
Discourse Quotes

There are 1349 quotes

"Goodwill discourse is at the heart of any free society and has led to the development of the greatest ideas."
"The answer to bad speech has always been better speech."
"The most important aspects of the longevity of any civilization... include you into our inner thoughts, our conversations, and our journey so far on how to educate our kids."
"If there is a God that wants to make itself known, it can show up right here on the show and broadcast alongside of us."
"I believe in honest discussion and no hate towards anybody."
"Just because they are the loudest in the room doesn't make them right."
"There's such a short supply of racism... we've had to expand what is racism."
"This has always been a taboo topic, so I think the current discourse...is endlessly interesting."
"There is a history of debating within Muslim societies... There were debates that happened historically."
"Heavenly Mother is not mentioned very much in any of the writings of religion."
"You're entitled to your own opinion, not entitled to your own facts."
"We need to develop spaces of trust where we can engage with ideas."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you get to say things and then people aren't allowed to say anything about what you just said."
"Your opinion might differ, and I think that's kind of the point."
"Recognize just how hard it is to find the truth, so we have to all tone down our certainty."
"That's why I don't use the word 'toxic masculinity' or 'male privilege' when I'm talking to especially red pillers because that word will immediately produce an emotional interaction that will shut down the rational part of their brain."
"The alternative to discourse is conflict, like physical outright physical conflict."
"If we're going to have discourse about these heavy topics, these issues which affect so many people from across the world, we should do so empathetically, smartly, and knowing what the words we are saying means."
"I'm not interested in easy dunks on people. I'm interested instead in getting my words and ideas correct."
"Not everyone who disagrees with you is a pedo, and not everyone who agrees with you is necessarily a great person."
"Politics is the solutions business. Politics is the place you're supposed to go to discuss a problem and then come up with an answer."
"Are you a feminist? Let me know, and by what definition of feminists are you a feminist because I feel like there's a million."
"It's vital to debate and hear differing opinions."
"The proper level of analysis for political discourse is predicated on the sanctity of the individual."
"There has to be open discourse, otherwise, the truth doesn't come out."
"It's okay to stir the pot a little bit. That's how civil society should work, people should exchange ideas."
"Queerness as a whole... having an open discourse about queerness where the messaging was not directed to straight people was refreshing."
"I really want to share my point because it's not a point that I want to start arguments with; it's points that I truly believe."
"We need to have the ability to talk with it and understand why it's wrong rather than just take it for granted."
"A prevailing idea is a prevailing idea, and if that prevailing idea is stupid, it should be challenged."
"We want to find the thinkers that seem most earnest and most well-educated and thoughtful across the space."
"I'm here because I want to talk about ideas right and these ideas transcend me and they transcend this time."
"It's so difficult to find any good, meaningful discourse around sex online."
"Christians either can fall into two extremes where we feel like we have to disengage utterly from this discussion or we become a mirror image of ideologues."
"Words mean things, folks. And in the realm of discourse, how we express ourselves matters profoundly."
"The internet is setting discourse now, not maybe absolutely like it's been where years past that inflection point where online discourse is what's setting the tone for what our future political landscape is looking like."
"This is not about choosing a political side... please try to keep your political defenses down and just hear me out."
"I feel like we should talk about which ads are good and which ads are bad rather than all ads are bad or all ads are good."
"For those of us who do not have the privilege of embodying universal categories, I suggest we open the discourse."
"We're all entitled to our own opinion, but we're not entitled to our own facts."
"Being able to disagree with someone without it being some sort of like a personal attack just doesn't exist anymore."
"We have all this conversation about capitalism, Marie, but what we really need to be talking about is economy."
"The way to attack false speech or false political speech or core speech is with truth."
"We're citizens, and what distinguishes us as human beings from animals is that we can engage in open persuasion and discourse."
"What distinguishes us as human beings from animals is that we can engage in open persuasion and discourse."
"The people who are actually coming out now and talking about these things are immigrant men and women."
"The path to a society where we don't care about these differences can't be a matter of caring more and more about them in the meantime."
"We have to find the adults in the room somehow and get them to guide the conversation."
"Every political ideology is violent towards someone, shuts someone down, but the devil is in who and why."
"You don't get to pretend like science and religion are playing on even footing in their process for discovering the truths about reality."
"My goal with this segment is not to ridicule but rather to reach common ground."
"Thank you for providing a platform for this discussion... it's really healthy and encouraging other people to learn more and question more."
"We really need to engage each other on the basis of transparently sourced facts."
"It's a social norm, and the more we talk about this and the more we question the normality of this, then the quicker the inevitable will change."
"I encourage all of my followers to engage in open discourse and be fair, honest, and mature."
"You gotta have thick skin if you're gonna have political discourse. If you're gonna let your values be jeopardized by people treating you badly, then maybe you shouldn't be involved in politics at all."
"In an environment where bullsh*t rains, and there's too much information to absorb, people favor debate not discourse."
"The nice thing is that we are not perfect thinkers and so we engage in arguments and disagreement to find better ways to live."
"Conservatives get to walk away with 'my facts don't care about your feelings,' and it's like, oh really? Well, let's talk about trans people. Let's see how quickly your facts are."
"Civility is not about not fighting. Civility is not about agreeing. The issue is how we disagree."
"No trans women are definitely women, like chill the [__] out, what are you talking about?"
"Freedom of thought and freedom of discourse is so important for us as individuals."
"Discussing ideas in this manner by pulling them to the extremes in a combative context is especially damaging."
"What is important is that people agree not on their positions, they may not even agree as to what the facts are, but they usually agree as to what constitutes conversation."
"Having rational voices in a world of reactionaries is more relevant than ever."
"We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore."
"If there is love in your heart and you don't want to hurt people, then there should be an open discourse around that."
"Yeah, that is one of the downsides to talking about a complex, nuanced, and dangerous topic in such a blunt way."
"We've reduced our conversation to the dumbest possible point."
"There's so much to talk about and not enough time."
"If we are unable to live in a society that allows for constructive discourse even on very uncomfortable topics, then frankly, we as a society are nothing but a bunch of babies."
"We want to make sure that there are a wide variety of viewpoints."
"The study of artificial intelligence... is so important for the discourse today."
"Can you please stop watering down the term 'pedophilia' to something that actually benefits real predators?"
"It's so funny there's this phenomenon...if you agree with the outrageous thing, then you can talk about it. But if you disagree with that outrageous thing, well, you're not allowed to talk about it."
"What was politically unthinkable years ago is now the main talking point."
"It's I Told You So time, although we don't use the phrase 'I Told You So' on this program."
"What is natural beauty and how much body modification is too much is something that's super interesting, and we need to have more discourse about these types of topics."
"We have to get back to passionate but civilized discourse and respecting the fact that different people have different opinions."
"Low approval ratings can be a sign of healthy discourse."
"I'm trying to be very evidence-based; if I can't actively prove that something is the case, I'm not even gonna talk about it."
"Too many times on the internet, they demonize each other, they call each other names, they're disrespectful. But to be able to have these conversations, to benefit men, is extremely powerful."
"The way to defeat bad speech is with better speech and more speech."
"We need to preserve the possibility of good faith disagreement without dire professional consequences."
"We can't just listen to people speaking their truth from their heart because... people disagree. We have to look to data, we have to look to facts, we have to have arguments, we have to let everybody participate."
"I think the counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"I think that the counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"We're all entitled to our own opinion, but not our own facts."
"It's like, hey, you know, try to get that discourse going versus creating an echo chamber."
"You can't really divorce the idea of a woman from the biological traits of an adult human female."
"There's a material difference between criticism and harassment."
"Video essays are here to prepare. To attempt. To trace the beginning of a conversation, not the ending."
"People even those who disagreed with me respected the points made in the video and articulated their counter argument in a calm manner."
"Constructively being critical of a company's business practices is not being toxic guys."
"Remember to make arguments in favor of the things you believe because the things you believe are worth arguing for."
"We aren't just gripped by the steady stream of bile and vitriol."
"We really have to be able to discern who gets a voice and what they're able to say."
"Pedophilia is intrinsically wrong. We know this. But they come along and say maybe it's not wrong."
"Be respectful towards the people we're talking about in the videos. You may not agree with them, but understand that everybody has reasons for why they do things."
"How can we advance the country... if we can't even discuss the problems?"
"Democracy is supposed to mean an open discourse where you have representatives of the views of the public in Congressional parliamentary spaces."
"It's the same theme whether you're talking about the Anunnaki or you're talking about some of the whistleblowers talking today."
"Democracies only function if people who vote... are receptive to reality. If you're not, if you're unashamedly not, what you're essentially saying is discourse is not a tool that can be used to sway me off bad positions."
"We are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials."
"Tolerance does not mean that you embrace everything that everybody says it means you tolerate what they say."
"The idea of conversation and discourse is being shut down, curated, controlled."
"I’m not interested in like, uncritical dunking of takes I vaguely disagree with."
"It is disagreement, not conformity, that bends the long arc of humanity toward truth and wisdom."
"Debates can often be the lowest form of discourse... look at this debate not so much as a contest between two people but as a platform where ideas can be compared and contrasted."
"To me, the universities are a key element in the conversation across the generations about just exactly what a human being is."
"The worst person I know just made a really good point."
"We're not here to talk about them as people, we're talking about the ideas that they promoted."
"What she's doing is reaffirming to her audience that there's something wrong with black people, not black socioeconomic circumstances, not black cultural conditions, black people."
"Thank you Mr. Shara for all that you do with us and for us."
"We can't immediately discount these alternative voices."
"Maybe it has nothing to do with the words liberal or conservative."
"Peace is rarely spoken about and those who talk about it are even stigmatized."
"I'm uninterested in people that respond to hard questions with 'you stooge of Vladimir Putin' or 'you traitor' or 'you're lacking in patriotism'. I'm uninterested in that. I'm interested in what serves Americans first."
"As long as you're not being hateful, it shouldn't matter what your opinion is."
"We agree, disagree, and we're civil about it."
"Discourse is necessary to validate what and how one understands or to arrive at best judgments regarding belief."
"Invite people on your show that you disagree with, that discourse is very important."
"The history of my community has been invisible throughout the discourse of American identity."
"Let's try and stay there... rather than this kind of polarized shouting match between both sides."
"If I'm saying something that you disagree with, cut me off right away."
"Let's just have the conversation. Not every liberal is dumb, not all Republicans are racist."
"Every time there's somebody I disagree with, you guys assume that every single thing they're saying is wrong or bad."
"What if they're not afraid? What if they just disagree? And they think, you know, because gender has no basis in biology, about sex?"
"There's a lot of vindication coming back to asking some of these most basic questions."
"Everything important has been first conversed about... that's the first step to learning and accepting change."
"Whatever you're not allowed to discuss... is where the real interest and where the real power lies."
"Please don't get that mad in the comments section at the end of the day it's just an opinion."
"I just think intellectual honesty is really important and I want to make this about the ideas."
"Criticism of Israeli policy doesn't make you anti-Semitic."
"Discourse is always going to be the way that we lead ourselves to the truth."
"If you're rooting for a better American discourse, you want less AOC and more Pelosi."
"I love debating with people who disagree with me on it."
"The first level where you finally have power is when you have courage, then neutrality, which you're able to entertain opposing ideas, then you're willing to have the discussion, then you're accepting the differences."
"The burden of proof should be on other people to explain why the things you care about are harmful, not the other way around."
"I've never seen anybody in bad faith use their gender identity as a way of like meme baiting other people."
"Palestine and Palestinian discourse is centering itself on the table and it's kicking its feet up on the table, it's refusing to be cornered, it's refusing to be muzzled."
"We shouldn't dismiss People based on opinions that aren't relevant to the conversation."
"Sometimes when I read discourses like this, I want to provide my take because sometimes I have a personal stake in the situation."
"Men do not menstruate, so we all know it's nonsense."
"No federal interference in social networks... we're with you."
"At some point you have to put on your own oxygen mask before somebody else's."
"Comedians are absolutely crucial towards bettering society, bettering our discourse."
"It's terrible the condition of our political climate today where there can't be just civil discourse anymore."
"Perhaps now is time for politics of abnormality."
"For a new era of worldly frustration, we offer a fresh conversation."
"It's very difficult to talk about these in a way without people taking it as being personal, people taking it as being ad hominem or attacking people rather than the ideas."
"It's not always okay to just pull people up, no, there're certain... This is just Marxist, nothing to do with it."
"Answer to bad speech is more speech and better ideas."
"In terms of cultural discourse and impact, things today are incomparable to what they were back then."
"We're living in bizarre times where liberalism means censoring discourse."
"It just seems like a smoke screen to say like well why can't we disagree and then like pedal in certain ideas that are just totally unplausible."
"Just having some guy go on TV and say he's got an opinion, I got an opinion, okay, yours is the correct opinion, thank you, have a nice day."
"Construct an argument, explain why you disagree with that person, have a discourse."
"I don't give a [__] about what you hope; we're talking about what people believe."
"If you don't like something, you should be able to talk about it."
"People who have these totally absurd, hyperbolic beliefs, I'm always down to listen."
"It's just so weird that we don't hear those arguments anymore."
"In a free market of ideas, people can still decide who they listen to, whom they believe, what they want to think for themselves."
"The importance of having conversations with people who disagree with you... is helpful for your own growth and mindset."
"The idea that you cannot interject in a conversation based on the fact of the race of the participants being evidence of white supremacy — that's also the end of discourse."
"I think it's really important to have the discussions now."
"Politics is about the dialectic process of finding truth by discussion."
"A Cheeto was willing to listen to at least some of what I had to say, and that's something that can't really be said about most reactionary internet figures."
"Can we respect each other mutually can we agree to disagree?"
"You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."
"Why is it so important for our brothers and sisters from Africa to make foundational black Americans African when it's convenient?"
"But really this isn't going to be about making fun of Blair or calling names, anything like that. I simply want to use this as an opportunity for some education."
"I think it's important to have a discussion, get our opinions out there."
"If you are upset by facts, if you are upset by evidence then you need to not talk about this to anyone except your imaginary friends and hand puppets because you don't know how to have a discourse about reality."
"Trump cautioned against the normalization of violence in political discourse."
"You have to listen to opinions you don't like."
"Are our conclusions rational or emotive? Are intelligent interactions being replaced by heated contrasts?"
"Empathy, love, and discourse is what we need."
"I just want the record to reflect that there's nothing hateful about truth."
"So many crazy things are being said by so many crazy people on so many platforms."
"What if we defend true things and we suppress false things?"
"We don't have to be calling each other and attacking each other, it's all about ideas, it's all about information."
"Precise Theology and inspired discourse have allowed us to create a harmonious Corpus of our new Dogma."
"Criticism is a good thing, lazy dismissal isn't."
"There's always going to be a variety of opinions."
"The real question is if we were to fix the net and fix the platforms that ride on it, what would that do to discourse?"
"Reason can prevail over madness, but only if reasonable people speak up."
"You have the right to your own opinion, you don't have the right to your own facts."
"A lot of these conversations just become dogmatic very quickly."
"Most people don't give a [ __ ] about anything they talk about."
"Facts over feelings. I want you to know the truth."
"To blatantly just call that sexist, you might as well just yeet your credibility off a cliff."
"Everything I've tried to do with the show so far is show that you could disagree with people and we can allow the conversation to happen."
"What I want though is to use things like statistics to accurately discuss who is the victim of rape."
"Rational articulate conversations are a rarity these days."
"I like how people are still making up their minds and how not every obvious point has already been said."
"It's about what is behind those arguments what drives those arguments."
"It's time to be able to say this is what I think took place put it up for historians to look at investigate challenge and dissect it."
"In this age of everyone having their own truth, public moderate debates are important."
"Truth and falsehood must contrast for truth to shine."