
Helping Others Quotes

There are 1526 quotes

"The best way to help other people is to first get centered and strong in yourself."
"For me, it's all about helping people lead a rich life."
"Go find somebody now who's doing worse than you and help them in a very simple way."
"All the 20 years of suffering has a meaning if it allows me to help somebody else not end up down that road."
"They felt better about themselves because they could help other people."
"I am a naturopath, a Reiki Master, and a medium... I have made it my life's purpose to try to help others with truth and honesty."
"You got to focus and readapt, continue, and then learn as much as you can. By helping others, it's been very rewarding as well."
"The only way to really win at business is to create a business that helps people. That's your payoff for business. The payoff for a great business is not the money; it's the smile you put on people's faces."
"Loving yourself first is crucial because you cannot help others or share anything of value if you are depleted."
"I love to just make you guys feel good, and the fact that I can help in any way, it's just like the best feeling."
"I always hope that when we do these sorts of things together that even if we've helped one person hear one thing, that just makes me happy."
"Your calling, your mission, your crusade will always involve helping other people somehow."
"I have a multiple seven-figure business and beyond any of that, the thing that really gets me out of bed and excites me each and every single day is actually helping people do the same."
"Find something that you are completely obsessed with, learn as much as you can about it, and use it to help other people."
"It's almost like when we're lightening other people's loads, it becomes lighter for us too."
"You don't have to have some magnificent talent or ability or skill to help people; you have to be you."
"The greatest business to have is when you're helping people, teaching people, giving them tools, skills to improve the quality of their life."
"I've always been interested in helping people."
"Help people... any kind of way I can help somebody make somebody feel better."
"Relief from the bondage of self comes when you forget yourself and help someone else."
"There are loads of ways of helping people; stealing from other people just isn't one of them."
"It's amazing how one person can affect your life so much. That's why it's important that we do all the things that we do in the community, whatever we can to help out these kids."
"Greatness is about living a life committed to helping others find their greatness."
"My purpose is to help people. I was put here to do something, to make some sort of impact on this planet."
"The best way to help your own problems is to help others."
"Sometimes what happens amongst people is that they have different kinds of complexes... when I see someone hurting, I want to make them better."
"The most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else."
"Life right now is helping people while having fun doing it. That's what I like doing."
"You can't help other people if your own cup is empty."
"I believe God made me good at this for a reason, and that's to be able to help people."
"People are doing amazing things all the time to help other people during this pandemic."
"I'm just a guy and my sort of goal, if you like, in all of this is to help as many people as I can."
"I think it was knowing that when someone calls for you, you're going there to help them."
"I am a 22-year-old optimist. I love helping people and spreading useful knowledge, for I believe there is a lesson in every situation."
"The value to always be kind and always help where we can are values that I feel very blessed that I grew up with."
"It's all about the climb, and as long as that's fun and that's been fulfilling and has maybe helped people along the way, then that's the thing that matters."
"Important things in life are love, happiness, family, hope, finding inner peace, and helping others."
"I love affecting people's lives. I love helping people feel better about themselves because I know what it's like to be that kid that's being ignored by everybody else."
"Find a way that you can help people and just stay consistent with that content."
"One of the reasons this one has such high job satisfaction and meaning is because you are very directly helping people."
"Sometimes, helping other people almost becomes selfish."
"If our intent is to help out other people, this conversation could prove to be very fruitful."
"Every single religion in the world basically says the same things: be a good person, help out others, do the right thing."
"My legacy will be helping people get their finances right."
"You'll only be as successful as the amount of people you help become successful."
"I've never looked at it that way actually... as much as it shouldn't have happened, I can learn from it and I can take so much experience from it that I can use to help people."
"What I really found is that a lot of people in this community need help and need support."
"What if instead of only harvesting meaning from life around us, we try to help other people find it too?"
"I'm playing the game of life and trying to help other people win the game of life."
"Success and achievement come from helping and inspiring others, not just accumulating wealth for oneself."
"I'm telling you right now, bro, at this moment... I don't know who I'm helping or what I'm doing or what I'm even here for in this world, but right now, at this moment, if I can help a few people out... that's what it really makes me feel like I have a place."
"One of the nicest things that you can ever say to someone is 'I want to help you and I don't know how.'"
"I am able to help others by vibrating love through my presence, words, and actions."
"My purpose in life is to help as many people as I can."
"If you're willing to help people, you can always figure out how to make money from it."
"I want to help people, I want to inspire people in some kind of way."
"But luckily for them, there are kind and brave people out there who are willing to help."
"Never will the plan of happiness become more real to you than when you are helping others to live it."
"Help someone in need... You may learn something about yourself."
"There's no fucking better job than helping a lot of people along the way."
"If I can make it so anybody doesn't have to spend a day in that, then it's worth it to me."
"I very much enjoy trying to help people find something they're passionate about."
"I like my life now because I like to help people... to direct people into the right path in life."
"She's straightforward, doesn't mind bending the rules, breaking laws, saving people, and drinking whatever is in the cabinet like a rogue raccoon."
"It's not what I did; it's what I can do to help somebody else. That's the most important thing."
"I hope you're proud of yourself for the times you've said yes, when all it meant was extra work for you and was seemingly helpful only to someone else."
"Helping those in need is more helpful for us. God is giving us a chance to be merciful."
"I am here to help you. You must understand that."
"I like to really help people, and that's why I do what I do."
"The best thing you have is now you're in a special position to help other people. To me, that's your destiny, part of it is to be a messenger."
"Helping a lot of people. A lot of people need that, so that's really good."
"New paths will open to you by helping people in need, overcoming challenges, and solving mysteries."
"This isn't a profession for me; I am literally doing this to help people."
"I've gone overboard for people and really tried to help."
"The thought that I might help someone gave me the greatest satisfaction."
"The thing that will fill you up forever in life is helping people who are currently in the hell that you came from."
"Reaching out and helping people is one of the principal qualities of being a hero."
"If you can help someone else, that's when it's like you're right."
"Remember you might be the person to invite them to a conversation that helps them open up again or you might be the remedy they need."
"If I help a few people, that's worth it to me."
"We're looking for individuals with a passion factor who want to help people."
"The hard thing about when you're in the valley is that you can't climb out; somebody has to reach in and pull you out."
"Sharing is the most important thing you can do to help me."
"These are just things that have worked in my life... if it helps one person then we made a good video."
"Helping out is always something I've tried to do."
"Helping should be second nature. It's a philosophy that I can definitely get behind." - Power Rangers
"The only way to truly help people is not to put yourself in a worse position."
"When you become successful, you want to make sure that you're helping somebody else who's up and coming."
"Jesus cared about helping the less fortunate."
"More than anything she dreamed of becoming a drug counselor and wanted to help people overcome drug addiction."
"If you want to help someone, the best way to help someone is not to give them advice but to listen to them."
"Writing this book was a welcome distraction, a way to put all of these emotions into something that could help other people."
"What really matters is helping people, creating community, like building people up."
"The real fun in life is not how much money you can make, it's how many people you can help, how much better you can make their lives."
"The lesson really is you have to understand the only way you can really help sometimes is to let go."
"You have to understand the only way you can really help sometimes is to let go."
"I got into this whole medical field to really help people."
"If you really want to help people, you really want to do something, you gotta be willing to lose everything."
"Getting back up and picking others up in the process."
"There's a nice message here about how helping people leads to happiness in a way that revenge doesn't."
"I think the most important thing I've learned is learning to take a step back and do something for other people."
"Finding the joy in being that person for other people."
"I'll be honest, the most fulfilling thing I can do is make people feel better and provide value to them."
"Helping others and creating things stimulate my life."
"I want to physically still be able to help people when I'm 60 years old."
"Sharing my story is gonna help other people get out of the situation that I was in."
"It's just about serving, not just for the sake of serving, but to help people go to the next level."
"I love Iran, I love the Persian people, they're all great people."
"I think one of the greatest gifts of dealing with personal tragedies like that is knowing that you can come through it and knowing that your experience can help other people."
"It's never too late to do the right thing for you or for someone else."
"You can be that support for other people who are going through similar situations."
"My motivation in helping people was to allow them to find their true self."
"I'm super hungry to learn all this stuff and to really help people who are in my same position."
"The thing that I enjoy the most in life actually is helping people... Like giving them like an hour of my time to set them on a good track if they want to listen, right?"
"Timing had changed and it just like once you get infected with the idea you can help people and change things."
"Make your dream come true. Make the dream of others come true. That's the Sunnah."
"If there's one or two or even 100 people that I can help out and be in a better position, you know, I think that's one of my purposes here on earth."
"That's really powerful that she's taking her trauma and trying to use it to help others."
"You came to this planet to learn and help, you agreed to take this journey because you can assist both the Earth and humanity to evolve."
"Part of your spiritual path and purpose might actually be to help other people."
"Being a doctor is all about helping people and being better today when compared to yesterday."
"If I can save one person, it's the biggest blessing to me ever, seriously ever."
"Remaining true to yourself even if you feel like it's disappointing others because when you are happiest, you are going to be able to operate in a place where you can help other people."
"When you and I talk about the things that we're doing to overcome our past, that becomes the survival guide for someone else's future."
"Give something back. Helping others brings more satisfaction than anything else."
"If we can help some people then that's not what we're gonna try and do."
"This is a human experience... no one is perfect... I'm looking at how I help more people and really kind of find my purpose and living this life."
"It's about helping these people. Before I start, it's about helping these people to me."
"It feels wonderful to be able to do something to help."
"I will just be completely surrounded by people that I can help."
"You don't need to be rich to be able to help people. You only need kindness in your heart and understanding of what's going on in the world."
"Helping other people be better than where they are now... That feels way better."
"Purpose can take various forms, from helping others to personal skill development."
"You have a gift and an opportunity to help more people."
"That's the way the ball bounces, you never know when you can help the next guy."
"My story may help somebody out there, and if it helps at least just one person like I'm going to tell my story."
"Helping others is the greatest quality of a knight."
"You need to do things to be able to make yourself more valuable to others so that you can help others more effectively."
"I really just want to focus on how do I help people to be the best version of themselves."
"Hopefully that is helpful at least to somebody out there. If there's at least just one person that this helps, then I'm fine, I'm satisfied."
"The reason you went through everything you went through is so you could become an answer to somebody else's problem."
"You become great when you do things for other people."
"I honestly my philosophy on life is you do the best you can to help as many people as possible."
"No amount of success will satisfy you, it's about the act of helping."
"Helping people on a one-on-one basis is very powerful."
"You're gonna be their knight in shining armor, you're going to save someone's day."
"I would love to help some people who want to process their spiritually transformative experiences."
"To be in a place where I'm seen as an organized person, someone who can help others declutter and get systems in place, it really does feel like we've come a long way."
"If you really want to help people, you can go to recoverfromreligion.org and hit the volunteer button."
"The main reason we're on earth is to help each other."
"There's no better feeling than to know that you helped somebody out."
"The most fulfilling thing for you is helping others."
"I feel closest to God when I am making a difference in someone else's life."
"Who are the people I most want to help? What problem or desire do those people have? What are the solutions to those people's problems that I most get excited about?"
"There's nothing better than helping somebody."
"Yo, helping other people, there is no right or wrong way to it. We all do the absolute best we can."
"If I can help another person, I wanna help another person."
"My biggest joy is fixing people. If I could fix you, that's the best thing I could possibly do."
"I feel like I'm here to help out people, whether it's entertaining them or solving problems."
"I'm an empathetic person that does want to help people."
"Do something nice for somebody who needs help today."
"Helping someone, that's really why I'm here."
"I really just want to be able to help someone smile at the end of the day."
"Ultimately, devoting your life to other people brings more fulfillment."
"I like helping people that remind me of myself."
"Helping others truly did give Flint a feeling of joy and purpose that he'd so long been lacking."
"I hope that this experience and me sharing this experience with you guys can just help someone else."
"Helping others understand their true identity and purpose is one of the greatest gifts we can give." - President Henry B. Irene
"We have to come back to our role, our primary role is to help."
"If I don't speak the truth and try and help other people, I would not feel right."
"Harry is selfless from day one and jumps to help others without a second thought."
"Helping others should be a lifestyle, not just a job."
"It's fair for me to do so, I think it's only right that I help people out."
"People who get into this field, any kind of mental health professional, do it because we want to help people. And want to be there for you."
"We were just trying to help people, right? Right information, yeah, just providing people information."
"If I could only help one person, that's what this is all about—helping someone out there that really needs to hear messages."
"You can't fix or help people unless they want to be helped."
"Isn't that what Bernie said something about you know helping someone you don't know? That's what people do."
"You can have everything you want in your life if you will help enough people get what they want in their life."
"When you're living the darkest day of your life... go help someone else."
"The highest sense of fulfillment actually comes from helping others."
"If you could help even just one person... that's the value of it."
"The only way you could do anything for anybody else is if you take care of yourself first. You have to."
"I'm almost at the place where I can start helping people. And that's my goal, man."
"Wouldn't it be nice when you finally enter Heaven to bump into a thousand people that you helped move from purgatory into Heavenly Glory?"
"I might not know what I'm doing but I'm still here and I'm trying to help people one day at a time."
"I'm still here and I'm trying to help people one day at a time."
"I hope you continue to talk and share because I might not need it again but somebody else will."
"People learn to get through those things by using them to make a difference and be helpful with it."
"You take solace in the fact that you're helping people prevent"
"He has a talent, a skill, and he's using that part that thing that makes him special and unique to help other people."
"A true adventurer helps those in need, especially if they're rabbits."
"I think as long as you're true to yourself, you're being real with who you are and you're helping others along the way, I think that's like the best way to think about social media."
"You're helping to open this person up, turning their shadows into something of value."
"When you help somebody else, you help yourself as well because... I get so much joy from doing it."
"If I've helped even one person then I've done the right thing."
"In my world, I said this: if I ever make it, if I'm ever in a position to be able to help others that have similar likes and similar tamers and are like me, imma give them that opportunity."
"You're helping this person work through some really deep shadows."
"Helping others is the best currency there is."
"It's not about being paid back, it's about helping people because I can and they need it."