
Relationship Success Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Being able to resolve conflict in a healthy way is crucial to a successful and satisfying relationship."
"80 percent of the success of the long-term relationship is who you choose."
"Having strong emotional intelligence leads to more successful relationships, happiness, and the ability to execute on what you want because you have the discipline and willpower."
"Success in relationship doesn't have anything to do with income or this or that... it's actually belief that your relationship is good."
"People with more willpower are happier in their relationships, their marriages last longer, and they even live longer."
"It is high time that people redefine what their definition of a successful relationship is, because so many people see success in relationships simply linked to longevity."
"If both people don't show up with the mindset that they want to make it work, it doesn't work."
"Satisfaction, commitment, intimacy, trust, passion, love – this is what correlates with success in a relationship."
"Communication is the number one thing to success in a relationship."
"Without trust, a relationship is not going to succeed."
"Your hard work is going to pay off with this person."
"If any couple makes it out of the end of this book happy, I think it'll be them. I hope it's them because at least one couple deserves to be happy."
"How did a guy like me, who was basically broke, beat out these guys who made more money? I had something that those guys didn't. I had game."
"Shared values. That's what's at the heart of successful relationships and marriages—shared values."
"Dominating relationally: 'If you're not dominating relationally, you're not dominating. It's gonna tear you away from your assignment.'"
"It's nice meeting someone who puts in an effort."
"Honest, transparent, and clear conversation and expectations are the key to success."
"Seeing a relationship just work and seeing them be happy for each other... It's very nice to see."
"Every marriage succeeds when the man takes absolute responsibility."
"People who are successful at relationships understand."
"You feel like you can be very victorious with this person here it's just what weighs so heavily at the back of your mind that's causing you so much doubt."
"Overall what you are going to have with your person is a victory and it's going to be public and everybody is going to know about it."
"Magic fairy dust doesn't make a relationship work. Intentionality is what makes a relationship work."
"Expect success and benefit from this relationship, and fate is going to have a hand in this."
"Marriages work, mine truly doesn't feel like work."
"Love doesn't solve relationship problems; compatibility does."
"Thanks to Shira's efforts, Kaguya and I were able to become a couple."
"We have a couple right now that we matched that's been together about three and a half years."
"Join my Happy Endings course to learn how to crush it on dating apps and find true love."
"The ones who stay together long term all have one thing in common: they place a high value on communication, listening, understanding, and empathy."
"If they stay together, that's actually an awesome story."
"Envy-worthy success awaits, both in money and relationships."
"Getting married is the most wonderful thing if you do it right, but if you do it wrong buddy, it's not wonderful anymore."
"Being confident, comfortable, secure in the person that you are and what you bring to the table will get you the farthest in any relationship that you're in."
"I like to think two people fell in love and created something much bigger than either of them would have created alone."
"By all accounts, the Smiths' marriage was a happy one."
"Things will go well, Pisces and Cancer is a good match."
"Relationships are built on good communication."
"The key to any successful relationship, friendship, marriage, is that ability to be open and vulnerable."
"You need to sort out some things in your own life before you'll have more success in dating."
"I believe relationships can work as long as both people involved are willing to do the work."
"In order for any relationship to work, there has to be mutual respect."
"Go on the dates, do the work, you will be successful."
"When two people are working together, that's what makes relationships successful."
"Communication is the key to a successful relationship."
"It's definitely time to get moving in a new direction... if you face the fear then you're gonna be in an amazing relationship... that's when you truly become successful."
"The biggest flex for a black man is having a successful relationship with a black woman."
"The both of you have the tools necessary to be able to make this relationship work I do see the two of you essentially being victorious in the end but I feel like you know it's your person to be quite honest."
"I managed to get one and he's not an [ __ ] and he's not emotionally abusive."
"It is important to grow, to learn, to become happy if you want to find a happy, fulfilling, successful relationship with an amazing woman."
"Success in your relationship, success in all your endeavors."
"I really think my bestie found her BAE today."
"Ten of Cups: love, fortune after difficulty."
"Their lengthy and harmonious interracial marriage stands as a testament to the enduring Power of Love."
"Thanks to you, I found a wonderful girlfriend. Thank you so much."
"Love is to actively sacrificially wish and work for the success of another."
"Success in a relationship brings about this sense of security."
"This will be a victory with your divine feminine."
"Star-crossed lovers who've done a bloody good job."
"Finding the right person is about 98% of it."
"Service is the success of your relationship."
"Success in the relationship could be both people feeling like they can really be all of themselves."
"...if the thing you're seeking is an actual relationship, the one that you get along with best is going to be the one that has the best chance to succeed long term."
"It 'stands to reason' — in other words, it seems likely to be true — that emoji users get more dates and that's a big thumbs-up from me!"
"Communication is key to a happy and successful marriage."
"...what really makes it work and we have really good communication as well so that's made it work."
"Forget the other hookup sites. eHarmony has proven itself year after year."
"You guys are as successful a relationship as I've experienced."
"Communication wins the day again."
"The most important predictor for a success of a relationship is how well both sides are willing to actively work on it."
"One of the biggest predictors of success in a relationship is how couples fight."
"Be nice and be in shape, and do you know what happens? She found a husband, and he's a great guy."
"Expressing positive emotions, being open, giving relational reassurances, using your social circle to support your relationship, and readily sharing the work and responsibilities that come with a long-term relationship are behaviors that reliably predict relationship success."
"Your marriage is going to be based on communication; if you don't have communication, it's not going to work."
"Love always wins when it comes to these soulmate contracts."
"The couples who were still married had turned toward these small moments 86% of the time."
"Success is seen in the connection, and they view it as one that can be successful."
"We have to recognize that love and respect are the foundation of a thriving marriage."
"As a man, if my finances are not in order, I'm not going to be in the right headspace to make that relationship successful."
"Marriage is great, but it's because I'm married to Ben."
"If you really look at what leads to prognostically very successful relationships, it's the ability to navigate conflict and compromise."
"It's got a heck of a better chance of working if I love the man in the first place."
"I think that something that I have found to be more successful in relationships is when a person has built that confidence."
"Can you make a relationship where one partner or even both partners have bipolar disorder work? Absolutely."
"You hit the jackpot with Caitlyn."
"We showed up every day and we did the damn work and we got here."
"Being open and honest about everything, yeah, and that's what makes things work."
"Communication is the key to success in any type of relationship."
"When couples impress and actually do the work, the percentage is extremely high."
"Communication is going to make the dream work."
"Any happy relationship, working relationship, business relationship, personal relationship, fame starts to trust."
"The relationship feels balanced and everyone puts the same effort into the success of the relationship."
"I think just laughing and having fun in a relationship contributes to big-time success."
"No relationship can succeed without maturity, be it casual friendship, dating, or work relationships."
"If your goal is to always be good and two people have that same goal, you will always be good."
"When you put your priority number one in a relationship to be communication, it's very hard to mess up."
"The most amazing part of that story is that they are still married. 50 years later how cool is that."
"Our relationship works very well because we kept our own space for the full two years and the love blossomed."
"It has to be 100 100 otherwise it will not work."
"If you want to succeed and thrive in relationships, be a servant."
"Relationships that work long-term are the ones where the people respond to bids for connection."
"Regardless of wherever you live, you're going to make it work."
"Trust is fundamental to a marriage; you will not have a successful marriage if there is not trust there."
"Few marriages end due to an abundance of intimacy and trust and vulnerability and friendship and emotional connection."
"You're not giving up on yourself, that's why you made it to union."
"For those of you in relationships, this is absolutely brilliant, it's to do with an important accomplishment."
"Relationships become successful when they're balanced and when they're equal."
"Whatever relationship you're going to be in is going to prove out successfully."