
Emotional Balance Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"You cannot mute the anxiety without also muting the joy."
"To counteract the negative effect of negative emotions, we need three times as many positive emotions in our life to actually counterbalance."
"The essence of serenity is when good things happen to you, don’t get over exuberant about what happened, and when bad things happened to you, don’t get down in the dumps."
"When you reach full non-duality, you're gonna have all the full sensitivity of all the emotions but also simultaneously be detached from them all."
"Knowing yourself is the most important thing in terms of creating emotional balance and having emotional control."
"You guys are going to be so much more emotionally balanced."
"You're not all caught up in desires or needs or fears or anger or frustration, you're clear."
"In the human experience, you must have lows with the highs. How can you appreciate the high times if you don't have the low times?"
"Experiencing some anxiety is about caring about life, and because of that I hope that never goes away completely."
"I think if your peak femininity or peak masculinity, you're in tune with both sides of your emotions."
"You can't go around being grief-stricken all the time, but you're allowed moments."
"Trust me, it's a good trigger. You can kind of tell it's gonna be sad, but you can also see how they do a really good job of mixing comedy."
"Happiness or distress, we have to flow through them with equanimity."
"I needed to let go of my anger with certain individuals that I am working with and to focus on getting my vibration back in balance."
"The depth of my sorrow and grief is counterbalanced with the degree of my joy and beauty."
"Side by side with despair lies joy, and you just have to kind of look over for it and see it."
"Abandon prejudice and ego so you can see the true colors of your world and feel the happiness that is achieved through balance."
"Self-love is first accepting exactly where you're at and being okay with it, and neutralizing all of these feelings."
"A deep sense of inner peace... transcends happiness and unhappiness."
"Surrounding yourself with people is very good but also surrounding yourself with people too much is also bad because you need to feel those emotions at the same time."
"It's kind of like the movie Inside Out, can't have joy without sadness."
"We are a mix of logic and emotion but crucially we are conscious about this activity that happens in our brain."
"One should not allow his feelings to swing too far to the right or the left."
"Parenting is frustration and love, in equal doses."
"Neither one needs to win, you need to learn how to sit with both conflicting truths at the same time."
"Two of cups... balance... agreement... true love... high vibrational relationship."
"Some of you guys need to be really mindful about creating balance when it comes to that."
"Currently, something is balancing out in this connection."
"Gentlemen, never get involved with a woman who you need to love more than she loves you."
"You can't sustain a movement based on moral outrage and righteous anger alone, like there has to be some joy and some fun and some entertainment."
"Life isn't perfect, you're not always [ __ ] happy."
"Real confidence comes from being calm centered inside while being powerful at the same time."
"My heart longs for you. You will balance me."
"You need the lows to appreciate the highs and vice-versa."
"Hope and fear are both essential in the heart of the believer."
"Hope is wanting something to happen but knowing there's a chance it might not."
"Elation and despair: progress requires an optimism and pessimism to coexist."
"Balance your emotions so you need to purge out anything that's leaving you feeling stressed, drained, anger, the rage, the madness, the resentment. Let go of those things."
"Without joy and laughter to balance out the sorrow, the world can never hope to have a bright future."
"You're realizing that your ship is still sailing you have not tipped over you are a-okay and your emotions come back into balance."
"You can't always be this even calm perfect energy... do something fun, laughter, song, play, whatever."
"You're being asked to have temperance rather than be impulsive or compulsive."
"In order for you to know joy, you must know sadness."
"Moments of joy and more moments of joy than pain."
"INFJs are both emotional and rational. We're very balanced with those two things."
"Develop a healthy balance between your logical and your emotional mind."
"You have to experience lows for the highs to feel good."
"Sometimes it's okay to hold on to a few things, but you know, in the end, you gotta let some things go."
"It is this confidence of I can do it I can handle it I can handle anything but it's tender it's compassionate it's soft it's yummy anyway I can breathe."
"There has to be some sort of balance, like I hope that everybody has some way to express these things that they're not willing to confront."
"They're making decisions, they want to meet you halfway, they want this balance of give-and-take."
"The depth of your suffering defines the height of your joy."
"Mindset without heart set will not give you sustainable results."
"Be soft in your heart but firm in your boundaries."
"It's always a balance. Some of those low points give us good perspective about how amazing the high points are."
"Life is supposed to have hot, sweet, sour, and bitter flavors all mixed together."
"Stay grounded, be logical, and don't get overwhelmed by what you don't know."
"It's a really, really fun movie with just the right amount of emotional Nuance."
"It's all too easy to fall into a trap of either being too positive or too negative."
"My hopes are high, my expectations are extremely low."
"The thing I love with the movies all the time is that all the serious moments aren't always super kind of cheesy like, seriousness and then is that a food joke."
"It's one of those things that we are psychologically primed to fixate on the negative even amongst all this positive stuff."
"I think that if you don't suffer sad times in your life then you don't appreciate being happy."
"You can't have happiness without sadness sometimes, and that's okay."
"Love is supposed to be two ways, not one way."
"Cancerians live between two worlds: practicality and emotion, Earth and water."
"Quiet the mind, quiet the emotions, trust that all is well, always working out."
"Nobody's perfect, so keep your head out of the clouds and grounded in regards to this relationship."
"You're going to feel much better about this... marry the head and the heart energy."
"The way it balances sadness and lively moments feels just right."
"Denying the happiness doesn't mean that you're going to forget the other side of the spectrum. It's very hard to forget."
"You will meet this person when you are in your balanced state."
"If you don't take care of the mindset the emotions and the skill set you have half of the recipe and that's not what it takes to achieve goals you have to have the whole recipe you have to be all-in."
"People want the love without the hate, the admiration without the criticism."
"The goal of spirituality is to feel peace in the face of sadness or excitement."
"The Guru has given us a beautiful system of battling the five negative emotions with five positive virtues."
"There's a lot of love, a lot of balance, a lot of harmony. This is pure love, this is pure dedication."
"Find the balance between opening up and healthy boundaries."
"Wow, you're seeing me real vulnerable right now, she just, she balances me out, you know?"
"This is why the balance of the fear is conviction."
"The highs aren't automatically erased or invalidated by the lows."
"It's okay to have positive feelings towards something that you also have negative feelings for."
"When you can look at a victory and a loss the same way, that's when you've conquered life a little bit."
"So make sure you're also leaving room for the hopeful stuff, the lighter stuff."
"The sweet is never as sweet without the bitter."
"You can't expect to always have good, happy moments."
"Whatever this situation was, you're definitely getting justice and you're going to be able to break free and bring balance back into your situation here."
"This person needs to go within, they have this process they need to go through to find that inner balance."
"Listening to this front to back is a chaotic, cathartic joyride, a deft balance of melody and noise."
"They want you to calm down, chill out, and relax."
"Love is not how much you exhaust yourself, love is how much you give and get back."
"The goal is to find balance and peace within yourself so that you can have adult mature conversations about how you feel with yourself as well as with your partner."
"Resilience is moving your nervous system back into regulation, which essentially is balance."
"Celebrate a win just like you get pissed off with a defeat."
"I feel like I'm actually in a good place where I still deal with the grief and the guilt and missing him but I'm in a good place."
"I think life is made up of like highs and lows and it's really important to remember that no feelings such as happiness excitement or sadness fear lasts forever."
"At the end of the day, the love definitely outweighed the hate by far."
"You can try, you can trust and love someone with your whole heart, and you can also protect yourself in the event of the worst case scenario happening."
"Stand in your truth, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Bring in all parts of you, your masculine and feminine, need to have a balance."
"Your yoga is here for you through all the highs, through all the lows."
"Thoughts of fear drive out peace, thoughts of love build up inner peace. It is as simple and as challenging as that."
"Don't get too crazy high when things are high and also don't fall too hard when things are low."
"You're ready for this balance and you just you understand at the soul which brings you into this beautiful place of peace and harmony."
"You're doing okay, just keep breathing through this. You're gonna feel lighter but yet still grounded balanced and peaceful."
"Having a little bit at risk sometimes does help with the emotions."
"There is going to be healing and balance but you need patience before that really happens for you here, okay?"
"Commit to living in a beautiful state every day, it's a daily practice."
"You can never be too high, can never be too low. That's kind of how I take things."
"Balance giving and receiving in relationships."
"I just want to let go, but on the same token with the emperor card energy, I want to be in charge."
"Find that balance between the dark and the light in our lives."
"Music was supposed to restore the equilibrium of the soul."
"To appreciate the good, you have to really take in the bad."
"You can't feel gratitude and stress at the same time."
"If you're going to be emotional, rationality has to come down with it."
"Women are very capable of communicating to men if men will listen and want to understand."
"The heart and mind will be in the same place."
"Pixar's secret to success: Balancing heart and humor."
"Dividends cover my expenses when I do YouTube to educate anyone willing to listen."
"You're going to restore passion within yourself and in every area of your life."
"Balance your emotions through journaling, exercise, and healthy communication."
"Finding peacefulness in stress is important."
"Just remember it's the same thing don't get too high on hopium take a look at all the information and then go from there make the best decision."
"Seeking balance in your relationships is not selfish, it's necessary."
"It's better to think with both heads than it is your heart."
"You are now riding a wave of peace, harmony, balance, prosperity, abundance, and joy."
"Everyone has their highs and lows... Riding my bike makes me feel more powerful and in control, but it also makes me suffer and sweat."
"You're very balanced right now and I really like the energy that's around you."
"You're just right for each other, they feel like you're someone who can bring some balance into their life."
"The holy grail is your heart. It's a heart because living for balance or Venus balance turns into love it goes from lust on the negative side to pure love in the balance side."
"You will have the victory, the clarity, you will be moving forward with a renewed sense of balance in your life."
"Having micro meanings for each part of the morning keeps the dopamine going."
"With a little more love and a little more laughter, a little more good vibes, less disaster."
"Let go of regret, drop the [ __ ] that keeps us in imbalance."
"It's a lot of fun with just enough heart to make it work."
"If you're feeling tired or you're feeling ungrounded or you're feeling imbalanced, release any self-judgments around these feelings because they're happening for a reason."
"If you are happy all the time, you're not normal and you're not healthy."
"I do not let the insults go to my heart... and I do not let the compliments go to my head."
"It's time for you guys to find your peace, find your balance."
"Life is all about the ups and downs and how you ride the wave."
"I'm not looking for complete happiness. I'm just looking for a little bit less baggage and a little bit less pain."
"Enough of this success, enough disaster."
"You gotta balance caring with not giving a [ __ ]. Gotta not give a [ __ ] enough to not be affected by it."
"Rage and revenge won't do it. He needs happiness and hope too."
"Forgiveness neutralizes and depolarizes... When you don't forgive people, you polarize."
"This person feels an intimate deep connection with you and they just have to kind of balance themselves out before they could pursue."
"Remember, happiness and sadness work together now, again. Remember, every time you're happy, you know, just know, with life comes death."
"The game balances its bleak, depressed, and melancholy tone with a splash of optimism."
"They want to feel balanced within themselves and in love."
"Occasionally we have to express some gratitude; otherwise, we're going to be constantly in a fear-based state."
"The heart is our key to higher worlds, where mind and emotions find harmony."
"Life could be so great, but it could also be so much worse." - Andrew Klavan
"Balancing your emotions. One foot is on the ground, one foot is in the water."
"Bring him back to that happy medium." - Striving for balance is always a good goal.
"It's better if you make a decision from a grounded, balanced place and listen to your intuition."
"Avoid those two ends of the spectrum: despair and presumption."
"She needs to just find what the opposite feels like so she can get used to what the middle place feels like the place that's good."
"Our job as lightworkers is to stay in the heart... to align... to stay calm."
"It's okay to be both. It's okay to have both reactions. It's okay to respond in both ways, but don't get stuck in just one way."
"Be bold, be courageous, have compassion, be balanced in your head and your heart."
"Piscean energy is going to like mellow us out a little bit before like things get a little insane again."
"Life without rainy days is incomplete. Or like not even a thing, you know?"
"This is about balance, balancing yourself out, coming out of sadness and isolation through healing."
"The magic is in the middle, and think a lot of women come to me and they get themselves in trouble because they're just feeling and they're not thinking."
"Getting back centered after going through something."
"Stop letting people throw your emotions and your whole nervous system and chakra system off."
"Analyzing relationships and seeking balance."
"Carve a path of individuality while still honoring the feelings you may have for this person."
"Something will be brought into balance, yes, it will make you completely happy in love."
"Life is about ups and downs; without happiness, there cannot be sadness, and without sadness, there cannot be happiness."
"Home can come in unexpected moments. Joy still exists, hope still exists, balance is still available to you."
"My life is still at risk, but in the law of duality, there's two opposites: fear and faith."
"Stay balanced, keep your heart and mind open."
"Meditation is an amazing skill that just really helps you control your emotions, have a more level head, just greet the world with more positivity every day."
"Not every day must be filled with happy for it to be a happy life."
"Your words are powerful... so their emotions can come into balance."
"Get help balancing those emotions with positive action."
"Happiness would not exist without sadness. You have to be happy already, and then you will get the thing."
"They're balancing their emotions, aiming for cooperation and compromise."
"It's okay if it's got some sad parts as long as they're balanced out with at least a good number of happy moments."
"Life is a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant things and surroundings."
"Balance your own emotional self to move forward and conquer."
"It's not either or, it's both. I'm enjoying this season massively and I'm appropriately mourning what was."
"It's a journey of opening each other's hearts, coming back into balance."
"Even out your vibe. Really get into a place of love. Fall in love with yourself the way you desire your soulmate to love you."
"It's unrealistic to only ever show or react to or make videos about the highs. It's important to recognize the whole human experience."
"You gotta allow yourself to grow. You're not going to get it right, and don't shelter yourself thinking you're doing yourself a favor. You need to face yourself, face the good and the bad within yourself, and find balance, find love."
"We must have balance between the thoughts and the fields, yes we do."
"All success is finding out when were you high Vibe."
"We need to feel happy and proud of who we are but we can still want to be better."
"You're feeling very balanced, everything calming down for you."
"You wanted emotional fulfillment in the union, it felt imbalanced to you, and probably to this other person, because I'm seeing that this financial opportunity that's coming for you is in the future and in the present moment."
"Whatever it is you're activating it leads you right into the arms of the person who will love you and you will love back with absolute balance and harmony."
"More positivity, more balance, that's what's going to bring in happiness for you."
"Thankfulness will keep you in a place of humility and dependency on God."
"Life operates in cycles, so just like the motion of the ride, it has highs and lows, moments of excitement, and moments of calm."
"It means not doing it from this place of panic and desperation that's come from overcompensating for a perceived 'I need to keep up, I'm not enough or something.'"
"Keep your vibe right, keep your vibe in balance."
"There has to be fear and hope that run besides one another."
"Communication is the journey of finding balance between not hurting someone's feelings and being honest."