
Future Self Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"What can I do that would make my future self grateful for me?"
"Your future self is going to look back at you and he's either going to look back at you with pride or with resentments."
"Your future self wants you to become your own flame, your own lamp, your own light."
"Your future self is going to be a manifestation of the choices you make from this moment on."
"Your future self really wants to tell you that you need to follow your heart."
"We want to let go of the past and build a picture of us who we want to be."
"Every single day you're either feeding your future self or you're starving your future self."
"What I do, not how I feel about my past, is going to determine who I am in the future."
"Treatment works by connecting or reconnecting empowerment to the sense of a future self, self in time."
"Some of you may already have a vision of where you see yourself in the future. I would call that your future self."
"Your future self is looking at you in the present moment, saying 'You will be this. I see that you are already this. Let me guide you into being that.'"
"Make friends with your future self, kind of think about the future in a way that feels real."
"If you're moving towards your desired future self and you're investing in your future self, you're being pulled towards your future self."
"Your future self wants you to know that you're going to be good. You won't have to deal with poverty... but also take into consideration the foods that you're eating and how it affects your body."
"Your future self wants you to know that in the future, you will be creating something very powerful."
"Your future self wants you to know that you will be building a strong foundation for yourself and receiving a lot of achievements."
"Your future self wants you to know that they're not in pain anymore... they're happy because they have the love of their life, they have so much success, so much money."
"The life you want isn't for the person you are today; it's destined for the person you're about to become."
"You're going to be a whole new person five years from now."
"On the other side of this time, whatever it is for you, is your other self."
"We want to create a space that supports who we're becoming, our future self, our best version of ourselves."
"You're going to be a whole different person a year from now."
"Befriend your future old self because you will become her."
"It's not about who you are, it's about who you're becoming."
"Make decisions from the perspective of who you want to become."
"Your future self is pulling you to greater and greater heights."
"Life is about change, you're gonna be told then five years from now you'll be a different person."
"I'm pretty sure that next year I'm gonna be a completely different person."
"One thing that you could definitely do to help that is surround yourself with things that future you would have."
"Your future self is proud of you; everything you're struggling with now is leading to a future that you are capable of manifesting."
"Kessler reveals that he is Cole, albeit one from an alternative future."
"Your inner circle speaks to who you will be."
"Your past doesn't make who you are in the future."
"What does your future self want to let you know about this situation that you are worried or anxious about?"
"Sometimes the version of you that God is speaking to... is a you that you have not yet become."
"What state of being would you like to be in by the end of this year?"
"I'm you from the future, okay? This is not even close to being the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me."
"A year from now, you will be a very different person."
"The secret for aligning with your future self is tapping into the emotion of the future and bringing it into the present."
"I just find it so interesting to explore that topic of how we can kind of get in touch with our future selves and embody them now."
"Don't marry who you are, marry who you're becoming."
"If I were to tell you the person you're gonna be in eight months from now you wouldn't believe me."
"You do it because of who you're going to become."
"Imagine your future self is reaching a hand out and back to help make it easier for you to think, feel, speak, and behave more in accordance with the person you'd most like to become."
"Your life is gonna basically flip, completely change. You are getting ready to be your ultimate self."
"Don't marry who you are marry who you becoming."
"Your future self is more different from who you are now than you anticipate."
"There is a future version of you that is right now just wishing they could tell you how good it gets."
"Everything's being controlled by future versions of ourselves."
"Keep your eyes focused on the version of yourself that you are becoming."
"You are not yet the person that you're made to be."
"Tomorrow we will be what we think and believe ourselves to be today; each one constructs his own world by means of mind and feeling."
"Right now, you might be making things harder for yourself, but the you of the future is going to be so proud that you stood for what you believed in."
"You have inspired your future self, and your future self is inviting you to step in."
"Your future self is going to a Gala at some point wearing that dress that you found on sale."
"It's like rewarding future self, my future me, because she deserves a clean kitchen in the morning."
"Your future self is already where you want to be, so keep grinding."
"Your future self is giving you the key about how to get it."
"Your future self wants you to know babe the magician you're manifesting all right what it says there it says here what it says As Above So Below you see it as above so below all right what goes up must come down you're manifesting change."
"If you can hear your future self talking to you now, the future you would say thank you for not giving up."
"...stop making decisions yourself and ask your future self what he or she wants from you and I promise you you will be a happier person you'll be a more successful person and you will be the kind of person you have always wanted to be."
"Your future self wants you to hear this message, your future self is trying to set you up for life."
Your future self is saying, "Treat yourself with respect and integrity as well."
"Your future self is urging you to do."
"Your future self one year from now is extremely aligned and happy with where they are in life."
"Your future self has cut cords with anything that doesn't serve them anymore."
"Your future self wants to advise you or something kind and nice that you can do for yourself right now."
"Your future self is just so grateful for where they are in their life."
"Your future self wants to tell you pursue your passion, move forward with your passion."
"Your future self is saying it is totally safe to take a risk."
"The North Node sign represents the future self or where we are looking to engage in more or new experiences in order to balance the spectrum of the nodes."
"Your future self will be someone who has discovered the meaning of life for them."
"Your future self is literally contacting you right now."
"Someone will save you, but it's you. Future you. The better you. The person that you've been waiting to become. It's not good. It's outstanding."
"Your future self will thank them."
"Imagine and sense that you are letting your future-self know about whatever feels most challenging right now whether there is some stuckness in vulnerability, where you feel insecure or mistrusting yourself or others, afraid things aren’t going to change."
"You might sense what you most need from your future-self whether it’s feeling loved or valued."
"Asking for what you want is being aligned with your future self."
"You want to work for your evolving self, not your current self."
"If the best version of myself three years ahead was standing right in front of me, who did I become?"
"Speaking to yourself literally out loud from like your future self your higher self like a higher power speaking from that point to yourself like okay like what are they telling me like right now."
"I always answer From My Future Self I go would I regret it if I didn't would I regret not making this decision and if the answer is probably or yes and I'm like who cares let's do it."
"A year from now, I want to look back on this version of who I am and not even recognize myself."
"Any advice or guidance that your future self would like to tell your current self."
"Lean into your future self and trust your future self."
"On the days that I was really tired... I thought, no, my future self is gonna really thank me for showing up today."
"Pay yourself first... I want to take care of the person down the road 20 years down the road."
"The best person to take care of the old you is the young you."
"You're going to love who you're becoming."
"I'm trying to become that woman that I want to be in the future."
"Sarah of the future, if you feel like doing this again, Sarah of the even further future would be so happy about it."
"Twenty years from now, what would your sense of self be like? Limitless."
"What kind of old person do you want to be?"
"The future becomes the present when you imagine that you are already what you will be when your assumption is fulfilled."
"The version of us that already has the thing is there; we just have to meet her."
"What would 85-year-old version of you be telling you today?"
"It's those small actions that you take today that will determine yourself in two years' time, three years' time, in four years' time."
"Your future you is being built every single day by the choice that you make."
"It's like you in the far far future because there is no time or space."
"I'm trying to be nicer to myself, so I gave myself this gift for future self."
"The internal spirit is the teacher, or myself 20 years from now."
"It's as if myself 20 years from now is my teacher."
"Your future self will thank your past self for staying dedicated and not relying on motivation."
"I have time to explain right now, but I'm you from just a few minutes in the future."
"To your future self, the circumstances you're in the thick of is a thin thing of the past, no big deal, a blip on the radar, a catalyst for a new layer of wisdom, compassion, depth, and gratitude."
"Your future self looks at whatever you're moving through and says, 'Wow, what a gift this was.'"
"You're not going to be the same person that you are right now that you will be like two years from now, three years from now."
"I'm kind of obsessed and in love with that person that I'm gonna become."
"I'm making the decision now of who I will be later."
"Always tap into your future self who moved on, who made it to the other side."
"You're tapping into a future version of you that's already living in the here and now in that reality."
"Every day you're voting for who you want to become."
"Past Clancy did that for future Clancy, like thank you so much."
"The person you hope to become is as real as the present moment."
"Thank you, I am you from the future."
"Pretty soon I'm going to be a person that I could only dream of being."
"Live your life for the older version of you you're going to pass the baton to next."
"A year from now, you're gonna be a badass, and it's awesome."
"Who are you in six months from now? I want you to see yourself healthy and balanced, financially independent."
"Make your decisions as your future self, not your current self."
"Hey James, this is James from the future. I just wanted to give you a call and let you know that puberty can be tough, but you can get through it."
"You're going to be a completely different person in your 60s and your 70s; you're not even going to recognize that person anymore."
"Act like the person you want to become in the future, no matter how you feel in the present moment."
"Everything that you do now affects who you're going to be down the road."
"Keep your vision, imagine the being that you want to be by the end of 2024."
"One year from today, you're not going to recognize yourself in a good way."
"What you're being shown in your dream is a future version of yourself."
"This is the mature you speaking, this is the elevated you speaking, this is the future you speaking."
"Everyone do it now so your future self with beautiful amazing skin will thank you."