
Attainability Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Everything is possible, everything is obtainable, nothing is as hard as it seems."
"Contentedness with life is a very real and tangible bar that I believe anyone can potentially reach."
"Being a millionaire, even a multi-millionaire, is attainable. It is incredibly simple, but it's not easy."
"Becoming financially free is not something that is far-fetched anymore."
"Everything I'm about to mention here is very realistic, anyone can work towards doing it, it's very easy to do, it's going to allow you to comfortably retire and maybe even afford an exotic car or two."
"After my second season, my coaches were telling me, 'Teams are giving you draft grades. It seems like it's right there. It's attainable.'"
"Writing your goals down makes them seem much more attainable."
"There's things that are attainable too for us all to move forward in a beautiful fashion."
"Embrace this truth: for those who believe, all things are attainable."
"Stability in and of itself is a difficult thing to attain right now but it's not impossible."
"But it's much more achievable than people think."
"Beauty is attainable, and everyone deserves to feel beautiful."
"There's nothing flashy, there's nothing crazy, it's just attainable heroics."
"Balance is attainable. It's hard and it takes work but it is attainable."
"Your journey is more attainable than a LeBron James or a Kevin Durant type journey."
"Oni's power is just very fun to me... it feels like something that's always attainable as long as you play well."
"The solution is within reach and it's a human one."
"When our goals stop seeming as though they are down the street or around the corner or in the other opposite end of the world or the galaxy when they seem attainable that is when we know."
"Sometimes things are a lot more attainable than we feel like they are."
"Modeling it in your everyday life, showing them that you can live this way, it's not unreachable."
"If you're looking at a normal person's budget, an Acura NSX might still be in the realm of possibility."
"Financial Freedom is attainable for everyone."
"It's honestly not rocket science and way way way more attainable to increase your savings rate than you think."
"I'm just trying to show you guys not amazing attainable runes."
"Freedom is right there, it's attainable, it's reachable, you have to ask God for that."
"Letting your ideas flow and conceptualizing things... your brain starts seeing these things as more attainable."
"Pretty privilege is real and pretty privilege is attainable."
"Opulence is not something that is Out Of Reach."
"Everybody's gotta have you thing you gotta enjoy your life but you can't I don't think you should keep up with a lifestyle that's not even attainable to yours."
"Everything that you see, it's attainable."
"...the goal needs to be attainable...having an attainable realistic goal or intention is extremely helpful."
"It just felt so attainable, I kind of forgot that you can do little things like that that are genuinely pleasant to do."
"That truth substantially was attainable."
"The MGA was the kind of dream sports car that you could actually attain."
"If you're doing something that you're good at and that you enjoy, that is attainable."
"Their achievements seem within the capability of ordinary mortals."
"The reality is though the Maserati Ghibli doesn't seem like an attainable car it absolutely is especially through financing."
"But the main reason I wanted it was because it seemed attainable price-wise. It seemed like it was reasonable to buy one of these, reasonable to maintain them for a classic Lamborghini."
"That goal is now well within his grasp."
"The spiritual life is attainable."
"The struggle is real, but it is all doable."
"It's a lot more attainable than you realize."
"Maybe it's slightly more attainable."
"It is one thousand percent attainable."
"It's never easy but it's attainable. You just gotta make your mind up and go."
"I feel like a lot of people are really overwhelmed with the idea of it and feel like it's very unattainable but it really isn't that difficult."
"What I love about your theater room is pretty much everything in here is attainable."
"Financial independence less scary, less just for somebody else to introduce you to every money story because we truly believe that financial freedom is attainable for everyone no matter when or where you're starting."
"Faith sets the vision and instills the belief to make vision attainable."
"It's not that he's this unattainable example of perfection... we can actually embody and follow ourselves if we want to."
"Keeping your home clutter-free is a thousand percent attainable."
"Success isn't anything that is not attainable for each of us. There are just certain laws and principles that we have to follow."
"I think it is a very attainable Grail."
"Balance is available. It really isn't something that has to be the carrot that is dangling in front of you that you can never reach. God wants you to have it."
"You'll realize that heaven really exists as soon as you understand that it's within your reach."
"Part of the reason why this project was so motivating is because it's actually attainable."
"You can't be Kobe... but you can be Allen Iverson."
"Don't think that enlightenment is difficult to achieve."
"A life of freedom in Jesus is attainable."
"A luxurious early retirement is actually way more in reach than you thought."
"A fit, jacked body... is something that is truly attainable for almost everybody on this Earth, yet so few people choose to take on the discipline and the regimen that it takes to get there."
"To have a good life in Calgary is very attainable."
"Success is attainable, it's all about what's in here, not right here."
"Don't shy away from your dreams and your goals, because a lot of them are probably more obtainable than you think."
"The next 100 offers some fantastic hidden gems that are more affordable, more attainable."
"Everything is attainable, put that work behind your thoughts and dreams, and you will be there."
"The objectives have to be feasible... they've got to be attainable in some way."
"Once you get yourself into the headspace of a 5K, everything else feels so much more attainable."
"I try to make things very high-end yet simpler and attainable."
"Make the whole game possible by putting happiness within reach, and happiness, like everything else, is a compromise."
"Being a friend and protected and loved is not something beneath you; it's not something unattainable."
"What you all are doing, that's beautiful work and it's attainable."
"Enlightenment less mysterious and less about being a perfect person and making it actually seem like it's something that is attainable by everyone."
"Business ownership and entrepreneurship is not unattainable."
"The basic needs of life are accessible and attainable; they are within reach."
"We truly believe Financial Independence is attainable for everyone."
"It has to be you, you have to make it attainable."
"We are two ordinary people; we don't have a lottery win, we don't have huge investments to go back on, but this, if you manage your life and your finances, is achievable for anybody."
"The things that you feel like are out of reach are so will become so attainable."
"We feel like most Americans, most people in the world, it's an attainable grill. We want to show you guys that you can put out great products on this Weber kettle."
"It's personal to you, and it's obtainable, relatable, and it inspires other people to build like this."
"It's attainable, it's fun, it's incredibly cool – just everything about it."
"It's important to make the goals achievable."
"God doesn't set standards that you can't attain."
"Home ownership is attainable; it is the fastest way to generational wealth."
"Remaining physically and emotionally healthy is an attainable goal only if we have the necessary supports in place."
"Excellence is something that's actually achievable, it's attainable; whereas perfection is not."
"Having a schedule was really good because I could see it all out in front of me, and I could see that the hour requirement was actually attainable."
"It's an obtainable goal; it's obtainable."
"It's totally achievable and you can definitely do that."
"I love that this book feels attainable to me."
"Striving for a level of perfection that is achievable."
"I like how MyPoints has a low redemption minimum of three dollars, that seems reasonably attainable."
"The key is setting a goal, but it's attainable, it's realistic."
"Living in Jesus's grace and obeying Him... it makes it seem attainable."
"What I'm commanding of you is not too difficult; it's not too hard for you, it's not beyond your reach."
"It felt like it was doable and would help me in the long run without overwhelming me."
"I'm nothing special. I'm a completely average guy, and I got where I was because I work hard. That's it. That's 100% of the people can attain that."
"Set goals that are challenging enough but still achievable."
"Plan for achieving that goal to break it up into bite-size, attainable pieces."
"It's more attainable than you may think to make your dreams come true."
"I never want you to feel like my house is unobtainable, I am just like you, my house is just like yours."
"It's a really hard journey but it's totally attainable."
"It's just the beauty of it is that now this is something that is obtainable, you can see it as something that is achievable."
"And I think that seventy-five thousand subscribers is a number that really anyone can attain if they put in the work and learn what it takes to become successful on YouTube."
"This is not unattainable, this is not out of your reach, this is something that you should aspire to and feel like it is accessible to you."
"It's not unattainable for someone who's had some career success."
"The more people see it, the more that they believe that it's possible, and the more that they believe, the more attainable it is for everybody."
"What makes it so inspiring is it looks attainable."
"You don't have to knock us because it seems too hard or unattainable. It is obtainable."
"I like when life looks attainable."
"Nurture your unshakable faith, and you will witness that with me, all things are attainable."
"Points on the PPF are efficient and attainable."
"Anything you do want in life is attainable, and I'm going to be living proof."
"Set goals and make sure that they're attainable and realistic as well."
"Well believe it or not, that's actually not so unattainable."
"Don't ever feel like nothing is unattainable; everything is attainable if you put your mind to it."
"This is not an easy task, but it is definitely attainable with the right tools and know-how."
"Your dream home is within your reach."
"Once you understand what your freedom number is, it makes it that much more attainable."
"Okay, that feels much more attainable."
"It's not going to be a mountain that's unclimbable; it's going to be something achievable."
"Looking at the future, looking at what you desire, what you want, and seeing that it's obtainable."
"It's attainable, okay? Like you can do it, let me be testament to that."
"Any time we set objectives, they have to be specific, measurable, and attainable."
"I think that if I go through some of this stuff with you guys, that this is not unattainable for a lot of people."
"Success is something that you can attain and it doesn't have to be thought to be something so foreign."
"It's achievable, you can get there."
"It's definitely attainable, it's fun, it's enjoyable, and just enjoy the process."
"This financial independence thing is a real thing that is achievable."
"Decide on what your initial goal is... make sure your goals are small and reachable."
"Success is approaching, you are making room, you are seeing that it's obtainable."
"Happiness takes work, but it's achievable for everyone."
"Goals that feel easy are almost guaranteed to go ahead and do because they feel so simple."
"We probably will never be waste-free, but if our goal is to just make changes where we can, that is 100% attainable."
"It's all attainable; there's nothing in this life unattainable."
"Everything in life is truly obtainable, you just have to really believe inside your mind that you are worthy of that."
"It's important to figure out where you fall and make your goals and habits as attainable for you as possible."