
Reason Quotes

There are 1981 quotes

"I don't believe in coincidences. I think everything happens for a reason."
"Success is the things you find between failures and not giving up."
"You wouldn't think that a defense of reason, science, humanism, and progress would be incendiary."
"Everything happens for a reason, in God's timing."
"A madman is not someone who has lost his reason, but someone who has lost everything but his reason."
"If the human intellect, if the human mind, if human reason isn't really for anything, it doesn't have the attainment of truth as its final cause or goal."
"What's going on in the world at the moment has a lot to do with rejecting reason, rejecting evidence, and sliding into the Dionysian pit of emotional reaction."
"Fantasy is a natural human activity; it certainly does not destroy or even insult reason."
"Every bit of progress and success as a human being possible comes from reason and thinking, and force negates that."
"Trust that everything is happening for a reason, and the universe has your back."
"The public use of one's reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment to mankind."
"God wants us to use our reason to take those fundamental principles that he gave us and then develop those across time."
"If there's a methodology presented that's going to lead me to consistently plausible, reasonable positions, I'm gonna go with that."
"Underneath all positions is faith, so instead of saying I'm rational and you have faith, the fact is that faith and reason is mixed in with every position that you hold."
"Our capacity for reason enables us to see that if my pain is a bad thing for me, then their pain is a bad thing for them."
"A good life is to live a life that is increasingly motivated by love and guided by reason."
"To live a life that is increasingly motivated by love and guided by reason."
"Boredom is a terrible reason to get divorced."
"I believe everything we go through, we go through for a reason, even if it seems horrible at the time."
"Rationality is more or less a synonym of reason... I define it as the use of knowledge to attain a goal."
"Reason is the only thing that takes us out of who we are and scales to some universal point of view."
"The only way to challenge prejudice is to confront it head-on in the public realm and destroy it with argument and reason."
"If enough silent voices rise up in every ecosystem... the enemies of reason will become marginalized."
"Faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have a good reason."
"Sometimes everything happens for a reason. Well, not even sometimes, everything always happens for a reason."
"We are a species of individuals that is also one big, interdependent lumbering growth, a frantic blur of flesh and concrete, a techno sapien powered by imaginations and passions made real by a hallowed faculty we call reason."
"Reason guides us to truer knowledge and better decisions. It's allowed us to increase life expectancy, suffer less, work together better."
"Reason guides us to truer knowledge and better decisions."
"I see reason as the process of becoming convinced of true things, and the process of becoming convinced of true things is out of your control."
"Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them."
"The reason that atheists can be good is by exercising reason to understand morality."
"If nothing makes sense now, then there's a good chance that there's a reason for that."
"The law of non-contradiction forms the very basis of reason."
"If it falls apart, it was orchestrated to fall that way for a reason."
"Dialogue literally means through reason. I think when we stop talking, we go into a totalitarian dystopia."
"You need to use all three: baseline reality, accepted wisdom of the past, and basic human reason."
"Faith and reason are two wings that the human person uses to fly up towards the truth."
"Faith authentically construed is always rational... a surrender at the far side of reason."
"When that person speaks her heart to you, your reason is not in control. Your reason has prepared the way... but accepting what she says, that has to be an act of real belief that goes beyond your capacity to control."
"You have no choice in your day-to-day life but to rely on your own reason, but you must acknowledge that it's not perfect."
"We're in favor of reason and logic and empiricism and things like that. Then we can find some common ground."
"We Buddhists should be 21st-century Buddhists, where faith is based on reason and analysis."
"Most reasonable people and especially gamers themselves will believe what science, truth, and reliable research says we should believe."
"Faith and reason are integrated... grace perfects, heals, and elevates nature."
"Secular liberal values are championed as they encourage all people to embrace reason, logic, and values which promote human well-being over faith."
"I'm not convinced that there is any significant portion of the population that is actually immune to reason and good judgment once they've been given all the tools."
"Evidence and reason is the single most consistently reliable pathway we have to having an accurate understanding of reality."
"If we wish to have a country at all, people who hope to be part of the American bargain are going to have to use things like reason and discussion."
"Fostering a secular society based on reason and science is the cause of our time."
"I want to resonate reason and compassion and empathy; that's more important than my feelings."
"It's about culture, it's about reason and science."
"The voice of reason and restraint is what we need right now."
"Natural law is what it is, it's the moral law and so far as we can know it by the operation of our reasons, by the use of our intellect even apart from any special revelation in scripture."
"Lewis believes that man's draw to the Divine can be rooted in reason and that reason actually guides you towards something beyond yourself."
"The magic elixir of human progress: reason, science, and humanism."
"Every rational animal has the capacity for reason, what we're doing in these lectures is learning how to make explicit your intuitions."
"We need to attend to the ideas that have been tested by time, defended by reason, proven by experience."
"Reason is very feeble indeed if it can't see that there are many things beyond reason."
"Nothing in evolutionary biology suggests that a value attaches to the use of reason as opposed to the use of force."
"The highest purpose that you can have as human being is to use reason in pursuit of virtue."
"A reasonable doubt is a doubt that is based upon reason and common sense."
"The whole point of the U.S. Constitution... it's based on a set of principles derived through reason."
"The only reason you're here... is because of hard work."
"Reason and common human decency are no longer possible in such a system."
"There must be a more reasonable answer, there must be a more compassionate answer."
"Belief is hearing a proposition and accepting whether that proposition is true or not based on the reasons given to support it."
"If your point of view is reasonable and backed by facts, you're more likely to convince somebody."
"If we used it properly, we could begin to strip away misconceptions, false opinion, all this fuzz, all this confusion, all this complexity, and find within us pure reason."
"He wanted to bring together reason and experience."
"Changing your mind is a moral virtue, particularly if it's on the basis of reason and evidence."
"Reason, above all, is the champion of capitalism."
"We want to just discuss these things in a logical and mild-mannered way."
"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it if you have to with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."
"It seems as soon as Donald Trump came into the picture, a lot of these people suddenly lost any ability to be reasonable."
"I mean, everything happens for a reason, you know?"
"A voice of reason is much appreciated in this moment of calamity."
"We need a political leader who's reasonably scientific."
"You're planting the seeds of reason out there."
"I have become convinced that reason is a better angel."
"If one follows reason to its logical conclusion, one has no choice but to believe in God."
"Thank you for listening to the voice of reason."
"I want my daughter to grow up and listen to you and others like you, a voice of reason."
"It is reason, principle, conscience that calls to us, with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions, that we are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it."
"Our reason could cause us to override our passions. Our reason could motivate us to extend our empathy."
"Allah has given you enough reason to submit for you to submit even when you don't know the specific reason for something that's happening in your life."
"It means rather that the heart has outsmarted the mind and the mind will need to bow to the heart."
"Reason can prevail over madness, but only if reasonable people speak up."
"If we don't have any good answers to those questions, we cannot have a reasonable warrant to believe the religion."
"We believe that things happen for a reason and even in the moment when we were still in shock we were going, you know, there's a reason this happened."
"Sometimes the most reasonable explanation is the right one."
"Your life is how you live it. I am not telling you what to do. I'm not telling you how to move. All I can do is just be the guy that can just speak reason, that's it."
"Reason has liberated us from superstition and given us centuries of progress."
"Becoming a Christian does not require that one abandoned reason in science."
"Reason itself requires that we act in accordance with reasons."
"Facts and evidence must be evaluated by reason... it's consistent with what will lead us to truth."
"Stephen Pinker's book, Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress."
"Reason does not come from non-reason; reason comes from a rational mind."
"At some level, pure reason and rationality is secondary to idealism."
"The endgame for civilization is reason and reasonableness and an openness to evidence."
"Reason is morally better because it takes us out of who we are."
"Civilization is about the application of reason to the problem of human survival." - Yaron Brook
"Crazy faith: thoughts and actions that lack reason but trust fully in what you cannot explicitly prove."
"People are coming to you because they want to have reasonable discussions."
"There's a reason for all of this, there's a method for this madness."
"Faith is not the darkness prior to reason; it's the darkness on the far side of reason. It's on the far side of the light of reason."
"Reason seeks truths that it sees as provisional, which means it holds them in humility."
"Reason requires faith for its first principles... Faith bolstered and checked by reason, and reason supported and checked by faith."
"Reason becomes its own set of myths its own unreason."
"We are the majority valuing science, reason, and freedom."
"It's about seeing the silver lining and understanding that everything happens for a reason."
"Human reason is the most powerful agency on earth."
"We feel that if you apply your reason and common sense, I'm confident that you will return a verdict of guilty in this case."
"Reason then can confirm what we know by faith and can even help enhance our understanding of what we know by faith."
"Justice is cemented by reason, the true ruler of all commandments and prohibitions."
"If there is a God and he's not a humanist, I would hope that he's open to being convinced. I would hope that he can see reason."
"Don't drown him in a ton of thumbs down. It's better to debunk somebody with reason and, dare I say it, common sense."
"You don't need reasons to believe, but the time to believe in something is when you've been given good reasons."
"Facts are a lot more compelling than emotionalism."
"It just seems like sometimes these arguments that you listen to, eventually common sense wins."
"The power of simple, reasoned, good-faith debate."
"Reason is a gift, and we should use it. That's why I don't like panic."
"Never regret anything in life because everything happens for a reason."
"The mob eats reason and fucking shits out stupidity."
"Being open to the possibility that you might be wrong is the most reasonable thing that anyone can say in a debate."
"If she killed him, she must have had a good reason."
"God don't make no mistake, it happened for a reason."
"Just be mad at her for a legitimate reason not that she's posting about Cody."
"Cyborg definitely had more reason to be there."
"If you're going to have responsible government and a self-governing Society then it is important for individuals to be governed by prudence which means to think with reason."
"Because passion has now outweighed reason as the basic standard that we should be using in any particular way."
"It was religion for the masses, but reason for the founders."
"Everything happens for a reason; find the silver lining."
"The identification of this fact about the age of the supremacy of reason is the great achievement of the dark enlightenment."
"Our faith in God is a reasonable faith. It is not an irrational leap in the dark."
"Some things are societal norms for a reason."
"If you refuse to listen to others or meet their reasoning where they say it is, you're not just a useless evangelist, you're an obstacle to progress on the issues that you yourself care about."
"You're finally gonna trust that everything happens for a reason."
"Your dedication to truth and reason has immensely helped me."
"Science and reason are of inestimable value; anyone who attacks them is a fool and an enemy of civilization."
"Reason is no final test. There are some theoretical conclusions against which our whole being rebels."
"Without truth, you can't have reason, and without reason, you can't have modernity in the West."
"You understand how to distinguish emotion from facts and logic."
"There's been a consistent pattern in this genus of thought, an assault on reason itself."
"I just need to stop second-guessing, just do what I want within reason."
"You have to listen to reason. Don't [ __ ] this up dude."
"The existence of God can be known with certainty from the natural world by the light of human reason."
"Against the lies and homicidal violence, the thin frail voice of reason and democracy can become a mighty chorus and a strong resistance."
"The 21st century should be an age of reason, yet irrational militant faith is back on the march."
"To argue with the person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to a dead person."
"In Beauty, the separation between emotion and reason...can be reunited."
"Faith is a belief without evidence and defended against all reason."
"Logical and reasonable change is what we need."
"You're someone who can solve any problem, and people see you as the voice of reason among friends."
"Reason can deliver us knowledge about the world that isn't simply based on our own perspective."
"Reason is a universal insight which should determine beliefs and regulate relations."
"Reason is never the master of motivation; motivation is the master of reason."
"I don't feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
"Nothing is arbitrary when you're dealing with sentient beings. There's always a reason."
"I'm genuinely pissed when I see somebody espousing things that are just so anti-reason, anti-logic, anti-science."
"Let's do everything with reason, let's be reasonable with what we're doing with and be good stewards with God's money and let's further the kingdom."
"I just hope people wake up and be the voice of reason."
"To open the doors of truth and to fortify the habit of testing everything by reason are the most effectual manacles we can rivet on the hands of our successors to prevent their manicling the people with their own consent."
"Everything in life, even if you don't understand it now, happens for a reason."
"We've been through a lot, but everything happens for a reason."
"It is impossible to reason with an unreasonable person. If I can tell that you are an unreasonable person, you're not worth my time."
"Reason, rather than tradition or authority, is the way to understand the world and make sense of it."
"I'm a big believer in everything happening for a reason."
"It's the why behind the what, so that's even deeper."
"America needs this voice... we need a brave voice of reason, understanding, and truth."
"Reason to believe, still I look to find a reason to believe."
"America needs this voice. The times are crazy, and in a time of confusion, division, and lies, we need a brave voice of reason, understanding, and truth."
"You came up into their life for a reason."
"Gina has become the voice of reason, the most level-headed, the most relatable, and the most peaceful of the whole group."
"Most of the times where everybody's been doing something forever, chances are there's a reason why they've been doing those things forever."
"Everything that has happened between the two of you has happened for a reason."
"Ultimately, despite our prejudices, despite our biases, ultimately reason and evidence tend to prevail."
"There's a reason for every season in your life."
"The good life is cultivating our human faculties for reason and judgment. And that means we have to practice by deliberating with other human beings."
"Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots for a reason."
"The wisest people use emotion to inform their reason and use reason to inform their emotion."
"I believe everything happens for a reason."
"Reality was an objective thing that didn't depend on our feelings, it was something that was discoverable by reason."
"There is a reason for everything."
"If you made it through your mother's womb, you have a reason for being here."
"Recognizing the limitations and the potential of both reason, as well as imagination and spirituality."
"Learning to pause creates a space for reason to come in."
"Everything happened for a reason."
"The critique of pure reason is the philosophical trial of human reason."
"I'm saying you got to follow the facts, you got to be reasonable, you got to understand what happened."
"Trust that there's a reason to all this insanity."
"You can't go wrong if you live a life motivated by love and guided by reason."
"I feel like a lot of things in life kind of happen for a reason."
"They used reason while others used tanks, and they were destroyed for their trouble. I won't stand by and watch it happen again."
"If you're reasonable, you can reach maybe not the perfect decision but a better decision."
"Yes, as Pascal said, the heart has reasons that reason itself knows nothing about."
"Reason isn't about calculation, it's about being with each other in a way that we are reciprocally responsible to each other."
"To me, the way out is through reason and love."
"Everything that happens in life happens for a reason; it's there to shape you."
"Faith does not operate like it's an antagonist to reason. That's not irrational. That's the rational thing to do."
"He's the reason why I started playing the guitar."