
Relationship Quality Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"The quality of our lives can be determined by the quality of our relationships."
"The good relationships of today are better than those of history, but they are very few."
"The quality of the different dating apps truly does matter."
"You guys would have a pretty awesome relationship."
"It's not about how long a relationship lasts, it's about how good it is."
"Texting is not a barometer for the relationship. The quality of time you spend together is a much more important and significant gauge of your relationship."
"A relationship should not just be surviving; it should be thriving."
"The relationship that you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship that you have."
"I love doing mundane shopping with her. Like, that is what the good stuff is in life."
"The choices we make for ourselves and the quality of our relationships determine our lives."
"The quality of a relationship is directly correlated to your ability to have uncomfortable conversations with each other."
"Relationships cannot be quantified. They cannot be perfectly balanced."
"There's no toxicity, there's no raising her voice, there's no yelling matches, there's no jealousy."
"It's not the amount of time, it's the quality of the time and the presence of your quality of time."
"Being friends first and then dating has ended up in the best relationship I've ever been in."
"It's not about quantity but very much about the quality of relationships."
"Schedule time with each other not to have sex, but to be together... Try new things in that window of time."
"People who prioritize themselves are better friends, better lovers, better family members because they're always healthy enough to give more to those relationships and offer more."
"When two people are dating, if they both have positive illusions about the other person, their relationship quality is better."
"Communication is key for relationships. Without communication, you just don't have too much of a relationship."
"If it's meant to work, it will be working... I'm in the healthiest relationship of my life right now and I'm like, this feels great, this is what it's supposed to feel like."
"As long as the relationship itself is not toxic I believe that you should keep it around."
"You're deserving of somebody who is actually great, who is actually amazing."
"You deserve the best, not wasteful relationships."
"Even if it's just one or two people, that's all that matters; quality over quantity."
"The success of a relationship should be measured by its depth not by its length."
"A good lover will enjoy giving as much as receiving, will be super empathetic and connected in bed."
"If he just does things to improve the quality of your life especially without even asking."
"True friendship is not about the length of time spent with one another."
"That's why you're getting tons of superficial and garbage relationships from dating apps."
"A good partner is one who always wants to help you learn, including about money."
"This is a relationship where you are celebrated, appreciated, stable, solid, and secure."
"This person feels like you give off this very safe, nurturing type of energy where when they're around you all their problems just disappear."
"Husband material men do not have time to be flossing on social media."
"A man who considers how you feel and your input is a man who cares."
"Life is much better when you have somebody that loves you, provides you peace, stability, and happiness."
"The greatest feeling is implicit trust in the other person."
"Instead of focusing on the amount of time your relationships last as a barometer of how successful they are, you should focus on being the best quality partner you can be and having high-quality experiences together."
"They feel emotionally supported and uplifted when they're with you."
"You guys are ready to enjoy each other's company and really get on a good level with each other."
"But you know the outward things that I saw of Alec with his kids and his wife were just that. They seemed to enjoy each other's company."
"It is the quality of your relationships that determines the quality of your lives."
"Now, if you didn't know the Super Smash Brothers melee competitive scene, there are five legal stages that are neutral."
"I feel like there is genuine love and feeling and respect for one another in this connection."
"You may find like more quality options than what you dealt with before."
"The quality of any intimate relationship... is directly proportional to the quality of the questions."
"Presence and gratitude, the essence of a relationship."
"Happy people are better relationships, happy people are better parents."
"She brings him great fulfillment, happiness, and satisfaction."
"Your marriage can be miserable if you make it miserable; it can be amazing if you make it amazing."
"Prioritize your peace; that's what matters in a relationship."
"Dating apps are the number one way that people meet, but they're not the number one way to get a good relationship or be happy."
"If the relationship is not producing good fruit, that's a clear indicator."
"I feel that you overall, you guys are pretty good for each other."
"The best relationships are with two people who can receive love."
"The only thing that matters is how someone treats you."
"The sex between me and my spouse is absolutely fantastic."
"Thoughtful acts: little things that make it clear they care."
"Attentiveness: a sign that this person pays attention to your needs."
"I become definitely more aware of like how bad of a relationship person I was."
"They see you as someone just really amazing, someone who makes them feel pretty good to be around."
"Quality time isn't just about the quantity of hours, it's about the quality."
"There's a difference between quality and quantity, you know, I didn't have a lot of quantity with them but the times that we had was quality."
"Real love actually... the best kind of love is pretty peaceful."
"A great marriage is more than a sweet melody of love; it can be a beautiful symphony."
"Relationships are supposed to be enjoyable, sharing activities, experiences, feelings of joy and elation with others, alongside a desire to take on the world at large and step outside of personal comfort zones."
"I want freedom, I want respect, I want quality relationships."
"You make them feel comfortable, so they can be themselves around you."
"If you can negotiate for more in life, you're going to have higher quality romantic partners, more of them, higher quality ones, happier ones, happier to dance to your music."
"They just feel like you're the best friend ever, like the best friend that they've ever had."
"Loyalty is a positive aspect, they're very loyal to you."
"There's something to be said for having a smaller house with the family. I grew up in a larger house, and my family wasn't close. My family is now small, and we talk more and spend more time together. That is lovely."
"Relationships, especially marriage, when you find the right person, there's no multiplier like that if you have peace, happiness, joy."
"The more self-esteem you have, the better the relationship is. You begin to like a different kind of man."
"You guys are in a really good place overall."
"Embrace clarity and positive communication. Serenity and honesty pave the way for long-lasting happiness."
"You cannot love another person fully if you do not love yourself."
"When your relationship feels like a vacation and home at the same time... that's the good stuff."
"Finally, a healthy relationship after all that misery. Finally, something good."
"A person with bad hygiene will turn off a Virgo like it's nobody's business."
"Dating apps are weaning us off of the warm, cuddly feelings that come with long-term relationships."
"You want somebody who can sit down with you and have a conversation."
"As long as you focus on the quality of the emotional connection between the two of you, everything else will take care of itself."
"Sometimes the best relationships are when both people feel lucky to be with the other person."
"I like how people make me feel, 'cause a person could be giving you everything in the world, but if they're not treating you right..."
"If somebody cares about you and values your time, they make it easy to get together."
"I always think that a great way of telling if you have a good relationship is if you feel like you're a better person when you're with your partner."
"What's more important than marriage is finding a connection worth protecting."
"Focus on the quality of the connection rather than just the label of marriage."
"Becoming the one for yourself is key to creating better relationships."
"The best thing about our relationship is probably universal, which is just like love and being yourself."
"They know that there's genuine love and care between you two."
"Don't compare this true grounded soulmate relationship which is gonna be really amazing if you allow it to be."
"Once you find a real one though, like a proper ride or die, then it don't matter if you cry."
"In healthy relationships, it's always a hundred percent."
"Healthy love will motivate you to be your best, carry you through life's challenging moments, and make the beautiful ones even more beautiful."
"When you look at your woman like a piece of art, instead of looking at like an object or position, you know the relationship's gonna be different."
"I want them to enhance my life rather than just be, like, 'Hi, how are you?' I want them to make my life better."
"There's genuine love here, a lot of love in this connection."
"When you're vetting and only high value men are met it's a treat."
"Connecting with others in this way, by being vulnerable as opposed to overcompensating and trying to get everyone to like you, will result in some of the best interactions and relationships of your life."
"Strong connections make you feel strong, weak connections make you feel weak."
"Because we're established and we know each other, nurturing, loving quality care is here."
"Someone provides you with proper emotional fulfillment. They remember everything, they pay attention to you, and they really want to be with you."
"Setting boundaries with men is probably one of the greatest skills you can learn... the more boundaries you set with men, the higher quality men you will start attracting."
"You are enough this person is going to make you feel so amazing about yourself i feel like this person is going to make you feel so loved so safe like you are completely enough on your own."
"How's your relationship? It's exactly what I want."
"Vibing with someone on the same frequency is really important."
"If the truth ends a relationship, then it's probably a relationship that needed to end."
"Light-hearted fun is so key to a marriage... some of the happiest marriages, the happiest people, they are able to laugh at themselves, they're able to laugh together, their homes are filled with laughter."
"It's better to be alone than to be with someone who doesn't make you want to strive to be the best version of you."
"When it's good and when it's going well, there's nothing like it."
"When you find the right relationship, you feel like you're living the life you deserve."
"You really start to appreciate people who treat you like you are like anybody who says they love you and goes out of the way to take care of you."
"Our goal? To help our community be stronger from the inside out. Mental health, self-love, and how that shows up in our relationships."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"At a secure attachment in adulthood is a relationship where you feel that somebody really has your back."
"They see you as relationship material, husband/wifey material."
"Whoever gets to be with you is going to be very lucky."
"Compromise is one of the sexiest things that are out there because compromise lets you know that you have quality in your life."
"There's loyalty here, there's love here, there's peace and togetherness in this connection."
"The best marriages have an element of God in them."
"You being in a loving, healthy, amazing, delicious relationship is great, but if you have this thing that's bothering you about you and you're in control of doing something about it, do it."
"I just like want a relationship where it feels like we're like best friends, you know?"
"You deserve to be truly and deeply loved. You deserve revolutionary love in your life."
"We have some good empirical evidence that it turns out that when women get to choose their partners because they like them, because they're attractive and they're funny, that they tend to enjoy their sexual relations with those people."
"It's hard to find someone you're just as comfortable being quiet around."
"I feel like a perfect relationship is two people that just let each other be them, you know what I mean?"
"He is the most emotionally supportive person I've ever met."
"The quality of your mentor relationship is based on the quality of questions you ask."
"A prosperous life and spiritual unity, security, mutual love and affection, peace, and communication."
"When there's beautiful synchronicity between both of you."
"Being alone is not worse than being in a relationship that doesn't make you feel seen understood appreciated held and loved."
"This person brings out the best in you... a very transformational relationship."
"Relationships are amazing when they're good right you know and it's and it can be it's a lot of work you know but it's great."
"You come off as someone that has been loved deeply."
"They feel this interesting Synergy with you."
"How to have a great relationship, not just a good one—a great relationship that is effortless, seamless, and fun, because it's possible."
"No relationship is perfect, but overall, a good relationship will bring more good than bad."
"I want to feel, I want the regulation of that, I want to be in a relationship where we've got that co-regulation."
"The quality of a relationship isn't measured by time, it's measured by intention."
"Communication, honesty, and respect make sexual relationships better."
"They're not boring, they're just consistent and stable."
"Your relationships with other people are the most important factor in deciding the quality of your life."
"You're about to meet a relationship where someone meets you halfway, it's harmonious."
"This is potent, this is true love, this is real love."
"They really do care about you and just want to see you happy."
"I'm laying next to someone who treats me like a queen."
"They feel truly happy with you at the end of the day."
"It feels like home with this person, very nurturing caring energy."
"Quality... is about the quality of connections."
"The quality of relationships largely decides the quality of your life."
"If she owns up to her own mistakes in the relationship, that's a pretty good sign that she's a good woman."
"A relationship is a good relationship if it makes you feel better about yourself."
"Love by definition is somebody who cares about the best for you."
"Comfort is very, very important in relationships."
"The quality of your relationship largely decides the quality of your life."
"The thing that determines happiness the most is the quality of their relationships."
"Expressiveness and making me feel loved is extremely important."
"It's definitely a soulmate where I don't really feel like it's going to be overly complicated."
"The best part of being in partnership with me is the heart that I bring."
"This love is not based on merit of the person loved, it's unconditional."
"Your safest relationships are the ones where you can be you."
"This is the best romance the MCU's ever had."
"Make sure this person's faithful, you can trust them."
"Being in physical presence with someone changes the quality of the relationship."
"I think black women make amazing life partners."
"Good relationships, good marriages, good homes, everything good, you know what I'm saying?"
"If I make a friend, I'll make them for life because I don't make them only, there's no point having fake relationships."
"There's a lot of comfort in this relationship as well. You two may be very similar."
"We're not looking for a relationship that feels like a job, we want to feel at home."
"It's sick fam having someone that proper cares for you loves on you."
"Few things are more attractive than a great sense of humor."
"Our relationship is not perfect, but it's so solid."
"It's more romantic when you have a cool, genuine interaction."
"They make you feel like the only person in the room."
"The highest point of every relationship in marriage is friendship."
"You don't judge each other; it's pure unconditional love."
"The communication is going to be very, very good."
"The quality of those relationships will determine the quality of your life."
"It's not really the institution of marriage, it's the quality of the relationship that makes the difference."
"The number one predictor of relationship quality for couples is the perception that your partner is committed to you,"
"Longevity does not equate to success because you have to look at the quality of the relationship and what it produces."
"The quality of your relationship is a direct result of what you're putting into it."
"It's really refreshing to have that in a relationship."
"...that is a soul mate connection that is a person who is here to better your life and improve your life..."
"The quality of our relationship with our dog dictates the quality of life that we have together."
"Love can be painful, but it isn't painful if it's with the right person."
"The quality of our relationships with our dogs is dictated by how we train and the interactions that we have."
"Purpose will get you a better quality of women."
"Your heart picked the right friends."
"...it's all about how he treats you as a person, and you guys deserve the best."
"Maybe she is because I'm pretty sure being supportive of your partner is a pretty big component of being a good partner in a relationship."
"If you have two people that you would legit trust with anything, I think that's doing very well."
"Marriage ought to go beyond a duty and a responsibility to fun, to an adventure."
"If a guy is making the effort to be truly present with you... it's a powerful green flag."
"The quality of your relationship is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you ask each other."
"I love it when I read about a couple who is not just physically attracted to each other; they have like an actual friendship as well."
"We give each other space, we get each other too, but being comfortable with each other and at the same time still having a great relationship."
"The quality of your relationships very much depends on your values."