
Human Desires Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"What every human being really wants is happiness, fulfillment."
"The pleasure drive may be low or it may be high, but it may not be gratified."
"Do all human beings crave power? No, human beings crave security, they crave love, they crave adventure, they crave power, but not equally."
"The human yearning for beauty, serenity, and community in all things, the need for escapism after global trauma, to yearn for beauty, to wish for escape into a mythical historical past or world is in so many ways to be human."
"People are gonna want to communicate with each other 100 years from today. People are gonna want to make sure that they're safe and secure 100 years from today."
"We all want to be happy, we all want to be loved, we all want to be recognized and acknowledged."
"People in general want to hang out, spend time with their family, they want to feel like they have the tools available to them to, with dignity, take care of their lives."
"The human heart wants both; it wants to love and be loved; it wants to be good and experience good."
"Even when presented with the opportunity to ask for anything at all, most of us want the same things."
"All we've ever really wanted is love. That's exactly what that means. It's actually quite simple, but for some reason, it always seems like a tall order."
"Women are not just men with different parts, but they are still human beings who want the same things that everybody else does."
"Every rational being desires happiness and the overall flourishing of their condition."
"We really want safety and the other thing we really, really want is excitement."
"You don't need to be from some out of step sect to believe this, you just have to be human and acknowledge what people actually want."
"People want to be recognized, whether they say that or not."
"Independence, freedom, and sovereignty from a 3D perspective is essentially a longing."
"Humans desperately want to be loved and to feel useful."
"People fundamentally want to be well, want to be happy, want to flourish."
"Hope and despair, the children of desire, the ultimate motivation to achieve, or destroy."
"Technology has its own logic, and people want to do what they want to do."
"We just crave stability and security, that's the biggest thing."
"The problem isn't that we desire too much but that we desire too little."
"A person’s desire for love and companionship is incredible."
"It's human nature to want to feel seen and understood."
"Everybody wants to be loved and have some kind of validation."
"Humans have had an obsession with freedom, exploration, and overall being able to do what they want."
"Everybody wants to feel appreciated and respected."
"The thirst for human nature is infinite, but we just seek it in the finite realm."
"Girls do want to have sex with you probably as much or more than you wanna have sex with them."
"Magic, I think, is an... mind control is probably mankind's most grandest and oldest fantasies."
"It's a simple idea that services a fundamental human desire."
"We're all craving intimacy, we're all craving acceptance."
"If you ask practically anyone what they'd love to find unexpectedly, money would probably be a popular answer."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"And I have never met anybody in my entire life who did not want peace; who did not want joy; who didn't want to be happy."
"Faithful is like for a man. It's extremely healthy but every now and then, he wants some Popeyes chicken."
"People want thing. But simple isn't bad. It's a stable scaffolding that gives you room to play."
"Ultimately, what people want are just tangible things, you know? They want to have a better life."
"Do you know what is the deepest desire of the human heart? We yearn for refuge, protection, and comfort."
"Approval, control, and security: three core desires all humans are always looking to check off."
"Everybody just wants to be seen, heard, loved, and acknowledged."
"Peace and safety, the cry of all humans, will finally come."
"Islam isn't about going against human biology, but preventing desires from controlling us."
"It's normal to have urges. It's normal to have those horny urges."
"What human beings want individually is to feel loved by another human being."
"Desire is such an awesome, powerful controlling element of life."
"It’s obviously the desire to live that gives rise to many other desires."
"Led by the craving, torn apart by the greedy."
"Lust is not satisfied by sex; it's an insatiable desire that needs to be crucified."
"Freedom maximalism is the way we achieve the greatest happiness, the greatest wealth, and the most satisfaction of human wants in the world." - Robert Breedlove
"It appears to be the case... humans always want more, not less."
"Teaching machines to understand our true desires."
"Human desires infinite have no limit but the earth's resources are finite."
"We say we crave happiness, but in reality, we crave comfort."
"Changing social structures come from shifting opportunities given a constant set of human desires."
"Sin deceives people into believing that a little pleasure here and there is what they need to be satisfied."
"Men, they just want to be wanted and needed."
"God doesn't always give us everything we want."
"The desire for immortality is central to all human cultures."
"What every human being wants is more liberty and more joy in life."
"Vampires are our greatest desires and worst fears come to life."
"God gave us erotic desire to be like the fuel of a rocket that has the power to launch us to the Stars."
"What is significant about the word sandwich representing the squishing is that it also demonstrates the human desire to emulate the perceived rich and powerful."
"Freedom, safety, expression, connection - we all want to belong, we all want to be worthy, we all want to have fun, we all want to be happy."
"Understand that we are all the same, we all just want to be loved and we want connection."
"People want to pair up, people want to have children."
"Oh my, that's what just a little bit of love, that's all anyone wants."
"While there might not be a clear direct link between anisteria and National Ice Cream day, it's easy to see how both represent a human desire for celebration."
"They want to be heard, they want to be seen, and they want to be remembered."
"Start by digging into the Three core human desires: health, wealth, and relationships."
"To be loved and to be accepted is one of the most human desires there is."
"People want the same thing. They want to be happy. They want family. They want love. They want the children to be happy."
"They want the same things as every other person on Earth. They want a happy life. And they want to enjoy themselves and treat themselves and have some sort of security."
"We want protection, love, strength, justice."
"Humans for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, all they've really wanted is like to love and be loved and to eat good food with people in their community and to have sex and to laugh and to make music and like that's like humans have always done that."
"You know, you read the polls about the rise of the 'nuns,' but religion addresses some deep desires that human beings have, some deep desires, fears, you know, even leaving aside the whole social cohesion issue."
"Every person wants, needs two things."
"That's what people are looking for ultimately."
"Men and women have always yearned for understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and deeds of loving kindness."
"Everybody at the end of the day wants love. Like these [ __ ] are still you know want somebody to come visit them."
"What do people want? People want attention. People want admiration. People want acknowledgement. People want a group to be in. People want like-minded people."
"All humans want the same thing; we are looking for the same answers to the same questions but we use different routes and systems to try and find them."
"They want security, dignity, and a little peace of mind."
"Most people want safety, respect, and love."
"Human beings don't only want comfort, safety, short working hours, hygiene, birth control, and in general common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice."
"One of the pleasures of this world is to have children."
"We all want dignity, respect, prosperity, happiness, love, and a good dog."
"Most people want companionship, most people want long-term romantic relationships."
"People have desires that torment them, that affect them because they are so strong."
"Can you look at somebody else and see that they want to be happy and not suffer just like you do?"
"Everyone desires companionship, they desire good time, they desire this peace of mind, they desire contentment, serenity, tranquility."
"The story marries all of these themes together to get at what the human heart yearns for."
"At the end of the day, as a human, all we want is cheese and salt."
"We all want to be loved, we all want to be liked, we all want to be appreciated."
"In Jannah, the negative elements of human desires, the things that lead to problems, are taken away."
"Jay Gatsby... embodies timeless desires that are fundamentally human like the pursuit of love, the drive for economic success, and the hunger for social prestige."
"What is it that humans want? Like in general, if I- even- even in the case of robotics it's a big problem."
"...most humans desire similar things, which is to live in peace and prosperity."
"These really being the four pillars of human kind, the four things that we want the most."
"It's all about feelings, it's all about emotions, it's all about desire."