly."
"Taking risks and actively looking for opportunities is key."
"Change is inevitable and we have to always keep on looking for opportunities."
"claw machine Arbitrage folks if you you don't believe that opportunity is everywhere"
"Opportunity is abundant... looking for it is predicated on the fact that you put in the work."
"Walk away from anything that does not feel good, Libra, there are other opportunities."
"Don't be afraid to ask. If you never ask, the answer is always no."
"Fearless so I don't know like I'm just like yo like I'm always looking for the next opportunity to connect with somebody."
"Many people are looking for the opportunities."
"Be the change agent in your life. Show where you stand. That's gonna help you find opportunities."
"Always take the bet, if there's an opportunity, even if there's a risk involved."
"Crisis presents opportunities for those who are looking for them."
"There's something great to be reaped by going to the open ones."
"Trust your intuition and take a bird's eye view to find abundance and opportunities."
"The opportunities are there, let's be hungry for them."
"The aim now is to look firmly forward, hunt down the big opportunities."
"There's so much opportunity around if you just look for it."
"Don't settle. Walk towards an opportunity that is inviting and welcoming for you."
"I just want to be able to have support and like an opportunity that's really what this is all about for me."
"They thought that they would get an opportunity coming for you, come through, okay child I cannot not all of these people fighting over this Ace of Pentacles."
"It doesn't hurt to ask, it doesn't hurt to try."
"Pray that the Lord would give you a window of opportunity to communicate this to leadership."
"My whole motivation is I was just a competitor that wanted opportunities."
"Ask and you shall receive, but if you don't ask, you may never receive an answer."
"You don't get if you don't ask. Be proactive in seeking opportunities and asking for what you want."
"If you don't strive in life and you don't open the doors to life, you're gonna be wandering all through your life."
"Understanding all this is key to finding an entry. We're not just looking for directional bias, we're looking for opportunity."
"I'm an optimistic businessman, I'm looking for opportunities all the time."
"He was always looking to get out and run with every given chance."
"I'm hoping and staying positive about what's available out there."
"You can't become a millionaire unless you look for the opportunities."
"You want to be somebody that looks for opportunities."
"Every service at any given point in time, one has to keep seeking the opportunities for improvement and keep improving."
"The opposite of risk is not the lack of risk, it's the lack of opportunity because risk and reward are inherently connected."
"Look where the spotlight isn't yet."
"When you start learning how to make money, once you start searching for opportunities and not saying everything's a scam."
"The door opens to those who knock."
"As soon as I lose the ball, right away I'm looking for the next opportunity."
"Put yourself where the opportunity is."
"Don't lose hope, look for opportunities, reach out."
"The walls don't work. The desire for a better life or opportunity will always find people to answer the call."