
Criticism Handling Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The best way to handle criticism is to agree and amplify."
"The notion that promoting a compassionate approach towards critics and opponents doesn’t necessarily compromise the integrity of one’s stance."
"You will always have critics... you can give into your critics and listen to them, and your life is ruined, or you can just ignore them and move on and do the right thing."
"Another thing about me, I'm programmed not to be sensitive. The reason why I can take criticism is I've been criticized all my life."
"One of the most important skills that you can have in any creative work is to be able to extract useful change even out of unconstructive criticism."
"If you get a ton of praise, then you should be able to take a little bit of criticism once in a while."
"Seriously though, like a lot of people were mad at me over the 3DS video because they thought I had this immense burning hatred for pirates. I don't. I just really don't like Gateway."
"It's pushed me to the point where...no matter what you do, someone is going to have criticism for you. And that's fine."
"Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thing."
"Honestly, people just love you guys and want to see what you're doing next anybody that tries to critique you maybe they just don't know any better."
"No matter how much hate you get, you got to be real with yourself."
"Everyone is going to be criticized, that's discourse."
"Let the haters hate, we'll do the post-match interview here."
"The most honest and respectable way to deal with criticism is not to cleverly evade it but to tactfully face it head-on."
"No matter what is said or done, do not doubt your worth."
"Learning to take criticism is crucial for improvement."
"Our police officers are heroes, performing a great public service at great personal risk. Rare mistakes are made, but we cannot allow every isolated policing mistake to be turned into a national crisis."
"Having a solid message out there is important in handling criticism."
"There is a way to respectfully reject criticism or, at least, take it in stride."
"I try to sift through to find the grain of Truth inside of every pearl of hate; there's something in there that maybe I can learn from."
"It's easy to trick yourself into being like, 'Oh my God, everyone doesn't like my show,' even this question is phrased in a world where like, how did you feel about all the bad reviews?"
"I stand by it...It's the content I wanted to make...It's just a guy who didn't like the movie and having a silly rant about it."
"Listen to your audience, learn to take constructive criticism, but also understand that not all criticism is constructive."
"Haters gonna hate, let those people say what they want."
"If you can't deal with criticism you are going to struggle if you want to do any creative Enterprise."
"Call me out all you want, that's totally fine, I'm okay with it."
"Feelings aren't rational and so when people would criticize the series and criticize me for liking the series and try to prove me wrong it sort of felt like people were trying to prove that feeling wrong."
"Don't listen to trolls, just accept that you made a mistake because you are a human being."
"They literally listened to the criticism and they otk in general was very good with their criticism."
"SAO does some things right that are going to be more important for some people than the things it does wrong are for me."
"I'll be okay. I can sleep at night knowing that the criticism towards me is that I'm too welcoming, I'm too kind, I'm too encouraging."
"I hate it when other YouTubers say 'Oh, you're just jealous' or whatever when you criticize."
"Sometimes criticism is super valid, but if you're right, you'll stand the test of time."
"Hug your haters. They may provide constructive feedback to help you improve."
"Our life wasn't on the line. Yes, there's criticism, but when you regain that perspective, what lens are you seeing out of?"
"This is the part that seems boring, this is the part that gets the most complaints from those individuals that will never ever do well or succeed in this."
"Growth, man. That's real growth, understanding what's just negative criticism and understanding what's actual constructive."
"If the media says anything negative, it's just more fake news churned out by big psych and big Pharma." - "Scientologists process criticism the same way, dismissing it as fake news."
"Criticism is completely fine just learn on your own and don't take everything that people say to heart."
"Are you going to actually address the criticisms at hand or are you simply going to keep deflecting and pretend like people are jealous of you or whatever."
"Don't let comments affect your life or things that you're gonna do."
"It's like getting used to like negative comments for that makes sense like with streaming people feel like they can criticize you no matter what."
"If somebody told me I was the worst one, I'd be like 'thank you.' I'd be like 'sh*t, that means I'm qualified to be here.'"
"For the people who ever asked my wife who have said horrible things about my children and I was raised differently to speak ill on people but if you had any self-respect you'd be ashamed of yourself."
"The best footballer is the one who seeks out knowledge after a bad game, but the modern footballer tends to avoid criticism and surround themselves with positivity."
"Love does not take delight in having someone to browbeat or denounce. Our love for the other person has to take priority over denouncing them, even their actions."
"My mother used to say they criticized Jesus too."
"You're not doing much out here if you're not being criticized."
"She did phenomenally well, tried to preemptively deal with all the standard criticisms."
"Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't ask for advice."
"It doesn't give the haters time to hate. You can say so much more by just making a good movie."
"When people scold you, don't believe what people say about you."
"Just because something is criticized doesn't make it bad."
"Haters gonna hate, but words don't really hurt me."
"Don't never let nobody make you mad enough to hurt your feelings enough that you cry over what a stranger's opinion of you is."
"It's just the love the bars and that's why I set up there it's like the haters as well because without them you know a lot of sitting to Bob Arum comments the other guy's [ __ ] mind blow."
"Don't give up, don't listen to these haters."
"You cannot accomplish this global movement without getting criticism and without having people disagree with you."
"It's one thing to be wrong, it's another thing to have a nasty attitude about it."
"It's not the concept or the new gameplay that people are against, it's the execution of it."
"Shout out to all you guys for support in this series and shed into the salty people in the comments who are complaining because I'm not good enough at this game."
"He's rude and I don't like him, and I think he's handsome."
"Accept criticism but try to ignore the hate."
"No United player can moan about criticism... it's based on frustration and anger."
"Don't let in destructive criticism, you get to choose."
"Being an adult means learning to deal with criticism."
"There's a difference between criticism and negativity."
"It's about me now, and if you don't understand that and you hold a grudge against me because I didn't return a text or I changed, I'm not the same person, I'm a sellout, I'm a hypocrite, tough shit."
"That's how our company should respond to criticism."
"The only time that a negative comment gets to you is when you have that insecurity about yourself."
"Ignore the haters, ignore the people that are going to try and bring you down."
"Some things don't need an explanation... The people that are pushing and want the explanation are then going to be the people that are going to try to cut you down."
"Anytime you bring out the haters like this, you're doing something right."
"If you have no haters, you ain't doing nothing."
"A lot of haters have tried to stop us from getting this far but they just couldn't."
"Concentrate on perfecting yourself rather than pointing fingers at others."
"There's a lot of dislikes. At the time, the comment had 1.2k likes and the video had 1.1k likes. How thick is that?"
"How do you remain authentic while building your brand? Not being beat down by the negative opinions of anyone. Right? Not taking criticism to heart. You will lose yourself so fast trying to mirror other people."
"You guys will complain about anything... it's fine because it's good writing."
"Some people trip when they start getting criticism and don't understand it."
"Salute to you and everything you doing, and all the haters keep on hating and watch my brother shine."
"So, every time I see these SJW's sharing my videos and calling me every name in the book, am I supposed to listen to those people and change what I am doing? Hell no!"
"Straight after a game, I'm pissed off if we've lost. I'm over critical, but after about 24 hours, I start to get tired of some of the criticism."
"If you move away from thinking 'How do I feel about this information?' to thoughts of 'What can I do with this information?' then you'll be in a better position to handle criticism."
"You don't need to lose sleep over the opinion of a bunch of losers."
"Change is never easy. There will be naysayers, doubters, and critics."