
Regrets Quotes

There are 586 quotes

"Start investing. It's one of my biggest regrets when I was younger."
"I wish I hadn't spent so much time at work, and I wish I had spent more time with the people I care about."
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention."
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention. I feel like that's been my life."
"Regrets can be lessons in disguise, prompting us to make amends and grow."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
"Regrets aren't a bug; they're a feature of life."
"If you accept the fact that regrets are inevitable, you have to choose which one you want."
"I'm constantly second-guessing myself... when I hear people say they have no regrets, I never can believe it. I'm full of regrets."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make."
"I think regrets are okay so long as you don't like just die on that hill... as long as you learn from it."
"The biggest regret in my life was not living it properly; don't let that be you."
"When I'm on my deathbed, what will I regret having done or not having done?"
"When a man has to face that he's about to die, he thinks of all the things he's never done."
"Forget it; there was a book written by an Australian nurse about the top five regrets of dying people. The top regret was that 'I wasn't being myself; I wasn't true to myself; I wasn't being authentic.'"
"Try to live your life as if you want to have no regrets later on when you are older."
"One of the biggest regrets people have is not telling the people that they love how they really feel."
"Fast forward to 70, 80, 90 years old...and ask yourself the question: What will I regret that I didn't do?"
"What is left in my memories is more the stuff I didn't do, more the chances I didn't take, rather than any mistakes that I've made."
"Imagine yourself in 50 years... and you start to reflect on your life. You start to think of all of the successes you've had, the great memories... but then you also start to think about the things that you wish you had done a little bit different, your regrets."
"The only regret he had was not that he'd been a better preacher, not that he got more engagements, not that he'd been a better speaker, not that he had more money, not that he had more recognition, not that he had more headlines, not that he been in more articles, but that he spent more time laying on the floor playing horsey with four kids."
"It was not the winning or losing that made them develop these regrets; it was so much more simple than that. It was not trying."
"My only regret is that I cannot witness Inazuma's future nor can I walk this journey with you."
"You're not going to get to the end of your life and be like, 'Oh, if only I'd posted this blog post.' You're going to be like, 'Why didn't I spend more time with my family and my friends?'"
"I wish I'd been more forthcoming with my positive emotions."
"My 'pick yourself back up' attitude is bad in some ways but the way it's good is also allowing you to not have many regrets because you always make something out of a bad thing."
"Acknowledging your regrets is really important to be able to move forward."
"There are always choices, and so there are always regrets."
"If there's one common thing that we can all relate to, it's not making the most of our past."
"The easiest way to avoid regrets is to live a life that you want to live."
"Ask yourself which choice will result in the least regrets."
"It's better to regret the things you've done than the things you haven't."
"I rarely dwell on my regrets. I only dwell on them if I can improve on myself."
"A person on their deathbed never wishes they spent more time at the office."
"No regrets about that, zero regrets... I shouldn't have fought in Chicago."
"People don't die wishing they'd spent more time in the office."
"I think that would be my only regret: My whole bodybuilding career feels like a blur because I didn't enjoy it."
"Our final and biggest regret is not doing this sooner."
"I don't regret any of the [stuff] I've done in my life. I think that everything I've done, I did it once and I've learned from it."
"I got no regrets. I did it. I manned up to it."
"His dream had evolved... to leave behind a life Without Regrets."
"I don't regret anything, but I forgot to enjoy the ride."
"Isn't it just awful someone couldn't cut free of the regrets from the outside world?"
"Live with no regrets... especially when it comes to interactions with your fellow human beings."
"You don't wanna be 80 sitting and saying, 'Fuck I spoke to Gary, my wife did it, this happened, and I didn't do shit.' What the fuck?"
"Have no regrets with the past out of the way."
"Real courage is staring your regrets in the eye and doing something about them."
"My only regret with going to therapy was that I didn't do it sooner."
"Live and learn, and sometimes you learn too late."
"Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."
"You can better regret the things that you haven't done than the things you have done."
"I'd rather regret the things I did than the things I never tried."
"I could be 85 years old laying in my bed looking at my ceiling and kicking myself because I never freaking tried."
"20 years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do."
"Regrets are just an opportunity to basically give yourself a goal."
"Take a regret and make it your goal for this week."
"This is all very temporary stuff... As soon as this dip gets scooped up, you're going to be regretting not buying in earlier."
"One of the things I've just learned over the last 20 years is probably people ask me what's your biggest regret or learning or whatever it's just selling too early is like one of the biggest mistakes you can make."
"I just wished that things would've worked out a little bit different, you know?"
"No regrets, that's a regret. Yeah, I have plenty of regrets."
"No regrets in your life. That's a lie. Everything got me here. Everything."
"That's coming from a [__] who left school at 16 years old and never went to college. It's one of my biggest regrets in life."
"I regret feeling loose, go, are you gonna die?"
"It's one of the great regrets that we didn't really ever have a record of how we did it originally."
"Be careful about all the choices you're making because you will look back and it'll hurt like hell."
"People regret not the mistakes, but the things they didn't do."
"I live my life in such a way that... I have as few regrets as possible."
"I feel like you're the one that got away. Now they want you that you got away basically."
"I've already decided. I want to live each day without regrets."
"Staring your regrets in the eye and doing something about them."
"I regretted it... I made a conscious decision to try and live my life Without Regrets."
"My biggest regret... would have been amazing."
"Our days on this earth are limited. Don't waste them wondering what would have happened if you would have done the thing."
"Regret is useless and taking responsibility is most important."
"It's better to say oops than to say what if."
"My biggest regret is that I didn't stop worrying about what other people think earlier."
"In the end, we will only regret the chances we didn't take."
"I spent eight years living in Eastern Europe like a king, I wish I'd have done it at 23."
"Never go to bed angry because your partner might die in their sleep and then you'll never be able to say sorry for killing them."
"I just don't want to live my life with any type of regret."
"I do apologize even though I guess it's too late for that."
"Which one do you regret not getting? Whichever one you say, that's the Vitamix that you should get"
"The only regret that she has is the fact that she didn't get to live more in the happiness that she was able to give to people."
"Literally, everyone on their deathbed says, 'I wish I didn't work so much.'"
"We're not people who live our lives with regrets."
"No regrets not even just here at work but in my personal life."
"Take advantage of those opportunities you get here that you kind of just take for granted then you're gonna wish you took advantage of them once you graduate from here."
"Live life with no regrets, do what you think is right."
"Invest your time wisely, live with no regrets."
"If it's not fun, ask yourself if you really should be doing what you're doing. It might just end up with decade-old regrets."
"You don't need to say no to things or turn down fun experiences with your friends that you'll regret missing out on later."
"I've never bought or sold any crypto. I wish I'd bought the right one, the right ones."
"People regret the things they didn't do, not the things they did do that didn't work out."
"The most looming regrets that haunt us are regrets due to inaction."
"You're not gonna have regret. I think the regrets in life are the acts of omission, the things we didn't do, the opportunities we didn't chase, the dreams we didn't pursue."
"Honestly, my only regret about this is that I didn't do this sooner."
"You regret the things in life that you don't do."
"I make so many mistakes... probably my best mistakes is watching some of the companies that I passed on and investing become successful."
"I don't want my grandkids to know that I went doing some [__] that I wasn't supposed to."
"I have lived my life with integrity. I have made a few terrible, stupid mistakes that I regret very much, but murder is not on that list."
"It's better to regret not having kids than to have kids and regret having them."
"I want to be 14 again so I can ruin my life differently."
"The critical care nurses say that the greatest regret that people who are dying is that they weren't themselves and didn't do what they wanted to do in their lives."
"Don't be sitting at the bottom of the hill regretting!"
"They regret not getting you while they're getting what's good."
"What might be even worse than the distress of not feeling like the way you look is having done something to your body and never being able to go back."
"Not hungover after drinking tequila but regret eating a falafel sandwich at noon the day before."
"You've got to do it man because if you don't you're gonna sit there in january february thinking damn i just wish i pulled the trigger a little bit more."
"The only thing people say is, 'I wish I'd had more time.'"
"Sometimes go with your gut feeling. Don't trade Kobe Bryant."
"People, at the end of their days / of their lives, often regret far more the things they haven’t done, rather than the things they have actually done."
"Let it out and move on. It’s better to say it because having that stuck inside you for the rest of your days will consume you, because you will always be asking yourself 'what if it made a change?'"
"When you're on your deathbed, you should have no regrets."
"If you've got something that you enjoy and that you want to excel at... you will regret not putting energy into it."
"People on their death bed saying I wish I'd gotten the shot."
"I just wish that I would have just gone for the classic flap."
"Those who are complacent or passive at this particular moment in history will live to regret it."
"On your deathbed, you won't wish for more money, you'll wish for more time."
"Big Smoke in the end cared primarily about himself he had people he considered friends but when he realized how much money he could make he threw his friends to the side and screwed them over to benefit himself."
"There are many things that I regret not doing, not the things I did."
"I'd rather regret something I did than something I didn't do, wouldn't you?"
"Life regrets? Honestly, I don't really regret anything in my life. I know I've made bad decisions in the past, but you know what? I'm the kind of person who really takes every experience as a lesson."
"One regret that I have is not doing it sooner."
"I'm so glad that we decided to include side sets in this. The memes just keep coming."
"Always make choices that you know you won't regret!"
"President Obama told me... that's your biggest problem... I wish it was handled earlier."
"If I don't do the stuff that I want to do now and I don't accept who I am, I'm the only one who's gonna regret that."
"One of the most common things people say on their deathbed is they wish they'd had more contact with their family and friends."
"I wanted to be sure I lived a life with no regrets."
"Not being able to accomplish those goals is a regret or not even trying to accomplish. If you don't even try, you definitely won't do."
"I wish I got an earlier jump start on social media."
"I'm fine with that, but what I would not be fine with is looking back at 60, 70 and saying, man, you had all these swings and you never swung the bat."
"I don't want to be sitting on a bar stool in a pub sometime in mid-40s saying I should have done that when I was younger."
"Life is lived only once, live it to the best your ability while minimizing regrets."
"Every bit of it. I may do some of it differently but none of it would I change."
"I don't have regrets. Things happen, lessons happen, and sometimes it sucks, but I don't think I would change anything."
"Not a single one of them ever said that they wish they had worked more."
"Don't be afraid to take risks... don't live your life with no regrets."
"What are you going to regret? What about your time and how you spent it?"
"Take risks, go for the things that you want, because most people at the end of their lives regret the risks they didn't take."
"You regret the things you don't do. You're lucky if you regret the things that you screwed up because it means you've at least had a kind of repentance. Actually having regrets is the first step on the road to recovery."
"Please don't make the same mistakes I did, especially the 23 game lost week one that one will quite literally haunt me forever."
"Regrets are inevitable. I used to collect them like those demons collect souls, though when I began accepting who I really am, some of the regrets went away. But that doesn't mean that the biggest ones stayed."
"I think we would have done anything differently... I think I would have kissed you sooner."
"One of the biggest regrets that we have in life is that we didn't have enough love in our life we didn't put ourselves out that we didn't take enough risks."
"Life is short, having regrets is easy, and throwing away things you love is also easy."
"I wish I could go back and tell myself, maybe don't do that, because that's really unnecessary."
"When you're in a deathbed, you don't regret what you did, you regret what you didn't do."
"Probably should have finished that rookie of the year."
"When you're dead, you're not gonna think about the stuff you didn't buy, you're gonna think about the places you never went."
"When you get to Heaven, your biggest regret may be that you could have re-scripted your life, and not only avoided most of the bad, but changed it for the good, for the better."
"But they got a lot of regrets, they got a lot of regrets."
"My biggest mistakes have been the things I haven't done."
"Holy [ __ ], what hasn't he done? Oh, and he's now wrestling with regrets."
"There will be a lot of regrets in the near future... But it's just like learning lessons from the universe."
"Life is full of different risks... the things you will regret are almost always acts of omission."
"Honestly, I don't think I would redo life. If there's one thing I could do, it would be maybe to focus on basketball a little bit more."
"I really wish I could just delete all almost and take my money and restart."
"Just make sure you guys aren't settling for anything in your life because you will regret that forever."
"I wish I would have focused on what I wanted to do sooner."
"You'll only regret the things you didn't do."
"Imagine being on your deathbed and you look at yourself, thinking 'I could have done more.' I just don't want to deal with that."
"Your mistakes won't kill you, but your regrets absolutely will."
"Live in a way where you're really minimizing your regrets at the end of your life."
"I hate regrets, so I live each day to the fullest."
"I wish I hadn't spent so much time at work, I wish I had spent more time with the people I care about."
"If you're on your deathbed, you made it that far, and you have regrets on things that are in your control, then you messed up."
"It's not about the cars and the money, it's about living life without regrets."
"If you can't fulfill your parents' hopes, then prove that your choice is right and you will never regret it."
"Living with regrets is probably the worst thing ever."
"I learned to separate regrets from learning experiences."
"Do you not do something just because there's no one around to do it with you, or do I just strike out? I chose the latter, and no regrets."
"I personally don't regret what I'm doing because I feel like if I went the career path that my younger self always dreamed of for me, I wouldn't have had the amount of outreach that I have now."
"I don't really have any regrets business-wise... I've learned a lot from everything I've done, whether it was good or bad."
"It's better to buy it now than to have regrets later."
"Life is too short, you die tomorrow, that sucks that you restricted yourself from living and enjoying things that would make you happy."
"We're ash and dust, and so I feel like it's important to live life without regrets."
"I would be worth thousands of times what I am worth if I had all the trades I missed."
"You only regret the chances in life that you don't take."
"Nobody ever on a deathbed regrets not going to the office often enough, but they do regret the heart connection that they sacrificed."
"The biggest regret I've ever had in life is definitely worrying way too much about what other people think about me."
"Try not to get hung up in regrets of the past."
"Fear of death is not so much about the fear that life will end, but the fear that not enough has been done in life."
"Somebody feels like they wasted so much time"
"It's a terrible thing to die without seeing New York and Jamie Derot."
"Having regrets is frigging pointless. You know?"
"Regrets weigh us down, right? They're exhausting."
"They may have lost opportunities with money."
"The whole thing had been a mistake."
"Anything lost could be found again except for time wasted. We are not our past, we are not anything fast don't last. What slow be for show. The slower you go the further you get."
"I should have been more honest with you on how I was feeling at the time."
"...the problem... is you live for the future too much that you end up dying with so much money."
"Sorry to everyone I've hurt. I'm sorry to people who feel lied to."
"I'm sorry to Jesse. There were actually several other YouTubers who were very nice to me, but I feel like with everything that went down Jesse is the one that I should apologize to the most."
"To not have any regrets, that is what he wants to learn first and foremost."
"Regrets, they played games with you."
"I refuse to be on my deathbed and regret things I want to do everything that I can in order to live the best life that I can."
"It's so important to do what you want with your life or else you're going to have regrets."
"No one's going to look back on their life and think I wish I'd have cleaned more."
"Years ago I decided when I die I'm never going to say I wish I did this or I wish I did that I've done everything I wanted to do which is kind of what we're doing right now."