
Social Circle Quotes

There are 530 quotes

"You're the average of the five people you spend time with."
"To surround ourselves with the right group of people is very important to the success of our lives."
"Surround yourself with good people, and remember, you deserve someone who appreciates and values you."
"You're the average of your five best friends."
"Always surround yourself with people who value your worth."
"You gotta hang around people who find you funny."
"You're only as good as the average of the people who you surround yourself with."
"Your soul tribe is key to your success, surrounding yourself with people who inspire you to prosper."
"If you change your circle, you'll change your year."
"God is about to put you in a new circle of people."
"You have the power to surround yourself with beautiful people and love."
"If you feel like you're bragging when you talk about your goals, switch up your circle."
"Surround yourself with people who want the best for you."
"Your positive peer group, good, all your positive friends are in the closet, all right, they're all happy, positive friends."
"Surround yourself with people that are doing things, that are seeking to be better."
"My circle is shrunk in size but increased in value."
"Tighten your circles and surround yourself with great people."
"Read the right books, immerse yourself with high quality people, and don't listen to haters."
"Don't even have people around you who are slowing you down."
"You can't win what you're wrestling in the dark if you don't change your circle."
"A person who has ambition to please Allah should surround himself with people of him."
"Surround yourself with people who align with your goals, even if they have different opinions."
"I want to surround myself with people who remind me of what I want to become."
"Surround yourself with a positive group of friends."
"Find a group of feminine women, a feminine influence, a feminine coach."
"I don't care about the ones who hate me. I like to be surrounded by the people who love me."
"I only entirely want to surround myself with people with mouths as big as mine."
"Stop living for everybody else. If you look at the people in your circle and don't get inspired, then you don't have a circle, you have a cage."
"Surround yourself with good people, people that build you up."
"If I hang around five millionaires every day, I'm gonna be like the sixth one."
"Keep your circle small, keep your crew small, keep your nakama amongst the people that you have."
"Integrity is the fundamental premise of military service in a free society."
"You kind of find out quick like who your real ones are and you roll with them and you trust."
"Energy influences it. That's why it's super important to pick people who are at the same level as you or even higher than you so you can go up to their level."
"You've got to have the right people around you. I've had wrong people around me most of my life."
"If you're the smartest person in your circle, you need a new circle."
"We should embrace these differences while still providing equal justice and protection under the law."
"A man's circle is always an indication of his level."
"Surround yourself with people who support you, who believe in you."
"Shift your circle of influence. Surround yourself with the right people and things to help you win."
"Improvements coming in your friends group... as well as for you and your partner."
"Surround yourself with people who aren't too impressed with what you do."
"Hang with people who are moving forward. Surround yourself with go-getters who push you to keep up with the course."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people... you need a circle of people that make you uncomfortable."
"Surround yourself with positive, ambitious people who care about family and friends."
"Start with the people you hang out with most."
"One of the most important emotional development skills for men is to be very careful who you surround yourself with."
"Surround yourself with people that wanna work."
"Like honestly Brielle had no idea that her bestie's man was that famous."
"Life is to be defined by the kind of people who surround you."
"I've had the same friend group since... I've just always had a good work ethic for that thing."
"I keep my group very small because there's just very few people I can kind of [expletive] with."
"Surround yourself with those who inspire you."
"Surrounding yourself around good dudes helps."
"As soon as I changed my four friends who are doing better than me... my life changed."
"The season of mercy runs out. So it is what it is, pay attention to your circle before they hurt you. We out."
"I'm just trying to live life, guys, and level up. Bring my friends and family with me. If you ain't doing that, then you really just don't need to be around me."
"I want to thank God for putting amazing people in my life."
"Life is about being happy and keeping yourself surrounded by people that bring that good energy."
"Surround yourself with people at the same ambitions as you."
"Success is the people you surround yourself with."
"Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you."
"If you're the smartest one in your group, you need to get a new group."
"Surround yourself with people who will motivate, encourage, and inspire you."
"It's important to keep people around you that motivate you."
"Your inner circle speaks to who you will be."
"Always surround yourself with people that will inspire you or help you grow." - Brian Callum
"Surround yourself with good people and people with a positive mindset."
"Surround yourself with good, positive people."
"When you're 30, you usually have your set group of friends. I'm all set. I don't need anymore. You don't need more friends, yeah. Actually, everybody, yeah. Get less friends as a matter of fact."
"I have a lot of genuine people around me, thank you."
"You cannot elevate if you're around people who are not trying to elevate in life."
"Forgiveness, yeah. I don't know too many. That's why my circle's so small, man."
"It's important to keep people around you that are good."
"You deserve to be in a circle surrounded by people that build you up and make you feel good."
"Personal growth often requires making hard choices about who we allow into our inner circle."
"Let's strive to surround ourselves with people who contribute to our tranquility."
"Surround yourself with people who are either at where you want to be or are on their way to get there."
"You are the sum of the five people that you surround yourself with."
"Surround yourself with the best people possible."
"If you want the right people to come into your life, you have to get rid of the wrong ones."
"Surround yourself with the best people, whether in person or on social media."
"Surrounding yourself with go-getters is essential."
"First of all, you have an inner circle of people that you trust to reaffirm you."
"You gotta surround yourself with some people who got [__] to lose and trying to help you."
"I'm nervous about him going to the adult side. I know he's got his couple buddies over there that are waiting."
"You got to know who's in your circle. It's very important to know who you're dealing with."
"When you make changes in your life, you've got to update your circle of influence."
"Surrounding yourself with good people that only want the best for you is so important."
"Listen. Advice is being given to you from someone in your circle."
"Surround yourself with people that make you a better person. Don't surround yourself with people that make you feel like you have to do something to be accepted."
"I just heard Gabby Wilson tell me that she only kicks it with a tycoon."
"Avoid negative people who drain you or bring unwanted drama into your life. Surround yourself with those who uplift and appreciate you."
"Your circle of friends is about to be royal."
"The only reason why you keep slipping up is because of the people you hanging around I promise you it's because of the people you hanging around."
"Keep your circle tight and keep your tribe. Question everything, read between the lines, look at the characters of the people that surround you."
"Be careful who is in your life and who are you surrounded by. Are you surrounded with people that are pumping toxins of negativity, fear, and bitterness into your life?"
"How do you bring the right people into your circle? Look for clarity, maturity, and stability."
"You are the sum of the five closest people to you in the world."
"Surround yourself with people who elevate you."
"It's better to have a small group of trustful friends that you're super close to than to have a large circle of acquaintances."
"It's about getting the right people around you that makes you grow."
"Surround yourself with people who think like you as far as your values and morals go."
"Surround yourself with people who talk about ideas, goals, success, not other people."
"Surround yourself with people who might show you where you might be wrong."
"You're keeping your circle tight. There's a lot of protection for those that you love."
"Have genuine people around you, have a positive, good circle."
"Sometimes it's better to have someone in your circle who can tell you when you're making a big big mistake."
"Surround yourself with people who help you feel confident. Your confidence is literally a key here."
"Surround yourself with people that support you."
"My name is Theodore Oliver Emerson but my family calls me Theo and my friends they all call me Toe."
"The most important decision you make is who you marry, who you spend all your time with, who your friends are."
"The people he surrounds himself with are a major indicator of how far he has come."
"I want to surround myself with people who make me laugh, teach me something, make me inspired, help me be better."
"They're very careful about their immediate social circle."
"You hang out with nice people, you get nice friends."
"Your income will become within ten to twenty percent of the average of your ten closest friends' income."
"You will become who you hang around with."
"If you aren't surrounding yourself with people that are doing better than you, you're not going to level up."
"The people you surround yourself with can either bring you up or bring you down."
"You are the sum of the average of the five closest people that you spend time with."
"I sort of started dating and all of our friends were still our friends."
"Check into who you got around you."
"Only invite quality people into your life."
"Your social circle is expanding in the shift that you're making, and it's going to leave you feeling happier."
"I see your social circle expanding, with different stories, backgrounds, and ethnicities, as well as potential travel."
"I tend to only surround myself with people that have that mentality."
"If you hang around people who are happy and peaceful, that rubs off on you."
"Hang around people who want to make money."
"You have a lot of people that actually want to be in your circle."
"You need all of those rings... I need my besties who I know intimately but I also get benefit from the people in the fringes."
"Navigating the world of adult friendship can feel tough, but there are ways to make friends and increase your social circle."
"Surround yourself with people who actually take accountability for their actions."
"You're done with hanging around with people who do that too."
"You gotta be very mindful who's in your circle, you gotta be very mindful what you allowing people to say to you, what's coming around you."
"I'm going to a dinner that my trainer invited me to, that's my gym family."
"I tend to like the extension of my friends so it's a it's a good bet that I will then like their friends."
"...I don't like negativity. I don't like just mean-spirited, angry people. And I don't surround myself with them."
"You're not the average of the five people you spend time with but you're the average of the five people you allow to influence you."
"Your social circle could expand. You could become a part of that social support system."
"Be around people who make you more excited about life."
"Cultivate an environment with positive people who bring you up and lift you up."
"Who you spend time with is who you become."
"People you surround yourself with are the people that influence what you do. Back to influencing, you are influencers to your friends. Your friends are influencers to you. So, watch it."
"Behavior is contagious; if you hang around with people who are over weight or negative, that's going to rub off on you."
"You become the top five people you hang out with."
"I love to surround myself with people smarter than me."
"It's all about the company you keep."
"When we constantly have to be the bigger person, could it be our circle's too small?"
"...be around people who actually like you, love you, care about you. It's just mentally draining, you know?"
"If you want to do better, you have to surround yourself with people that are doing better."
"The biggest thing that's going to pull you out of faith is your circle, not the devil."
"...try and become one of these energizing people, surround yourself with others that lift you up."
"You're literally getting to a point right now where you're thinking to yourself is it even worth surrounding myself with all of these people who barely even care about me when all I've ever done is care about them."
"Two thirds said I need a better circle of friends around me."
"You gotta cut that out because if you're consuming constant negativity, you are the sum of the five people you hang out with."
"Show me your friends, I'll show you how you're going to turn out."
"I want to be as surrounded with people that lift me up make me happy."
"Having no positive connections with people who are engaged with their potential in a positive way, it's not just about class and money, it's also very much about being around people who are hopeful and confident."
"Like she's a fixture in Hollywood like she's a permanent fixture that knows everyone."
"The people you keep is a reflection of you."
"You'll become the average of those people you spend time with."
"Maybe you're finding a friend or a group of friends who are more aligned with how you want to be in the world."
"How you make them feel: you make them feel as if they being with you, they would be a better person. But they also wonder whether they can actually fit into your social sphere."
"As soon as I started surrounding myself with the right people, man, everything exploded for me, I started winning hard."
"Sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know."
"You prioritize yourself more when you hang around prioritized people."
"Choose your friends wisely, understand who is around you."
"It's time you look around on who's around you."
"Surround yourself with positive people."
"When you meet him, you're automatically invited into the circle."
"I'm happy to keep a small circle of sociopaths rather than 17 million normies."
"Surround yourself by people who are striving to be better."
"You gotta be conscious of who you keep in your circle because they rub off on you."
"Keep your circle small and protect your bubble."
"Success was possible because if you have successful friends and you stay in that circle, success won't be far away, that's right."
"You're an average of The Five People You surround yourself with the most on a financial level, on a mental level, you're an average of all them."
"Look at your friends, look at your future. You're a product of the top five people that you hang around."
"You are the average of the five people that you hang around with."
"We've got influential friends, influential."
"Nobody wants to hang around a negative person. Surround yourself with people that will get you moving forward."
"Surround yourself with people that you respect."
"If you want to meet certain type of people, you have to get out of certain environments."
"Surround yourself with people who are of a higher caliber than you are because otherwise, you have nothing to aim for."
"Change your Playmates in your playground."
"Who should be next? I mean, Vic's got a new house."
"When you surround yourself with people that you look at what they're doing and you draw inspiration from it, you know you have the right circle of people around you."
"You're most like the five people that you surround yourself with the most."
"Communication is key, if you can't communicate with your friends, you might need to find new friends."
"Practice the principle of OQP: Only Quality People."
"I literally be in my own world with all the people that I cherish. If you're not one of them, then I really don't have opinions."
"Crowds matter. Circles matter. Who you hang with determines your resurrection."
"You change as a person too. You become those people you surround yourself with."
"If you associate with losers, you will be a loser, and if you associate with winners, you will be a winner."
"You are the average of The Five People You surround yourself with."
"That's probably true, the People The Five People You spend the most time with, that's what you're going to end up like."
"You are the five people that you surround yourself with."
"You're gonna be the average of the five people that you spend the most time with."
"I think you've surrounded yourself with people who are like-minded, who are good, and you've weeded them out over the years."
"You need friends to go forward, you need to build the circle, you need to widen yourself."