
Content Quality Quotes

There are 855 quotes

"Unfollow, unsubscribe, block, delete. This includes seemingly educational YouTubers who aren't actually posting valuable content."
"When it comes to their content, their content is usually very good. Like the editing is top-notch, everything about their content is perfect, it looks good, it is good, it's edited well."
"Good content always rises. If you're not making stuff that people want to watch, then people aren't going to watch."
"For the first time in a long time, I actually cared about what I was watching from Marvel."
"I think also you can actually enjoy the process a bit more when you take time with things."
"How good your content is, is what's going to have the biggest influence on how popular and how well it does."
"At our foundation, we designed our ranking systems to prioritize high-quality content."
"This series is solid gold. I have not found a single thing that this man has made that I have not enjoyed."
"Audiences are not blind sheep; they have unique interests and limited time in the day, so your content has to be first off overall good and appealing to them."
"It means that I get to spend more time with my family, it means that I get to spend more time with my team helping them, making sure that the content is as good as it can be."
"It's really about producing meaningful creations, not content creation."
"This is probably one of the dumbest TikToks I've seen in my life."
"Consistent quality content means providing value to the audience. If the value to the audience is deemed as quality by the audience, then it is quality."
"For people to play this game normally and create content normally, and for everybody just to pretend like this game isn't a pile of garbage, is mind-blowing to me."
"If you have blazing hot material, you will be discovered."
"The class content is actually generally pretty damn cool."
"Everything comes back to the content. It's the only thing I can control."
"If you have a good message or you have a really good personality for YouTube, that it factor, that's going to translate no matter what equipment you use."
"Removing dislikes is harming the community's ability to communicate and the viewers' ability to quickly and easily filter out misleading or potentially dangerous content."
"When there is no clear line between commercial and content, everything becomes a commercial."
"People come on and they see interesting, funny tweets, things where they learn something new or it's entertaining, that's the kind of thing we should see more of."
"I seem to remember very nicely edited as well. Good work Jamie."
"Seasons on the most part are doing a lot of stuff right. They provide us with a lot of content, relatively speaking."
"You can't substitute tits and ass for good storytelling. You can have both, but you can't substitute one for the other because the audience is not that stupid."
"Good content, good art, good media is undeniable."
"There's so much good stuff in Fallout New Vegas."
"It's all about the videos are good; they just are. They're interesting, they have good retention, they have good pacing, you can't find them anywhere else."
"The thing that makes contra points videos really great is that Natalie is really smart and it comes across in the scripts that she writes."
"You get to decide what is quality entertainment, not someone else, not like a movie studio, not somebody at a network, and not YouTube."
"I've heard from other YouTubers saying that I make bad content. I don't like them any less because of it."
"It's becoming this kind of hollow thing that Hollywood does where they go, 'What do you mean the story wasn't good? She's black.' Okay, well, that's not enough to carry the story."
"What Google is looking for is not just any answer, but the best answer to the searcher's query."
"The goal of your pages should be to satisfy the searcher's intent."
"I think my audience would have loved it and I felt like I would have been sacrificing good content just to come up with some other idea."
"I've just always been obsessed with the creative. I want it to be the funniest video it can. I want it to be entertaining. I'm very much just want it to be the best piece of content it can."
"The decision to call it quits revolved around knowing when enough was enough."
"It’s been a while since I’ve seen a game with padding this blatant. If this mission was cut entirely, the game would be better for it."
"It's basically like if I have a really good story, everyone's gonna see it. If I have an okay story, not everyone's gonna see it. So it's like why not just try to make as many stories as possible and then the good ones will be seen by everyone."
"If you have really good compelling content released, then it's going to do really good over a long period of time."
"People generally just won't even care for your work if your individual posts themselves are not engaging."
"The only way to win the culture war is simply higher quality."
"Frankly, it's a hot mess full of weird puzzles, bizarrely rude characters, and nasty bugs."
"Your content... needs to have some kind of value."
"As a complete package, the DLCs were pretty solid."
"For your source material can cover up a myriad of sins and shortcomings."
"Just do one good season of something and then stop; we don't need five seasons of everything."
"Quality is not about production value. It is about content value."
"Just because people are watching a lot of something doesn't actually mean that they necessarily enjoy it or that they're satisfied by it."
"I feel like currently they don't have a lot of good stuff like yeah there's not that's really anything that takes me they're all good they have it..."
"It's not about the numbers, it's about real audience."
"Zero is like a little less rare than a 10 from you yeah yeah a little bit a little bit less mostly shit's like a 4 yeah."
"When there are no gatekeepers, bad stuff gets through."
"The content that you guys produce man, it's heavy, it's needed, and it's impacting in a positive way."
"Great content is content that solves a user's problem."
"Content remains above all else the most vital aspect of a video game."
"Subscriber count is not really a fair indication of a channel's quality; it's more of an indication of how often the creator's videos get pushed to recommended feeds, which there's no rhyme or reason for to begin with."
"I think that that's something that the mainstream adult industry has been kind of lacking severely."
"I think their content is absolutely bloody brilliant."
"If the content on YouTube can evoke this feeling through quality watch time, it'd be perfect for brands to display their ads against."
"It's just important to remember that it's not about the gear you're shooting on, it's about the story you're trying to tell."
"Hopefully you've enjoyed the content of today's video, found it interesting, useful, and thought-provoking."
"Audio quality is more important than video quality."
"Production quality, production quality, production quality."
"If your content is bad, no amount of reactions will save it; if your content is good, then it will get exposure naturally."
"Good content doesn't have to be super fancy or profound, but it needs effort and structure."
"Content value matters more than production value."
"Focus on content value, not production value."
"We just wanted to make sure that the content was always improving."
"Everything has turned so short form that it's like valueless, you know?"
"It's really the content value that matters so much more than the production value."
"At the end of the day, your content value is more important than your production value."
"Whatever you do add, it should be adding and not distracting... that alone will preach right there."
"The more I think about it in my opinion this DLC is so bad that it's good the plot holes and inconsistencies and things were hilarious and it made for quite an enjoyable experience for all the wrong reasons."
"The content is more important than any template."
"99% of people who say they're being Shadow banned are just putting out crappy content."
"Quality speaks volumes now. The high-quality stuff gets caught, especially when you encourage people to share it."
"The content value will overpower the production value."
"If you want to know if you make good content, you have to answer one question: What value will I provide to someone who watches my content?"
"If you want to tell if your content is good, sit down at your computer, open up your stream, go to your last stream or your last video, and just start watching it full screen, sound on, everything."
"That is indicative of a lot of filler, and in open-world games in particular, that is without question a problem."
"A bad show for me is one I think where we've just made it what I consider to be a talk show anybody could have read those jokes done that despite ask those questions introduce that band and said good night."
"This is highly educational, entertaining, enlightening, well written."
"This is truly like oddly satisfying content."
"I take a lot of pride in making the best videos possible for you guys."
"Quality over quantity, specifically for the main Channel."
"It's authenticity and the ability to flesh out ideas that matter, not just the length of content."
"I really think that clickbait articles and soulless social media channels have beaten them into the grind so much that nobody can really take any of them seriously anymore."
"Your content has to be good enough and sharable enough for people to share to their feed."
"A lot of people seem to dislike this channel simply because it lacks quality and lacks research."
"Originality and just overall it's just going to increase the quality of your content because you're going to actually have something to add to the internet."
"I really do wish I was seeing more articles that had more substance to them."
"The Menagerie was peak seasonal content, to the point where I believe it may have ruined the game because it was so good in both rewards and gameplay."
"If the content creators create pointless content, the only thing left is the personality, the influencer, the transitory fame of a human billboard."
"Human creativity is still superior over machine engineered content."
"We succeed or fail on the quality of the content and your desire to hear more of it."
"That's sexy Dark Matter...no clickbait going on here."
"The second half was not nearly as strong as the first."
"It's not enough. It's not enough when you're doing something this serious in a Netflix documentary."
"Millions of views does not equate to good advice."
"Creating this more original content has given him a better piece of mind."
"At its core though well say maybe the quantity of content here is a little bit low but I think the quality of the design is actually pretty darn hight and that's the most important thing for World of Warcraft."
"You've got less actual content... just more rips of that content..."
"I'm not gonna waste your time and spend five minutes talking about random nonsense that has literally nothing to do with the video."
"The main content is dog [__] but the side content is the best stuff."
"Quality content all of you. Unfortunately, the world might not exist for that much longer. Wamp womp."
"I promise you guys better content, more improved content, and harder work."
"Let's keep asking for better content and let's keep expecting better content."
"That was a really really good video. Thank you."
"Content creators who only do low-effort stuff while abandoning editing what initially made them popular... it's no surprise that people view them as Shadows of their former selves."
"The most important ranking factor bar none is relevance."
"Having quality content is extremely important."
"We want to distill LTT down to only the best that we make."
"Make people judge your content on the quality of it and not your subscriber count."
"Scare Pewdiepie season 2 made a lot of people excited for the idea of viewing higher quality content."
"The Witch Queen came out when Destiny was already at its height. Beyond Light was really good, and all this seasonal content was incredible."
"The worst thing you can say about a show is I wish there were more of it."
"This is the stuff you come here for... real quality content."
"Republicans in Idaho are set to ban interstate travel for abortion for some of their citizens."
"Hearts of Stone just has nearly zero filler choices."
"Lead with value and everything that you guys do at Uprising is you lead with value there's a lot of interesting information you can read there's a lot of stuff and they're all about just providing value to the body."
"The accuracy, neutrality, and quality of presented content, together with purity of intent, are of prime importance."
"The problem that a lot of modern writing has is that it prioritizes completely the message rather than actual quality writing."
"Any book that you get 80 percent of it will be banal 20 of it will be genius."
"Subscriber count is kind of like, 'Oh cool,' but if you think about it, the quality of your uploads as you do them right now is much more important."
"At the end of the day, you could learn all of the tips and tricks and tactics, but if your content sucks, you're not going to grow."
"What makes a good video? Just like quality content."
"Let's make that the story, not how many clicks are you getting. What are you doing, you know, you know?"
"I still want people to watch this and go 'this is why I'm subscribed to this channel for this quality of the you know.'"
"All it needed was good content and time in between those two."
"Everything's about who was there. It's not about the actual content."
"But where there are too many YouTubers is there's too many YouTubers that I think don't give a crap about the content, they're just looking to be famous."
"I think the best content right now is on HBO Max and Apple TV."
"Consistency is key, but don't neglect value and quality. The algorithm favors both."
"What it was instead known for was its lineup of incredible exclusives."
"Quality consistent content, I think is king."
"Your content will be better and you'll make more money."
"I don't want to put out content just because I'm putting it out."
"You can't keep putting out trash and expecting everyone to stick around."
"What you're doing has to be at least interesting but everything is so [ __ ] boring."
"Make your free materials better than everyone else's paid materials."
"Exposing good content to a broad audience is inherently helpful."
"I'm happy that the content that is doing well is the content that I think there should be more of."
"I like to make sure that the videos that are being posted are really good."
"Ultimately, I'm going to say that this is a 10 out of 10. He took something that people kind of universally love and he doesn't write his own [__] in it."
"YouTube is fundamentally a space where what is quality is whatever people will watch."
"Total War Warhammer 2 DLCs are absolutely amazing."
"Isn't it inevitable that if we all gravitate towards shorter content, it becomes more meaningless?"
"Anything that interferes with or compromises that will be excluded because you need to be a priority."
"Reliability and authenticity is not just key in the content we enjoy."
"If there's ever a moment where I'm even slightly bored, I'm like cut it."
"This is a movie with nothing. There's a movie that had nothing. This is just... a cycle of the same scene."
"Children are too important to be left to shitty media."
"If the video is well edited then yeah, it's awesome."
"Honest feedback is important, and I am lucky enough to have several hundred thousand people willing to call me out and hold me accountable for my work."
"Absolutely superb stuff all the way through."
"Overall very weak, not a lot of substance, but we'd give it a nine point five. Like, fuck you dude."
"Apparently it's good. Most of the stuff is good."
"Long-form content is harder to push, but a lot of people love it for engagement."
"Like is Blair Witch Project quality? Is a Casey Neistat video, like what is subjective quality?"
"You'll find that it will convert better when it's valuable."
"If your content is actually good... and you're doing everything you can to build your channel, I feel like eventually you will be successful."
"I mean it's, this just all of this and the, you're right there is a lot of noise but, I'm here to tell you I, there's not a lot of good stuff."
"So, with everything I've said in this video you're probably going to assume that I despise this DLC. Well, no... it's well made, incredibly polished."
"You can make 50 different Batman things if they're good."
"The people that are making these movies know what we want to see."
"Folks, the public school system is completely absurd. What they're teaching: monkeys surfing, dinosaurs farting to death."
"The One Islam TV app: ad-free, safe, and filled with beneficial content."
"Regardless of what good reasons you may have, nobody cares about a each's content if it doesn't have a soul."
"Jelly's content has become a lot more repetitive and far less innovative."
"Just give us the Marvel Studios level content at home... it's amazing."
"I wish commentary channels would just get to the goddamn point."
"The show is too long, because even the stuff that's good on it gets drowned out by so much other bad stuff."
"YouTube audiences don't want to be challenged anymore. They just want to get doped up on some polished sparkly inoffensive content."
"YouTube has developed a system that rewards quantity over quality."
"Stop tolerating mediocrity. Unsubscribe from channels that don't inspire you."
"Creative integrity is the ability to make content that you yourself would watch."
"This is the best content we've had all day the rubber ring that's Majestic you're grounding out a little bit get over it."
"We don't want to hate on things... we wanted it to be good."
"Rob Zombie's Halloween 2: A misunderstood masterpiece of pure genius or a bad movie with an incoherent lazy script?"
"Well, I'm a fan of your channel, the videos are good."
"These guys have an incredible track record of content that is actually good."
"The larger my audience got, the more pressure I felt and responsibility to start putting out better videos."
"Hiring a video editor really helped me increase the quality of my videos and avoid burnout."
"Let's all improve the quality of this side of YouTube together by not just stating things that we back up with nothing."
"The content that he puts out is amazing... he's top three creators on YouTube."
"Your copy has to be good, that's the difference. The copy has to be good."
"Quality content, that's exactly what you signed up for."
"I've spent a long damn time searching for a nice isekai to fill the void that Kono Suba left, and this fall has delivered two very promising contenders."
"I'd rather see good content rather than just this repetitive [__]."
"To all you dumbasses at studios that make kids shows..."
"The lead up to the dungeon is often very impressive... frankly for me the best content in the game is the content that surrounds the actual dungeon."
"Phrases such as 'we need to stop, back up, turn around' work magic in conversations."
"Making sure that you provide quality content, consistent content, and things that you are proud of and that a brand will be willing to invest in."
"People just want to see interesting content that's made in good quality and consistent."
"You want an audience who genuinely connects with you, not just a high subscriber count."
"Quality over quantity - focus on building a tight-knit audience."
"Every single video is going to be extremely high quality."
"It's a deep movie, this isn't just fan service."
"Nobody wants to see platforms amplifying fake news."
"I'm sure you all don't want a half-assed video that's all it is especially when it's about something as culturally significant to the survival horror genre as silent frigging hill."