
Personal Freedom Quotes

There are 3593 quotes

"Allowing myself the freedom to be the best version of myself and also to evolve and be in the now."
"It's his life; he can do whatever he wants. 100% I agree."
"Everyone should be entitled to change and do what they want with their life and their body because you only get one."
"Your history doesn't have to imprison your destiny."
"Once I know that I don't even have to think about my clothes, I feel like there's nothing holding me back."
"You don't owe anybody an explanation ever for what you are, who you are, how you think, anything."
"You're going to feel like you can finally expand, and there's no more limitations being put on you."
"Michael Jordan should not be selling tickets; he should be just doing whatever he wants and occasionally rocking up and shooting hoops."
"I spent a very long time code-switching and conforming, and that's not freedom."
"A politician's job is to serve their community, not to police personal lives."
"Our own freedom is fundamentally connected with the freedom of others because it enhances our personal freedom rather than inhibits it."
"Let them live with their opinions but also live the life you want to live. Allow both."
"Valuing your time is a central tenant of freedom. You need to learn how to value your time properly."
"Between the stimulus and the response, there is a space, and in that space is our power and our freedom."
"I'm granting myself the permission to be authentic."
"Leap of faith: Believe in yourself, listen to your heart, do what gives you joy."
"I am my own jailer. We think we're so trapped by everyone and everything else, but we are the ones who are keeping ourselves imprisoned."
"You don’t need their approval to do what you want to do."
"My definition of success for me is to be able to do what I want to do at all times always and be happy about it."
"True wealth is being able to choose where your time goes."
"Forgiveness is the only real path to freedom."
"Are you really going to let somebody else dictate your life and how you feel and what you do and what you pursue and all the things that you desire in your life?"
"The kind of freedom that matters most is freedom from unreasonable domination by one person over another."
"I think ultimately... people have a right to privacy."
"Our realities are dominated and governed and we're not just talking about freedoms as in freedom of sexual expression freedom of cultural expression but like that we're choosing from a very limited palette."
"You shouldn't let the worry of what other people think stop you from doing stuff you like doing."
"You do not need to defend your eating choices to anyone."
"You can't have personal freedom without equality of opportunity."
"The process of creating agreements with myself, creating agreements with others, and healing and integrating that healing process throughout life is what has allowed me to be more and more free every day."
"Your imagination is yours and yours alone. You can place anything into your imagination that you want to place there."
"You don't have to use your autonomy to value it."
"If you don't control your mind, someone else will control it for you."
"I think autonomy is something that is inherently valuable and deeply important."
"People want to be free and make their own choices to try to fulfill their happiness as best as they possibly can for themselves."
"The highest value that our culture now has is authenticity, which means doing what you want to do. That's the only value we have. It's not discipline; it's not honoring God."
"What adults decide to experience in the inner sanctum of their own consciousness, while doing no harm to others, is their own business and not the business of the government."
"One of the really nice parts about being an entrepreneur of any kind is that you can decide what life setup you want for yourself and take the steps to make it happen."
"The government should not be telling us what to do with our bodies or our lives when we're not hurting other people."
"You're not free if you can't say what you think."
"God never called me to control people's lives...I'm not here to control your life."
"I'm down for people to do a lot of things as long as it's not hurting anybody."
"Don't be a slave to previous decisions you've made."
"Your personal freedom is the thing you need to get right and sorted first."
"The underlying grounding of my channel is all about personal freedom, and to know more about mindfully using the internet is part of personal freedom."
"People are not better off when they are given maximum personal freedom to do what they want. People are better off when they are enshrouded in commitments that transcend personal choice."
"Our version of personal freedom is like the freedom to not be shot in a mass shooting."
"Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans."
"Women should pursue happiness and they should be able to do what they want."
"Your spirituality is everything that makes you feel connected. Laughing, dancing, singing, being with people that light you up... Your spirituality looks different for everyone. There are no rules."
"I want her to have money so she has the freedom to do whatever she wants and doesn't feel like she gotta ask me for stuff."
"We really do have choice. We get to decide what, whom, or where I'm expending my attention in any given moment."
"Let me- Let me go to the gym, or uh do my makeup, or watch anime, or listen to f_ckn heavy metal. I don't know just let me do sh_t."
"Believing that there was no inherent meaning freed me from a lot of stuff."
"The government that governs best governs least, focusing on life, liberty, and property."
"I think people just want to be able to carve out paths in their life."
"You have to feel like you have the freedom to make the choices you want."
"I live my life in a way that none of those things control me; I am in control, and that brings me more freedom than anything else."
"People feeling like they're being sort of locked up against their will and it's like who am I even pushing back on because I can push back on the government but if I go out and I get sick, it's like, you know, the virus doesn't really care."
"Gender is completely arbitrary and socially constructed. There's no right or wrong, just let people identify however they want."
"The American people know best how to run their own lives; they don't need Washington bureaucrats controlling their every move and micromanaging their every decision."
"We can't live our life according to others; we have to live our life for ourselves."
"Let women do what they want to do with their bodies; at the end of the day, it's their bodies."
"Shame has no place in someone's personal decisions about sex."
"The good is you get to set your own time; I get to wake up whenever I want, I get to stream whenever I want."
"When the politicians start telling you what you can and can't eat, we've crossed a line."
"We want stability and rootedness but also mobility, dynamic capitalism, and the liberty to adopt the lifestyle we choose."
"Utilize leisure time... leisure historically meant simply freedom from the work needed to survive; freedom for intellectual or creative pursuits."
"Fun employment is a term for embracing joblessness as liberating and empowering, prioritizing personal pursuits and self-reflection."
"Wealth is boring. But man, when you get it, it's freeing as hell."
"More money is just putting fuel on the fire. It gives you the ability to do more of the things that you love to do."
"If people want to transition as adults, then that's their choice, as long as you aren't hurting anyone."
"You are not bound to an identity. You can change and be anything you want in this life."
"In some ways, the reality of being Amish is a simpler life, particularly as many personal choices are taken from you, which has its pros and cons."
"She will never follow those rules and regulations that you have put her into."
"Why don't you plan when I go to the toilet, eat meals, and go to bed?" - a sarcastic comment read.
"We seek variety in every aspect of our lives, be it in music, literature, films, foods, and travel, and art. Why would you not look for a variety in your sex life too?"
"You can think anything you want. No one can cause you to think something you don't want to think."
"You mean the patriarchy won't let you wear a dress? I don't know about your country, but I can wear a dress anytime I want."
"This is an exploration of consciousness for you. If you learn these tools and you apply them, indeed it will give you an indescribable kind of freedom."
"Having freedom and financial freedom and the cars and stuff are all cool and stuff too."
"People want to have a sense that they are the captains of their own soul and masters of their own fate."
"I believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy personally."
"If you know that your information is going to end up in a government database, you may be less likely to go to that gay bookstore or to go to that AA meeting."
"I found true freedom and life transformation in eating in a way that just works for my body."
"Vote for small government, more personal freedom, and more accountability."
"People should be able to do what they want with the stuff that they buy."
"People are free to do whatever they want with their bodies, assuming it doesn't harm others."
"The ideal form of government is one that affords the individual maximum personal freedom."
"The conservative so-called is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny."
"I'm free to say no if something is not best for me."
"You’ve got to take risks, break rules, do what you want."
"Be prepared to be scapegoated... that's a small price to pay for your freedom."
"This is what happens when we force religious beliefs on people. We create hostile environments where people can't be themselves."
"Throughout this course of conduct, Mr. Spears stripped his daughter of her dignity, including her dignity to make her own decisions, and of her humanity."
"America offers an unparalleled experience for being an individual, an unparalleled experience for doing your own thing."
"I have an inalienable, constitutional, and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or as short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please."
"I wanna write some music on the piano, but I've gotta be able to do it whenever I want. I need a keyboard, 'cause I need to be able to put my headphones on and play to my heart's content."
"Did Europe just take a big step towards eliminating personal freedom and free speech with the passage of the Digital Services Act? Yes, it's now law and enforceable in Europe."
"I'm a libertarian. Do whatever it is that you want to do."
"You have free will... You're allowed to do anything that you want in this world, as long as you're not hurting anybody."
"I don't think it's a cop-out. I think it's a decision that women should be allowed to make for themselves."
"You have the freedom to live the life that you want."
"The goal of learning about money isn't about amassing billions of dollars, it's to buy the freedom to pursue personal fulfillment."
"Forcing your will onto other people isn't cool. Being a statist and authoritarian is not cool."
"When life becomes about meeting requirements and fulfilling obligations, checking off boxes and checking in on time, we forget the basics."
"Is economic freedom more important than personal freedom?"
"Don't go along with it if you can help it and just stick to the idea of having the right to say what we think is true."
"There's an external tyrant that's trying to make you into a slave and an internal tyrant that's trying to make you into a slave."
"If you interfere even slightly with the government's agenda, your own government will dedicate a tremendous amount of resources to destroy your reputation, your finances, your career, and if it can, your sanity."
"Roe is on the ballot. Personal freedoms are on the ballot. The right to privacy, liberty, equality—they're all on the ballot."
"The right to choose what you consume and put in your body is an inherent right given the day we are born."
"People should be allowed to live their lives the way they want to, and they should certainly be free of harassment until their decisions and their choices start to actually infringe upon other people's right to be left alone."
"It's not the government's role to say this is where the line is."
"Don't confuse the fact that because you are trapped by COVID that you are trapped by your relationship."
"We're gonna let people have their fun. Let them have their fun."
"Politics should not be your life. Government should be so small that it can't do everything you want, and it can't take everything from you, you know."
"Can we just accept people can identify how they want to?"
"The reality is that you have to stop caring what other people think of you."
"Give yourself the freedom of not caring what someone else thinks of you."
"Freedom is a state of being that comes from within you. It is inherent to who you are as a divine creation of God."
"I don't want to reinforce stereotypes that make people feel like they can't move outside of some kind of box."
"You have the animal warmth of your family sitting right next to you, but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind."
"The more freedom we give introverts to be themselves, the more likely they are to come up with their own unique solutions to these problems."
"Authoritarianism is predicated on this idea: you should not be allowed to control your own life; you don't know what you're doing; you need to be controlled, and they are going to control you."
"It was never the pursuit of money that drove me into entrepreneurship. It was the desire for personal freedom."
"The automobile is the most romantic of all machines because it is personal and it delivers people the places they want to go in a style they have come to enjoy."
"Not giving a shit is an immense power. Once we care what other people think about us, they control our lives. It's got to stop."
"You should have the rights over your own body."
"It's so much easier and freeing to just be yourself."
"I made Everyday Bliss not just to help you be free of stress but to create freedom in every area of your life because once you get rid of the stress, worrying, anxiety, everything opens up for you."
"The sanctity of the individual is more important than the sanctity of the collective."
"I don't know why people care so much about what anybody's doing in their bedroom, period."
"We have to trust Americans to make their own decisions on their investments."
"Don't give up. I'm living a much happier life now, and I'm free."
"You can do whatever you want as long as you don't harm anyone else."
"Once you let the government decide what's good for you, where does it stop?"
"We need to take control of our narrative. Live your life the way that you see fit."
"We're all just a bunch of stupid, inconsequential freaks. We don't have to be happy, we don't have to be normal, we don't even have to be alive, not if we don't want to. We can do whatever we want, as long as we don't hurt other people."
"The inventor of macaroni and cheese, also the author of the Declaration of Independence, fought for our right to put in as much or as little macaroni in our macaroni and cheese as we damn well please."
"He was a man of the people. Wallace came to represent personal freedom as well as Scottish independence."
"When I was a cadet, what's the first cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"Let people be who they want to be so long as they're not hurting other people."
"As long as they're not harming anyone else, people should be allowed to live their lives however they want."
"You want to be in a place where you're not attached to the outcome. Once you get to a place where you're not attached to the outcome, you can kind of do anything you want and not worry about it."
"We all have this obligation to be constantly connected... but we owe those people nothing. Live your life how you want to and what makes you happy."
"Life really does begin when you stop caring what people think."
"I have so much freedom now... I wouldn't go back for the money, the social standing, none of that matters to me now."
"I love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up."
"What is amazing is Jesus turns around and he looks at the crowd and he says, 'I haven't even seen this kind of faith anywhere in Israel.'"
"It has always been our mission to empower you with knowledge so that you can take back ownership of your wealth and personal freedoms."
"We should let people be happy and healthy and comfortable in themselves, as long as they're not harming themselves, or anyone else."
"I think people should be able to do whatever they want if it makes them happy."
"Because the idea of going back to a band situation after 40 years with Neil, plus almost 50 years with Alex, was claustrophobic to me."
"Time is up. It is time to finally take care of your family, finally live the life of freedom that you have always promised yourself."
"Thank you for not forcing me to be a prince anymore. I really hated all the attention and the free jewelry. I love being known as the grandkid formerly known as Prince."
"We believe in limited government, we believe in freedom, and we believe that people should be able to make their own choices about their lives."
"It is about Mr. Depp's reputation and freeing him from the prison in which he has lived for the last six years."
"You're not gonna keep me or guilt me into not being a part of it."
"Here's to setting ourselves free, free from labels, free from needing the approval of others, free from worrying what others think about us."
"You do not want these folks controlling your life."
"Any human being can be whatever they want to be."
"If your freedom comes at the expense of the life of another human being, then it's not really your freedom that is the top priority."
"When you liberate yourself to follow your heart, you're liberating others around you."
"It is immoral to require anyone to take a substance into their body that they choose not to. This is the Nuremberg Code."
"You could do whatever the [__] you want to do in this life."
"Stop living up to others' expectations here."
"The freest thing is being free from yourself."
"People are never really free until they understand what they're worth."
"I never wanted to become one of those prisoner people."
"Living the life that I want, traveling the world, but just doing whatever truly excites me at all cost and not allowing anything, anyone, any situation or circumstance to hold me back."
"If women or even men want to make an OnlyFans account, let them. It's their freaking body."
"Everybody has the right to live their life how they want to live their life."
"Abortion is your right and it is still legal."
"I call that being imprisoned in an invisible Jail."
"When men lose that traditional sense of masculinity... you're much easier to enslave."
"That's the great thing about being a Libertarian when you're a Libertarian you let people do the things that they want to do."
"I get to choose my own adventure, I get to be whoever I want to be, and at the end of the day I'm just gonna [__] die, and so it makes life more beautiful and more sweet and more special."
"More important than any of that is that you please stay free."
"You're already perfect enough as it is, so it's time to let it go and cut those ties."
"If you learn to manage your time, you actually have way more time, not less; you have way more freedom, not less."
"True anarchists want to be able to own machine guns, engage in consensual transactions, and be left the hell alone by the state."
"In America you should be free to do what you want if you aren't hurting anyone else."
"You don’t need to listen to expectations of who you ought to be."
"If becoming more successful means I have less freedom then I'm actually less successful."
"I can choose what I do I can have my uh like an outlook on my life that I kind of have is that if you can't do what you want to do then why are you why do you exist if all you do is things that other people want you to do."
"You could be your own person located in this moment of time, equipped with the freedom and luxury given to you by those who died long before you were born. It's your choice."
"This is about putting on the record and demonstrating to Americans whose side the United States Senate is on when it comes to protecting the most fundamental of freedoms the ability to control and have autonomy over your own body."
"Lesson number nine: this is your life, do what you want and do what makes you happy."
"It's not something that needs to restrain you from enjoying your time."
"Critiquing the society that pushes people towards plastic surgery is one thing. Demanding that women mold their aesthetics to your taste is another."
"Gold was essential to both economic and general personal political freedom."
"Maybe it doesn't matter what John would have thought because maybe John is dead and maybe you guys are alive so maybe if you want to do it in a shed during a rainstorm you can do it in a shed during a rainstorm."
"Live your life that you want to live for you."
"It's the ability to say here's what i think if you don't like it i don't care if you then hate me so be it go watch someone else i'll still be here streaming to those who enjoy what i do."
"Don't tell me I can't do something. You can do anything you want to do."
"It is wrong, morally wrong, to force other people to create the utopian situation for yourself against their will. That is unamerican."
"With respect to each and every one of these people and their freedoms, I believe you'll just have to end up leaving."
"It's time to get up and walk into your freedom."
"If an adult cannot make decisions about their own health and their own consciousness, always with the proviso of while doing no harm to others, if they can't make those decisions, then they're not free in any meaningful sense."
"The freedom is incredible on the other side of it, like really incredible, and it's hard to get to."