
Resentment Quotes

There are 904 quotes

"I would compromise so much...just to keep happy families, and then this resentment starts building."
"Forgiveness means to lay it aside, let it alone, don't keep revisiting it, means to cease to feel resentment."
"It didn't justify resentment, it didn't justify ingratitude... there was nothing good in it, there was nothing helpful in it, all it was doing was hurting me."
"Confusion leads to resentment, resentment leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering."
"When I'm resentful, I am not happy, and it's futile."
"Caring resentment is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill your enemies."
"Marxism was a variant of the story of Cain and Abel, it's the ancient way of viewing the world through the lens of resentment."
"Don't turn your light down to make somebody feel better because they're going to resent you anyway."
"Resentment is poison that you give yourself... The best way to avoid resentment is bringing things up as they happen."
"Resentment really, really breeds a self-righteousness that's really, really dangerous."
"Harboring resentment is like eating rat poison and hoping it kills the rat."
"The act of defiance so clearly on display born from smoldering resentment caused by forbidden love."
"Expectations are resentments under construction."
"I just resent the fact that I have to organize my life in such a way that the maximum amount of profitable data can be extracted from it."
"Resentment is so useful; it's so informative. If you're resentful, you're either being oppressed and not standing up for yourself, or you're whiny and should grow up."
"If you're resentful, there's probably something you need to say. There's certainly something you need to figure out."
"Living a life without resentment is a great goal."
"You're going to be resentful if you don't do what makes you happy."
"Don't think about what you want to do comparing it to somebody else, make sure that it's coming from within because if it's coming from without, you're going to end up with resentment."
"We see this waver between frustration and outright resentment."
"Do you want to stew in the juices of your own resentment, constantly adding to the broth with new groans and gripes, or do you want to actually be happy and content?"
"There are these hidden expectations in relationships and when you're on the other side of a hidden expectation it breeds resentment."
"I don't hate Daniel Keemstar at all, there's resentment against Keem, but there's not... hatred."
"Understand that I've consistently disgusted about the fantasies that you create inside your head about my life."
"I hope all of my haters wake up every morning and fall down the stairs."
"Most people don't understand this and they will resent you for it."
"When Chet returns, Sean is resentful due to how much he feels like his dad has made his life worse both through action and absence."
"Kenichi has a chance of being happy and I [ __ ] hate Shinichi."
"Life is like soccer because my mom signed me up for it and expects me to try my best even though I [__] hate soccer."
"'Yeah, I think there was some resentment there for this lost youth that Casey felt she had given up because of Kaylee.'"
"The end result could easily be the death of our human representatives."
"Don't get mad at somebody for doing something that works just because you're not willing to do it."
"If you are faithful to God, if you are faithful to his word, you shall abound with blessings."
"Resentment builds when there's double standards."
"Prioritize self-care and let go of resentments."
"If you sugarcoat this, people are gonna resent the hell out of you."
"Engaging in comparisons is a slippery slope leading to dissatisfaction, resentment, and a distorted sense of self-worth."
"Harry never enjoyed his fame, in fact, he actually resented it."
"What you get when you mix Nostalgia with resentment and rage you get fundamentalism fundamentalisms are going to rise and they're going to be increasingly apocalyptic fundamentalisms."
"Resentment has ruined more homes than drink and killed more people than war."
"The reason why their anger comes from that place is because somewhere along the line, they think they got shafted and they see the success you're having."
"Hating them only hurts me. Carrying that around, it doesn't do them any damage at all, it just damages me."
"The gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown and there is a lot of resentment toward the richest 1 percent in this country."
"I hate y'all ass, and they hate you for having too much success." - Andre Iguodala
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping that the other person is going to die."
"Resentment is like a very large, very heavy suitcase with no handles."
"The moral of the story is don't let resentment get in the way of how you truly feel and what you truly want."
"I hate Grace still a little bit but I can't like fully blame Grace."
"Forgiveness is admitting that you're wrong for resentment."
"Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin never called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years?"
"He was nasty to me because I took his place."
"Christianity solves the problem of resentment."
"Resentment is a brutal thing to hold and is one of the worst emotions."
"Started from the bottom, now Jaden still hates me."
"Just another little inch, probably strangling everybody had always hated since childhood but just enough for me to get out."
"If you still feel resentful as hell, you didn't forgive them."
"Don't ever let there be unfinished emotional business because then it builds up, and then resentment really builds out of that."
"A few people hate you more than the person who used to love you."
"It's like you're drinking poison and hoping the other person dies."
"I was in communication with them because I had so much anger and resentment towards them, Wow."
"Communication is key; resentment builds when there's no communication."
"Dwelling on resentment won't get you anywhere."
"They want something better, they're ready to reduce the resentment."
"Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting it to hurt the other person."
"So don't allow feminism to manipulate the situation where you're now becoming resentful of a guy for no reason."
"Once that resentment sets in, it's really hard to get away from it."
"The military's way of doing things just breeds resentment."
"I don't wish death on him because I want him to suffer. I hate with him more what he's done to me."
"After how they were treated after that Today Show performance, I can understand how they would want the whole world to burn."
"I feel so free right now, and I resent the Democratic Party right now."
"The nice guy will begin to become bitter or hostile when their romantic interests chooses someone else."
"The truth about pain is... it begins to seep into every area of our life... resentment does not stay localized... you really do have to let it go or else the beauty that God puts right in front of your eyes will be missed."
"Resentment is always an indication of something about me."
"You do not want to go through your life holding on to any feelings of regret or resentment."
"Grudges are garbage. Grudges are fucking garbage."
"If you're never going to forgive him then you're the one taking the poison pill hoping he's gonna die or he's gonna be affected."
"Now you don't have an organizing principle what do we have? Well, we have social disunity because nothing unites us."
"When you decide to use your gifts for yourself, to profit off of your gifts in a way that they are not the person who receives kind of the bag of the coin off of it, they're pissed." - Hugo
"People don't want anyone to be above them in any way."
"Letting people do things to you that you know will make you resent them as well, it's hard not to do that."
"When he pursues you for two years, he's not building love, he's building resentment because a man wants a woman who will confirm his interest in her within the first three months."
"It kept my mouth shut for 25 years now that you're back I want you to go to Tulsa not exactly the welcome I was expecting."
"We died whilst you all got fat and rich you greedy."
"If I was a better person, I could be that when we see a better version of ourselves in someone else who struggled with our problems but did better than we did, that creates so much hatred."
"Flitter hated Fluttershy for being the strongest pony in the world."
"Unforgiveness is a poison you drink hoping the other person will get sick."
"When she says this, Ryan basically says that Harris is dog water. He's dead to him. He's never going to talk to him again. He's going to take that to the grave with him, his hatred for Harris."
"Somebody really hates that you've changed, that you're no longer who you were in the past."
"Resentment is not good for the body politic."
"I'm sick of being treated like garbage. You don't treat candy like you treat me. Why do you have to treat me so poorly? What did I do wrong?"
"I feel resentment towards people that can't help themselves and resentment towards people that are fully capable and still ask for freebies."
"You always were a condescending prick even back then." - Koken
"I'm not sorry for the things I said. You know you deserved it."
"I'm glad she's suffering. I'm glad that she doesn't get to be a mother if she tormented me for years."
"Your sister bullied you for your entire life and then expects you to do her a favor, give me a break."
"Resentment is holding you back from so many more beautiful things."
"All this punishment is gonna do is further drive the resentment."
"You collect resentments though if you don't express your emotions and your feelings."
"They deserved it, you can tell he's still holding on to his bitterness toward Michael."
"Your heart is free from resentment towards others."
"I wish only pain on that girl's mother... she does not deserve to ever be granted with the privilege of such a name."
"He taking away their abundance or whatever the [__] they got."
"They know that you're angry or you resent them in some way."
"Over two years of resentment bleeding through his knife thrusts."
"You're healing and good things are happening for you and that's what they're upset about."
"Expectations are premeditated resentments."
"Once unbottled, mass resentment can poison the very fabric of society, replacing ambition with envy, replacing tolerance with hate."
"The only person you're hurting by holding on to resentment is yourself."
"He hated that Frieza could just be born into a position of power the way he was and never train a day in his life for it."
"It's a gift that we give ourselves not to hold on to things like that, hold on to any resentment."
"I resent having my family called a hostage situation."
"You hold on to things, and it turns into a grudge that you really don't even realize you're holding."
"Hello, Scott. I haven't seen you my whole life. I hate you."
"We either decide to go through the gate of resentment, which leads to vengeance, which leads to self-harm, which leads to harm to others, or we go through the gate of forgiveness, which leads to grace."
"Meritocratic hubris has been a tremendous source of the grievance against Elites."
"I have major beef with miserable jealous people because for some reason they have been my cross to bear for the entirety of my existence."
"Holding on to resentments only poisons you."
"That's some petty [__], you're on top of the world and you're dishing out jealousy."
"Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping someone else dies."
"I'm just so angry, well it's just the nerve of her."
"Resentment and contempt are the biggest contributors to problems in a relationship."
"I had a lot of resentment to Korean culture until later on in my life when I really appreciated it."
"Relationships where one or both parties settle are often filled with resentment, disrespect, communication gaps, and a lack of intimacy."
"Rather than voicing it, we'll just be pissed off about it instead."
"That's like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die."
"I felt hatred, pure revengeful bitter hate for social, for the experiment, for the other participants."
"This person may be holding on to pain or resentment."
"This person hates it, they hate that you're doing well for yourself"
"You're not holding a grudge. They didn't apologize to you. These angers are completely founded."
"A marriage without love leaves you open to resentment, and that can only be contained for so long."
"we the masses the lower classes are the consumers with whatever whatever contempt disgust the upper classes have towards us it stems from fear and resentment they need us and they know it and they resent it"
"He blamed his mother for always stopping him from practicing his powers, suggesting that if she had let him, he might have been able to save Hu before Kung Hun did."
"The most dangerous thing for the spirit, the most corrupting influence possible, is the influence of resentment."
"The good life is the opposite of a resentful life."
"The resentment that hardworking people now have for those who deliberately choose not to work is enormous."
"I learned on iowas was I learned how to forgive myself and everybody else. Except one divorced lawyer. And I still hate that [ __ ]."
"Slowly we awoke from a trance-like state to become conscious of an infernal hatred for those who had forced us into this misery."
"I hated my parents, they ignored me 24/7 because they were famous actors."
"It just burns me up to think that we're up here working while he's downstairs in our house chilling."
"Anger is a resource but can turn into bitterness and resentment if it stays around too long."
"The biggest battle now that we would have to face is that the niche and cost concept of resentment."
"It's important to not hold on to resentment in this connection because maybe both of you have a tendency to kind of hold on to things longer than you should or build resentments up."
"I love her. I hate the idiot who ruined both of our lives. I know this isn't her fault, and I hate that I feel like crap no matter what I do."
"I feel like my family are angry for me to eventually just hand my daughter back over as if I was just a temporary filler for my sister which will obviously never happen."
"There's a resentment, especially because this person feels like they got left behind."
"A marriage without love leaves you open to resentment."
"Excellent people wouldn't be filled with resentment and envy because mostly when they tried to exercise a human power they would be able to ad meet their need."
"Resentment is the poison that you take in order to kill somebody else."
"They see you as triumphing, they're angry about that."
"I completely understand if Taylor holds a grudge against that [ __ ]. I would still holdin' gr till I die till I [Music] die."
"Forgiveness is perhaps the most healing thing that you can do to remove the low energies of resentment and revenge from your life completely."
"Basically, you can decide to hold a grudge and live in the past and grind and grind and grind and grind, and it's only going to create suffering."
"They see you moving forward and it upsets them."
"I got a feeling I'll be adding that name to the ever-expanding people I can never forgive list."
"I was only planning to stay there until the lockdown was relaxed but I just can't bear to listen to my mom's nagging about how this baby is a blessing and that I want to kill it"
"...the most damaging relationship... is the resentment, the anger... is the kind of biological marker, physiological marker that tells us when our needs are going unmet or when our boundaries are being crossed or being violated."
"I snapped at her and told her, 'The day of your funeral I'll probably wear the brightest red dress I have in my closet because I will never mourn your loss, on the contrary, I'll celebrate when that happens.'"
"If she wanted to be a single mother, yeah, okay, that is because the husband will only resent her."
"Josh dobs is the physical embodiment of why life isn't fair."
"Make her full of resentment towards Gisele... you would have a much more interesting relationship between Gisele and Morgan."
"It's easy to be resentful when you're looking up at something that you wish to have, for sure."
"The feeling that we can't do that is deeply painful, it causes lots amounts of frustration and resentment that can sit inside of us and linger and kind of ruin our attitude towards life sometimes."
"The resentments are so big. I mean, it's the music that comes from all that."
"You made me go through them, dress me up as a decoy, keeping me around the house, making me do dumb stuff."
"To listen to your resentment is one of the best things you can possibly do. Resentment only means one of two things."
"...he also reportedly said a transphobic slur which he later apologized for Brendan also eventually did fire the security guard that was accused of this harassment but it seems that Dallin weeks still Harbors some hard feelings..."
"So many simmers still harbor a lot of resentment towards a franchise and a company that they once used to love."
"You backstabbing [ __ ]! After all I've done for you!"
"To say that James was livid was an understatement she felt robbed her hard work and creativity stolen and repackaged for a white audience."
"She's got every right to feel pretty pissed off about that one."
"The feeling of Abandonment when your parent chooses their younger half-sibling over them is real and you don't forget it easily nor is it something that can be reasoned with often it leads to long-running resentment."
"Resentment, fear, anger, hatred... you drink the poison, but you expect somebody else to die."
"I hold a lot of resentment to him, I talked to him like he already knew that [__] when I finally forgave him, I forgave him and then two days later he passed away."
"Expectations are resentments in the making."
"A lifetime of resentment will soon end in tragedy."
"Being loved by no one and resented by the rest of the world."
"...I was running on anger and hate for the last 10 years."
"Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others."
"I just hate the people who hate him."
"When there is an abundance of something, there's no value and there is actually the presence of resentment."
"I will never forget this. Mark my words. I will kill you and that old man one day. I will never forgive you."
"Probably a little resentment maybe more than anything on Steve's part, I don't know."
"All these little moments really started to build that resentment."
"The animosity rooted in deep-seated resentment extended beyond the glitz of movie sets to the racetracks, intensifying their rivalry."
"If you let the resentment continue to grow, it will destroy you."
"Slowly I started to sense an undercurrent of resentment by the kids being forced to visit with their father."
"Don't be that guy. Don't go in there with a chip on your shoulder."
"Lazy people have resentment and envy towards those who accomplish something."
"I never resented that in what respect then was your husband cruel to you madam? He didn't consider my feelings."
"I hate you," Abby said. "I will hate you until the day you die," probably Gwen agreed. "But at that point, it will be your problem, not mine."
"Philip confesses to Elizabeth that he resents their son Charles outranking him."
"He treats me like that, and that really bothers me."
"Because she carried the hostility from me and carried on to my child."
"What she did is villainous. What she did is worse than cheating. This is heartbreaking, and I can't help but hate her."
"They ruined eight years of my life till I became an adult. What future birthdays with them can I possibly look forward to?"
"Shift your consciousness to shift reality; let go of past resentments."
"I have resentment so much towards him for not having a father figure in my life and him denying me for 31 years. It was the worst growing up like that."
"Someone is easily bothered at the fact that they can't set you up to fail. In fact, this is someone who is very belligerent about the fact that they are holding a grudge against you."
"Eff her! I'm no fool, she's hooking up with guys. She looks good, she'll have zero problem getting men."
"The audacity of her putting that! My word! I'm barely making it paying two cars, a mortgage, household bills, insurance, hoping there are no emergencies because I have no savings, and she's enjoying her trip. Eff her!"