
Family Dynamics Quotes

There are 3793 quotes

"I would compromise so much...just to keep happy families, and then this resentment starts building."
"There's a huge price to pay. I was married to a man, and I had three kids with him. I had to break up my family. Huge price, but the only decision that I could ever make."
"Whenever either sex wins, both sexes lose, and in the case of family, the children lose enormously."
"The family is the system that we serve. It's not the kids at the parents' cost or the parents at the kids' cost. It's the family."
"It's such a rebellion in a way, just like in so many families, there is a kid who rebels... they took a path that was totally different."
"The words that you exchange with your wife will shape your family...if you get the words right, then that shaping is going to be optimized."
"A divorce is not the end of the family, it's the reorganization of the family."
"Growing up, especially in the Asian culture, they tell us to put our parents first, or put our siblings first, or like put family first. But if you're not okay yourself and if you don't take care of yourself first, you can't take care of people around you."
"The payoff for having so many conversations and working really hard is the phase of life that we're in right now, which I call the 'desert phase' of our life. We've raised our voices, and now we get to see what we've accomplished. We get to see our hard work in our children and now live our lives with each other, just celebrating our payoffs."
"Be your authentic self and not let family opinions stop you."
"I did a video recently where I spoke about how my entire father's side of my family has disowned me for being trans."
"Sometimes family, you have to laugh to keep from crying."
"Once upon a time there was six and now there are three, only the quiet ones are left: my mom, my little sister, and me."
"Early on, Family Guy had a pretty clear theme... it was about a middle-aged man trying his best to raise a family he can't relate to."
"I never ever heard my parents talk disrespectfully about the other one."
"Marriage is not only the essential ingredient of the family, it's also the spice."
"Trying to find a method that works best for the family, trying to meet everyone's needs."
"Hey Grandpa, I feel like my family makes me feel worthless sometimes."
"As your family gets bigger, it also gets smaller."
"Toxic mothers are just as bad as absent fathers."
"I love all the moments between the Beths as they're treated with such tenderness and love without any humor taking away from the situation."
"We still need to maintain the stability of the kids' upbringing whilst doing what else needs to be done."
"No one talks about how toxic the father-son relationship can be because it's sort of viewed as this flawless, perfect relationship."
"Parents and just anyone in a family should treat themselves as themselves first."
"The world doesn't dictate the terms to our family anymore. We're going to dictate the terms to the world."
"You got the good ending. You got a snack before your parents woke up."
"Paul should be evaluated very differently from his mother."
"He and his siblings were also victims of their mother."
"You may be so accustomed to poor boundaries from your families of origin that the concept of setting boundaries literally feels foreign to you."
"Most people don't realize how generational curses are passed down."
"Mama comes and goes without a hitch. She will say, though, later that she felt like something was wrong. Mama intuition."
"One of the single greatest predictors of academic success that exists is the emotional stability of the home."
"But I think more broadly than that, something that I really empathize with is when people talk about family scenarios, social situations."
"When you get emotionally activated, the narcissistic family member... they're gonna win. They are master manipulators."
"Talking on the house phone was scary because if I ever had a phone call, I knew my sister or my mom or someone would just pick up the phone and they could listen."
"In nuclear families, people move away from their parents and marry through love, not arranged marriages."
"I'm the first entrepreneur in my family, the first self-made person."
"When you have a new child born nearly every year, and your whole life is devoted to raising them, the thought of them leaving you can be devastating."
"If it was an analogy: the children ran the house and the father wasn't there."
"Real challenge was making the player feel the same way about Dutch's gang like you're part of the family."
"Crusader Kings - it's a game about politics, families, alliances, marriages, children, and decisions good and bad, and how they echo down the generations."
"Family members have hurt each other in ways that they have no idea even happened."
"All happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
"I was very traumatized, not in my body, I hadn't started any therapy work yet, and I had really just left my family of origin under some really crazy and sad circumstances."
"Her transformation into the villain of the story and the bringer of the apocalypse could have been prevented if she or the members of her family were able to cope better with the struggles in their life."
"You don't, if you have eight kids, it's not like you're taking care of eight kids. The kids start to form their own society and take care of each other."
"Encanto looks at generational trauma, family bonds, and approaches these ideas with a level of maturity that makes it popular with older audiences as well as its targeted audience."
"Just because they're a family member does not mean they have to be a part of your life."
"Everybody in the family apparently truly thought that Chris was real."
"It's much easier to blame others, but after what has occurred, he now has to figure out why his grandson would do this."
"This book was spectacular; there's a bit of mystery in it and so much about family and specifically sibling dynamics."
"The emotional one, the basket case of the family... is the person who the family can count on a lot of times to be the reflection of what's happening emotionally for everyone else."
"The identified patient is the person that the family blames most of their problems on, but they're actually usually just fitting into the family how they're supposed to fit in."
"Differences in beliefs shouldn't separate families at all."
"I'm also a sucker for real family dynamics, family relationships that are strong and that will stand through no matter what the world throws at them."
"Estrangement can be characterized by a variety of patterns: a termination of contact from family members, distancing, loss of affection, and loss of warmth."
"Once you recognize that none of this is going to change, and that these patterns are likely going to be in your family in perpetuity, that may lead you to distance yourself from the relationship."
"Dysfunctional means the way the family system operates and especially the way that the needs of each family member is met, is destructive to the individual members of the family."
"I do like the inherent premise of an older sister/Aunt character and like these three young super-heroines."
"Sex makes or breaks relationships; makes or breaks marriages. Therefore, makes or breaks families."
"I'm not throwing my wife under the bus at all, but I'm centering what my kid needs."
"Our family is a little unique; we've been spies for many generations."
"What if one day you found out that the man you slept with every night, the father of your children, the man you sat with and watched television, was all of a sudden accused of living a secret life?"
"I'm just angry that we had a good life, and he threw it all away."
"The original don't ask, don't tell grandma Foster."
"Our kids don't have fathers... You're five times more likely to go to prison or have a run-in with the police department if you don't have a father in the house."
"She's hot-headed, which...would make sense. She probably has a short fuse looking after all these kids."
"You are not destined to repeat the mistakes of your family."
"This is the story of our times: the story of the family, once a dense cluster of many siblings and extended kin, fragmenting into ever smaller and more fragile forms."
"For years, I have been saying child influencers are going to sue their parents. It's happening."
"Arcane is about family, brothers, sisters, children, friends, each standing in opposition to each other and simultaneously depending on each other for their emotional needs and survival."
"For his sake, I hope that he gets to see his children. I hope they get to see their father."
"I want her to have that understanding, especially. Then I have my son have it, and then I say y'all bond is closer than mine to y'all's. Talk about [__] that y'all never tell me."
"I grew up in foster homes in Los Angeles and then was adopted into a working-class family in northern California."
"Make marriage good for men, good for women, and good for children."
"I don't remember myself in childhood, so I can't say whether it's always been like that, but from the age of five, I know for sure that on our dining table there was always hated meat, and that was the only thing I was allowed to eat."
"Nothing lasts forever. One day, when my mom tried to get some money from dad's old bank account, she found it empty."
"One of the two primary goals in the childhood trauma work that I do is finishing business with our family system of origin."
"Growing up, my parents were always really arguing, and it was really difficult to be around."
"They're weird, they're different, they're not like us, and I was right. And the more I got to know them, the stranger they became and before I knew it, they were exactly like my family, truly bizarre."
"The fact that there's no villain is perfect here...the main conflict is...Mirabelle trying to figure out what's causing the literal and figurative cracks in the family."
"Mirabel is the one person in her family born without magic powers and, as a result, feels isolated from her relatives and undervalued by loved ones like her grandmother."
"I think my kids are much more tolerant than I am."
"One of the most painful aspects of having a narcissistic sibling is that in your life they're sort of a shared historian."
"The harms of this dynamic... to your mental health are actually can be potentially quite profound."
"There is a terrible crisis in America that nobody... is talking about... and that is the number of adult children who don't talk to their parents."
"After noticing Anya's gloomy demeanor, he surmises that he may be pushing Anya too hard on her studies."
"Those elders are old, just like my parents. Once people start getting older, the number of times they meet can be counted on ten fingers, and it doesn't matter what they say, just agree with them."
"Firstborns develop language more quickly...because their parents spend more time talking directly to them."
"You have the option of walking away from our family or our friends who are not treating us correctly."
"I didn't need a father figure for anything. A mom can do those things too."
"No matter how cool your little brother is, he still wants to be like his big brother."
"There is no privacy in a narcissistic family."
"It's going to be the most difficult decision of your life to start putting boundaries with the family."
"It was not only the most difficult decision of our lives; it was the best decision of our lives."
"When one person taps out of that family dynamic, it creates a tsunami throughout that whole family."
"It took me a really long time to forgive my parents."
"Adoption is born from loss...it's so important to always realize that there is some kind of loss at the root of it...a child is losing their biological family, their birth family...recognizing that that is a loss and that there will be issues and things that arise from that loss."
"I'm trying to break a cycle. If I came from a broken home and my kids are in a broken home, I didn't break that cycle."
"But the kid wants to do this, the kid's like, 'Oh hey, I love my dad.'"
"Kurama and Shukaku bonded over how spending time with Naruto's family drove them crazy and that they were never boring to be around."
"Lucky's mother couldn't help but notice the pair busting into the house and cussing in a way unique to the kin of rebels."
"I've tried to divide this video into roughly three parts: one where I talk about what it's like to find out that a loved one is dying, the next about giving end-of-life care, and finally, what it's like to see that transition and deal with the aftermath for you and the rest of your family."
"Your parents had a complicated love story, divorced twice, married three times. What have you learned about love from your mom and dad and their love story? That it's messy. That it takes work. That it's ugly."
"You will never be a burden to me; maybe other people will see you as this evil person, but for me, you were just my dad."
"Not all grandmas are equal. Let's be honest, some grandmas are more lit than others."
"To use a metaphor - in the ideal family, it functions a bit like a really good Indian Curry dish where the unique flavors that go into that particular dish is what creates the complexity (and the beauty) of the flavor."
"I begged my father for real this time, please don't make me go back."
"Every time we get in a bad mood in this family, if I do or anybody kids do, my wife Sam says, 'It's a choice.' And she's not wrong. It is a choice."
"If it's unhappy, it affects your kids worse."
"Ethan Couch's parents, Fred and Tonya, had come from a world where a family's perceived responsibility was to shield their children from consequences at all costs."
"Once you have kids, it's not about you anymore."
"Two happy homes are sometimes better than one broken one."
"They were willing to lie to protect other members of the family but they weren't willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband."
"Why was I cursed with such idiot sisters? Just lucky, I guess."
"We decided to act when he brutally berated mommy one night after she reorganized the linen closet but missed one minor detail among Tim's specific convoluted instructions."
"Fighting your corner means asserting your boundaries. When your family's kicking off with you and giving you shit, either assert the boundary or find a way to get out."
"Just because I'm a woman does not give me all the right or power to ruin a family and a man."
"Absent fathers and strong families is, I would say, the most important thing probably just generally in life and for outcomes."
"He changed my whole life. So, that's why I call him dad."
"Sometimes we take you for granted... I hate to say that, but sometimes we do."
"It was only once we were married and everything started to really worsen that I came to understand that not only was I not being protected, but they were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they weren't willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband."
"Your family needs to know that while you may have changed your views on things, including about whether or not there's a god, that's separate from your views about them."
"Just because you came from a narcissistic family system, it doesn't mean you're damaged."
"Understanding mindfulness can help increase your success of your business and the success of your family."
"We were a big happy family. That's about as close to a big happy family as I've ever been involved with."
"The importance of Navamsha is that it can indicate the inner stability, family life, and mental health of a person."
"I do like though that they brought in the aunt to give us a different perspective, so it wasn't a total bashing of Jen Shah."
"As between the presence of white racism or the absence of black fathers, which poses a bigger threat to the black community? Without missing a beat, he said the absence of black fathers."
"Despite Logan's seeming cold-heartedness, the children still wanted his love and attention. Shiv's eulogy: 'When he let you in, when the sun shone, it was warm. Wow, it was really, it was warm in the light.'"
"Greed...can literally rip apart a family from the inside out."
"My daughter stepped in and was like, 'Stop yelling at her, she doesn't want to do it, leave her alone.'... So proud of you."
"Secrets and lies can nearly destroy a family."
"If it's for the sake of their child, a parent can call forth amazing powers."
"The theme of the movie is family relationships and the relationships of abandonment."
"My mom was a very loving mom. My dad was in and out of jail... but my mom always instilled love."
"This is interesting. We got uncle Peony. Well, I didn't agree to this, but he wants to be my uncle."
"The father lives vicariously through the son... The identities of the father and son are merged."
"It's not about who you want to be the father, it's about who's actually the father."
"I think Signs is a really good movie. It really does well to express how the family works together."
"Inherited families can be really good friend groups that are like families."
"We were a unit; a loud, messy brawling, loyal, loving, lasting unit."
"Our parents still haven't met and we're going to keep it that way for as long as possible."
"Community with Megan only goes so far and it doesn't go to her closest Community, which is family."
"Relationships are screwed up and family units are messed up."
"No family is perfect... but there are healthy families out there that exhibit these qualities."
"I'm sorry, man, I actually will blame the parents on this one."
"The actual family situation here is a really sad one and it seems like nobody involved is in the right."
"I mean, everybody sucks here, but definitely, like, the parents in a legal sense suck more."
"Thanksgiving, where the whole family argues over politics and judges all your life choices."
"There is a conspiracy... they destroyed the family value by destroying the Father Figure."
"There is potent relatability to the premise of unhappy parents taking their innocent naive children oblivious to their struggles on a picturesque illusion of happily ever afters."
"In their world, my parents would never have gotten together."
"The walls kind of came down, which is exactly what needed to happen for this family."
"Parental influence is much greater than a lot of people give it credit for."
"It's just such a human story, about family, about oppression, about resilience, about making it out of desperate circumstances."
"When something like abortion is legalized and normalized you do see a breakdown of the family."
"Most grandparents delight in spoiling their grandkids."
"All great change in America begins at the dinner table."
"Food Theory fourth child, sweet but dumb, since the cinnamon bun loves cooking for her sisters and using them for her food experiments."
"Happy families are all happy in the same way; unhappy families are all unhappy in different ways." - Leo Tolstoy
"If you're lucky enough to get into it holy moly you're going to bank and spank and your parents are going to kick you out of Thanksgiving dinner."
"In every family, there is that pillar, that person who is holding it in prayer."
"She convinces her brothers that meeting the mages is for the best."
"Our families don't have to repeat the cycle of the past."
"If you have a story of Q in your family that's affecting your relationship, we would also really love to hear from you."
"For Andrew and Nina, their parents represent the mediocrity they fear and will come to despise."
"Scientology is occult as long as it enforces familial disconnection and destroys families."
"It's supposed to be the other way around. I'm not a parent, I'm an uncle times nine, but I was, I've always been like, hey, aren't adults supposed to make the sacrifices for the kids, not the other way around?"
"Logic is this just doesn't add up, I don't know what it is, I don't know what the actual equation answer is but it's not this, sorry."
"I think we should focus more on the fact that this family has an issue with not being on the same page."
"Just because you suffered, that doesn't mean that your kids have to suffer."
"Normalization and validation. Children are treated as trophies to validate those relationships, to subvert the standards of the nuclear family which they hate in so many cases because it failed to protect them, and so they resent it."
"In seven years of marriage, the pair had four children and built an empire together."
"All my fragility and insecurities over my standing in the familial hierarchy were exposed and exploited by the cordon."
"My dad's shorter than my mom, my dad's Asian, it's cool."
"When my mother goes to the grocery store and she's complaining about the price of milk, she's not worried about the definition of recession."
"I'm definitely gonna be her bestie till she's a teenager and hates me."
"I'm not going to stay silent when members of my family lie to the American people."
"Newton’s family was not well off. His dad died, and his mom remarried and had a bunch more kids."
"Just because somebody is your blood doesn't mean they're the right energy for you in your life."
"Let's try to end conflicts in the family, let's try to create more harmony in the family."
"Her emotional display in seeing her parents in distress gradually faded after each interjection but you'll now see it completely cease altogether once she realizes that she made her first mistake."
"The family needs to improve for society to improve."
"The Connors have to hold on to each other to survive in a society where working-class people, and women in particular, are being worked to the bone."
"Silver being Giovanni's son is such an awesome idea."
"Silver's nature for Team Rocket doesn't come from his father but rather from the masked man."
"We have made life freer for individuals and more unstable for families. We've made life better for adults but worse for children."
"Apparently what she wants is to make her family feel like a burden."
"Bro, I'm sorry, father. I didn't mean to make you angry. I'll go to school now. I'm sorry for my behavior."
"If you could have the family you wanted, what would that look like?"
"Roxy wanted a two-parent household for her son, but baby, I'mma tell you, S was sitting up there mad."
"She's clearly very manipulative, and she's using her brother and sister-in-law as like mommy daddy right now."
"The impact of social... family breakdown and how that can contribute towards many social ills in local communities."
"Jill is fascinated by the man, seeing him as almost a pseudo-father figure."
"The danger of money in a family is entitlement. If you entitle somebody and you de-risk their future, you have actually cursed them."
"Have you had parents that you like but you hate the kid? Oh yeah, that was everything. I love that."
"Well, if I were the kind of person who was like I just want 20 of my closest friends and my immediate family there, you can't pull that off without pissing off your third cousin."
"A lot of people it is a control thing cuz imagine if you're growing up and it's like your family's so chaotic."
"My daughter's 14 now and my son is 11 and had a revelation on his own then that the Santa was not real that's okay it's all good."