
Self-priority Quotes

There are 442 quotes

"It's time to put yourself first, to put your own needs first, and to put your own happiness first."
"Self-love is always going to be my biggest priority."
"In order to change your life, you need to honor yourself, you have to make yourself a priority."
"Parents and just anyone in a family should treat themselves as themselves first."
"If you start doubting yourself, there's only so much you can take of somebody and then you have to choose yourself."
"Always choose you. I think that's what spirit wants you to do as well."
"Your main priority should be not to let yourself down."
"Learn to put yourself first before others and allow other people to be unhappy with the decisions you make."
"You come first, the society does not come first."
"Recognize that you are the only person in your universe, so you come first before anybody else."
"You have to come first at some point in your life."
"Putting yourself first is not an act of selfishness but a fundamental step towards becoming the best version of yourself."
"You got to put yourself first; you got to do you, and life will shape itself around you."
"Your love life is going to flourish...but it will only flourish if you put yourself first."
"At the end of the day, you should be putting yourself first, not someone else's expectations or thoughts about you."
"Whatever is making you feel fulfilled, whoever is making you feel like the sun, should not take precedence over anyone that has proven themselves to hurt you."
"Always choose yourself first. Promise me you will choose yourself first and trust what your gut says because your gut is right."
"Put yourself first. What's for you will find you."
"You need to prioritize yourself before you prioritize inspiring others."
"You need to prioritize yourself before inspiring others."
"I think the one person that you need to put at the top of that list is you yourself."
"See yourself as a priority. Echoing the stoic virtues of discipline and self-esteem, carving out moments for self-care is non-negotiable."
"I've lost the weight, put in the work, put myself first, got rid of all the toxicity."
"You've got to choose yourself, even when others don't choose you."
"Make that decision to put yourself first... it's so important."
"Stay committed to things that you are committed to. Stay committed to yourself primarily."
"Stay in control of relationships and communication. Know what you want and put yourself first."
"Keep putting yourself first and choosing yourself."
"If you compromise your happiness, you're weak. You need to always put your happiness first."
"Sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish, to put yourself first."
"No one else bought you so give yourself the care and the attention that you need and firm yourself."
"All Nations work collectively... Black people are the only ones taught to be individuals."
"A high value man is a man that puts himself on the pedestal first, that puts him first."
"In 10 to 20 years, guys need to stop taking BS from women, start putting themselves first."
"It's really important to choose yourself over everything, not being selfish but selfless."
"Put yourself first and your abundance will double."
"Give yourself permission to put your happiness as your number one priority."
"Develop that relationship with yourself and put yourself first and foremost."
"Making yourself a priority does not make you a bad person."
"Be selfish with your time, be selfish with your career."
"You're not abandoning love or a relationship, you're just putting yourself first."
"Your guides want you to make the choice to choose yourself in this situation."
"If you want a man to treat you like a priority, you have got to prioritize yourself."
"This is your year to do things yourself first. If you treat you right, everything else will come."
"Putting myself first in the past has always been the second option."
"Start working on your own happiness before everybody else's."
"When you put yourself first, you're not depending on the help or reciprocation of others."
"Become the big priority in your life. Breathe freely and feel free and worthy to shine your light at all times."
"I'm putting me at number one, period. That goes without saying."
"You have to prioritize yourself in order to get there."
"She's going to see that this man always puts his success and his own happiness first. Okay? This is a massive turn on."
"I'm gonna start putting me first... I'm gonna show up this year for myself."
"I fill my cup up to 100% and people only get the overflow of me."
"Even when I lived on minimum wage, I found a way to pay myself first. You need to get in control of your life."
"A lot of you guys are choosing you. It's like all these I'm just gonna move on my own way or a lot of you guys are moving toward a love that seems to be your wish fulfillment."
"Put yourself first and just know that in November, there is so much progression, happiness, joy, fulfillment, movement coming your way."
"This is your protagonist energy... it's all about self-love, personal development, putting your own needs first."
"Your needs are important, put yourself first."
"Put yourself first and focus on your happiness, focus on your well-being moving forward. There's a message of spirit wanting you to not lose faith."
"Step up your game, put yourself first as a man, mental point of origin."
"That's really prioritizing you and putting yourself up in a higher standard and way of being."
"I don't want you guys to have to experience that. I want you guys to never ever have to go through this. Always look out for you first."
"Your happiness matters more than anyone else's opinion."
"You get to make yourself your first priority your love your happiness your fulfillment."
"You always say I've done things with you, no I never put a man before myself again."
"Even us Hermits have to put ourselves first sometimes, and I think that is actually really okay."
"Make yourself your mental point of origin and decide who is worth your while."
"You have to put yourself first, you have to."
"Put yourself first, everything else will work itself around you."
"Prioritizing yourself is really important when you're young."
"You have to choose you. You have to choose you."
"I now understand why you had to choose yourself and your highest path, and I admire you for that."
"Make sure you're putting yourself first in the right circumstances."
"You need to put yourself first and find what makes you happy."
"You made yourself a priority, Gemini, and you know what? It feels pretty damn good."
"I feel like for some of you... you are deciding to put yourself first."
"Settling, I mean by accepting someone that I know that's not for me... I'd rather have my peace and be by myself than to have someone that I know that's not for me." - Pat
"Make sure you put yourself first and know what you like."
"Putting yourself first, self-love, personal growth."
"It's time for you to love yourself like you've been loving everybody else for a change."
"You owe it to yourself to put yourself as number one and priority one."
"My growth, my focus, my mental health is the priority."
"The number one most important thing in my life is not my wife, not my kids, and not my business. It's me as a spiritually in it."
"I have to put myself first right now and that's what I'm doing."
"I'm team be selfish I'm always going to tell everybody choose you first."
"The richest thing you could do for yourself is to not only just make yourself a priority but to take that time out to be in the best position you can be in."
"It's okay to make decisions that support your happiness and that sometimes means other people being uncomfortable with your decisions and you've got to be okay with that because you have to put yourself first."
"Providing information that helps people be a part of making the world a better place."
"You need to prioritize you first and foremost at all times."
"Sometimes we all have to put ourselves first."
"Mental point of origin is the starting point for things, so by making yourself the first thing you think about when you make decisions, yes, it should be a tool."
"I will not risk my health or happiness for a company... I must prioritize myself."
"Make sure you put yourself first. So that's probably what's gonna happen this weekend."
"Prioritize yourself first and then everybody else second."
"I was the one who told him to cancel this tour because I said you have to start thinking about you."
"Setting boundaries might feel new and bring up shame, but it's okay to prioritize your own happiness and well-being first."
"Your happiness needs to come above all, and everything else will figure itself out."
"Never wait on somebody who isn't waiting on you."
"You can't care about other people more than you care about yourself. And that's what got me where I'm at."
"You need to make yourself your own mental point of origin."
"You have to care more about you than what other people think."
"I choose me. I choose my happiness and health and my respect."
"If you want to not be poor you have to prioritize your wealth before you prioritize everybody else's wealth."
"Put yourself first; you need to stop being so obsessed with doing a million things at once for other people."
"Don't put anyone before you. Your time is valuable, your life is precious too."
"Just because you prioritize yourself doesn't mean that person is going to leave you. And if they do, that person wasn't for you anyways."
"Put yourself first, make calls that matter to you. Life's too short for putting things off."
"If you're different, cut them off and keep it moving."
"Choose you. Don't feel bad about choosing you. Don't feel bad about being selfish."
"Was I put on earth to make everybody happy but myself? And the truth is, you weren't put on earth to make everybody happy but yourself."
"You are the priority. You come first, second, and third."
"It's okay to prioritize your own needs and well-being, even if it means disappointing others."
"Realize your peace of mind; you have to make that a top priority."
"You are finally putting yourself first this week; you are not willing to settle, you are not willing to compromise for less than you deserve."
"If you put yourself first and stand up for yourself, you've got a keeper on its way."
"You don't have to put everyone else first you can put yourself first and you shouldn't feel guilty or bad about it."
"This is a time in my life to prioritize me, my well-being, and my personal evolution."
"Focus on putting you first. Don't wait on anybody to do it for you."
"You're focusing on yourself, you're putting yourself first."
"Put yourself first, show people how to treat you with respect. Some people, it just ain't no going back to, it ain't."
"Prioritize yourself for the first time without an excuse."
"Don't get trapped in a one-sided situation; prioritize your own well-being."
"Couldn't decide what it is you've wanted, you've chosen yourself instead."
"Put yourself first and allow things to flow naturally."
"Our priority is to ourselves and we will not allow any group to impede the progress of African people."
"She's not a people pleaser, she's somebody who pleases herself as me first."
"Commit to thyself first always. Everything begins with the self."
"If I have to choose, then I would choose me. I would always choose me."
"You might as well put yourself first the way these other races of women put their best interests first."
"As soon as you choose you, then everybody will choose you."
"Always put yourself and your boundaries first."
"You need to make you a priority you're allowed to do that that's what self-love is."
"Choose yourself, speak your truth, and follow your intuition."
"When you do this, you are paying yourself first."
"In a career, sometimes you have to put yourself first; it's not cutthroat, it's survival."
"Love yourself first before anyone else can..."
"Putting myself first matters the most to me."
"You have more control over your time than you think; prioritize yourself more."
"Don't ever get to the point where you put him first... Remain the priority throughout."
"You have to choose yourself before anyone else chooses you."
"Stop supporting your man's dreams before you support your own."
"Put yourself first because when your mission comes first, she is going to benefit as a byproduct of being with you."
"You put yourself first. You are the priority in all areas of your life."
"Prioritize yourself, you are your biggest asset."
"If he's not going to make you a priority, it's because you haven't made yourself one yet."
"Being a high-value woman by first looking after yourself, looking after your home, put yourself first, and always taking care of your skin."
"You're putting yourself first, you're like 'enough is enough'."
"By putting myself first, I don't mean in a way that is selfish. I just mean that we as busy moms and busy women, we have to give time to ourselves too."
"Always put yourself first, put your mental health first, do what you have to do and leave the rest for the next day."
"Taking back your power in your own life and romanticizing your life, seeing yourself as a priority because you are."
"Content with what I already have. This tells me that the priority you need to be making right now is in yourself, spending time with yourself."
"You cannot manifest and sustain the new desired state unless we first put the priority on ourselves."
"Your job is never gonna love you back, like you should start really thinking about like putting yourself first."
"Your dreams are gonna be most important to you."
"Putting yourself first is not an act of arrogance. This is an act of competence."
"Putting your needs first doesn't make you selfish. Selfish isn't putting yourself first; it's expecting other people to put you first."
"When all else fails, choose you. Choose you man."
"It's the only decision that you're going to make to spend life with somebody actually choose you. Choose you."
"Part first, brains second. Be good to yourself, you probably deserve it."
"You gotta put yourself first out here. If you don't put yourself first out here, you're gonna lose."
"I love that D keeps saying that she has always told me that keep yourself first put yourself first because when you put others before you they will learn to put themselves before you wow."
"No excuse should excuse you from not putting yourself first."
"Your highest sense of duty is always to yourself."
"My loyalty has to be to me first."
"You're gonna have to start putting yourself first."
"All that matters before anything else is you."
"Healthy relationships are important. Your happiness comes first over anyone else."
"I have to choose myself over this person."
"We have to learn how to start loving ourselves more, we have to learn how to stop putting others way above us."
"I understand that as a woman, our priority should be ourselves."
"I definitely feel like I am a priority to myself in a way I wasn't before."
"I've made a commitment to myself a long time ago, I will never choose someone else over myself again."
"Put yourself first if it's just for 10, 15, 20 minutes a day. It will definitely improve your life, I swear it will."
"The universe is waiting for you; it's time to put yourself first for real without excuse, without compromise, without guilt."
"Put yourself first and decide what you want out of life."
"You come first, okay, as a creator."
"Be there for yourself first and cater your life to you."
"I'm not working on my day off; this is my first day of the week, and I work for me first."
"I need to be selfish and choose the person that always chooses me."
"I'm gonna put myself first is when I started to feel beautiful."
"I prioritize my health and show up for myself."
"Taking care of yourself should be a top priority."
"Always put yourself first, to not let someone else dictate what you're going to do."
"You come first, second, and third. Do not be waiting for anybody."
"Loving yourself means putting yourself before helping others."
"I put myself first, assuming that if I feel stronger and more healthy, I will be able to accomplish more."
"Nothing matters more to me than my peace and my private life."
"In this busy world of having everything to do, make sure that you have at least one or two things on the to-do list that's just for you."
"I have to put my mental health first."
"Make you a priority... and then everything else is gonna flow because if you don't make yourself a priority, you're putting that power into the hands of someone else."
"You just have to put yourself first at the end of the day."
"Put yourself first, always love yourself."
"Your heart always comes first. The only person you should be afraid of losing is yourself."
"I had to stop making people a priority and myself an option."
"Prioritize your sleep is prioritizing your mental health is prioritizing you."
"You have to take care of yourself and love yourself before anybody else will."
"Put yourself first, expect the best, don't settle for less."
"I say yes to myself when I say no to you."
"You're putting yourself first, you are taking care of you."
"I'm very accepting of what is, and that's how I learned to put me first."