
Culinary Skills Quotes

There are 973 quotes

"Ingredients don't aspire to have the best ingredients, aspire to be the best chef."
"The ideal consistency for frostings when making a smooth frosted cake is mayonnaise consistency."
"Fine dining training can apply to anything that you're making, even a simple hamburger, as we know from 'The Menu.'"
"No matter who you are, male or female, if you know how to cook, you're instantly someone's BAE."
"It's all about tasting, adapting, adjusting, and overcoming those little hurdles and then we learn from them and we move on."
"To be a true MasterChef, you need to be able to work fast and with precision, but above all, you must be organized."
"You won't make better food by simply purchasing the best soy sauce; you'll make better food by mastering the soy sauce you have."
"They have mastered the art of making vegetables taste good, which is so important when it comes to vegetarian cooking."
"Considering no thought went into the dish, it is a well-thought-out dish."
"Maybe if I learn how to make vegetables taste good, I can eat amazing delicious food and not feel guilty."
"No disrespect, the man was a god in his kitchen, and I learned so much there."
"This is the worst jollof I ever made in my life." - Contestant
"The focus is on premium ingredients, artistry, technique, and creativity."
"When it comes to plating up delicious meals... humans have gotten pretty darn successful at putting food on the table."
"That's just a masterful combination of rich, complex Indian flavors."
"Cutting an onion quickly isn't as important as cutting it precisely."
"If you put that determination that you put on that dance floor last night, in the kitchen, trust me, you'll be untouchable here."
"You owe it to yourself to have multiple streams of revenue."
"Natsuki makes the best cupcakes, that works out perfectly."
"Taste a lot, taste often and ask yourself, 'Does this taste 5% better than it did before I added the pinch of salt or that little splash of acidity?'"
"I know I'm a strong chef, my flavor profile is always spot-on, and I am a very big team player."
"Preservation is probably one of the subjects that I have really become obsessed with in culinary school."
"If you like your mother, take her out for brunch. But if you love your mother, you make her quiche."
"Your dish was the best tortellini of the night."
"The pandemic response by The Who and the national governments should be a cautionary Tale."
"In terms of texture, it gives us this glossy unctuous mouth meal."
"As a chef, one of the biggest kicks I get is taking an ingredient that doesn't cost much and turning into something that looks and tastes like a million bucks."
"Learning to salt by taste is the number one skill of any cook or chef."
"Adding easy and versatile dishes like this to your repertoire is what cooking at home is all about."
"Teaching you everything from how to cook with chili and spice to baking real fast food and my ultimate feast recipes."
"The golden rules for producing fantastic food is learning to cook with confidence."
"Spices are a brilliant way to add an extra layer and a depth of complexity to any dish. Learning to use them properly will really improve your cooking."
"There's no question about it they've now trained their palate."
"I'm not a chef, I've not been to culinary school, I am a student of the internet."
"He's gonna get so good at it you're gonna be able to kick the [__] out of any any takeout in your town."
"If you hunt, you should never have a family member that says, 'I don't eat venison.' If you follow these steps, they're gonna love it."
"Once I found those key ingredients, it became pretty effortless. I actually found myself wanting to go."
"Look at these stunners, that fold method is what is key."
"I love the way that the sugar really deepens the red color of raspberry jam... there's just an endless possibility."
"My goal this year is to try to make 100% of my own hot sauce."
"I think your approach to the source this time around I think the leaning on the dairy more uh I think was a good move even if it was not the right move give yourself 90."
"Cooking experts will always make food taste better."
"Controlling the temperature of your water is paramount to mastering and experimenting with tea brewing."
"Thank you for being vulnerable and existential and honestly putting together a heck of a last meal that challenged the team and really popped on camera."
"The nice part about working with buttercream is you can be so creative in adding little embellishments like these."
"Gordon Ramsay didn't get to where he was just by screaming in front of a camera, he got there through practice and experience."
"Each time I make like the ravioli, I'm improving every time."
"How do we avoid spaghetti and make a perfectly crafted meal?"
"She loved to cook and took pride in inviting over friends to taste her latest creations."
"Adding those fresh herbs really amps this recipe up and it kind of tastes like you're at a professional Italian restaurant."
"I really focus on that intensity of flavor because what you want when you're having a little bite is you want that punch."
"Foodies unite was enacted in our neighborhood. Under the foodies unite nap, members of the community will be rewarded influence by exercising their tasty skills by cooking. Well, isn't that pleasant?"
"Big key lesson: properly render all the fat out."
"I can sleep like a baby tonight knowing that this recipe is safe and that only me, Patty, and Diego have access to it."
"It's crazy how a lot of things you make at home you can generally make taste better than when you go out and eat."
"This challenge really forced me to get creative with my recipes."
"I'm very ambitious, motivated, self-driven, fun to be around, and I can cook really good."
"Finally ready to roast in a 450-degree oven for about 10 minutes or so."
"An amazing chocolate and pistachio semi-freddo."
"The mystery box is where we find out who can cook and who can't cook."
"Do you think there's one technique you need to master in the kitchen to make great food at home? If so, which technique?"
"We have access to ingredients but that's not where it stops."
"Once people are done eating my dish I want them to be like all right just a dash of salt."
"Respect the value of mise en place - everything in its place."
"Each meal is cooked from scratch from real chefs using the freshest ingredients."
"Is this the perfect Chinese takeout meal at home?"
"You have the things in front of us that you need to make it."
"I love the way they flip them with the spatula. Okay, here we go! Oh my gosh!"
"Cooking is something that there's always something new to learn. There's always new ingredients, there's always new spices, there's always new cooking techniques that you don't know existed."
"Start with the basics and know what's important... know your ingredients."
"Motivation and discipline are often put on opposite ends of the spectrum, but why not both?"
"Culinary literacy is essential for a plant-based lifestyle."
"The cheese needs to go into the sauce, it needs to emulsify."
"It's just an honor to learn from the greatest, I am so much better at cooking than when I arrived here."
"We found slicing it against the grain was giving us the most success."
"Whole hog is like the holy grail because it is very easy to mess it up."
"She say she could cook we going to see about that."
"The key for flaky pie crust is always keep everything cold."
"I'm amazed that you've actually managed to create the main course and the sorbet. Surprisingly good."
"Learn how to cook, it will holistically improve your life."
"Follow recipes in other languages, learn food words and give commands."
"And bingo that is a c-plus rolled burrito right there."
"Our whole goal here is to explain this in such a way that you can make this for yourself at home any time you feel like it."
"You want to make sure that when you cut these, you cut them real even, you want a nice even stake."
"If you want to be a chef, you want to be good at cleaning, you want to be good at like actually cooking, you also want to know about spices."
"I love to cook, I do some bomb cooking videos."
"The best way to enhance your skills, to learn new techniques, to understand new flavor profiles and different combinations of ingredients, is to really go deep and study different cuisines."
"There's no perfect way to cook anything but there are some good techniques that will help you execute really good tasting food."
"Most of cooking is just paying attention, honing in on your skills, and improving."
"This video completely changed how I think about onions."
"Hopefully this video kind of demystified barbecue or made it much more approachable as a beginner's guide for all the home cooks out there."
"The most important element to making great barbecue at home is not the dry rub, some secret barbecue sauce, or a specific kind of wood smoke."
"I'm very affectionate, I'm honest, I'm funny, I'm gonna make you laugh, I could cook."
"Test of a good eggs benedict is that when you break that poached egg, ah, that egg yolk should run."
"The calamari is cooked perfectly, still very, very moist, very delicate."
"The pinkness of the veal in the center is spot on."
"Nailed the cooking here. The color is perfect."
"The kitchen is a space where you can change your life."
"Pork's a very tough meat to get right, hammer's overcooked, nothing worse, dry."
"Anyone can cook. Yeah, the only guy here with an attitude problem is the head chef."
"Holidays are my favorite time to cook and I have a bunch of dope recipes for holiday dishes but I'm also really good at making guacamole so I couldn't decide."
"Extra firm tofu holds its shape really well and it's great for slicing, cubing, pan-frying, stir-frying, and deep-frying."
"Gordon scrambled eggs are incredibly light, scrambled eggs served with toast roasted vine tomatoes and grilled mushrooms."
"Hanger steak isn't exactly easy to cook, even Chef Ramsay said so."
"Because you don't want to take pieces that are too thick."
"I'm not your typical 19 year old cook. People totally underestimate me."
"For the first time in a long time, you were not only the voice but you held the reins in that kitchen."
"The truth is, the more you bake, the more you absolutely know by just the feel and look of the bread."
"Yui's cooking was delicious, everyone praised Yuiya for his delicious cuisine."
"Flight, my biggest hater but also my biggest supporter. My wings look better, taste better, and presented better than your hot fryer."
"Your wings or any food is fire if you don't even have to use sauce."
"I learned to cook out of respect to both the eater and the eaten."
"The key with tortillas is to roll them out until they are paper thin."
"My mom made the absolute best gumbo and I've spent the last 10 years trying to get it right."
"To be a world-class Chef, you must be proficient in a number of techniques."
"It's bigger they could easily overcook it but luckily the chef has actually been working here for many many many years paying for that experience here y'all that's perfectly cooked super fresh sweet and delicious."
"Travis: Nick and Kristin nailed it. They asked Chipa to leave it with the cheeseburgers, and she did it."
"I think Gordon's to love the fact that I'm a perfectionist with fine dining."
"It's all well and good having the ingredients to make a five-star kind of Michelin star meal but if you don't have the skills and the know-how to craft it you're not going to be as good as Gordon Ramsay."
"I'm always trying to perfect my recipes for y'all because I just want y'all to be happy."
"We're cooking food now, okay? Not reheating it."
"The most important risotto you've made in your [ __ ] life."
"The secret of having fun in the kitchen is to know what to do with the ingredients."
"Check out Meat Church and I do recommend all the products because you can go to certain places and get recipes for your own rubs, which I respect, the make your own rub game, but it's easier to just buy your own rub."
"You can get those up to really incredible temperatures and if you're making a neapolitan style pizza, well, you're gonna need super high temperatures for something like a neapolitan pie."
"He's cooking like crazy. Stefan Diggs turned into Stefan Dougtrio Diggs."
"This is really propelling Lee to MasterChef level."
"Learn the skill of properly sharpening your knife for life."
"Making wine at home is no more or less safe than cooking at home. You can poison somebody just as easily by cooking as you can by winemaking."
"You can make it pretty non-stick. That's what seasoning is."
"You do not need expensive kitchen tools to make great food."
"People who have developed a good lifelong relationship with health have also learned to enjoy cooking."
"The secret to being a chef is that it's not magic."
"I have outdone myself today... this is magnificent."
"You're an excellent cook. This is a nice compliment, especially for someone who enjoys cooking. If you say 'you're an excellent cook,' it means you enjoyed their food."
"Cooking is a very simple equation: It's about ingredients and execution."
"Honestly, we were really impressed with your effort and we were even more impressed by your lack of any kind of skills in the kitchen."
"The seasonings all the flavor cooked on that grill is perfect."
"Cooking shouldn't be a woman thing. Like, if I was really trying to get a good meal or whatever, who's busier?"
"Making a roux is the most important step in making a gumbo."
"Keep it really, really simple and you can make restaurant quality recipes."
"Let me take you down to the kitchen and show you how to make this because you're definitely gonna want to know how."
"Mastering the dish takes a lot of work, but it can be easy to make."
"When it feels tender, when it feels like butter, and I know I'm done."
"That is how you cook and slice a delicious brisket."
"All the recipes, I don't have one that I have not liked yet."
"Charlene used a rolling cut to make the dough mask into individual dumpling discs."
"It's a mixture of everything... the seasoning, the cooking technique, and the passion."
"I'm a strong chef I know I'm a damn good leader our big brother is gone somebody's got to fill those shoes and I'm ready for it."
"The king of all rice is light fluffy delicious and I'm going to show you how to cook it perfectly."
"You don't have to travel to Italy or wait in line; you can make what is one of the world's most famous sandwiches objectively at home anytime."
"Great pasta isn't about making food taste salty, it's about enhancing existing flavors."
"He cooked for her, he made her a seafood lasagna while they drank a bottle of wine together."
"And don't even get me started on the amazingly flavorful easy-to-make pork filling."
"Once you start learning how to make recipes well, you start to establish a base of skills."
"That was quite possibly one of the best pasta dishes I have ever made myself."
"This is the kind of thing that you've got to mix together just to make it just right."
"Prohibited: getting good ingredients is also the skill of a chef."
"I love it, my own cooking, who would have known?"
"Toyota makes appliances. They basically make fridges on wheels."
"Acidic ingredient can draw out other flavors in your dish and unlock different dimensions."
"Layer flavors at various stages in the cooking process... it gives you the ability to detect problems in the dish when they're still small."
"By tasting as you go, you'll get better and better over time at learning when a dish is lacking a certain flavor or element."
"The very first vegetable that I ever learned how to properly cuts and dices is a bell pepper."
"I feel like I am 50 times better of a chef after coming here."
"There's an element of like does that mean I'm a great cook fanboy because I bought a segment."
"Learning to cook from scratch is just as important as learning to garden."
"I don't want you to learn a recipe so you can only do one thing one way."
"This was a little example of just kind of like whipping it together."
"This is true craftsmanship. To be a Sashimi Chef, this is not just about speed, this is about precision and quality."
"We all beast in the kitchen, that's why we're here still. You know I'm saying? So yeah, I say we execute a flawless dinner service."
"Wow, that's got a lot of flavor. Nice job, dude."
"Learn how to make bread this year. Bread is not hard to make."
"I guarantee you in every single situation I've been in when I make my own salad dressing people think I'm unique and cooler."
"That golden brown crust? That is flavor, friends!"
"Once that was achieved I immediately went in with the butter, garlic, and thyme."
"Replicating this silky Seafood creation demands Flawless technique, texture, and consistency."
"If you can make these five sauces and get these down there's nothing you can't do in the kitchen."
"Attention to detail turns chaos into calm in the kitchen."
"You really are a very talented chef. The flavor is so unique."
"The proof is in the pudding. I told you I can cook."
"This coconut curry is stud, there's no comparison in terms of flavors, in terms of execution, in terms of, you know, palette."
"You are the top 22 home cooks across America. One of you standing here will be America's next MasterChef."
"This is the best brisket I ever cooked, period."
"I should be a chef, like I'm five star with the shits."
"For people who came in today and didn't know much about cheese and pairing and how to build a plate like that, I think you did a really wonderful job."
"The best advice I give to anyone... is to master one recipe at a time."
"There are a couple of little tips and tricks and some ingredients here to get the flavors totally on point."
"The biggest flex is when you know how to cook."
"Now you saw the liquid come together and then it kind of coalesced into the center making a really nice beautiful shot."
"You've become such a gourmet cook over the top."
"Follow your instincts in the kitchen and it will get you far."
"Stocks are full of flavor and essential for great food."
"And it just feels normal again, like you still see people in New York with masks but I would say it used to be, I don't know, let's say eight out of ten people had masks on."
"The crisp on the outside and light on the inside is a skill as much as it is an art."
"Being able to cook easily, speeding up that process is gonna appeal to a lot of people."
"She made some of the best chili ever ate my life. And she made a pony cornbread."
"You have permission to adjust your temperature throughout the entire cooking process."
"If you make a macaron right you've won life."
"Every time the wife cooks and it looks good, I tell her it's Fire and Desire."