
Societal Support Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Who will exhibit charity, compassion, and kindness for the forgotten and the downtrodden?"
"In the decades since, concepts like socialism, labor unions, universal health care, and universal basic income have gained the kind of support in this country and elsewhere that was previously unseen."
"Shared responsibility is essential, and there's also only so much that society can do. At some point, the individual has to start taking responsibility."
"The broader portion of society supports the middle class, supports the workers, the backbone of society."
"Now more than ever, we need to stay connected, and thankfully we have tools that can help."
"Thank goodness we've got the NHS because that means that everybody knows that the system, society as a whole, if you like, will be doing everything we can to help people according to clinical need, not according to any other consideration."
"We need a society that really supports children and babies and mothers, and parents at a young age."
"We're not asking for handouts; we're asking for a lifeline."
"The role of government should be to sort of find a place where the positives of ownership society and individualism and entrepreneurship can exist but be tempered by the understanding that we have more than enough resources to make sure that nobody gets left behind at the bottom."
"Saying to people on an individual level, 'don't do drugs, study hard for your test, get married before you have kids, get a job'... it's easy to say that to people and I think that without supporting social institutions that reinforce that nearly every day and make it part of the culture that surrounds you, it's very difficult for people to live that."
"A person's not born homeless; a person eventually gets there, and we're still not spending enough time figuring out how to help that person before they get to that endpoint."
"These people are our neighbors, our children, somebody's son, mother, daughter, father, who've fallen into crisis, and I don't believe we give up."
"Universal Basic Income is not a silver bullet that would solve all our problems, but it would raise the floor."
"I think this is the time we should help the needy people."
"The people that are here, the people that are for freedom, the people that want their lives back, the people that see the lies that are happening and how our lives are controlled, they're for each other. Everyone is supported, everyone is helping each other."
"There is something that has to be done on a higher, more systemic level to be able to compensate and help meet people where they're at."
"Once you give people a fair race, once you give people a free education, once you give people free healthcare, once you give people a living wage, once you give people an opportunity, well then you can fairly say in a society that is somewhat of a meritocracy in a social democratic setting, 'Hey, it's on you now.'"
"We are not facing it alone. We are all taking part in a collective national effort to protect the vulnerable and each other."
"When you fall on hard times, we will all, as one society, be there for you to take care of you until you are once again ready to take care of yourself and others."
"When you end prohibition you make it easier for people to come forth without fear who want help with their habit or their addiction."
"These people need community and they need to feel safe."
"Maintaining the golden age ensured Hatshepsut the support and loyalty she needed to rule."
"It's there to look after people through thick and thin."
"Society is going to take care of you, no matter what problem you have."
"I'm cool with giving free money to people that are lazy yes I'm also cool with rewarding people that work hard but how do you then where does the money come from to pay the lazy people?"
"President Putin created a society largely supporting the current activities."
"If anyone out there is thinking somewhat clearly about feeling a little bit more safe when they walk down the street, they should be in favor of universal basic income."
"Should it be supported in this country, that people who are unwilling to work should be paid not to work? Absolutely not."
"People with mental health sometimes make mistakes and they should be able to have a second chance."
"If we're genuinely trying to help people overcome the delusions of grandeur and, you know, overcome these conspiracies that they buy into, they have to have mental health care."
"What we need to do is make sure that communities have the resources they need to prevent crime from happening."
"Equality aims to promote fairness but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same help."
"Certain goods are still provided... by the government."
"God bless our police departments, God bless our police."
"Thank you to all our key workers and unsung heroes."
"Let's start helping people up and getting the help that they need instead of thriving off their downfall."
"If we made it easier on parents, especially new mothers, to actually raise their children, we would have much happier families."
"We really need to make sure we are building an infrastructure for every single person to get the care that they need."
"We have to recognize back to that earlier point people aren't starting out on the same base in terms of their ability to succeed and so we have got to recognize that and give people the lift up."
"It's okay to get help. It always is okay to get help."
"What separates civil society from uncivil society is that people who are wealthy do their share to make sure other people have basic needs met."
"Everyone is pulling for David, right? You're hardwired to have that kind of affiliation."
"People that have money we haven't been suffering but people that are really the backbone of our country the whole backbone of what is made made America what it is today they're the ones that are really hurting."
"By golly, let's face it, we need to make sure that Middle America stays the strength of our country and the only way that's going to happen is if we can do something to really pay attention to the problems they have."
"No one in America should feel forgotten right now."
"Every time it happens, the safety net needed for people to survive has to go up."
"Support the things we believe in, support our educational system."
"Happily, just at the time we need that, we are getting some serious help."
"We're all on our own now without a safety net."
"You can have some advantages in life... still need help."
"We need to walk side-by-side with people who are hurting."
"What you have done is to demonstrate that although the military is independent it is the wall support of the people."
"We should help the people that can't help themselves, but we don't need to help the people that can."
"We can't abandon those who are hurting right now."
"Hopefully it takes a lot of pressure off Working Families where every dollar counts and you know I think that's a testament to all the work that has been done and it's important to acknowledge it and I love seeing also on another note."
"If the most prestigious elitist positions were making sacrifices, it'd be easier for people to get behind."
"We need a proletariat revolution. We need A1 support neutral aid. And I want to leave with that."
"The welfare system... will be stronger for people to provide as bigger safety net for as many people as is practically possible."
"It's not just military, it's we're going to help you in terms of health, we're going to help you in terms of economics, we're going to try to work with you in terms of education."
"You need a government big enough to handle problems like this."
"We sit here screaming in this country that we pay blood sweat tears tax dollars everything to support we need help."
"You've got to fight back, the people want you."
"We now have the capability to provide a decent standard of living for every man, woman, and child."
"Even if someone has some sort of mental illness or condition, they do deserve proper treatment."
"Black women being happy, black women being successful, black women being loved, black women having joy, black women supporting each other, black women having supportive partners, black women having the life they deserve."
"In a cold reality where nothing is handed to you on a plate and the utter void where we perceive a karmic system to be often leaves us dried and calloused, we look to each other for anchors."
"We have to provide solutions that we can trust among our people."
"Why not be touched that someone feels compelled to try to help somebody out?"
"there's a lot of talented black people that are doing the right things and I think that it's very important for us to support them and acknowledge them and because you know I think that this type of work is getting the exposure it deserves"
"America loves to shout out first responders but guess what ain't no America if you ain't got frontline workers." - Roland Martin
"It's important to know when you don't have the skills to raise a baby. Instead of shaming people, we should say, 'Oh, good for you.'"
"There were individuals who challenged and supported the social order... you get these whole groups of thinkers."
"We have to still look out for each other in this country."
"I have almost no interest in personal responsibility. I think if you give people technical knowledge and you give people income and opportunity, most people want to be healthy and live good lives."
"Social security outweighs charity for disadvantaged."
"This is a place for the government to step in."
"Never thought we'd have to bring out that number from a poll but just you know 95 of people support interracial marriage."
"Black people don't have anyone to protect them. Most other people have a country and a flag that will come to protect them. For the most part, we don't."
"If you believe black people, people of color in this country should have equal rights, you have to be supporting them having equal access to health care, jobs, opportunities."
"Canadians are hurting, and it is our job to transform that hurt into hope."
"We're behind many other countries in providing for working families, the elderly, and children. Now is the time to begin addressing our physical infrastructure and our human infrastructure." - Bernie Sanders
"All you're left with is hopefully there's somebody at the other end of 9-1-1 that has a better idea than sending a police officer with a gun to help you in your time of need."
"Life is hard enough with all of the illness and accident and heartbreak for government to be compounding the misfortunes of life with the injustice of denying people access to health care when they get sick."
"We're one nation and when anyone hurts, we all hurt together."
"We need a world that has compassion that provides some of the things that the poorest of the poor cannot provide on their own."
"But I think there are people who aren't able to pay their bills... If people felt comfortable staying home and not working if they knew that they were taken care of, I think that this would be less of an issue."
"Public policy should help people thrive... not make it easier for those who already have Capital."
"Many people are struggling and need this stimulus check."
"Accept the assistance, don't be ashamed, everyone needs help at some point in their life."
"It's just an idea, but it's a vision of a world where society supports rather than challenges fitness."
"It is going to help people who have been on the edge for a very, very long time."
"I want to lift up people that feel like they're being denigrated by society... whether it's trans or gay people."
"Paid leave, childcare, it's infrastructure for a reason because it is essential."
"Wherever you have 60 or 70 of the population that support one vision of tomorrow and you have 20 or 30 percent of the population that supports status quo or very different group of tomorrow it's never game over."
"One of the facets of that community is we need to build up the pillars of our society."
"The societies were set up to try to help people overcome their weaknesses."
"There's nothing wrong with the seed. Simply society didn't give the space, like everybody else has, to grow as tall as everybody else."
"If you can build as a society a more supporting environment and if someone does fall off the wagon, how do you help them get back?"
"We've got to play a role to support people in what will be the largest and fastest transition that mankind has ever gone through."
"Receiving TANF is a citizen's right. Any one of us could need it someday due to illness or an accident."
"The pandemic has underscored the power of technology in helping companies and governments and families get through this."
"Young men are not evil; young men are in need of guidance and support."
"The tax code is not your enemy; it was written to grow the economy, boost jobs, provide affordable housing, and promote many initiatives that the government relies on to provide for its citizens."
"Why do we think giving people enough money to survive is crazy if we as a society have the resources to provide a secure financial floor?"
"A libertarian society says those that are able to help generally will, especially in a time of stress."
"Every developed country in the world has a social safety net."
"We would provide much longer parental leave."
"The government has a role in the world, it has a part to play in the order of things, and that is to aid and assist and provide a floor for human flourishing."
"It is partly on the individual to manage the individual's life, and it is partly on society to make reasonable accommodations that overcome arbitrary impediment which is unjust."
"The government should do more for people who are struggling."
"Good marriages... that's why we get tax benefits, health insurance benefits, all these benefits."
"Most people come out of prison, they do need something to fall back on and get reacclimated to society."
"It's about how we as a society can help each other."
"A one-year-old baby can't survive without the love of its mother or society."
"Everyone struggles with their mental health and I think we need to be open about it."