
Present Living Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If we feel content, we are living in our present."
"The only way you can enjoy life is by living in the present moment, not living in the past about what happened and how something didn't go right, but not living in the future to where we're running, running, running. Where are we all going?"
"Carpe Diem. Live in the moment, live right now."
"The moment we're defined by a vision of the future, we're no longer living in the past."
"Children know best about living in the present, that for them, the present doesn't just exist for the sake of the future."
"The strategy is not to let go of expectations. The strategy is to make it impossible to have an expectation, and the way that you make it impossible to have an expectation is to live in the present, to exist in the present, to focus on action instead of outcome."
"Live your life here and now, enjoy and savor every day. Don't waste your time."
"I choose to live now. I allow myself to live now."
"Make peace with your past so it doesn't ruin your present."
"Enjoy yourself more, try to be more present. I was worried about the results and not the process at that age."
"I feel like you don't appreciate life when you think too much of what's to come in the future."
"Live in the present moment because that gives you peace of mind."
"Once we stop obsessing about something coming back or something coming in, and start living our fullest in the now, that's it, it all just appears for you right."
"The more you live in the present, the happier you'll be."
"If Jesus can forgive, we have to forgive. So forgiveness helps me live in the present."
"Love yourself and heal your life. Forgive the past, move on, and live in today."
"Healthy parts of the self live in the present and engage in appropriate, goal-driven behaviors."
"Be careful that you're always living in the future and not experiencing the present."
"I think now more than ever there's such a pressure in the world to not live in the moment."
"He says all the time mommy is already here and they can live this way now."
"Accept the idea of living in the present moment with all your heart and watch as your life changes in amazing ways."
"We're created to live in the moment and in the present."
"I'm tired of suffering. I'm choosing to live in the present."
"Every time you panic or every time you stress about your situation in life, that is not being present."
"Dwelling on both a fear of the future and the regret of the past is just no way to live unless you learn to live with yourself in the present."
"God wants your dawn to come upon us, for us to see things differently, not just in a longing to get to heaven one day, but in a seeking to live out here right now kind of way."
"I gave him money 13 years ago because I was tired of the rat race. It was about finding balance and living in the present, which is about being content and happy."
"Your dark past doesn't have to dictate every moment of your present."
"The best preparation for the future is to live as if there is no more time."
"Eschatology does in fact matter, what you believe about the future will determine how you live in the present."
"I want to live in the moment more."
"We should not live for the future; we should live for the 'few here' and 'few everywhere.'"
"The circle of forgiveness is where we aren't tied to the past, constantly having to rehash it, so we can live in the holy present with each other."
"Let's live in the year we're living in."
"I prefer to live in the present as well as look back on adventures past."
"People today spend so much time and energy on what if, they don't enjoy the life of now."
"We're here to help you understand your emotions better, learn how to stay calm in tricky situations, find peace through mindfulness, and discover the joy of living in the now."
"I will live in my ideal now; I will be my ideal now."
"...you have to live in the present moment, you have to be who you are, and you don't have to be guarded of that... just be yourself, you don't have to try to be someone for somebody else."
"Stepping into eternal life now, properly participating with God now."
"I love how much time I have. I feel like what makes me feel fulfilled is having just enough time to do everything and also enough time to just live and be in the present."
"Mindfulness teaches people to live in the moment so they're not stuck in guilt or resentment of the past."
"Living in the moment and being your authentic self."
"Live in the now because that's all there is."
"You got to live now. The point of life isn't to get to the end of it."
"You can change the future by choosing a new image of the future and then recognize that there is only the present, the now, in which to live."
"Christianity is not about going to heaven when we die; it's about saying yes to the infinite possibilities of a life that Jesus taught us to live here, now, today."
"It's made me a lot braver than I've ever been before, and it's made me stop planning and organizing and controlling, and living more in the present."
"I feel like it just makes me happier to live for today, you know, live in the present moment and not be like waiting."
"It's so important to live in the present and live in the now, while also working towards those goals."
"Living your ideal life isn't just about who you become in the future, but the life that you're living right now."
"Stop living in the 'as if' and live in the 'as is'."
"Quarantine turned out to be this thing where I realized that I didn't have to retire or make more or do anything to live the life that I want right now."
"Dignity, respect, and civility; learning to live inside of those kind of healthy ingredients in the now."
"Living faith is just living today like you're living in the kingdom."
"Happiness comes from within, and it comes from the Divine and it comes from gratitude and living in the present."